Sunday, March 31, 2024

9:15 AM: Rise in Love: Easter Sunday

An in-person all-ages service led by Affiliated Community Minister Renée Ruchotzke, Director of Religious Exploration Colleen Thoele, Transitional Music Director Emily Hall, and Worship Associate David Weaver.

The story of Easter is a story of resistance to power and oppression, grounded in the love that surpasses all. How has the story of Jesus been changed over the millennia? Reflection dialogue between David Weaver and Rev. Renée Ruchotzke.

10:00 AM Lifespan Religious Exploration

Religious exploration for our children and youth in classrooms.

Facilitated small reflection groups for adults in Hobbs Hall using our wondering questions:

  • What was your understanding of the Easter story growing up? What parts (if any) still resonate with you?
  • Our Universalist heritage is grounded in the redeeming power of God’s love for the world, with no exceptions. What are ways the Universalist part of our faith shows up in your personal beliefs?

10:00 – 11:15 AM Community Café

Our social hour in Hobbs Hall is open to all. Connect with others, learn about the church, find out about programs and other opportunities to connect.

Acme, Giant Eagle, and Meijer grocery gift cards are available for purchase every 2nd and 4th Sunday each month. Learn more about this fundraiser.

11:00 AM: Things I Didn’t Learn in Sunday School

A multi-platform service (both in-person and on Zoom) led by CLM Lori Mirkin-McGee and Affiliated Community Minister Rev. Christie Anderson.

CLICK HERE to view, download, or print the Order of Service.

Learn more about our “new” Sunday morning format.

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e-nUUs: March 20, 2024

CLICK HERE to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

e-nUUs Information

Messages from the Board

  • Short-term Ministerial Coverage Plan

Pastoral Care

Community Within

  • Gifts for Young Adults
  • Annual Reports due April 3, 2024
  • Shared Ministries Council Meeting – April 14
  • Information Meeting – April 21, 2024
  • Voting Meeting – May 19, 2024
  • Hobbs Hall Rental Volunteers Needed
  • Quiet Time with Hal
  • Knitting, Crochet, and Needle Point- Every Wednesday
  • Coffee Volunteers Needed to support Social Hour

Income Generation

  • Annual Church Pledge Drive – Draw the Circle Wide
  • Silent Auction Tickets Available
  • Grocery Cards

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Sunday Morning
  • Hobbs Hall
  • Social Justice

Worship and Music

  • Sunday March 24, 2024
    • 9:15 AM In-Person All Ages Worship in the Sanctuary – Each a Beloved Part
    • 10:00 AM Lifespan Religious Exploration
    • 10:00 to 11:15 AM Community Cafe
    • 11:00 AM Multi-platform Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary and on Zoom – Who Are We Now?
  • Sunday, March 31, 2024
    • 9:15 AM In-Person All Ages Worship int the Sanctuary – Rise in Love: Easter Sunday
    • 10:00 AM Lifespan Religious Exploration
    • 10:00 AM to 11:15 AM Community Cafe
    • 11:00 AM Multi-Platform Traditional Worship Service in the Sanctuary and on Zoom – Things I Didn’t Learn in Sunday School
  • Sunday, April 7, 2024
    • 9:15 AM In-Person All Ages Worship in the Sanctuary – Threading the Web of Interconnection
    • 10:00 AM Lifespan Religious Exploration
    • 10:00 AM to 11:15 AM Community Cafe
    • 11:00 AM Multi-Platform Traditional Worship Service in the Sanctuary and on Zoom – Love at the Center
  • Multi-platform at 11:00 AM service only
  • Sunday Greeters Needed
  • Community Sing Update

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Seeking Nominations for Special Collections
  • Special Collection for March is the Portage Animal Protective League (how to donate) 
  • Middle School Free Store  

Lifespan Learning

  • Religious Exploration for Sunday, March 24, 2024
  • Annual Easter Egg Hunt – Sunday, March 31, 2024

UU, Interfaith and Community 

  • CERSI July 7-13, 2024
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Sunday, March 24, 2024

9:15 AM: Each a Beloved Part

An in-person all-ages service led by Director of Religious Education Colleen Thoele and Affiliated Community Minister Renée Ruchotzke.

In these times of struggle, we journey together seeking refuge, hope and safety within our communities.  This morning we will turn to the transforming power of community care to guide us. Reflection by guest minister Rev. Dr. Elaine Strawn.

10:00 AM Lifespan Religious Exploration

Religious exploration for our children and youth in classrooms.

Facilitated small reflection groups for adults in Hobbs Hall using our wondering questions:

  • Did you have a community of support beyond your family when you were younger? Share a story of how you helped one another.
  • What support communities do you have now? What kind of communities do you yearn for?

10:00 – 11:15 AM Community Café

Our social hour in Hobbs Hall is open to all. Connect with others, learn about the church, find out about programs and other opportunities to connect.

Acme, Giant Eagle, and Meijer grocery gift cards are available for purchase every 2nd and 4th Sunday each month. Learn more about this fundraiser.

11:00 AM: Who Are We Now?

A multi-platform service (both in-person and on Zoom) led by Rev. Dr. Elaine Strawn and Worship Associate CLM Kathy Kerns.

There is a lovely children’s book in which a young girl flees her mirror image because it misses so much of her true persona. Congregations can be like that, too.  Sometimes we have a much bigger (or smaller) version of ourselves and we flee the image.  But our quest is to join together, moving forward into a deep and abiding vision.

CLICK HERE to view, download, or print the Order of Service.

Learn more about our “new” Sunday morning format.

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enUUs: March 13, 2024

CLICK HERE to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

e-nUUs Information

Messages from the Board

  • Transitional Ministry Feedback Form – due by Monday, March 18
  • Short-term Ministerial Coverage Plan

Pastoral Care

Community Within

  • Shared Ministries Council Meeting – April 14
  • Annual Reports due April 3, 2024
  • Information Meeting – April 21, 2024
  • Voting Meeting – May 19, 2024
  • Hobbs Hall Rental Volunteers Needed
  • Quiet Time with Hal
  • Knitting, Crochet, and Needle Point- Every Wednesday
  • Coffee Volunteers Needed to support Social Hour

Income Generation

  • Annual Church Pledge Drive – Draw the Circle Wide
  • Silent Auction Tickets Available
  • Grocery Cards

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Sunday Morning
  • Hobbs Hall
  • Social Justice

Worship and Music

  • Sunday, March 17, 2024
    • 9:15 AM In-Person All Ages Worship in the Sanctuary – The Alchemy of Ancestors 
    • 10:00 AM Lifespan Religious Exploration
    • 10:00 to 11:15 AM Community Cafe
    • 11:00 AM Multi-platform Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary and on Zoom – Not The Saint You’re Thinking Of Today
  • Sunday March 24, 2024
    • 9:15 AM In-Person All Ages Worship in the Sanctuary – Each a Beloved Part
    • 10:00 AM Lifespan Religious Exploration
    • 10:00 to 11:15 AM Community Cafe
    • 11:00 AM Multi-platform Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary and on Zoom – Who Are We Now?
  • Multi-platform at 11:00 AM service only
  • Sunday Greeters Needed
  • Community Sing Update

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Seeking Nominations for Special Collections
  • Special Collection for March is the Portage Animal Protective League (how to donate) 
  • Middle School Free Store  

Lifespan Learning

  • Religious Exploration for Sunday, March 17, 2024

UU, Interfaith and Community 

  • UUA General Assembly Annual Meeting – June 20-23, 2024
  • CERSI July 7-13, 2024
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Town Hall Session Feedback

Thank you to all those who attended the Town Hall sessions on March 3 and 4, for asking some great questions, and for providing fantastic input as we think about our next steps as a congregation. If you were unable to attend either session, contact the church office to request a link to view the recording.

Following up, we need your input in order to make the best decision about our next steps.

TRANSITIONAL MINISTRY FEEDBACK FORM – The feedback form is at will be open until March 18. It includes the following sections:
  • Ministerial Attributes – These are the attributes upon which we evaluate both our congregation and our ministers. All of them are important, but we would like your input on which are highest priority as we look towards our next phase in ministry. We ask that you rank them accordingly.
  • Transitional Ministry Preference – Please indicate your perspective on each potential ministry type, and also rank by preference.
  • Open-ended Feedback on Budget and Transitional Ministry – Please share as much or as little perspective here as you deem important.

ANNUAL GENEROSITY CAMPAIGN – Please submit your Annual Generosity Campaign pledge cards as soon as possible so we know what our budget parameters will be for the next fiscal year. The campaign closes on March 23, but we would be incredibly grateful if you were able to submit by March 20.

We are grateful for a community of engaged, thoughtful members and friends, and look forward to continuing to build a bright future together!

Kara Kramer
UUCK Board Moderator

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Sunday, March 17, 2024

The Alchemy of Ancestors / Not The Saint You’re Thinking Of Today

9:15 AM: The Alchemy of Ancestors

We are part of the Web of Life along with those that came before us. This morning we will spend time illuminating and honoring our connections to the ancestors. 

An in-person all-ages service led by Director of Religious Education Colleen Thoele, Transitional Music Director Emily Hall, and Affiliated Community Minister Rev. Renée Ruchotzke with a reflection by Kevyn Breedon.

10:00 – 10:45 AM Lifespan Religious Exploration

Religious exploration for our children and youth in classrooms.

Facilitated small reflection groups for adults in Hobbs Hall using our wondering questions:

  • What is a gift that you have received from your ancestors? How has it shaped the person that you are today?
  • Think of yourself as an ancestor of the next seven generations. (This doesn’t necessarily have to be of people you are actually related to, but could be those that you might influence.) What is a gift that you might be remembered for?

10:00 – 11:15 AM Community Café

Our social hour in Hobbs Hall is open to all. Connect with others, learn about the church, find out about programs and other opportunities to connect.

Acme, Giant Eagle, and Meijer grocery gift cards are available for purchase every 2nd and 4th Sunday each month. Learn more about this fundraiser.

11:00 AM: Not The Saint You’re Thinking Of Today

A multi-platform service (both in-person and on Zoom) led by Elaine Bowen and Worship Associate Heidi Sumser.

The calendar tells us March 17 is St. Patrick’s Day but you may not know that it is also the feast day of Catholic saint, Gertrude of Nivelles. She is the unofficial cat lady and patron saint of cats (and mice / rats plus a few other things). Hers is a medieval tale of a young Benedictine nun in Belgium in the 600s C.E. who founded an abbey and found new found fame in 1982. You will be surprised to learn how. We’ll explore Gertrude’s life as a holy feminist and her relationship to the interconnected web of all existence of which we are all apart.

Image: By Jean-Pol GRAND MONT – Own work, CC BY 3.0,

CLICK HERE to view, download, or print the Order of Service.

Learn more about our “new” Sunday morning format.

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e-nUUs: February 28, 2024

CLICK HERE to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

March Town Hall Sessions – March 3 and 4, 2024

Messages from the Board

  • Town Hall Preread
  • Short-term Ministerial Coverage Plan
  • Our  Future
  • Our Church Building

Pastoral Care

Community Within

  • UUYJ Italian Luncheon Fundraiser – March 3, 2024
  • Peace in the Middle East, Part 2 – March 5, 2024
  • Journey of Belonging Series – March 12, 2024
  • Hobbs Hall Rental Volunteers Needed
  • Quiet Time with Hal
  • Knitting, Crochet, and Needle Point- Every Wednesday
  • Coffee Volunteers Needed to support Social Hour

Income Generation

  • Annual Church Pledge Drive – beginsMarch 3, 2024
  • Portage DD Grant Application
  • Grocery Cards

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Sunday Morning
  • Hobbs Hall
  • Social Justice

Worship and Music

  • Sunday, March 3, 2024
    • 9:15 AM In-Person All Ages Worship in the Sanctuary – A Song in My Heart 
    • 10:00 AM Lifespan Religious Exploration
    • 10:00 to 11:15 AM Community Cafe
    • 11:00 AM Multi-platform Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary and on Zoom – Voices that Transform
  • Sunday, March 10, 2024
    • 9:15 AM In-Person All Ages Worship in the Sanctuary – A Story in My Soul
    • 10:00 AM Lifespan Religious Exploration
    • 10:00 to 11:15 AM Community Cafe
    • 11:00 AM Multi-platform Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary and on Zoom –Self Compassion
  • Sunday, March 17, 2024
    • 9:15 AM In-Person All Ages Worship in the Sanctuary – The Alchemy of Ancestors 
    • 10:00 AM Lifespan Religious Exploration
    • 10:00 to 11:15 AM Community Cafe
    • 11:00 AM Multi-platform Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary and on Zoom – Not The Saint You’re Thinking Of Today
  • Multi-platform services at 11:00 AM only
  • Sunday Greeters Needed
  • Community Sing – New Days and Times

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Special Collection for March is the Portage Animal Protective League (how to donate) 
  • UUYJ Community Meal – Sunday, March 3, 2024
  • Middle School Free Store  

Lifespan Learning

  • Religious Exploration for Sunday, March 3, 2024

UU, Interfaith and Community 

  • Become a Happy Hour Hero – March 6,2024
  • Grey Wolves in Continental North America – March 9, 2024
  • UUA General Assembly Annual Meeting – June 20-23, 2024
  • CERSI July 7-13, 2024
  • Poll Workers Needed
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