Sunday, December 15, 2024 Hide and Seek with God / Where is God?

9:15 AM: Hide and Seek with God

An in-person, all-ages service led by Rev. Renee Ruchotzke, DRE Colleen Thoele, and Music Director Emily Hall.

10:00 AM Lifespan Religious Exploration

Religious exploration for our children and youth in classrooms.

Facilitated small reflection groups for adults in Hobbs Hall using our wondering questions:

  1. How would you describe the God of your childhood. How has it changed? How has it stayed the same?
  2. In our story “Hide and Seek with God” the children look for God in many surprising places.  Have you ever found the transcendent when you didn’t expect it?

10:00 AM Social Hour

Our social hour in Hobbs Hall is open to all. Connect with others, learn about the church, find out about programs and other opportunities to connect.

11:00 AM: Where is God?

A multi-platform traditional service (both in person and on Zoom) led by Commissioned Lay Minister Kathy Kerns and Worship Associate Heidi Sumser with DRE Colleen Thoele and Music Director Emily Hall.

We see many images, such as the ongoing death and destruction in Gaza, that remind us of what is broken in this world.  Yet we also see instances of hope, love, beauty in nature, and wonder.  Amidst it all, where might we find God?  Might “God” be useful religious language for Unitarian Universalists?

CLICK HERE to view, download, or print the Order of Service for 11:00 AM.

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