What are some of the stories we hold in this congregation that make us who we are? Let’s celebrate the strength and resilience of UUCK, and the many extraordinary folks whose vision and resolve created this community!
9:15 AM: An In-Person, All-Ages Service
Led by Rev. Kristina Church, DRE Colleen Thoele, and Music Director Emily Hall.
10:00 AM: Lifespan Religious Exploration
Religious exploration for our children and youth in classrooms.
10:00AM Facilitated Small Reflection Groups for adults and youth
This is an opportunity for members, friends, and visitors to reflect and share on wondering questions based on the day’s sermon topic. Everyone (including first-time visitors) is welcome to drop in and join us in Hobbs Hall for this small group connection time.
This Week’s Wondering Questions:
- What communities or organizations am I part of today that were created because someone in the past had a vision and made it happen? How can I express my gratitude for those blessings?
- How am I part of a story that will be told by future people? What is being built today that I can help with in order to bless the future?
10:00 AM Social Hour
Our social hour in Hobbs Hall is open to all, and is an alternative to the Small Reflection Groups. Connect with others, learn about the church, find out about programs and other opportunities to connect.
11:00 AM: A Multi-Platform, Traditional Service (both in person and on Zoom)
Led by Rev. Kristina Church and Music Director Emily Hall
CLICK HERE to view, download, or print the Order of Service for 11:00 AM.