African American History Film Series

A six-session event beginning February 7, 2021

In recognition of Black History Month, the Race 4 Justice Team will be showing the 6-part PBS documentary The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross during February and March.

We will gather on Zoom at 1:30 on the following six Sundays:
   February 7, 14, 21, and
   March 7, 14, 21.
Each week we will watch a one-hour episode, after which Rev. Steven Protzman will lead a discussion.

 Written and presented by Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross chronicles the full sweep of the African-American experience, from the origins of the transatlantic slave trade to the reelection and second inauguration of President Barack Obama.  The series explores the evolution of the African-American people, as well as the multiplicity of cultural institutions, political strategies, and religious and social perspectives they developed — forging their own history, culture and society against unimaginable odds. 

The film is suitable for school-aged children, youth, and adults. So grab your after-church, after-RE lunch and use the Zoom link below to join in for the film and discussion.

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 977 2347 6524

Dial by your location
        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 977 2347 6524
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Winter Town Hall

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Come One ,Come All to our Winter Town Hall!
The Board would like to invite the Congregation to our “Zoom” Town Hall on Sunday, January 24th, at 11:15 am, following the service.  Presentation topics include information about the UUCK’s participation in a UUA program entitled “Retooling for New Realities”, a presentation by the Race4Justice Team on our new Congregational Statement of Commitment to Racial Justice, Construction update/information and further “Envisioning with Imagination” – uses for Hobbs Hall that expand our outreach into the community.

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Closed Captions

We continuously strive to be more inclusive and offering closed captions during our Sunday service is one way to achieve that goal. Beginning, Sunday, November 22 closed captions will be available.

As a result, we have updated the Zoom link for Sunday morning worship. Join our 10 AM Sunday service via Zoom using the link below : Meeting ID: 916 0533 3040

The closed caption option in Zoom can be activated through the tool bar by clicking the the “pull down arrow” on the “CC Closed caption button.” Choose “show subtitles” from the choices provided to turn captions on.

Need your captions text size larger or smaller?

  1. Once subtitles have been turned on, you can choose your text size by clicking the “pull down arrow” next to the “video button” on the tool bar — choose video settings from the options provided.
  2. A pop up window will appear – on the left side list, choose “Accessibility.”
  3. At the top of the window you can choose your text size.
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Our Journey Toward Racial Justice: Crafting a Congregational Statement of Commitment

This has been a year where racial justice has been on our hearts and minds, and many people are looking for ways to respond.  Our Board of Trustees, Race for Justice Action Team, and our church Youth group believe this is the time for our church to speak out about its commitment to, and vision for, where we want to go next as a church in our journey toward racial justice.  To that end, we are hosting a 1 hour zoom session to collect your ideas so they can serve as the basis for a proposed congregational statement of commitment for racial justice.  The statement will be voted on by the congregation, and it needs to reflect our congregation, so we encourage all members to attend this meeting. 

TheZoom meeting will take place on Sunday November 15 from 11:15AM to 12:15PM. 
     Join Zoom Meeting:
     Meeting ID: 916 0226 5160

After a short introduction, members will be placed into small chat rooms to discuss the following questions:

  • How do our UU values call us to do the work of racial justice?
  • What does our church want to be known for in the work of racial justice?
  • What specific actions should our church take for racial justice?

Following small group discussion, participants can provide written responses using a quick, easy format. The information will later be used by the Race for Justice Action Team to draft a congregational statement of commitment regarding racial justice which will then be presented to the congregation for consideration.

Questions?  Contact Christie Anderson at [email protected],  or Mary Ann Stephens at [email protected], co-chairs of the Race for Justice Action Team.

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The UUCK youth group enthusiastically invite ALL people from the congregation to join the every 2nd Wednesday of each month 5:00 – 6:30 in support of Black Lives Matter and to express our commitment to anti-racist work through peaceful protest in front of our church. We will have markers and poster boards if you did not bring one. You could also bring your own signs. Please remember that they MUST be appropriate. They cannot be political or use inappropriate language.  Please wear a mask and maintain social distancing. We really hope to see you there! WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 9th – EVERYONE is encouraged to come and race your voice!

WE hope you come!

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A Journey of Belonging

Those who are new, nearly new, recent members, and established UUs seeking to learn more about Unitarian Universalism are invited to join us this Sunday, August 30.

If you are an “Inquirer” searching for community and engagement opportunities and want to learn more about our congregation and Unitarian Universalism, this series of classes and conversations may be what you are looking for.

Please join us immediately after the Sunday Worship Service via Zoom on August 30 where Rev. Steven Protzman will lead off our series.  Our first session will include a welcome from Rev. Steven and an opportunity to learn how others found their way to our church.  This session will also includes a time for your questions to be answered. 

Time: Aug 30, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 943 4335 7086

Dial by your location

        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

        +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 943 4335 7086

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Come Share your Water

Ingathering and Water Communion
Our annual ingathering and water communion service will be on Sunday, August 30th at 10 am.  Since we can’t be together in person for this service but we still want to blend water as a sign of being together in community, we are going to try something different for sharing water.  We have scheduled the following times for you to drop by the church next week to bring some water from your adventures (it could be from the garden hose in your backyard or a local river or…).  We’ll take a picture of you with your water and then create a slide show for the service.  Be sure to keep some of the water you’ll be sharing so that we can do a water blessing during the service.

Please bring your water to the front church steps on one of the  the follow days:

  • Wednesday, August 19 between 3:30 – 5:30 pm
  • Thursday, August 20 between 6:00 – 8:00 pm

 In the event of rain, our common water bowl will be located just inside the front  doors.

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Second Sunday Meet & Greet

This Sunday, July 12 at 11 AM

Dear New Members and Visitors,

Welcome!  We are glad that you have found this community, and we hope it is offering you opportunities for meaningful connections.In this time of the personal distancing it is more important than ever to have ways to connect with others, to find strength and inspiration and to care for our spiritual wellbeing.If you are new, fairly new or just want to meet some friendly Kent UU folks, who can serve as your first circle of Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent acquaintances, please join members of our Welcome Team for our Second Sunday Meet and Greet (on Zoom). It will be held immediately after church service on Sunday, July 12.

You can join here:
Meeting ID: 942 4089 7787

Members of the Welcome Team , Diane, Mary, Ginny and Claudia will be on hand to greet you during this brief, small group gathering.

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