Raising the Bar – Stewardship Campaign Launched!

FY2016 Stewardship LogoOur Stewardship Campaign . . .Raising the Bar is in full swing and the pledges are beginning to come in.

You will be getting a call soon from one of our hard-working canvassers to check in with you and discuss this year’s stewardship campaign.  You’ll have a chance to chat about what this church community means to you and get answers to any questions you may have.

The campaign packets went out in the mail last week so if you haven’t seen yours yet, please let one of us know and we’ll make sure you receive a copy.

If you haven’t committed to your pledge yet there is still plenty of time to do so!  The campaign doesn’t end until March 22nd.  Don’t forget this is for next fiscal year which runs from July 1, 2015 until June 30, 2016.

If you have already turned in your pledges we thank you!!  If not, you can turn in your pledge cards during the offertory on Sundays, at the Stewardship table during coffee hour, you can pledge on the website, mail your pledge in to the church office, drop it by the annex during business hours or email MaryBeth ([email protected]) with your pledge amount.

We hope as you reflect on all of the wonderful ministries brought to you each week that you will consider increasing your current pledge amount by at least 1/2 percent of your adjusted gross income (take home pay).  Together, we can work towards realizing our goals.

We’ll have a sweet treat for you this Sunday, March 1 so make sure you come to service or visit our table during coffee hour!

Thank you,

Your Stewardship Committee:

Kathie Slater, Co-Chair

Meg Milko, Co-Chair

Claudia Miller, Co-Chair

Sandy Eaglen, Treasurer

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