You Are Awesome! – August 30, 2015

Led by Justin Czekaj and Rev. Christie Anderson

UntitledThere are an infinite number of random incidents that brought you here today – not just here to church, but into existence. For starters, approximately 4.5 billion years ago, a rock smashed into our infant planet (a planet, by the way, which is wholly unique in our solar system), creating our moon. This celestial body is essential to our human evolution, helping coax the tetrapods from the sea. Only a few million years ago our eyes began to emerge, evolving 50-100 times ever since, giving us the ability to see that moon. And those eyes might be green, or blue, or brown, depending on your parents, and your parents’ parents. Consider the long line of people who had to come together to create you. Think about the random and unique genetic code that gives you awareness and makes you, YOU! You are random, and wonderful. You are Awesome!

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Patricia Pownall UU Book Group – September 2015

bookwormThe Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, September 8 at 7 pm in the home of Shannon Osorio.  Meet at the church at 6:30 if you want to carpool.  This month we are reading Margot by Jillian Cantor.  Anne Frank has long been a symbol of bravery and hope, but there were two sisters hidden in the annex, two young Jewish girls, one a cultural icon made famous by her published diary and the other, nearly forgotten. In the spring of 1959, The Diary of Anne Frank has just come to the silver screen to great acclaim, and a young woman named Margie Franklin is working in Philadelphia as a secretary at a Jewish law firm. On the surface she lives a quiet life, but Margie has a secret: a life she once lived, a past and a religion she has denied, and a family and a country she left behind.

Margie Franklin is really Margot Frank, older sister of Anne, who did not die in Bergen-Belsen as reported, but who instead escaped the Nazis for America. But now, as her sister becomes a global icon, Margie’s carefully constructed American life begins to fall apart. A new relationship threatens to overtake the young love that sustained her during the war, and her past and present begin to collide. Margie is forced to come to terms with Margot, with the people she loved, and with a life swept up into the course of history.

In October we will be reading The Care and Handling of Roses with Thorns by Margaret Dilloway.

If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.  All are welcome.

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Attention All Committees ~ Attention all Groups

Reserve-tableThe date for the 2015-2016 Ministries Fair has been set!  September 20th  is the day and our theme is “…and to help one another!” 

This is the time when all UUCK Committees, Teams, and Groups can showcase all the nuts & bolts, the gears & belts, and the bells & whistles that make our Beloved Community work!  It’s a great opportunity to recruit new members to your team as well.  The Ministries Fair will be OPEN during Coffee Hour and after Second Service.

Each Committee or Group should reserve a table and request a “table tent” sign, by September 11th, please, by contacting MaryBeth at  330 673-4247 or [email protected].  Then, pick your theme, assemble your brochure(s), information, posters, special effects, sign-up sheets, treats, and so on, that will be part of your

display.  Designate a couple of members of your team to be on hand (after each service) to inform and answer questions about the volunteer opportunities that your committee offers.

So, save the date:  Sunday, September 20th, UUCK Ministries Fair.

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Introducing “Second Sunday Meet & Greet” – September 13th, 11 o’clock

Meet-and-GreetEach Second Sunday, the Membership Team will host a Meet & Greet for newcomers in the Founders’ Lounge at 11:00.  Please join with members of the Membership Committee and Church Staff for coffee, light refreshments, and informal conversation.  Take the opportunity to make yourself known and to meet some friendly folks who can serve as your first circle of UUCK acquaintances!  We’ll do our best to make you feel welcome and comfortable.  Andrea, Trish, Cheryl, Cheryl, Diane, Shannon, Mary, and Claudia will be on hand to help answer your questions, to alert you to activities and opportunities, to “show you the ropes,” and to help you break into the sometimes daunting “Coffee Hour” experience.

Please stay for a short visit after First Service, or, come a little early before Second Service.  We look forward to meeting you.  Whether you are “brand new,” “nearly new,” “sort of new”, or just want to meet UUs, plan to stop by the Meet & Greet table in the Founders’ Lounge (same level as sanctuary) at 11 am (September 13th and every subsequent Second Sunday of each month).  This is a family friendly event, so kids are welcome.  Nursery care provided.

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Adult Religious Education: Building the World We Dream About

diverse worldJoin us in the Sanctuary at 7 PM on Thursday, September 3 for an introduction to the upcoming adult religious education opportunity focusing on racial justice and equity.  Building the World We Dream About is an educational series that will provide the opportunity for our community to engage with the tangled knot of privilege, oppression, and identity within a sacred, covenantal space held by skilled and trusted facilitators.   Classes will be offered on Tuesdays at 10 AM and 7 PM beginning September 15.

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Catholic Social Teaching – August 23, 2015

LogoCOAR_text_lmtdLed by Mary Stevenson and Worship Associate Andrew Rome

Mary Stevenson, Executive Director of the Community of Oscar A. Romero (COAR), will present COAR’s work as an example of the Catholic tradition of social justice woven from the Gospel calls to help the poor, as well as a practical and compassionate response to crisis and poverty. In 1980, El Salvador entered the world stage through a brutal civil war. On March 24th, 1980, the Catholic Archbishop of San Salvador, Oscar A. Romero, was murdered by the army while saying mass.  Later, on December 2nd, 1980, four North American Churchwomen were also murdered. All of them, along with many Salvadorans, were murdered for their defense of the poor, denunciation of the violence, and, in particular, their defense of refugees and orphaned children. Out of those dark days sprang COAR: a school, foster care facility, and clinic serving the entire impoverished community of Zaragoza, El Salvador.  COAR’s work continues today responding to the crisis of gang violence and unaccompanied minors at the US-Mexican border.

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Cuyahoga River Concerts – Upcoming

HalXandXMattPlan ahead:

  • September 19:  Hal Walker / Matt Watroba
  • September 27:  Special “Hey Mavis” concert at the Kent Stage – part of the Capital Campaign Kickoff weekend   To purchase your ticket(s) visit The Kent Stage:
  • October 17:  Neil Jacobs

To purchase tickets online for concerts held at the Church: UUCK Online Store

For more information on the concerts and performers: Cuyahoga River Concerts Facebook Page

?Please visit our table or contact Cara Constance if you are able to donate food for the hospitality time during intermission.  Our warm, inviting intermissions are a wonderful part of these intimate concerts.?

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The God Test – August 16, 2015

flaming-chalice1Led by Saul Flanner and Kathy Walker

We all worship something, whether we call it worship or not. But what does it mean to worship? And what exactly do we choose to worship? And if worshiping is a choice, what do our choices say about the kind of people we aspire to be?

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And It Shall Be to All People? – August 9, 2015

Led by Rev. Cal Frye and Worship Associate Carolyn Schlemmer
uu humanist
Cal works in the IT department at Oberlin College, but his background is in Geology and Paleontology. He has been a UU for fifteen years, a former member and continuing Friend of this church, and is endorsed as a Humanist Celebrant by the Humanist Society and the American Humanist Association (Humanists don’t use the term, “ordained”). He is a frequent service leader at the Oberlin UU Fellowship.
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Everyday Ethical Dilemmas: Personal Liberty vs. Common Good – August 2, 2015

Personal Liberty vs Common GoodLed by Rev. Christie Anderson and Worship Associate Carolyn Schlemmer

We regularly encounter situations in our daily lives that illustrate a clash of values between the pursuit of self interest and promotion of the common good.  Real life stories will illustrate how people viewing the same situation subconsciously apply different values, resulting in disputes about appropriate behavior.  Value judgements that seem obvious may be more complex when perceived through the lens of these conflicting American values.

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