The date for the 2015-2016 Ministries Fair has been set! September 20th is the day and our theme is “…and to help one another!”
This is the time when all UUCK Committees, Teams, and Groups can showcase all the nuts & bolts, the gears & belts, and the bells & whistles that make our Beloved Community work! It’s a great opportunity to recruit new members to your team as well. The Ministries Fair will be OPEN during Coffee Hour and after Second Service.
Each Committee or Group should reserve a table and request a “table tent” sign, by September 11th, please, by contacting MaryBeth at 330 673-4247 or [email protected]. Then, pick your theme, assemble your brochure(s), information, posters, special effects, sign-up sheets, treats, and so on, that will be part of your
display. Designate a couple of members of your team to be on hand (after each service) to inform and answer questions about the volunteer opportunities that your committee offers.
So, save the date: Sunday, September 20th, UUCK Ministries Fair.