Social Justice Projects Needed!

The Social Justice Council is now soliciting project proposals!

The projects will be voted on in a church-wide process and the top project will be funded up to $400.00!

Projects can be submitted in any of the Social Justice task group areas:

Hunger & Poverty – (Elaine Bowen, chair)
Human Rights – (Lee Brooker,  chair)
Environmental Justice – (Andrew Rome, chair)
Visioning Group for emerging issues – (Sally Burnell, Ted & Swanny Voneida)

Projects must have a lead contact designated and at least 5 individuals signed up to work on the project, should it be selected.  Proposals can be sent to the church office.

Social Justice Council funds are generated by the sale of Fair Trade products at social hour.

Deadline for submissions is NOVEMBER 1, 2015.

Click here to complete your project submission form.


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