Congregational Re-Start Workshop

June 1, 2020 7 PM on Zoom

The UUCK Ministry Executive Team requests your participation

Re-Start Workshop: Part 1
facilitated by Rev. Sunshine Wolfe

Wednesday, June 1, 2022
at 7:00 PM

We are in a time when the future is very uncertain, and many of us are unwilling to plan far into the future. Resilience is down, and some are feeling burned out and unsure how to reengage in congregational life.  Our community is feeling the impact of this.  We are seeing fewer volunteers to support our ministries and operational needs.  We are beginning to socialize in pockets, but not always in inclusive and welcoming ways.  And we are a bit overwhelmed with our expanded campus and all that needs to be done, and all that it has to offer. 
Recognizing our challenges in these uncertain times, the Ministerial Executive Team has enlisted the help of Rev. Sunshine Wolfe, our regional UUA support staff to help us as we restart and emerge from our homes, and forge a new path forward.   This workshop will be done in two parts.  Part 1, led by Rev. Sunshine Wolfe will be  Wednesday, June 1, at 7 pm via Zoom.  Mark your calendars and save the date for Part II, also facilitated by Rev. Sunshine on Saturday, August 13, and Sunday, August 14.Part II will be held in multi-platform, in-person and via Zoom.
Your participation is requested and you are invited to attend both, or either as you are able. 

Update (6/2/2022): For those UUCK Members and Friends that were not able to attend Part I of the Re-Start Workshop, a video recording of the meeting is available by request. Contact MaryBeth at [email protected] to request a link.

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Finding Beauty

Sunday, June 5 at 10:00 AM

A multi-platform service led by Lori Mirkin-McGee and Worship Associate Elaine Bowen.

Throughout history, people have turned to art as a means of coping with crises. Whether it be painting, sculpting, writing, or making music, art helps us express and process our deepest emotions and our most true selves. In this service, we will hear from several guests about how and why they turned to art during the pandemic. We will explore what it means to find beauty in the struggle.

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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e-nUUs – May 25, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topic included:

Annual Meeting

  • Annual Meeting voting results
  • Annual Meeting recording

Save the Date

  • Hobbs Hall Dedication – This Sunday! Bring a Salad

From the Board of Trustees

  • A COVID update

From Rev. Steven

  • Vespers – Thursday, May 26
  • Larry Cole Celebration of Life
  • Hobbs Hall dedication weekend

Worship & Music

  • Vespers – Thursday, May 26
  • Multi-platform services offered each week in-person and via Zoom
  • The Living, Loving Church You Are Called to Be – Sunday, May 29
  • Finding Beauty – Sunday, June 5
  • Sunday Greeters Needed

Lifespan Learning

  • No RE Classes this Sunday.

Income Generation

  • Buds in BlUUm Auction Events still available

Community Within

  • Congregational Re-start Workshops – June 1 and August 13
  • Creative Living Series: Centering, Conversing, & Coping

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Sunday, May 29 special collection in celebration of Hobbs Hall
  • June special collection – Brady United Against Gun Violence

UU, Interfaith, & Community Connections

  • KIFA Film and Discussion: 400 Years without a Comb – May 26
  • Historic South End Association planting in the Thomas Anderson Memorial Garden – May 28
  • Summer Institute
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The Living, Loving Church You are Called to Be

Sunday, May 29, 2022 at 10 AM

Led by Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Rev. Steven Protzman

The Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent has a vital purpose in Kent and the larger community.  Today as we celebrate your amazing accomplishments as a congregation and dedicate Hobbs Hall, it is a good day to pause and reflect on how Hobbs Hall and all that you have and are together can help you live even more deeply into the living, loving congregation you are called to be.

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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Annual Voting Meeting of the Congregation

Update: May 24, 2022, from the Board of Trustees

Voting Results from the Annual Meeting May 22, 2022.

The following motions passed with the required simple majority 

  1. Approve the May 23, 2021 Annual Meeting Minutes.
  2. Approve the UUCK Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 as presented in the 2022 Annual Report.
  3. Elect the Slate of candidates for the terms specified as presented in the 2022 Annual Report. 

The following motion passed with the required 85% majority

  1. Endorse the 8th Principle to go before the UUA Article ll Study Commission.

Thank you to all who participated and voted.UUCK Board of Trustees

The meeting was recorded for those who were unable to attend.

We welcome you to the Annual Meeting – this Sunday at 11am on zoom and in-person at Hobbs Hall.

  • Learn about how the church remained viable during a pandemic and the building of our long-envisioned and patiently awaited new social hall.
  • Find out about financial challenges
  • Hear how we are tackling the plumbing issues that are preventing us from returning home to our historic and beloved sanctuary.
  • Participate in how we move forward as a community of smart, kind, playful, and creative people of all ages, living the legacy and the promise of our church ancestors.
  • Have a voice in the future of your church

We encourage you to read the Treasurer’s annual report to understand our financial realities. Help add your voice to our shared plans for growing in numbers, in ministries, and in service to each other and community.  We are co-creating our future together while practicing right relationship.  Join heart and minds to create solutions.

Your Board of Trustees


Sunday, May 22, 2022
11:00 AM

In person at Hobbs Hall and via Zoom
Meeting ID: 974 6478 5626

Calling ALL ACTIVE MEMBERS, your attendance at the Annual Meeting is important as a quorum will be required for voting matters. 

Click here for the eligible voter list.

A voting ballot will be provided for Active Members participating via Zoom for the May 22 meeting.

Click here to view or download the Annual Meeting Report.

Need an absentee ballot?  Ballots are available to Active Members of the Congregation,  contact MaryBeth at [email protected]

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e-nUUs – May 18, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topic included:

Annual Meeting

  • Annual Voting Meeting – May 22

Save the Date

  • Hobbs Hall Dedication

From the Board of Trustees

  • A COVID update

From Rev. Steven

  • Restart Workshops
  • Hobbs Hall dedication weekend
  • Reengaging in the Life and Work of the Church

Worship & Music

  • Multi-platform services offered each week in-person and via Zoom
  • Recalculating – Sunday, May 22
  • The Living, Loving Church You Are Called to Be – Sunday, May 29
  • Sunday Greeters Needed

Lifespan Learning

  • No RE Classes

Income Generation

  • Buds in BlUUm Auction Results

Community Within

  • Youth Fundraising Dinner – Sunday, May 22
  • Creative Living Series: Centering, Conversing, & Coping

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Community Lunch: A note of thanks
  • Environmental Justice Awareness: Alternatives to plastic laundry bottles
  • Race For Justice Book Club – May 18
  • May’s Special Collection is for Camp Lilac
  • A video endorsement of Camp Lilac from Kevyn

UU, Interfaith, & Community Connections

  • Historic South End Association planting in the Thomas Anderson Memorial Garden – May 28
  • Summer Institute
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Sunday, May 22, 2022 at 10 AM

A multi-platform service led by Rev. Steven Protzman and Worship Associate Eric van Baars.

If you’ve ever used a GPS and missed a turn or gone the wrong way, it will say “recalculating”, letting you know that it’s finding another way. As we have our annual meeting and look back at a year that has been both exciting and challenging, we will reflect on how we’ve recalculated to adapt to changes and how we will continue to need to recalculate to live into this next chapter of our congregation’s life and work.

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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e-nUUs – May 11, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

Annual Meeting

  • Annual Voting Meeting – May 22

Income Generation

  • Countdown to the Service Auction
  • Buds in BlUUm Auction Video
  • Bakers Needed for Auction treats

Save the Date

  • Hobbs Hall Dedication

From Rev. Steven

  • Restart Workshops
  • Hobbs Hall dedication weekend
  • Reengaging in the Life and Work of the Church

Worship & Music

  • Multi-platform services offered each week in-person and via Zoom
    • 5/12/2022 Important update: the reservation requirement to attend in-person services has been discontinued due to COVID levels maintaining a “low status” in our area.
  • RE Sunday:  Over the Rainbow – Sunday, May 15
  • Recalculating – Sunday, May 22
  • The Living, Loving Church You Are Called to Be – Sunday, May 29
  • Sunday Greeters Needed

Lifespan Learning

  • RE Sunday!

Community Within

  • Youth Fundraising Dinner – Sunday, May 22
  • Creative Living Series: Centering, Conversing, & Coping
  • Cardboard for your garden?
  • Hobbs Hall Building Security

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Environmental Justice Awareness: Alternatives to plastic laundry bottles
  • Race For Justice Book Club – May 18
  • May’s Special Collection is for Camp Lilac

UU, Interfaith, & Community Connections

  • Summer Institute
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Over the Rainbow

Sunday, May 15, 2022 at 10 AM

A multi-platform service led by Director of Religious Education Colleen Thoele and the UUCK Children’s Religious Education Committee.

Rev. Suzelle Lynch writes: “When we join hands to practice compassion, Beauty’s heart blooms like a flower”.  Today will be a festive service as we kick off our annual Treats and Talents Auction and celebrate flower communion.  The flower communion ritual, created by Norbert Capek in Czechoslovakia in 1923, invites us to help  beauty bloom in the world by sharing it with others.  Please bring flowers to share for this festive service. 

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

The service recording is currently unavailable. As soon as it’s available, the podcast will be posted.

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Buds in BlUUm Service Auction is Underway

Have you visited the Buds in BlUUm auction site yet? The silent auction bidding has begun!

Maple syrup, garden delights, vintage furniture, tasty dinners and desserts, and so much more! You’re sure to find something that you just can’t resist bidding on. The silent auction is currently open for bidding and will remain open through Saturday, May 14 at 7 PM. Then the real fun begins . . .

This year, our live auction will be held multi-platform — both in person and via Zoom — on Saturday, May 14. Our in person option will take place in our beautiful Hobbs Hall. The doors will open at 6 PM for those who choose to attend in person. Bidding begins at 7 PM. A ticket is required to attend the live auction in person. Tickets, just $5 per person, can be purchased on the Buds in BlUUm auction site.

If your preferences is to attend and bid from home, use the following Zoom link so you can join in the fun too! Tickets are not required to attend and bid via Zoom. / Meeting ID: 924 1322 3876

Questions? Visit the FAQs page or contact Trudy at [email protected].

We thank you in advanced for your generous support of the annual service auction; our church’s largest fundraising event. Bid high, bid often!

The Auction Team

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e-nUUs – May 4, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

Annual Meeting

  • Information Meeting – May 5
  • Race for Justice Information on the 8th Principle – May 10
  • Annual Voting Meeting – May 22

From Rev. Steven

  • Pastoral Care Note
  • Flower Celebration this Sunday
  • Staff Office Hours

Worship & Music

  • Multi-platform services offered each week in-person and via Zoom
  • Beauty’s Heart Blooms – Sunday, May 8
  • RE Sunday:  Over the Rainbow – Sunday, May 15
  • Recalculating – Sunday, May 22
  • The Living, Loving Church You Are Called to Be – Sunday, May 29
  • Sunday Greeters Needed

Lifespan Learning

  • Nursery Assistants Needed
  • Soulful Home – May 6

Income Generation

  • Are you ready for the Service Auction?
  • Bakers Needed for Auction treats
  • Grocery Card Coordinator Needed

Community Within

  • Creative Living Series: Peaceful Touch – May 7
  • Creative Living Series: Centering Conversations – May 9
  • Hobbs Hall Building Security

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Race For Justice Book Club – May 18
  • May’s Special Collection is for Camp Lilac

UU, Interfaith, & Community Connections

  • Community Volunteer Opportunity – May 7
  • Summer Institute
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Beauty’s Heart Blooms

Sunday, May 8, 2022 at 10 AM

A multi-platform service led by Rev. Steven Protzman and Worship Associate Elaine Bowen.

Rev. Suzelle Lynch writes: “When we join hands to practice compassion, Beauty’s heart blooms like a flower”. Today will be a festive service as we kick off our annual Treats and Talents Auction and celebrate flower communion. The flower communion ritual, created by Norbert Capek in Czechoslovakia in 1923, invites us to help beauty bloom in the world by sharing it with others. Please bring flowers to share for this festive service.

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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