Sunday Morning Adult Reflection Circles

Please note the February Reflection Circles are being replaced by the ABC’s of Covenant.
There are no Reflection Circles on Pancake Breakfast Sundays. 

Religious exploration is an important part of our ministry, which often happens in small-group theological and ethical discussion.

Our 10:00am “drop in” reflection circles in Hobbs Hall are a wonderful opportunity for our members and friends to have deep, pragmatic conversations about how we can live into our Unitarian Universalist values. Trained facilitators help keep the group focused and the sharing equitable.

We have scheduled this opportunity with families in mind! These reflection circles happen at the same time as our children and youth programming, and we have care providers available in our Hobbs Hall nursery from 10:00-10:45am.

We do not currently have a Zoom option, but hope to be able to in the future when we have volunteer capacity.

Theme-Based Wondering Questions

Each week, the wondering questions will be an opportunity to reflect on ideas explored in the 9:15am all ages service, though you don’t need to attend the 9:15am to participate! The wondering questions will usually be shared ahead of time on the weekly Upcoming Services pages.

Reflection Circle Format

The reflection circle format uses “rounds.” The facilitator may use a timer to keep sharing time equitable. When you are done with your turn, say “check” so the next person knows it’s their turn. It’s okay to pass.

  • Introduction Round (name, pronouns, check-in prompt)
  • Consent to Circle Covenant (see below)
  • Introduction of topic and wondering questions
  • A few moments of silence before beginning the rounds
  • Round #1: each person shares their reflection on the first question
  • Round #2: each person shares any additional personal insights on first question
  • Round #3: each person shares their reflection on the second question
  • Round #4: each person shares any additional personal insights on second question
  • If there is time, open conversation can happen
  • Five minutes before the end time (10:40), check out with a round of “gratitudes and wishes”

Reflection Circle Covenant

  • Use “I” statements: we invite you to speak from your personal, direct experience rather than speaking in generalizations, or about someone else.
  • Use these groups as a spiritual practice in listening — both to others and to our inner selves — as part of our community of care and spiritual growth.
  • Offer each other caring, interest, and appreciation.
  • Bring your presence to witness and explore, not to judge, advise, or fix. 
  • Co-create safety: and trust by allowing space for each person’s sharing of their unique experiences without judgment. 
  • Invite yourself to change and grow – to be different when you leave from when you arrived.  
  • Offer respect and dignity by not discussing another person’s sharing after today’s group: If you didn’t bring it here, let it stay here. 

Continue the Conversation

The end of the circle time is not the end of the conversation. Feel free to talk to others in the group (with their positive consent) after the circle time is complete. Only ask questions that support genuine exploration.  Avoid questions that are intrusive or where you already know “the answer”. Check in frequently to make sure the conversation continues to be mutually satisfying.

Interested in Becoming a Facilitator?

Please contact the church office!

Facilitator Resources:

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