Q: What kinds of concerns can I seek help with?
A: You may call or email for any reason, but you are especially encouraged to reach out when you need spiritual support. You might consider calling when:
• you or someone you care about is very sick or in the hospital.
• someone you care about has died.
• you would like to discuss your own mortality.
• you are planning a wedding or commitment ceremony.
• you are planning to separate or divorce.
• you would like a ceremony of dedication for your child.
• you are pregnant, but wish you weren’t or are trying to become pregnant, but cannot.
• you or someone you care about is in legal trouble or has been arrested.
• you or someone you care about is struggling with abuse or addiction or mental illness.
• you have lost hope or faith in yourself, another, or life itself.
• you need a referral to a professional counselor.
• you would like to be visited in your home.
Minister’s Discretionary Fund
Thanks to the generosity of the members and friends of this congregation, our minister is able to provide limited financial assistance from the Minister’s Discretionary Fund. If a financial crisis renders you unable to pay for your housing, food, medication, utilities, transportation or other urgent items, please contact Rev. Steven.
If you need Pastoral Care or emergency financial assistance, contact Rev. Steven at 319.621.4074 or [email protected]. Additionally, you can contact the Church Office at [email protected].
Helping Hearts Network
Our Helping Hearts Network is comprised of volunteers who generously offer to support those in our church community who need temporary support by way of a meal, transportation, household assistance, etc. For more information about our Helping Hearts Network, to request help, or volunteer , click here.