An Update from Rev. Steven about the Coronavirus

March 13, 2020

Dear Members and Friends of the UU Church of Kent,

Our Seventh Principle, which affirms the interconnected web of existence of which we are all a part, calls us to our responsibility as a religious community to care for one another.  I was hoping that it would be longer before it was necessary to be in touch with you again regarding the coronavirus but it is time to take further action to protect your well being.  With schools across Ohio being closed, plus a recommendation from the UUA to limit gatherings to no more than 25 people, the proximity of diagnosed cases of the virus in Ohio, and in collaboration with our Board of Trustees and the UUCK Staff, it is with a heavy heart that I write to inform you that we are moving into Phase II of our response plan. 

We are suspending all in person activities, including Sunday worship and Religious Education, immediately. 

This will be in effect until further notice.  We strongly encourage smaller groups to meet via Zoom ( ) or other virtual means and to limit in person contact as much as possible. 

We will continue to be a spiritual community that inspires love, seeks justice, and grows in community.  It is only the ways we will be together as a community that need to change for the time being in order to protect your well being and help slow the spread of the virus.  I realize this is a sudden change and I ask your patience as your staff and leadership work on the details of how to remain together in community and care for one another in creative ways that do not involve face to face contact.

We are exploring ways to use technology to connect with one another and we will start with worship.  This Sunday we will have one service at 10 am online using Zoom. 

Here is the link to the order of service for Sunday:

Below is a link to join the worship service:

Time: Mar 15, 2020 09:45 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
          Every week on Sunday until further notice
          Mar 15, 2020 09:45 AM

To Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 764 615 105
Password: 980570

You can also join by phone using one of these numbers:
+1 646 876 9923
+1 669 900 6833
+1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID: 764 615 105

Follow the link below for basic instructions for using Zoom:

I know that the internet is not an ideal way to connect and that it is not a way some of us connect at all.   I invite every one of us to reach out to each other in other ways because our congregation is based on relationships and it is critical right now that we attend to our relationships with one another. It is my hope through this challenging time that no member or friend of this congregation feels alone, isolated or unsupported.  

AND:   Please continue to stay calm, do not spread rumors, be a community of mutual care and support, and strive to be our best and most loving selves.   

For more information on personal prevention measures you should practice, visit:

If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.  

May you be well, may you know peace in these times of fear and worry, and may you join in the work that love calls us to do,

Rev. Steven

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e-nUUs — March 11, 2020

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Headlines from this week’s announcements

  • A Message from Rev. Steven on the Cornavirus
  • Sunday Services: 9:45 and 11:30 AM
  • A Timeless Wisdom – Sunday, March 15
  • Rising Green – Sunday, March 22
  • We the People – Sunday, March 29
  • Calling All Singing Children!
  • CANCELED — Soulful Home Dinner
  • Outreach card ministry to graduated seniors
  • RE Teachers – March 15
  • Week 3 of our annual pledge drive
  • Retiree’s Lunch – March 17
  • A Bit of Housekeeping — Attention ALL Leaders
  • Last week to order spring potted flowers for Easter (click for order form)
  • African-American History Series – Sundays in March
  • Dances of Universal Peace – March 12
  • UUA General Assembly– Registration now open!
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e-nUUs -March 4, 2020

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Headlines from this week’s announcements

  • Daylight Saving Time begins March 8
  • Sunday Services: 9:45 and 11:30 AM
  • For the Beauty of the Earth – Sunday, March 8
  • A Timeless Wisdom – Sunday, March 15
  • From the Library: Service References for Sunday, March 2
  • Calling All Singing Children!
  • Soulful Home Dinner – March 13
  • Outreach card ministry to graduated seniors
  • RE Teachers – March 8
  • Pancake Sunday Fundraiser – March 8
  • Week 2 of our annual pledge drive
  • Open Auction Event in March
  • Plant-based (vegan) Potluck – March 6
  • Second Sunday Meet & Greet – March 8
  • Retiree’s Lunch – March 17
  • A Bit of Housekeeping — Attention ALL Leaders
  • Time to order spring potted flowers for Easter
  • African-American History Series – Sundays in March
  • Sharpen your elevator speech on race topics – March 5 (new date)
  • Kent Raibow Weekend
  • Dances of Universal Peace – March 12
  • UUA General Assembly– Registration now open!
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e-nUUs — February 26,2020

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Headlines from this week’s announcements

  • Daylight Saving Time begins March 8
  • Board News from February 11
  • Sunday Services: 9:45 and 11:30 AM
  • Together We Shine – Sunday, March 1
  • For the Beauty of the Earth – Sunday, March 8
  • A Timeless Wisdom – Sunday, March 15
  • From the Library: Service References for Sunday, February 23Pledging for Your Church Family
  • Outreach card ministry to graduated seniors
  • March 1 begins week one of our annual pledge drive
  • Open Auction Event in March
  • Family Game Night – February 29
  • UUCK Book Club – February 27
  • Board of Trustees Listening Table – Sunday, March 1
  • Plant-based Potluck – March 6
  • Time to order spring potted flowers for Easter
  • African-American History Series – Sundays in March
  • Panel discussion on Climate Action Plans for US Cities – February 26
  • Sharpen your elevator speech on race topics – March 5 (new date)
  • Parade (KSU School of Theater and Dance – through March 1
  • Kent Raibow Weekend
  • Bail Reform Campaign: Storytelling for Action — February 28 (Cleveland)
  • UUA General Assembly– Registration now open!
  • UU Church of Kent uses iAlert! during inclement weather

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e-nUUs — February 19, 2020

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Headlines from this week’s announcements

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e-nUUs – February 12, 2020

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Headlines from this week’s announcements

  • Sunday Services: 9:45 and 11:30 AM
  • Hard Edges and Soft Wonder – Sunday, February 16
  • A Tender and Courageous Connection – Sunday, February 23
  • Sing for Peace and Justice – February 23
  • Soulful Home dinner this Friday! – February 14
  • Elementary OWL Reminder
  • RE Teachers – Sunday, February 16
  • Pledging for YOUR Church, YOUR Community
  • Open Auction Event in February and March
  • Right Relations – What are they and how do we achieve them? – Sunday, February 23
  • Save the Date: Where’s Walden in the Spring?
  • African-American History Series – Sundays in March
  • Panel discussion on Climate Action Plans for US Cities – February 26
  • Sharpen your elevator speech on race topics – March 5 (new date)
  • Poll workers needed!
  • Bake Sale (in support of KSU Fusion) – February 16
  • Dances of Universal Peace – February 13
  • Local Environment evening of networking! – February 17
  • UUA General Assembly– Registration now open!
  • UU Church of Kent uses iAlert! during inclement weather
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Race for Justice Presents: African-American History Series

Don’t Miss Our African American History Series in March

The Race for Justice (R4J) team of UUCK is sponsoring a 6 part PBS documentary series about African American history.  In “Many Rivers to Cross”, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., a Harvard University Professor, recounts 500 years of African American history.  Discussion of each video will be facilitated by Rev. Steven following the showing.  R4J will provide light lunch and refreshments. 

When:  Each part of the video series will be shown at 1:00 on consecutive Sundays Starting on March 1 and the four following Sundays.  The sixth episode will be shown on an afternoon in April. 

Where:  Fessenden Hall

RSVP:  Please RSVP to Mary Beth ([email protected]) by the Thursday prior to each Sunday’s showing, to assist with planning. 

Questions?  Contact Rhonda Richardson at [email protected]

More details about the series: Gwen Ifill sits down with Gates to discuss the journey of black Americans who created hope and persistence in the face of brutal discrimination.  The series Commences with the origins of slavery in Africa, and recounts African-American history through five decades right up to the time when America is led by a black President, yet the country remains deeply divided by race.  The series explores the evolution of the African American people, as well as the multiplicity of cultural institutions, political strategies, social and religious perspectives they developed in forging their own history, culture and society–against unimaginable odds. 

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e-nUUs – February 5, 2020

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Headlines from this week’s announcements

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e-nUUs – January 29, 2020

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Headlines from this week’s announcements

  • From Rev. Steven
    • Pastoral care while Steven’s away
  • Board Listening Table – February 2
  • Podcast available from of the Congregational Town Hall Meeting
  • Sunday Services: 9:45 and 11:30 AM
  • Answering the Call of Love – Sunday, February 2
  • The UU Hallows – Sunday, February 9
  • From the Library: Service references from Sunday, January 26
  • RE Teacher Teams – Sunday, February 2
  • All about the FY2021 UUCK Pledge Drive
  • Pancake Sunday fundraiser – February 9
  • Compassionate Conversation – February 2
  • Plant-based (vegan) potluck – February 7
  • Second Sunday Meet & Greet – February 9
  • Right Relations – What are they and how do we achieve them? – Sunday, February 23
  • Sharpen your elevator speech on race topics – February 27
  • Bake Sale (in support of KSU Fusion) – February 16
  • UUA General Assembly– Registration now open!
  • UU Church of Kent uses iAlert! during inclement weather
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Congregational Town Hall

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Topic: Building Task Force Report

Led by Vivien Sandlund, speakers also included Rev. Steven Protzman and Kathie Slater.

Click here to view the visioning video presented at the meeting.

The Town Hall meeting was recorded for those not able to attend. Listen below.

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Right Relations —what are they and how do we achieve them?

The Right Relations Covenant workshop will explore these and related questions as to how we as a church community can engage in healthy conflict, dialogue and interaction.  The Committee on Shared Ministries will provide pizza lunch and refreshments.

When: Sunday, February 23 from 1:00-4:00 PM

Where:  Fessenden Hall 

Invited: all UUCK members and friends

Facilitated by:  Committee on Shared Ministries

RSVP:  Please RSVP to MaryBeth at [email protected] by Thursday , Feb. 20 so we may best plan for purchasing lunch and refreshments.

The purpose of a Covenant of Right Relations is to guide us in accepting one another in our shared journey and in encouraging spiritual growth as individuals and as a community (our third principle).  Workshop participants will create a draft Covenant of Right Relations to be placed on the annual meeting’s agenda for approval by the congregation. 

Through small group discussion, large group dialogue and the democratic process, participants will explore such questions as:

  • How do we have disagreements with an individual or group, do so in love and respect, and continue to stay in community? 
  • How do we seek to live the principles and values of Unitarian Universalism by acting with compassion, respect and a high value on interdependence? 
  • How do we make space and engage in creative dialogue about our individual theologies, the ways in which we make meaning of life and seek to live lives of meaning? 
  • How do we interact with others in ways that promote a community of integrity, honesty, and open communication? 
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e-nUUs – January 22, 2020

Click to Open this week’s e-nUUs!(Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)

Headlines from this week’s announcements

  • From Rev. Steven
  • Congregational Town Hall Meeting – Sunday, January 25
  • Sunday Services: 9:45 and 11:30 AM
  • Brigid’s Golden Thread – Sunday, January 26
  • Answering the Call of Love – Sunday, February 2
  • RE Teacher Retreat – January 25
  • Family Game Night – January 25
  • Together We Shine: FY2021 Generosity Campaign
  • January Service Auction events with seats available
  • UUCK Book Club – January 23
  • UUJO January News
  • UUA General Assembly– Registration now open!
  • UU Church of Kent uses iAlert! during inclement weather
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e-nUUs – January 15, 2020

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Headlines from this week’s announcements

  • From Rev. Steven —
    • Ted Voneida Memorial
  • Sunday Services: 9:45 and 11:30 AM
  • Build Me a World – Sunday, January 19
  • Brigid’s Golden Thread – Sunday, January 26
  • From the Library – Service references for January 12
  • Our Whole Lives for Grade 4-6
  • RE Teacher Retreat – January 25
  • Family Game Night – January 25
  • Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Request
  • Acme Cash Back — Turn in your receipts!
  • Retiree’s Lunch – January 21
  • UUCK Book Club – January 23
  • Free online Self-compassion activity
  • Rise Up! Women’s March DC – January 18
  • UUJO January News
  • UUA General Assembly– Registration now open!
  • UU Church of Kent uses iAlert! during inclement weather
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e-nUUs – January 8, 2020

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Headlines from this week’s announcements

  • From Rev. Steven —
    • Ted Voneida Memorial
  • Sunday Services: 9:45 and 11:30 AM
  • Now I Become Myself — Sunday, January 12
  • Build Me a World – Sunday, January 19
  • Soulful Home Dinner this Friday – January 10
  • Our Whole Lives for Grade 4-6
  • RE Teacher Retreat – January 25
  • Family Game Night – January 25
  • Pancake Sunday Fundraiser – January 12
  • Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Request
  • Acme Cash Back — Turn in your receipts!
  • Second Sunday Meet & Greet
  • Dances of Universal Peace – January 9
  • Rise Up! Women’s March DC – January 18
  • UUJO January News
  • UUA General Assembly– Registration now open!
  • UU Church of Kent uses iAlert! during inclement weather
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e-nUUs – December 18, 2019

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Headlines from this week’s announcements

  • From Rev. Steven
  • News from the Board of Trustees
  • Holiday Services are offered at 10 AM on December 22 and 29. Christmas Eve Services are at 6:30 and 8:30 PM.
  • A Festival of Light – Sunday, December 22
  • Christmas Eve Services — Wednesday, December 24
  • Standing at a Threshold – Sunday, December 29
  • Living with Integrity – Sunday, January 5
  • Thank you! (RE Holiday Program)
  • Children and Youth Pajama Party
  • RE December calendar
  • Acme Cash Back Community Fundraiser ends soon!
  • Auction events still available
  • Calling all Bakers and Volunteers
  • December Special Collections
  • 2020 Whale Coast Alaska
  • CER has a field staff position open
  • UUA General Assembly– Registration now open!
  • UU Church of Kent uses iAlert! during inclement weather
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