The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group – January 12, 2016

bookwormThe Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, January 12 at 7 pm in the home of Shannon Osorio. If you want to carpool, meet at the church at 6:30 pm. This month we are reading a biography or autobiography of your choice. In February we are reading another book by Anthony Doerr, the author of All the Light We Cannot See.

If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.

All are welcome.

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How To Request Childcare

The Words Child Care made from wooden alphabet blocks and on a white backgroundIf you are Hosting an event and would like to provide childcare, please make arrangements three weeks in advance.

If you are Requesting childcare for an event, our deadline for is one week in advance.

Reservations are NOT needed for Nursery care during Sunday morning worship services.

Thanks for your help!

Colleen Thoele
Director of Religious Education
[email protected]

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Upcoming Congregational Meetings


Dec. 27th – Special Congregational Meeting

In Fessenden Hall after the service during pancakes and grocery card sales

  • Welcoming Remarks
  • Discussion of Architectural Fees
  • Vote
  • Discussion of Resolution of Confidence and Authority:

The Congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent authorizes the Building Expansion Team to pay out draws on the Capital Campaign funds as needed in the construction process of the new Fellowship Commons and Classroom Building.  The Board of Trustees will be asked to endorse each payout before it is made.

  • Vote

Jan. 31 – Informational Meeting: New Building Update

In the Sanctuary between services by the Building Expansion Team

Feb. 7 – Special Congregational Meeting

In the Sanctuary after second service by the Building Expansion Team

  •  Presentation of Final Plans for new Fellowship Commons and Classroom Building
  •  Vote on proceeding with project

RSVPs for childcare are required one week prior to each meeting date.  Please contact the Church Office if you need childcare,330.673.4247 or [email protected].

 Absentee ballots are available through the Church Office.

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Holiday Comedy Movie Night – Dec 12th


Sat Dec. 12 is our annual HOLIDAY COMEDY MOVIE NIGHT! It starts at 6 PM in Fessenden Hall and goes on as long as the fun lasts!  This time around it is a full Pot Luck for all ages!

As always, our movies and cartoons are g rated and safe for all ages, and also especially fun and funny for adults.  But, this is the first year that the movie night is sponsored by The RE Committee, so we are going all out for fun, food, and frolic!  Whatever your age you will enjoy our combination of Oscar winning classic cartoons and the most funny holiday movies and t.v.shows we can find!

This year we have a returning favorite, the famous Cinema Mexico musical comedy “Santa Claus.”   All in English and full color, this film is full of laughs, imagination, and songs you will want to dance to (and some you won’t…but dancing is encouraged either way).  BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY,OR JUST BRING YOURSELF, you won’t want to miss our next Holiday Comedy Movie Night!  Bring whatever dish you wish, traditional or new, main course or desert, and prepare for a good time! If you have any questions, contact Cheryl Spoehr.

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The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group

bookwormThe Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, December 8 at 7 pm in the home of Bonnie Harper.  This month we are reading TransAtlantic: a novel by Colum McCann.

Newfoundland, 1919. Two aviators—Jack Alcock and Arthur Brown—set course for Ireland as they attempt the first nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean, placing their trust in a modified bomber to heal the wounds of the Great War.

Dublin, 1845 and ’46. On an international lecture tour in support of his subversive autobiography, Frederick Douglass finds the Irish people sympathetic to the abolitionist cause—despite the fact that, as famine ravages the countryside, the poor suffer from hardships that are astonishing even to an American slave.

New York, 1998. Leaving behind a young wife and newborn child, Senator George Mitchell departs for Belfast, where it has fallen to him, the son of an Irish-American father and a Lebanese mother, to shepherd Northern Ireland’s notoriously bitter and volatile peace talks to an uncertain conclusion.

These three iconic crossings are connected by a series of remarkable women whose personal stories are caught up in the swells of history. Beginning with Irish housemaid Lily Duggan, who crosses paths with Frederick Douglass, the novel follows her daughter and granddaughter, Emily and Lottie, and culminates in the present-day story of Hannah Carson, in whom all the hopes and failures of previous generations live on. From the loughs of Ireland to the flatlands of Missouri and the windswept coast of Newfoundland, their journeys mirror the progress and shape of history. They each learn that even the most unassuming moments of grace have a way of rippling through time, space, and memory.

In January we will be reading a biography or autobiography of your choice.  If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.

All are welcome.

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Order Poinsettias for the Holidays!


Help decorate the Sanctuary for the Christmas season and support a local outreach.  Orders for poinsettias will be taken through Monday, December 14.  This year, proceeds from the poinsettia sales will benefit the International Institute of Akron, a non-profit dedicated to providing programs and services that assist those born outside the United States to integrate into American society here in Akron, Ohio.  Poinsettias are scheduled to be delivered and decorating the Sanctuary for Sunday, December 20 through Christmas Eve.  Plants will be available to take home following the 8:30 PM service on Christmas Eve.

Click here to download an order form.


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Our Whole Lives (4th through 6th grade)

OWLOur Whole Lives (4th through 6th grade) will begin in January, facilitated by Jeff Lang and Jennifer May.

All parents/guardians of fourth, fifth and sixth graders are invited to attend a Parents’ Meeting on Sunday, December 6 from 12:45 to approximately 2:15 in the Annex. This will be the time to learn more about the program and decide whether or not your child(ren) will participate. Children do not attend this session, parents/guardians only.

Childcare will be provided if needed; please contact Jennifer May, [email protected], to let her know how many children you will need childcare for as soon as possible, so arrangements can be made.

We look forward to supporting you and your child!

Questions? Contact the facilitators, Jennifer May, [email protected], or Jeff Lang, [email protected], or the Interim DRE, Karen LoBracco, [email protected].

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Holiday Giving – Children & Youth Religious Education Ministry Helps to Bring Cheer!

The Children’s Religious Education Ministry has “adopted” a family of five from Miller Community House, a program of
f& cs logo

Bring Holiday Cheer

We have 3 different opportunities to help Kent Social Services and Miller Community House, a homeless shelter in Portage County, make the holidays brighter for their families.

  1. Place new, unwrapped toys in the box downstairs in Fessenden Hall by Dec. 13
  2. Choose a colored star from the Christmas tree downstairs. Each star has a specific gift listed for the family we’re sponsoring. Write your name on the white star and leave it on the tree, so we know who is donating this gift. Purchase your gift and place it under the tree by Dec. 13.
  3. Donate cash or checks (made payable to UU Church of Kent with “Miller House” in the memo) in the collection can downstairs in Fessenden Hall by Dec. 13. The money collected will be used to purchase gift cards for the family we’re sponsoring.

Many thanks

Mary Leeson and the RE Committee






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New to UU Classes – November 8 and 15, 9:00 AM

gold_chaliceCurious?  Interested in learning more?  Ready to take the next step?

Our “New to UU” classes cover everything you wanted to know about the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent in particular and Unitarian Universalism in general, but didn’t know where to go or whom to ask.  Well, maybe not everything, but we try to give you an overview, a starting point ~ some history of both, some organizational details. Come join the conversation.  And, if you’re curious about membership, we will help to clarify what membership in UU
Church of Kent entails.

Part 1 will be on Sunday, November 8, from 9-11 am. Part 2 will be on Sunday, November 15 from 9-11 am.  You may attend one or both, although attendance at both is encouraged.  Different topics will be covered in each.  We will gather at the Annex, the yellow house next to the church.

If you have any questions, contact Claudia Miller.

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Thanksgiving Dinner – November 26, 4:00 PM

thanksgivingpieThanksgiving Dinner will once again be served at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent on Thursday, November 26 in Fessenden Hall at 4 PM.

This year, our hosts are Lori and Jo Fatchet-McGee who will be preparing a turkey and ham for the feast. Turkey and ham  will be provided so there will be no charge for anyone; however, we will take a free will offering to help cover the cost of a few supplies and beverages.

All who attend are asked to bring a favorite Thanksgiving dinner side dish or dessert to share – please sign-up by the dish you will be preparing.   .   A variety of alcohol-free drinks will be provided.  If you plan to come, consider bringing your favorite game to share if you’d also like to enjoy time relaxing with others after the meal.  In order to prepare, please let us know if you are coming.

A sign-up sheet has been posted in Fessenden Hall.  Alternatively, you can email your reply to the church office.  If you do reply via email, please let us know what you will be bringing and whether you are free to help with set up or clean up.

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Calling All Pledgers!

Capital Campaign LogoHave you been meaning to pledge to the capital campaign, but just haven’t gotten around to  turning in your form yet?  Now is the time!  The Capital Campaign will be ending on November 15, so please turn in your pledge card soon to be part of our historic campaign.

Need a form?  You can stop by the Capital Campaign table after either service or check the card holders in the pews.

The results of the campaign will be announced during service on Sunday November 22.  Come help us celebrate!

We appreciate that people have started paying their pledges.  As a reminder, please write “Capital Campaign” on your check so your donation will be credited appropriately.

Questions? Contact Marion Yeagler or Kathy Kerns

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“Second Sunday Meet & Greet” – November 8, 2015

Meet-and-GreetAnd Every Second Sunday at 11 o’clock

Each Second Sunday, the Membership Team will host a Meet & Greet for newcomers in the Founders’ Lounge at 11:00.  Please join with members of the Membership Committee and Church Staff for coffee, light refreshments, and informal conversation.  Take the opportunity to make yourself known and to meet some friendly folks who can serve as your first circle of UUCK acquaintances!  We’ll do our best to make you feel welcome and comfortable.  Andrea, Trish, Cheryl, Cheryl, Diane, Shannon, Mary, and Claudia will be on hand to help answer your questions, to alert you to activities and opportunities, to “show you the ropes,” and to help you break into the sometimes daunting “Coffee Hour” experience.

Please stay for a short visit after First Service, or, come a little early before Second Service.  We look forward to meeting you.  Whether you are “brand new,” “nearly new,” “sort of new”, or just want to meet UUs, plan to stop by the Meet & Greet table in the Founders’ Lounge (same level as sanctuary) at 11 am every Second Sunday of each month.  This is a family friendly event, so kids are welcome.  Nursery care provided.

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New to UU Classes in November!

spiralchaliceCurious?  Interested in learning more?  Ready to take the next step?

Our “New to UU” classes cover everything you wanted to know about the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent in particular and Unitarian Universalism in general, but didn’t know where to go or whom to ask.  Well, maybe not everything, but we try to give you an overview, a starting point ~ some history of both, some organizational details. Come join the conversation.  And, if you’re curious about membership, we will help to clarify what membership in UUCK entails.

Part 1 will be on Sunday, November 8, from 9-11 am. Part 2 will be on Sunday, November 15 from 9-11 am.  You may attend one or both, although attendance at both is encouraged.  Different topics will be covered in each.  We will gather at the Annex, the yellow house next to the church.

If you have any questions, contact Claudia Miller.

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