Annual Voting Meeting of the Congregation

Update: May 24, 2022, from the Board of Trustees

Voting Results from the Annual Meeting May 22, 2022.

The following motions passed with the required simple majority 

  1. Approve the May 23, 2021 Annual Meeting Minutes.
  2. Approve the UUCK Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 as presented in the 2022 Annual Report.
  3. Elect the Slate of candidates for the terms specified as presented in the 2022 Annual Report. 

The following motion passed with the required 85% majority

  1. Endorse the 8th Principle to go before the UUA Article ll Study Commission.

Thank you to all who participated and voted.UUCK Board of Trustees

The meeting was recorded for those who were unable to attend.

We welcome you to the Annual Meeting – this Sunday at 11am on zoom and in-person at Hobbs Hall.

  • Learn about how the church remained viable during a pandemic and the building of our long-envisioned and patiently awaited new social hall.
  • Find out about financial challenges
  • Hear how we are tackling the plumbing issues that are preventing us from returning home to our historic and beloved sanctuary.
  • Participate in how we move forward as a community of smart, kind, playful, and creative people of all ages, living the legacy and the promise of our church ancestors.
  • Have a voice in the future of your church

We encourage you to read the Treasurer’s annual report to understand our financial realities. Help add your voice to our shared plans for growing in numbers, in ministries, and in service to each other and community.  We are co-creating our future together while practicing right relationship.  Join heart and minds to create solutions.

Your Board of Trustees


Sunday, May 22, 2022
11:00 AM

In person at Hobbs Hall and via Zoom
Meeting ID: 974 6478 5626

Calling ALL ACTIVE MEMBERS, your attendance at the Annual Meeting is important as a quorum will be required for voting matters. 

Click here for the eligible voter list.

A voting ballot will be provided for Active Members participating via Zoom for the May 22 meeting.

Click here to view or download the Annual Meeting Report.

Need an absentee ballot?  Ballots are available to Active Members of the Congregation,  contact MaryBeth at [email protected]

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e-nUUs – May 18, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topic included:

Annual Meeting

  • Annual Voting Meeting – May 22

Save the Date

  • Hobbs Hall Dedication

From the Board of Trustees

  • A COVID update

From Rev. Steven

  • Restart Workshops
  • Hobbs Hall dedication weekend
  • Reengaging in the Life and Work of the Church

Worship & Music

  • Multi-platform services offered each week in-person and via Zoom
  • Recalculating – Sunday, May 22
  • The Living, Loving Church You Are Called to Be – Sunday, May 29
  • Sunday Greeters Needed

Lifespan Learning

  • No RE Classes

Income Generation

  • Buds in BlUUm Auction Results

Community Within

  • Youth Fundraising Dinner – Sunday, May 22
  • Creative Living Series: Centering, Conversing, & Coping

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Community Lunch: A note of thanks
  • Environmental Justice Awareness: Alternatives to plastic laundry bottles
  • Race For Justice Book Club – May 18
  • May’s Special Collection is for Camp Lilac
  • A video endorsement of Camp Lilac from Kevyn

UU, Interfaith, & Community Connections

  • Historic South End Association planting in the Thomas Anderson Memorial Garden – May 28
  • Summer Institute
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e-nUUs – May 11, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

Annual Meeting

  • Annual Voting Meeting – May 22

Income Generation

  • Countdown to the Service Auction
  • Buds in BlUUm Auction Video
  • Bakers Needed for Auction treats

Save the Date

  • Hobbs Hall Dedication

From Rev. Steven

  • Restart Workshops
  • Hobbs Hall dedication weekend
  • Reengaging in the Life and Work of the Church

Worship & Music

  • Multi-platform services offered each week in-person and via Zoom
    • 5/12/2022 Important update: the reservation requirement to attend in-person services has been discontinued due to COVID levels maintaining a “low status” in our area.
  • RE Sunday:  Over the Rainbow – Sunday, May 15
  • Recalculating – Sunday, May 22
  • The Living, Loving Church You Are Called to Be – Sunday, May 29
  • Sunday Greeters Needed

Lifespan Learning

  • RE Sunday!

Community Within

  • Youth Fundraising Dinner – Sunday, May 22
  • Creative Living Series: Centering, Conversing, & Coping
  • Cardboard for your garden?
  • Hobbs Hall Building Security

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Environmental Justice Awareness: Alternatives to plastic laundry bottles
  • Race For Justice Book Club – May 18
  • May’s Special Collection is for Camp Lilac

UU, Interfaith, & Community Connections

  • Summer Institute
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Buds in BlUUm Service Auction is Underway

Have you visited the Buds in BlUUm auction site yet? The silent auction bidding has begun!

Maple syrup, garden delights, vintage furniture, tasty dinners and desserts, and so much more! You’re sure to find something that you just can’t resist bidding on. The silent auction is currently open for bidding and will remain open through Saturday, May 14 at 7 PM. Then the real fun begins . . .

This year, our live auction will be held multi-platform — both in person and via Zoom — on Saturday, May 14. Our in person option will take place in our beautiful Hobbs Hall. The doors will open at 6 PM for those who choose to attend in person. Bidding begins at 7 PM. A ticket is required to attend the live auction in person. Tickets, just $5 per person, can be purchased on the Buds in BlUUm auction site.

If your preferences is to attend and bid from home, use the following Zoom link so you can join in the fun too! Tickets are not required to attend and bid via Zoom. / Meeting ID: 924 1322 3876

Questions? Visit the FAQs page or contact Trudy at [email protected].

We thank you in advanced for your generous support of the annual service auction; our church’s largest fundraising event. Bid high, bid often!

The Auction Team

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e-nUUs – May 4, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

Annual Meeting

  • Information Meeting – May 5
  • Race for Justice Information on the 8th Principle – May 10
  • Annual Voting Meeting – May 22

From Rev. Steven

  • Pastoral Care Note
  • Flower Celebration this Sunday
  • Staff Office Hours

Worship & Music

  • Multi-platform services offered each week in-person and via Zoom
  • Beauty’s Heart Blooms – Sunday, May 8
  • RE Sunday:  Over the Rainbow – Sunday, May 15
  • Recalculating – Sunday, May 22
  • The Living, Loving Church You Are Called to Be – Sunday, May 29
  • Sunday Greeters Needed

Lifespan Learning

  • Nursery Assistants Needed
  • Soulful Home – May 6

Income Generation

  • Are you ready for the Service Auction?
  • Bakers Needed for Auction treats
  • Grocery Card Coordinator Needed

Community Within

  • Creative Living Series: Peaceful Touch – May 7
  • Creative Living Series: Centering Conversations – May 9
  • Hobbs Hall Building Security

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Race For Justice Book Club – May 18
  • May’s Special Collection is for Camp Lilac

UU, Interfaith, & Community Connections

  • Community Volunteer Opportunity – May 7
  • Summer Institute
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Annual Meetings of the Congregation FY2022

Calling all Active Members of our congregation — it’s time for our annual business meetings. Your participation is needed to establish quorum for voting purposes. The Information Meeting will be held on Zoom and the Voting Meeting will be offered with multi-platform options to attend either in person at Hobbs Hall or via Zoom.

Information Meeting: May 5, 2022 at 7 PM

May 5th Zoom option : Meeting ID: 950 0447 3689

Annual Voting Meeting: May 22, 2022 at 11 AM (immediately following the Sunday service)

Click here to review the eligible voters list. An online ballot will be provided for Active Members participating via Zoom at the Voting Meeting.

May 22nd Zoom option: Meeting ID: 974 6478 5626

Click here to view or download a copy of the FY2022 Annual Report.

Need an absentee ballot? Contact MaryBeth at [email protected] to request a ballot.

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e-nUUs — April 20, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

Worship & Music

  • Multi-platform services offered each week in-person and via Zoom
  • Every Day is Earth Day – Sunday, April 24
  • Idleness as a Spiritual Practice – Sunday, May 1
  • Sunday Greeter sign-up

Lifespan Learning

  • No RE Classes this Sunday
  • Nursery care
  • The Amazing Egg Hunt

Income Generation

  • Grocery Card Coordinator Needed
  • Buds in BlUUm auction update

Community Within

  • Hobbs Hall Community Open House – April 24
  • Hospitality Ambassadors – April 24
  • Cookies, cookies, and more . . . April 24
  • Park here, please – April 24
  • Hobbs Hall Building Security

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Get juiced! at our EV Charging Station
  • April’s special collection: International Institute of Akron
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e-nUUs – April 13, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

Worship & Music

  • Multi-platform services offered each week in-person and via Zoom
  • Oh Day of Joy and Gladness – Sunday, April 17
  • Every Day is Earth Day – Sunday, April 24
  • Sunday Greeter sign-up

Lifespan Learning

  • No RE Classes
  • Egg Hunt this Sunday! – April 17
  • Sundays, 4/17 (Easter) and 4/24 (Hobbs Hall Community Open House)
  • Nursery care
  • Our Youth and OWL kiddos having fun

Income Generation

  • Grocery Card Coordinator Needed
  • Buds in BlUUm Auction is ready for your donations!

Community Within

  • Hobbs Hall Community Open House – April 24
  • Hospitality Ambassadors – April 24
  • Cookies, cookies, and more . . . April 24
  • Park here, please – April 24

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Get juiced! at our EV Charging Station
  • Race4Justice Book Club – April 20
  • April’s special collection: International Institute of Akron
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e-nUUs – April 6, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topic included:

From Rev. Steven

  • Bob Farwell Celebration of Life
  • Church sewer repair update
  • CER Chalice Lighters

Worship & Music

  • Multi-platform services offered each week in-person and via Zoom
  • Wake, Now My Senses – Sunday, April 10
  • Oh Day of Joy and Gladness – Sunday, April 17
  • Sunday Greeter sign-up

Lifespan Learning

  • Nursery care available again!
  • RE Classes in person this Sunday – April 10

Income Generation

  • Roots & Wings: Pledge drive update
  • Grocery Card Coordinator Needed
  • Are you ready for Buds in BlUUm?

Community Within

  • Cookies, cookies, and more . . . April 24
  • Creative Living with Stress: Part II – April 7
  • Outdoor Workday Canceled – join us on April 13
  • ALL LEADERS: Annual Reports due 4/10

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Race4Justice Book Club – April 20
  • April’s special collection: International Institute of Akron
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e-nUUs – March 30, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topic included:

From Rev. Steven

  • Pastoral Care Notes
  • CER Chalice Lighters

From the Board

  • First Sunday Board Listening Session – April 3

Worship & Music

  • Multi-platform services offered each week in-person and via Zoom
  • Buddha: “I Am Awake!” – Sunday, April 3
  • Wake, Now My Senses – Sunday April 10
  • Sunday Greeter sign-up

Job Posting Extended

  • Music Director Pro Tempore – Application deadline extended

Lifespan Learning

  • Nursery care available again!
  • RE Classes in person this Sunday – April 3

Income Generation

  • Roots & Wings: Pledge drive update
  • Save the Date for the Service Auction!

Community Within

  • Cookies, cookies, and more . . .
  • Creative Living with Stress: Part II – April 7
  • Spring Outdoor Workdays – April 9 & 13
  • ALL LEADERS: Annual Reports due 4/10

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Community Hot Lunches – Join the UUCK Team
  • Environmental Justice Book Read
  • Race4Justice Book Club – April 20
  • April’s special collection: International Institute of Akron
  • Votes have been tallied for the organizations to receive special collections
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e-nUUs – March 23, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

From Rev. Steven

  • Multi-platform services continue

From the Board

  • Revised In-Person Health & Safety Policy

Worship & Music

  • Services offered each week via Zoom
  • Spirit of Life – Sunday, March 27
  • Buddha: “I Am Awake!” – Sunday, April 3
  • Wake, Now My Senses – Sunday April 10
  • Sunday Greeter sign-up

Job Posting Extended

  • Music Director Pro Tempore – Application deadline extended

Lifespan Learning

  • RE Classes via Zoom Sunday, March 27
  • RE Classes returns to in-person, Sunday, April 3
  • Our Whole Lives (OWL) Parent/Child Orientation – Sunday, March 27
  • An opportunity to Invest in our Youth

Income Generation

  • Roots & Wings: Pledge drive update
  • Save the Date for the Service Auction!

Community Within

  • Thank you!
  • ALL LEADERS: Annual Reports due 4/10
  • Congratulations, Ellen!

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Community Hot Lunches – Join the UUCK Team
  • Environmental Justice Book Read
  • Race4Justice Book Club – April 20
  • March’s special collection: United Help Ukraine
  • April’s special collection: International Institute of Akron
  • Votes have been tallied for the organizations to receive special collections

UU, Interfaith, & Community Connections

  • Freedom Summer: A KIFA virtual film and discussion – March 24
  • The “T” in LGBTQIA+ – March 24
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e-nUUs – March 16, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topic included:

From Rev. Steven

  •  Return to multi-platform services

From the Board

  • Revised In-Person Health & Safety Policy

Worship & Music

  • Services offered each week via Zoom
  • We Need a Little Springtime – Sunday, March 20
  • Spirit of Life – Sunday, March 27
  • Sunday Greeter sign-up

Lifespan Learning

  • No RE Classes this Sunday
  • Our Whole Lives (OWL) returns this spring

Income Generation

  • Roots & Wings: Did you pledge packet arrive?
  • Save the Date for the Service Auction!

Community Within

  • ALL LEADERS: Annual Reports due 4/10
  • Cookies Needed for March 20
  • Oh, what a Moving Day it was! 

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Environmental Justice Book Read
  • TONIGHT – Race4Justice Book Club – March 16
  • March’s Special Collection: United Help Ukraine

UU, Interfaith, & Community Connections

  • Freedom Summer: A KIFA virtual film and discussion – March 24
  • The “T” in LGBTQIA+ – March 24

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e-nUUs – March 9, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

From Rev. Steven

  •  Return to multi-platform services
  •  Thank you

From the Board

  • Revised In-Person Health & Safety Policy

Worship & Music

  • Services offered each week via Zoom
  • Patrick, Pagans, and No Snakes – Sunday, March 13
  • We Need a Little Springtime – Sunday, March 20
  • Spirit of Life – Sunday, March 27
  • Sunday Greeter sign-up

Lifespan Learning

  •  RE Classes this Sunday
  • Our Whole Lives (OWL) returns this spring

Income Generation

  • Pledge Drive 2022-2023
  • Save the Date for the Service Auction!

Community Within

  • Moving Day! – March 12
  • Cookies Needed for March 20

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Cast Your Vote! UUCK Special Collections
  • Race4Justice Book Club – March 16
  • March’s Special Collection: United Help Ukraine
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e-nUUs — March 2, 2022

Click here to view this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

From Rev. Steven

  • A Pastoral Note

From the Board

  • First Sunday Board Listening

Worship & Music

  • Services offered each week via Zoom
  • A Leap of Faith – Sunday, March 6
  • Patrick, Pagans, and No Snakes – Sunday, March 13

Lifespan Learning

  •  RE Classes this Sunday

 Income Generation

  • Save the Date for the Service Auction!

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Cast Your Vote! UUCK Special Collections
  • Race4Justice Book Club – March 16
  • March’s Special Collection: United Help Ukraine
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