Church Library News

Library New Books 2013-02-17The Library Committee is pleased to receive donations that reflect the categories of our collection. The categories listed below may help you to select donations from your own library for the church collection. Please, when making a donation, be sure to give us your contact information, particularly your phone number and e-mail address, so we may acknowledge your donation. As another reminder, please return any books you have had for over two weeks.

Categories: Biography; BGLT (Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Transgender); Buddhism; Celebrations and Passages; Christianity; Church Leadership; Family Life; Humanism; Inspiration; Meditation; Men’s Studies; Philosophy; Religious Studies; Social Justice; Spirituality; Theology; Unitarian Universalism; Women’s Studies; World Religions.

The church library has just acquired the 2013 UUA Meditation Manual, which is available in the Meditation category. While helping with the data management of our library, Andrew Bores noted that Meditation was our most-used category. This is partly because our worship associates who help the minister in the Sunday services look for worthwhile selections to read in the service. This year’s meditation manual is Falling Into the Sky: A Meditation Anthology, Abhi and Abhimanyu Janamanchi, editors (Boston, Skinner House Books, 2013). Abhi Janamanchi is senior minister of the UU congregation in Clearwater, FL. Abhimanyu Janamanchi is a lifelong UU who has served as youth observer on the UUA Board of Trustees and the UUA Moderator Nominating Committee. The manual is a selection of prayers, meditations, and short essays by UU ministers, lay people, theologians, poets, philosophers, and activists. They each provide personal insights into the workings of the inner self to help us move into a realm where calm replaces busyness, peace overcomes anxiety, and compassion delivers the soul from selfishness.
Book Review by Martha Kluth

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Weekly e-nUUs, April 10, 2013

enUUs_newlogo 12.2012










Worship & Music


Services are held on Sunday mornings at 10:00 and 11:30.


Sunday, April 14      “Like” this Service

Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Max Grubb

A colleague recently asked me whether I have ever used the teleprompter app on an iPad when preaching my sermons.  I didn’t even know a teleprompter app existed! There are so many technologies being devised to help us work, learn, connect and play better and more efficiently. How do we decide when technological developments can help and when they might actually hinder our growth?


Bring your phone, tablet or laptop with you to church on April 14 (but don’t worry if you don’t have one or don’t want to bring it with you – you won’t be excluded!)

Our April 14 service will be exploring the ways in which technology generally and social media in particular can help and/or hinder our spiritual growth.  We hope the service will be interactive and would like to invite you to bring your phone, tablet or laptop with you to church that day.  We will be inviting you to post responses to questions we raise in the service on either Facebook or Twitter and those responses will be projected so that they are visible to everyone in attendance.  In order to make this as accessible as possible, we will have both sites up at the same time.  If you do not have a smart phone, tablet or laptop that would allow you to post to Facebook during the service, you can post to Twitter with any phone that has texting capacity.  To sign up for a Twitter account go to


Did you love the Zeng Quartet?  Well then you’re in for another treat!

Andrea Beltran Landers is a cellist from Peru who is currently pursuing a master’s degree in performance at Kent State University.  She will be offering a free concert on Sunday, April 21 at 7:00 PM in our Sanctuary.  Free will offerings in support of our UUCK Music Committee will be gratefully accepted.  Spread the word!


CD Subscription for Sunday Services?

Thanks to volunteer extraordinaire Brad Bolton, much of each Sunday’s service is podcast on our website.  Many people who are unable to make it to church use the podcast as a way of catching the services they missed.  People who are thinking about checking out the church often listen to services before they come and some folks forward links to friends or family who they think might be interested in a particular sermon.  Due to the restrictions of copyright law, only the original parts of each service are included in the podcast.  However, Brad records the entirety of the service and is willing to turn those recordings into cds if there are people who might be interested in receiving a weekly subscription.  So long as we are mailing cds to people who are members or friends of the church, we can share the whole service without violating copyright law.  We are thinking this option might be appealing to folks who do not make it to church regularly and who either do not have a computer or are not comfortable with the technology required to listen to podcasts.   We would like to know if such a service would be useful.  If you would be interested in being mailed a cd of the Sunday service each week, please call or send a note to the church office.


Lifespan Learning


Spiritual Cinema has been rescheduled! 

Please join us for Spiritual Cinema this Friday, April 12 at 7:00 PM. We will watch the motion picture, “The Da Vinci Code” (2006). The movie is 174 minutes and will be followed by a short discussion of some of the topics raised by the movie. This month we will be screening the movie in Dan Flippo’s home.   Please RSVP to Dan at [email protected].

Comments by Dan

Since it is Easter, I thought it would be interesting to watch a movie that brings up many controversial questions about Jesus Christ.  For two thousand years there has been a debate over whether Jesus Christ was a man, god, or both.  Originally, the term “Unitarian” was intended to be an insult of American liberal ministers who questioned the holy trinity concept of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.  Famously Thomas Jefferson created his own version of the Gospels in that time period eliminating all miracles and ending at the crucifixion   While I am aware of the creative license that Dan Brown used while writing the Da Vinci Code, I believe it is very effective at raising questions about how much of the gospels is based on historical events and whether it is possible that there are living descendants of Jesus.  Ours is a faith that welcomes these questions and I hope you will join me in a discussion of the historical Jesus after the movie.


Community Within


Church Directory Complete!

We thank everyone for updating their information and reviewing the draft of our new Church Picture Directory.  Please see the attached file for our now complete Church Directory.    Updated directories will be sent our approximately every 6 months from here forward.  We also would like to extend our appreciation to the members of the Membership Committee for undertaking this arduous task – thank you!


Electronic Giving Now Live!

We are excited to announce that after many months of research and planning, we are now able to accept financial contributions on our website.  We are using PayPal in order to provide this service which will allow you to decide the frequency of your giving and also enable you to direct your gift to a particular program or ministry.  Find the yellow Donate Now buttons on left side of each page.  Many thanks to Dan Flippo for his help in setting up this service!



To see “Your Basic Treasure Chest of Humor”, in case you missed the April 5th performance.  DVDs of the entire performance will be available for anyone wishing to have one, for the modest price of $5.00; all benefits, of course, going to the church.  If you are interested in receiving one (or more), please enter your name on the signup sheet, which will be available at Coffee Hour this morning.     Thank you, Ted Voneida

Surprise Friends: please remember, to leave your notes Sundays April 21 through May 12 and the “big reveal” is May 19!  Make sure you are there for coffee hour to meet your Surprise Friend in person. In the past, Surprise Friends have exchanged small tokens of friendship during the special revealing celebration. Can’t wait to see you there!


UU & Interfaith Connections


The April Kent Community Dinner will be held on April 20 at 5:30 pm at the Islamic Community Center at 152 East Steels Corners Road in Cuyahoga Falls.  The Islamic Society of Akron and Kent invites the people of Kent over to get to know them.  Reservations are required.  Call 330-922-9991. Speakers will include Mr. Haleem Najeeullah of the Board of Directors of  the Islamic Society with a keynote address by Dr. Kara Ellis Skora of the Department of Religious Studies of the College of Wooster.

It is a dress affair.  Modest attire is a must in this group. Bring a dessert (no gelatin, lard or pork). Transportation is available. Meet at 4:45 pm behind the United Church of Christ.  Questions?  Call 330-678-8760.


District Assembly convening in Niagara Falls April 26-27
This year our Ohio-Meadville District, in a historic move, is having a joint District Assembly with St Lawrence District.  And the Rev Peter Morales, President of the Unitarian Universalist Association,  is the keynote speaker!  This promises to be an energizing event not to be missed!  Deadlines are fast upon us.  Some partial scholarships are available, and must be applied for by March 29.  If you would like more information about workshops and timelines, please go to .  You may also contact Marion Yeagler, Ohio-Meadville District Board of Trustees.


Outreach and Social Justice


UUs to Consider Fracking

If you haven’t registered yet, be sure to do so for the Ohio Meadville-Saint Lawrence Joint District Assembly to be held in Niagara Falls, NY on April 26-27.


Annual Garlic Mustard Pull
Join us on Saturday, April 20th from 9am-11am pull invasive Garlic Mustard from the parks along the river. This weed chokes out native species and must be pulled before the prolific seed heads open. Afterward, saunter downtown for the Who’s Your Mama? Earth Day festival, knowing you’ve done your part. Meet in the church parking lot across the street and ask Andrew Rome for more information.


Thanks to all who donated items for the April Showers outreach project.  Rev. Melissa dropped off and car-load of toiletries donated by you!  We know the generosity of the folks here at UU Church of Kent will be very much appreciated!


Income Generation


Another successful slice of the PIE!!
Thank you SO much to everyone who helped to make the 2014 Stewardship campaign another success!   Because we came in above last year’s total, we will be able to add some of the programming that we hoped to.  If we can get the six or seven pledges that we are still short, we will be able to do even more.  It’s not too late;  the Finance Committee is meeting on Sunday, the 14th, to set the budget.  You may call the office with your pledge, 330-673-4247, or send it via email, [email protected].  We will report the final numbers next week.  And thank you again to everyone who made a financial commitment!


Wanna buy a bunch of cards?  OK!

We sell gift cards for Giant Eagle and Acme stores every Sunday at coffee hour.  This helps the church since we receive 5% of the value of the cards sold, and is convenient for the buyers, since they pay for the face value of the card and use it like a debit card. We rarely run out, but some people occasionally are disappointed when they want buy several hundred dollars’ worth of cards and we only have a few hundred available left to sell. In order to address this issue, we now will guarantee that we have any amount $500 or more available for you on a given Sunday if you email me the previous Sunday or earlier (please allow a minimum of 7 days). Sometimes we have them available in any case–if we have them, we’ll sell them to you. But if you want to be sure, email me and we will arrange to have them reserved for you the following Sunday.

Thanks for buying gift cards through the church rather than using cash at Acme and Giant Eagle stores.

Bob Erdman, Grocery Card Coordinator.


Spring Forth With the Giving of Books. 

The time of year has come once more when Robins sing in the rain, the flowers poke their heads up from the warming earth and books appear as if by magic in Fessenden Hall. Yea, the  Annual UUCK Book Sale is nigh, riding in on the southern winds, returning with the geese who had flown south but two short seasons ago. As you perform the ancient ritual of Spring cleaning, please set aside all your gently used books, DVDs, and CDs to donate to the Annual UUCK Book Sale. Just leave them in the designated space in Fessenden Hall between the dates of April 14 and 30 and the book sprites will whisk them away, only to be returned on that foretold day, May 4, where they will take their honored place in supporting the growth and well being of the UUCK. In addition we will be hosting a bake sale table as well. Please consider contributing your favorite home baked cookies, brownies, muffins and other goodies. You may drop them off in the kitchen on Friday May 3rd or Saturday May 4th. Please label them “Book Sale” so we know they are intended for that purpose. Thank you in advance for your generous, heartfelt donations.

Spring—an experience in immortality. -Henry D. Thoreau

Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. –Author Unknown

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Weekly e-nUUs, April 3, 2013

enUUs_newlogo 12.2012










Worship & Music


Services are held on Sunday mornings at 10:00 and 11:30.


Sunday, April 7      Youth Sunday Change and Growth as Young Unitarian Universalists

Led by the Youth Through music, readings, ritual and individual reflection, our high school youth will offer the congregation a window into what it means to grow up UU. Join us for this beloved annual worship experience. See p. 4 for comments about Youth Sunday from Karen Lapidus.


Did you love the Zeng Quartet?  Well then you’re in for another treat!

Andrea Beltran Landers is a cellist from Peru is currently pursuing a master’s degree in performance at Kent State University.  She will be offering a free concert on Sunday, April 21 at 7:00 PM in our Sanctuary.  Free will offerings in support of our UUCK Music Committee will be gratefully accepted.  Spread the word!


CD Subscription for Sunday Services?

Thanks to volunteer extraordinaire Brad Bolton, much of each Sunday’s service is podcast on our website.  Many people who are unable to make it to church use the podcast as a way of catching the services they missed.  People who are thinking about checking out the church often listen to services before they come and some folks forward links to friends or family who they think might be interested in a particular sermon.  Due to the restrictions of copyright law, only the original parts of each service are included in the podcast.  However, Brad records the entirety of the service and is willing to turn those recordings into cds if there are people who might be interested in receiving a weekly subscription.  So long as we are mailing cds to people who are members or friends of the church, we can share the whole service without violating copyright law.  We are thinking this option might be appealing to folks who do not make it to church regularly and who either do not have a computer or are not comfortable with the technology required to listen to podcasts.   We would like to know if such a service would be useful.  If you would be interested in being mailed a cd of the Sunday service each week, please call or send a note to the church office.


Lifespan Learning


Please join us for Spiritual Cinema this Friday, April 5 at 7:00 PM. We will watch the motion picture, “The Da Vinci Code” (2006). The movie is 174 minutes and will be followed by a short discussion of some of the topics raised by the movie. This month we will be screening the movie in Dan Flippo’s home, 2650 Easthaven Drive, Hudson OH 44236Please RSVP to Dan at [email protected].

Comments by Dan –

Since it is Easter, I thought it would be interesting to watch a movie that brings up many controversial questions about Jesus Christ.  For two thousand years there has been a debate over whether Jesus Christ was a man, god, or both.  Originally, the term “Unitarian” was intended to be an insult of American liberal ministers who questioned the holy trinity concept of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.  Famously Thomas Jefferson created his own version of the Gospels in that time period eliminating all miracles and ending at the crucifixion   While I am aware of the creative license that Dan Brown used while writing the Da Vinci Code, I believe it is very effective at raising questions about how much of the gospels is based on historical events and whether it is possible that there are living descendants of Jesus.  Ours is a faith that welcomes these questions and I hope you will join me in a discussion of the historical Jesus after the movie.


On Sunday, April 7 you are invited to join us for TED and pizza after the second service in Fessenden Hall.   We will be screening the talk What Makes Life Meaningful by Michael Steger.  Steger is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Colorado State University. He has spent more than a decade researching people’s ability to find meaning in their lives and the benefits of living a meaningful life. In his talk, he asks the question “What Makes Life Meaningful?” and will share what psychological science can tell us about the answer. He is the co-editor of ‘Designing Positive Psychology’ and the forthcoming ‘Purpose and Meaning in the Workplace.’  If you plan to attend and would like pizza, please send a quick email to the church office so that we can be sure to order enough.  If you’d rather, you are also welcome to bring your own lunch.

Joel Slater has been the driving force behind our monthly TED talks this year and he is ready to take a break from this role in order to pursue some new ideas he has brewing.  Many thanks to Joel for all his good work!  If you have enjoyed this series and would like to step up lead it in the future, please let Rev. Melissa know.


Community Within


Electronic Giving Now Live!

We are excited to announce that after many months of research and planning, we are now able to accept financial contributions on our website.  We are using PayPal in order to provide this service which will allow you to decide the frequency of your giving and also enable you to direct your gift to a particular program or ministry.  Find the yellow Donate Now buttons on left side of each page.  Many thanks to Dan Flippo for his help in setting up this service!


Please be aware of the revised time!

Your Basic Treasure Chest of Humor” presented by Ted Voneida and Cast 

Friday, April 5, 2012   7:30 PM


An Afternoon of Card?Making – Saturday, April 6, 2013

Come spend an afternoon making cards with friends, NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Michelle Bores will lead you in the making of 6 different cards, 2 of each card and a note pad with cover. Michelle will supply all of the cards, envelopes, paper, double sided tape & any other items needed. She will also bring the ideas, patterns, instructions, Stamps, ink pads, paper cutter & Sizzix die cutting machine. If you have scissors, pencil and a ruler, please bring them. If you have any other “tools” and would not mind sharing, please let her know. Some examples of the cards we will make are birthday, anniversary, thank you, blank note cards, etc… This event is family-friendly, for adults and kids in 5th grade or older.   This is a service auction event, please call Michelle if you would like to attend.

Date: April 6, 2013

Time: 1 – 4 pm

Location: Fessenden Hall

20 seats offered – 10 left


Surprise — it’s that time of year again!

Want to make a new friend in the church? Looking for a way to celebrate spring? Here is your chance! You are all invited to participate in this fun, intergenerational activity of friendship and caring! We will have a sign up table outside of the sanctuary Sunday, April 7. Participating adults will be matched with children in the congregation on April 14 and encouraged to exchange notes and artwork on Sundays, April 21 through May 12.  Adults will remain anonymous until the “big reveal” on May 19. Sign-up forms will be available until April 7.


The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, April 9 at 7 pm in the home of Kathie Slater.  Please bring a non-dessert snack to share. This month we are reading The Book Thief by Markus Zusak  (young adult fiction, 2006). It is 1939 Germany. The country is holding its breath. Death has never been busier and it will become busier still. By her brother’s graveside, Liesel Meminger’s life is changed when she picks up a single object, partially hidden by the snow. It is The Grave Digger’s Handbook, left there by accident and it is her first act of book thievery. So begins a love affair with books and words, as Liesel, with the help of her accordion-playing foster father, learns to read. Soon she is stealing books from Nazi book-burnings, the mayor’s wife’s library; wherever there are books to be found. But these are dangerous times. When Liesel’s foster family hides a Jew in their basement, Liesel’s world is both opened up and closed down. In May we will be reading Breakfast with Buddha by Roland Merullo. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.  All are welcome.


UU & Interfaith Connections


The award-winning documentary, “The House I Live In,” (, directed by Eugene Jarecki, will air on PBS April 8, 2013. Michelle Alexander, author of “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness”, appears in the documentary. Her book was selected as the current Common Read by the UUA.


The April Kent Community Dinner will be held on April 20 at 5:30 pm at the Islamic Community Center at 152 East Steels Corners Road in Cuyahoga Falls.  The Islamic Society of Akron and Kent invites the people of Kent over to get to know them.  Reservations are required.  Call 330-922-9991. Speakers will include Mr. Haleem Najeeullah of the Board of Directors of  the Islamic Society with a keynote address by Dr. Kara Ellis Skora of the Department of Religious Studies of the College of Wooster.

It is a dress affair.  Modest attire is a must in this group. Bring a dessert (no gelatin, lard or pork). Transportation is available. Meet at 4:45 pm behind the United Church of Christ.  Questions?  Call 330-678-8760.


District Assembly convening in Niagara Falls April 26-27
This year our Ohio-Meadville District, in a historic move, is having a joint District Assembly with St Lawrence District.  And the Rev Peter Morales, President of the Unitarian Universalist Association,  is the keynote speaker!  This promises to be an energizing event not to be missed!  Deadlines are fast upon us.  Some partial scholarships are available, and must be applied for by March 29.  If you would like more information about workshops and timelines, please go to .  You may also contact Marion Yeagler, Ohio-Meadville District Board of Trustees.


Outreach and Social Justice


UUs to Consider Fracking

If you haven’t registered yet, be sure to do so for the Ohio Meadville-Saint Lawrence Joint District Assembly to be held in Niagara Falls, NY on April 26-27.


Annual Garlic Mustard Pull
Join us on Saturday, April 20th from 9am-11am pull invasive Garlic Mustard from the parks along the river. This weed chokes out native species and must be pulled before the prolific seed heads open. Afterward, saunter downtown for the Who’s Your Mama? Earth Day festival, knowing you’ve done your part. Meet in the church parking lot across the street and ask Andrew Rome for more information.


April Showers Service Project

The Campus Ministers’ Organization at Kent State University hopes to make showering a little bit easier for the homeless and transient populations in Portage County with the April Showers Service Project. As a congregational member of the Campus Minister’s Organization, we will collect new, unopened travel size hygiene items for the people at Family and Community Services. These items will be assembled into personal hygiene kits by students and anyone else who passes through the main lobby of the Kent Student Center on Tuesday, April 16 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. These kits will be given to Family and Community Services, who will distribute them to persons in need.

All new, unopened, travel size personal hygiene items will be accepted, but we are particularly encouraging donations of toothpaste, toothbrushes, disposable razors, deodorant, shampoo, bar soap (can be regular sized), and wash cloths.  Please drop your items in the box located in the Founders Lounge by April 7.


Income Generation


It’s not too late to make your pledge of financial commitment

The PIE may be all gone,  but we’re still waiting for a few of the faithful to make their annual pledges of financial commitment for fiscal year 2013-14, which begins on July 1, 2013 and ends on June 30, 2014.  We are still working toward our goal, so if, for one reason or another, you haven’t turned in your pledge, this is the week to do it.  There are many ways to accomplish this:  email the church office with the information,  put your pledge card in the offering basket, or give the information to your canvasser when he or she calls.

Please help us to be able to plan a realistic year of church programming by making your pledge now.


Wanna buy a bunch of cards?  OK!

We sell gift cards for Giant Eagle and Acme stores every Sunday at coffee hour.  This helps the church since we receive 5% of the value of the cards sold, and is convenient for the buyers, since they pay for the face value of the card and use it like a debit card. We rarely run out, but some people occasionally are disappointed when they want buy several hundred dollars’ worth of cards and we only have a few hundred available left to sell. In order to address this issue, we now will guarantee that we have any amount $500 or more available for you on a given Sunday if you email me the previous Sunday or earlier (please allow a minimum of 7 days). Sometimes we have them available in any case–if we have them, we’ll sell them to you. But if you want to be sure, email me and we will arrange to have them reserved for you the following Sunday.

Thanks for buying gift cards through the church rather than using cash at Acme and Giant Eagle stores.

Bob Erdman, Grocery Card Coordinator.


Spring Forth With the Giving of Books. 

The time of year has come once more when Robins sing in the rain, the flowers poke their heads up from the warming earth and books appear as if by magic in Fessenden Hall. Yea, the  Annual UUCK Book Sale is nigh, riding in on the southern winds, returning with the geese who had flown south but two short seasons ago. As you perform the ancient ritual of Spring cleaning, please set aside all your gently used books, DVDs, and CDs to donate to the Annual UUCK Book Sale. Just leave them in the designated space in Fessenden Hall between the dates of April 14 and 30 and the book sprites will whisk them away, only to be returned on that foretold day, May 4, where they will take their honored place in supporting the growth and well being of the UUCK. In addition we will be hosting a bake sale table as well. Please consider contributing your favorite home baked cookies, brownies, muffins and other goodies. You may drop them off in the kitchen on Friday May 3rd or Saturday May 4th. Please label them “Book Sale” so we know they are intended for that purpose. Thank you in advance for your generous, heartfelt donations.

Spring—an experience in immortality. -Henry D. Thoreau

Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. –Author Unknown

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April Social Justice Meetings

Meetings are scheduled for the following Social Justice Task Groups in April:
SJ Visioning Committee – 4/21, 12:45-2:45pm, Ted Voneida chairing
SJ Human Rights – 4/25, 6:30-8:30pm, Susan Poole chairing
SJ Environmental Justice – 4/30, 7:00-9:00pm, Andrew Rome chairing
All meetings are open to everyone.   Ask us for more information! Please come!
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Weekly e-nUUs, March 21, 2013

enUUs_newlogo 12.2012










Special Congregation Meeting – Sunday, March 24, 2013

The board has voted to schedule a special congregational meeting for this Sunday, 3/24, after the second service.  We have only two agenda items:

  1.  To ask members of the congregation to vote to temporarily suspend the bylaw notification requiring two-weeks notice before holding a special congregational meeting.
  2. To ask members of the congregation to vote on the purchase of adjacent property.

Please remember that only people who have been members of the congregation for at least 4 weeks are eligible to vote.  Please note also that a quorum is required in order to conduct the business scheduled for this meeting.  All the details regarding the property, cost and requirements will be explained in the meeting. 


If you will be unable to attend, we will accept absentee ballots.  However, please be aware that absentee ballots do not satisfy the quorum requirement.  Please contact Moderator Kathie Slater if you require an absentee ballot. 


Kathie Slater, Moderator

on behalf of the Board of Trustees


Worship & Music 


Services are held on Sunday mornings at 10:00 and 11:30.


Sunday,  March 24, 2013   God’s Becoming

Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Joel Slater

One of the most innovative developments in recent theology has been the development of a field called Process Theology. According to this view, everything is interconnected and God is always in relation, always becoming in relationship with all. This morning we’ll unpack this view of God and consider its implications.


Lifespan Learning


Family-Friendly Easter Offerings
Our Middle School Youth will again be hosting the egg hunt for younger children on Sunday, March 31st at 11:00 am, immediately following the 10:00 am Family-Friendly Easter Worship Service.  Candy-filled plastic eggs will be “hidden” on the grounds around the main building and in the backyard of the Annex.  Parents are asked to supervise their young children.  Weather permitting, children and parents will gather on the narrow strip of driveway between the Annex and the main church building.  The area will be cordoned off with orange cones.

Folks who use the three accessible parking spaces behind the Annex during the first service, should plan on not moving their cars until the Easter Egg Hunt is over (no later than 11:30 am).


Have you been intrigued by our Chalice Group program, but missed the sign-up this past fall? Perhaps you’re interested in checking it out for a spell before committing to a full season next year. The Thursday Night Chalice Group has some available openings and would welcome your presence. We meet about twice a month on Thursday Nights from 7pm to 9pm, and will be meeting through the month of May.. Please e-mail Leah Gillig if you’re interested.


Community Within


Accessible Parking

The parking lot behind Franklin Township Hall is being designated as a handicap accessible parking area for Sunday mornings during both services.  We are asking all others to please park across the street or in the gravel lot behind the church.  We appreciate your assistance  with our trying to be more accommodating to those who have physical challenges.  Thank you.


Please note that the Church Office will be closed for the next several Mondays.  The Office will be open each week Tuesday – Friday 9:30 am – 4:00 pm.  Thank you.


Surprise — it’s that time of year again!

Want to make a new friend in the church? Looking for a way to celebrate spring? Here is your chance! You are all invited to participate in this fun, intergenerational activity of friendship and caring! We will have a sign up table outside of the sanctuary on March 24, 31 and April 7. Participating adults will be matched with children in the congregation on April 14 and encouraged to exchange notes and artwork on Sundays, April 21 through May 12.  Adults will remain anonymous until the “big reveal” on May 19. Sign-up forms will be available until April 7.


Save the Date: Friday, April 5, 2012   7 PM

Your Basic Treasure Chest of Humor” presented by Ted Voneida and Cast


The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, April 9 at 7 pm in the home of Kathie Slater at 740 Governors Circle in Kent.  Please bring a non-dessert snack to share. This month we are reading The Book Thief by Markus Zusak  (young adult fiction, 2006). It is 1939 Germany. The country is holding its breath. Death has never been busier and it will become busier still. By her brother’s graveside, Liesel Meminger’s life is changed when she picks up a single object, partially hidden by the snow. It is The Grave Digger’s Handbook, left there by accident and it is her first act of book thievery. So begins a love affair with books and words, as Liesel, with the help of her accordion-playing foster father, learns to read. Soon she is stealing books from Nazi book-burnings, the mayor’s wife’s library; wherever there are books to be found. But these are dangerous times. When Liesel’s foster family hides a Jew in their basement, Liesel’s world is both opened up and closed down. In May we will be reading Breakfast with Buddha by Roland Merullo. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.  All are welcome.


UU & Interfaith Connections


District Assembly convening in Niagara Falls April 26-27
This year our Ohio-Meadville District, in a historic move, is having a joint District Assembly with St Lawrence District.  And the Rev Peter Morales, President of the Unitarian Universalist Association,  is the keynote speaker!  This promises to be an energizing event not to be missed!  Deadlines are fast upon us.  Some partial scholarships are available, and must be applied for by March 29.  If you would like more information about workshops and timelines, please go to .  You may also contact Marion Yeagler, Ohio-Meadville District Board of Trustees.



Outreach and Social Justice


April Showers Service Project

The Campus Ministers’ Organization at Kent State University hopes to make showering a little bit easier for the homeless and transient populations in Portage County with the April Showers Service Project. As a congregational member of the Campus Minister’s Organization, we will collect new, unopened travel size hygiene items for the people at Family and Community Services. These items will be assembled into personal hygiene kits by students and anyone else who passes through the main lobby of the Kent Student Center on Tuesday, April 16 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. These kits will be given to Family and Community Services, who will distribute them to persons in need.

All new, unopened, travel size personal hygiene items will be accepted, but we are particularly encouraging donations of toothpaste, toothbrushes, disposable razors, deodorant, shampoo, bar soap (can be regular sized), and wash cloths.  Please drop your items in the box located in the Founders Lounge by April 7.


Income Generation


We are CELEBRATING the official end of the 2014 Stewardship Campaign by serving everyone a free slice of PIE!  Several of our pies will be delicious HOMEMADE contributions from our favorite bakers including Kathie Slater, Julie Lineburgh, MaryBeth Hannan, Kathy Kerns, and Renee Ruchotzke.  (And of course, we’d be happy to accept additional pies from any of our other star UUCK bakers out there!)  Come to Fessenden Hall during coffee hour or after second service, and join the party!

Have you made a pledge of your financial commitment for the upcoming fiscal year?  If not, please do so as soon as possible so that the church can make our programming plans for the 2013-14 financial year.  You may put your pledge card in the offering basket, hand it to a member of the Stewardship Team, or call or email the information to the church office, 330.673.4247.

Thanks to everyone who has helped make this a successful campaign!

Marion Yeagler, Kay Eckman, Sandy Eaglen and the Stewardship Team


We hope that everyone enjoyed the St. Patty’s Day Potato Bar Fundraiser last Sunday; $128.00 was raised through this event.

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Weekly e-nUUs, March 13, 2013

enUUs_newlogo 12.2012










Worship & Music


Services are held on Sunday mornings at 10:00 and 11:30.


Sunday,  March 17, 2013    Poetry Sunday

Led by Lay Leaders Joe Kuemerle and Lori McGee

Poetry is an important part of many people’s lives here at the UUCK. We are reviving the long-held tradition of Poetry Sunday, a tradition that has fallen to the wayside for several years. This service will include poems sent in by members and poems chosen by Joe and Lori which will be woven into an uplifting and inspirational service.


Celtic Clan of Kent Concert.

Come celebrate St. Patrick’s Eve! The Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent will host a family friendly concert of traditional Irish music on Saturday, March 16th at 7 PM. There will be toe tapping jigs and reels, beautiful songs and dancing too! This is a church fundraiser.

Adults: $7 donation, children 12 years and under, free.   Light refreshments will be served following the concert.


Lifespan Learning

Family-Friendly Easter Offerings
Our Middle School Youth will again be hosting the egg hunt for younger children on Sunday, March 31st at 11:00 am, immediately following the 10:00 am Family-Friendly Easter Worship Service.  Candy-filled plastic eggs will be “hidden” on the grounds around the main building and in the backyard of the Annex.  Parents will be asked to supervise their young children.  Watch the e-nUUs, Thread and email for more details.


Have you been intrigued by our Chalice Group program, but missed the sign-up this past fall? Perhaps you’re interested in checking it out for a spell before committing to a full season next year. The Thursday Night Chalice Group has some available openings and would welcome your presence. We meet about twice a month on Thursday Nights from 7pm to 9pm, and will be meeting through the month of May.. Please e-mail Leah Gillig  if you’re interested.


Community Within


I will be away this week from Thursday through Sunday at the Unitarian Universalist Allies for Racial Equity (ARE) annual conference. As the president of ARE, I have significant responsibilities presenting workshops and leading meetings at the conference, but I will make a point to check my email at least once each day and will be available via cell phone for urgent concerns.  I’ll be concluding my responsibilities by leading worship Sunday morning at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Rockford.  I only regret I will miss Poetry Sunday back here with you!

Peace, Melissa


Please note that the Church Office will be closed for the next several Mondays.  The Office will be open each week Tuesday – Friday 9:30 am – 4:00 pm.  Thank you.


The Library Committee urgently requests all overdue books (2 weeks after checkout date) be returned as soon as possible. We are trying to account for all the volumes listed in the collection in order to create another data base for easy access.  We are most grateful for your cooperation.


Surprise — it’s that time of year again!

Want to make a new friend in the church? Looking for a way to celebrate spring? Here is your chance! You are all invited to participate in this fun, intergenerational activity of friendship and caring! We will have a sign up table outside of the sanctuary on March 24, 31 and April 7. Participating adults will be matched with children in the congregation on April 14 and encouraged to exchange notes and artwork on Sundays, April 21 through May 12.  Adults will remain anonymous until the “big reveal” on May 19. Sign-up forms will be available until April 7.


Have you served on a committee in the last five years?  Did your committee read a book together?  Do you still have that book at your house?  If so, we’d appreciate it if you would bring it to the church office.  We are trying to gather the leadership books committees have used in recent years to keep them available in one central place.  That way future leaders might also benefit from these resources.  Thank you!


LANDSCAPE TEAM:  The growing season is about to SPRING upon us!  Aren’t you just itching to dig in some dirt?  A few people have signed up to take charge of some areas around the church, and we have a person dedicated to mowing, but we need a few more hands to keep the workload light and the weeds at bay.  A few hours a month through the growing season is all the commitment that is needed, and there are NO MEETINGS!  Email Georgia Quinn to sign up.


Save the Date: Friday, April 5, 2012   7 PM

Your Basic Treasure Chest of Humor” presented by Ted Voneida and Cast


Outreach and Social Justice


This spring, we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to pass compassionate, comprehensive immigration reform. As people of faith, we must raise our voices for an immigration reform bill that promotes justice, compassion, and keeps families together. Are you interested in learning more about how we can help?  The UUA Witness Ministries and Standing on the Side of Love staff will be hosting a webinar on TONIGHT, March 13, 8:00pm ET.  Please let Rev. Melissa know if you can attend the webinar and she’ll send you more information.


Close to someone with a mental illness? Attend a free program that has helped many Ohioans. The Portage County Family-to-Family Education Program will run Saturdays starting March 16, 2013 for 12 weeks. The course will be held from 9:30 a.m. to noon at The Church in Aurora, 146 S. Chillicothe Road, Aurora 44202. The program is sponsored by the Mental Health & Recovery Board of Portage County and NAMI Portage County. The course is open to anyone who has a family member or a friend with a brain disease, including schizophrenia, manic depression, clinical depression, an anxiety disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder. It is taught by local residents who have a family member dealing with mental illness. Register by March 14. Call 330-673-1756, ext 201. You can also register by emailing [email protected].

CONTACT:        Amie Cajka

Director of Community Relations

Mental Health & Recovery Board, 330 673-1756, ext. 207


Income Generation


St. Patty’s Day Potato Bar Fundraiser!

On March 17th after 2nd service we will feature a potato bar fundraiser for your enjoyment.  (If the potatoes are done around 11AM and you are hungry we’ll be glad to feed you then)

We will have hot baked potatoes with ALL kinds of toppings!  Come enjoy one topped with Corned Beef and Cabbage and don’t forget the mustard or horsey sauce!  Maybe you are a purist and want butter only, that’s fine too.  We will have butter, sour cream, scallions, cheese, bacon bits, salsa and whatever else we can think of that might be good on a potato.

Our usual donation of $6 per adult and $4 per child under 12 is all we ask!

Thank you,

Your Fundraising Committee


Stewardship Campaign is off and running!

Our Stewardship Campaign is in full swing and the pledges are coming in strong;  to date, we’ve received approximately 60 pledges.  We’ve heard wonderful heartfelt stories about how this church, OUR church, has inspired our members to give and contribute of their time and talent because of what they receive in return.  We’ve heard how an increase in overall giving can add so much to our community.  We’ve sold PIE raffle tickets and given away several delicious pies!

If you haven’t committed to your pledge yet there is still time to do so!  The campaign doesn’t end until March 24th.  Don’t forget this is for next fiscal year which runs from July 1, 2013 until June 30, 2014.  If you aren’t at the 3% giving level yet and can make that stretch to give 3% of your adjusted gross income that would be ideal and really help with future planning.

If you have already turned in your pledges we thank you!!  If not you can turn in your pledge cards during the offertory on Sundays or at the Stewardship table during coffee hour.  If you need more information or just want to chat with fellow members we have some dessert nights still available.  You can sign up for one of them at the Stewardship table during coffee hour.

A classic pie to share with someone special –  Be sure to get one of these homemade apple pies, each in its vintage Ovenex 6” pie pan.   Carolyn Schlemmer makes apple pies with a mixture of Granny Smiths for tartness and Golden Delicious for sweetness so that only a little sugar is needed.  A touch of Saigon cinnamon and real butter enhances the apples’ flavor.  The pie pans belonged to Carolyn’s Granny Edna, and the light crust is made with Granny Edna’s recipe.  Each pie provides two people with a generous half a pie.  Only six pies will be offered, and all proceeds go to our own “slice of the pie” stewardship fund.

We will have a special silent auction of these delicious homemade pies.  Get your bids in at coffee hour!

Thank you,

Your Stewardship Committee



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March 13 Webinar: Compassionate Immigration Reform

From the UUCK Racial and Immigrant Justice Task Force

March 13 Webinar:  Taking Love to Congress for Compassionate Immigration Reform

We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to pass compassionate, comprehensive immigration reform. Our plan is for a massive mobilization of our UU community and partners to hold visits with our Senators and Congresspeople during the in-state district work period from March 25-April 5.Join the Standing on the Side of Love webinar on Wednesday, March 13 at 8pm ET for an informative presentation on what we’re calling neighbor-to-neighbor visits to meet with your federal representatives.

Congress will likely pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR) legislation this year and whether it is compassionate in addition to comprehensive depends on how much we and other faith communities influence the outcome.

We ask you to commit to doing an in-district advocacy visit, i.e. neighbor-to-neighbor meeting, with your members of Congress. In-district visits are one of the most effective ways to ensure that your voice is heard.

More than 30 congregations have already signed up to conduct visits and several UU State Advocacy Networks are making plans for these as well.  We’ve also heard from UU leaders of congregations participating in interfaith community organizations that are visiting their Members of Congress. Please call now and make an appointment to meet with yours ASAP.  It’s easy to make an appointment to speak with your legislators, and a small group from your community can have a real impact.

Never done a lobby visit before? No worries! We can help walk you through the process. This call will also be informative for folks who are comfortable with advocacy, but want a refresher, along with some up to the minute details on where we currently stand with Compassionate Immigration Reform.

Join the Standing on the Side of Love webinar on Wednesday, March 13 at 8pm ET and you’ll learn everything you need to set up and conduct and effective advocacy visit.

Speakers:  UUA Witness Ministries and Standing on the Side of Love staff and  leaders from UU congregations, UU state networks and districts.

RSVP here

Call-in number: 1-267-507-0240; Conference code: 685974#

See our step by step guide on how to set up a district advocacy visit, talking points and more

With your help, people of faith will play a key role in ensuring that immigration reform is compassionate, and reflects the worth and dignity of all people. Commit to doing an in-district lobby visit today!

Love keeps families together, Love respects the inherent worth and dignity of all people, Love has no borders.

In faith,

Susan Leslie
Lead Organizer
Standing on the Side of Love

PS: The first 50 congregations to sign-up will receive a packet of Standing on the Side of Love goodies to support their work–click here to register your in-district visit today!



Congregational Advocacy & Witness 
25 Beacon St | Boston, MA 02108 | Phone 617.948. 4656  | Fax 617.742.03213

Witness Ministries Washington Center
1100 G Street NW Suite 800 | Washington DC, 20005 | Phone: 202.393.2255  Fax: 202.393.5494

email: [email protected] | website:

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Weekly e-nUUs, March 6, 2013

enUUs_newlogo 12.2012












Worship & Music


Services are held on Sunday mornings at 10:00 and 11:30.


Sunday,  March 10, 2013    When God and Science Met

Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Justin Czekaj – In the 20th century, the meeting of God and science helped fuel the rise of humanism. Since then, the ongoing relationship between the two have led down many paths. We’ll explore some of them this morning.


Celtic Clan of Kent Concert.

Come celebrate St. Patrick’s Eve! The Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent will host a family friendly concert of traditional Irish music on Saturday, March 16th at 7 PM. There will be toe tapping jigs and reels, beautiful songs and dancing too! This is a church fundraiser.

Adults: $7 donation, children 12 years and under, free.

Light refreshments will be served following the concert.


The Music Committee of the UUCK would like to warmly thank the church’s members and friends who attended last Sunday’s outstanding chamber concert of the Zeng Quartet + one.  Their virtuoso performance was received with awe and gratitude by an appreciative audience.  Thank you very much for your support of the church’s music program through your participation and donations.  $145.00 was donated through the free-will offering.


Lifespan Learning


TED and Pizza

On March 10th the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent will be continuing its series of TED talks.  The program will return to its regularly scheduled time of 12:45 to 2:00 and will meet in Fessenden Hall.  This week we will be exploring new expressions of atheism through philosopher and author Alain de Botton’s talk Atheism 2.0.  This form of atheism isn’t hostile to religion, but rather draws inspiration from religion.  Intrigued?  To provide another point of view for our conversation, we may also show some short video clips in which the Unitarian Universalist minister Joanna Crawford discusses her search for God.   All are invited-please rsvp your attendance by calling the church at 330-673-4247 so we can be sure to order enough pizza.


The Tradition Continues with the Easter Egg Hunt

Our Middle School Youth will again be hosting the egg hunt for younger children on Sunday, March 31st immediately following the 10:00 am Family-Friendly Easter Worship Service.  Candy-filled plastic eggs will be “hidden” on the grounds around the main building and in the backyard of the Annex.  Parents will be asked to supervise their young children.  Watch the e-nUUs, Thread and email for more details.


Community Within


Have you served on a committee in the last five years?  Did your committee read a book together?  Do you still have that book at your house?  If so, we’d appreciate it if you would bring it to the church office.  We are trying to gather the leadership books committees have used in recent years to keep them available in one central place.  That way future leaders might also benefit from these resources.  Thank you!


The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, March 12 at 7 pm in the home of Betty Kendrick.  This month we are reading The Chaperone by Laura Moriarty. This is a novel about the friendship between an adolescent, pre-movie-star Louise Brooks, and the 36-year-old woman who chaperones her to New York City for a summer in 1922, and how it changes both their lives. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.  All are welcome.


The Library committee is working toward making our collection more accessible and current. There are a number of books which have been checked out and are long overdue.  It would help us enormously if you could return them as soon as possible. We operate on a 2-week honor system, (i.e. we don’t collect fines), so we count on you to help us with prompt returns.

In addition to your donations, we try to order at least one new book a month. We always appreciate your suggestions for books  that would be of interest to the congregation, and would be a good addition to our collection.  If you can’t find a committee member, just put your suggestion(s) in the “Return” box near the entrance to the Nursery room. We consider new acquisitions at each monthly meeting.

Ann Waters, Publicity


LANDSCAPE TEAM:  The growing season is about to SPRING upon us!  Aren’t you just itching to dig in some dirt?  A few people have signed up to take charge of some areas around the church, and we have a person dedicated to mowing, but we need a few more hands to keep the workload light and the weeds at bay.  A few hours a month through the growing season is all the commitment that is needed, and there are NO MEETINGS!  Email the Georgia Quinn to sign-up.


Surprise — it’s that time of year again! Want to make a new friend in the church? Looking for a way to celebrate spring? Here is your chance! You are all invited to participate in this fun, intergenerational activity of friendship and caring! We will have a sign up table outside of the sanctuary on March 24, 31 and April 7. Participating adults will be matched with children in the congregation on April 10 and encouraged to exchange notes and artwork on Sundays, April 21 through May 12.  Adults will remain anonymous until the “big reveal” on May 19. Sign-up forms will be available until April 7.


Save the Date: Friday, April 5, 2012   7 PM

Your Basic Treasure Chest of Humor” presented by Ted Voneida and Cast


Outreach and Social Justice


This spring, we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to pass compassionate, comprehensive immigration reform. As people of faith, we must raise our voices for an immigration reform bill that promotes justice, compassion, and keeps families together. Are you interested in learning more about how we can help?  The UUA Witness Ministries and Standing on the Side of Love staff will be hosting a webinar on Wednesday, March 13, 8:00pm ET.  Please let Rev. Melissa know if you can attend the webinar and she’ll send you more information.


Thanks to everyone who supported the special collection for the water project in El Salvador.  $939.50 was raised in support of this outreach.


Close to someone with a mental illness? Attend a free program that has helped many Ohioans. The Portage County Family-to-Family Education Program will run Saturdays starting March 16, 2013 for 12 weeks. The course will be held from 9:30 a.m. to noon at The Church in Aurora, 146 S. Chillicothe Road, Aurora 44202. The program is sponsored by the Mental Health & Recovery Board of Portage County and NAMI Portage County. The course is open to anyone who has a family member or a friend with a brain disease, including schizophrenia, manic depression, clinical depression, an anxiety disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder. It is taught by local residents who have a family member dealing with mental illness. Register by March 14. Call 330-673-1756, ext 201. You can also register by emailing [email protected].

CONTACT:        Amie Cajka

Director of Community Relations

Mental Health & Recovery Board, 330 673-1756, ext. 207


Income Generation


St. Patty’s Day Potato Bar Fundraiser!

On March 17th after 2nd service we will feature a potato bar fundraiser for your enjoyment.  (If the potatoes are done around 11AM and you are hungry we’ll be glad to feed you then)

We will have hot baked potatoes with ALL kinds of toppings!  Come enjoy one topped with Corned Beef and Cabbage and don’t forget the mustard or horsey sauce!  Maybe you are a purist and want butter only, that’s fine too.  We will have butter, sour cream, scallions, cheese, bacon bits, salsa and whatever else we can think of that might be good on a potato.

Our usual donation of $6 per adult and $4 per child under 12 is all we ask!

Thank you,

Your Fundraising Committee



Another Slice of Pie
The annual Stewardship campaign is off to a rousing start.  We have already received over $69,000 in pledges!  Have you thought about yours?  In the coming weeks you will hear about how your financial commitment will help us provide the programs that change all our lives, from Sunday services to Our Whole Lives, the UU sex education program.  Many more are listed in the stewardship brochure.

For more information, look for the Stewardship table at coffee hour every Sunday through March 24.  If you would like further conversation about stewardship and the church, sign up at the table for a ‘dessert event’ or contact Kay Eckman or Marion Yeagler.

And, of course, we’re all looking forward to this Sunday’s pie raffle!  Tickets will again be $1.00 each, but any youngsters from new-born through 18 as well as any not-so-youngsters-but-young-in-spiritsters 65 years old and up will be entitled to one free raffle ticket.  What a deal, you lucky UUs–the opportunity to make your pledge and maybe win a pie, all at the same time! See you on Sunday!


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Weekly e-nUUs, February 27, 2012












Worship & Music


Services are held on Sunday mornings at 10:00 and 11:30.


Sunday,  March 3, 2013    The Changing Reputation of God

Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate John Marfy

Join us for a whirlwind tour of some major moments in the history of God.  Who has God been in the past and how does all that history inform our understanding of God today?


The UU Church of Kent Music Committee presents the Zeng Quartet (plus 1)

José Herrera has graced our sanctuary twice already with his passionate cello playing.  Our music committee is pleased to announce that José is back and this time brings an international Quintet, the Zeng Quartet (plus 1).  PLease join us for a FREE concert on March 3rd at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary.   José graduates and will to Mexico this summer, so this is one of your last opportunities to hear this beautiful music.


Celtic Clan of Kent Concert

March 16, 2013     7:00 pm

Come celebrate St. Patrick’s Eve with a family friendly concert of traditional Irish music at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent. There will be toe tapping jigs and reels, beautiful songs and dancing too!

Adults $7 donation, children 12 years and under, free.

228 Gougler Ave, Kent, OH 44240


Poetry Sunday Is Coming!

On March 17th Joe Kuemerle and Lori McGee will be leading a poetry based service and they need your ideas. Please send them any poems that are meaningful to you or that you feel would be inspiring for others. All sorts of poems are welcome.  Please submit your suggestions via email to Joe at [email protected] .  Thanks for your participation and we hope to see you at the service!



Lifespan Learning


Join the Theological Meet-Up! 

A quick way to locate theologically like-minded UUs

Would you like to find other members and friends of our congregation whose theologies are similar to yours?  Think of the possibilities… perhaps you could share names of books you’ve read, exchange viewpoints on a blog, or coordinate a time to meet and have a discussion or together engage in a practice like journaling or prayer.  You will have the opportunity to meet up with others of similar beliefs at the Theological Meet-Up to be held at two times on Sunday, March 3.  Participants can attend at either 9:15 a.m. (where a light breakfast will be offered for a goodwill donation) or at 12:40, following the second service.  Participants at the later time are invited to bring a brown bag lunch for themselves.  If you plan to attend the breakfast gathering, please RSVP to the church office by Friday, March 1 so we know how many to plan for.  Thank you.

The Theological Meet-Up event will be very simple.  Signs having the theological labels used on the spring 2012 congregational survey will be posted around Fessenden Hall.  Participants can take their coffee and snacks and gather in the location(s) of their choice and converse with the others who have selected that particular theological label.    Knowing that we are not easily labeled, individuals are not restricted to one theological location, and may visit with as many groups as desired.  It is up to the participating individuals in each theological group to decide how or whether they wish to interact with one another beyond the meet-up event.  Contact information sign-up sheets will be at each location for those who wish to have future contact with others in that specific theological group.  The event planners (the members of the Adult Religious Exploration Committee) will collect the contact information and provide email addresses to all within each group who indicate an interest in that particular theology.  The purpose of the event is simply to provide an opportunity for people to identify others in the congregation who hold similar theologies.  The rest is up to you.  Who knows, perhaps people within some groups may decide to work together in preparing a worship service explaining their theology.  If you have questions, feel free to contact members of the Adult RE Committee – Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer, Christie Anderson, Liz Erickson, Dan Flippo, Jack Graham, Joel Slater, Cheryl Spoehr, or Mary Ann Stephens.



Community Within


Have you served on a committee in the last five years?  Did your committee read a book together?  Do you still have that book at your house?  If so, we’d appreciate it if you would bring it to the church office.  We are trying to gather the leadership books committees have used in recent years to keep them available in one central place.  That way future leaders might also benefit from these resources.  Thank you!


The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, March 12 at 7 pm in the home of Betty Kendrick at 175 Graham Road, Apr. 12 in Cuyahoga Falls.  This month we are reading The Chaperone by Laura Moriarty. This is a novel about the friendship between an adolescent, pre-movie-star Louise Brooks, and the 36-year-old woman who chaperones her to New York City for a summer in 1922, and how it changes both their lives. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper at [email protected].  All are welcome.


Our Art in the Sanctuary for March is an exhibit of photos by member Georgia Quinn.  Since retiring from teaching a few years ago Georgia has been able to indulge in her passion for the out-of-doors while traveling and while volunteering for Summit County Metro Parks.  Her photos bring a little of the great outdoors inside for us to enjoy.  (All photos are available for purchase for a donation to the church.)


Pie Raffle this Sunday….see the announcement below under Income Generation!


UU & Interfaith Connections



Aesop, First UU? Seven Stories, Seven Principles  will make its congregational  performance debut and we need actors of all ages!  Written by Deb Lemire (UUCA) and Laura Conkle of The First UU of Pittsburgh, Aesop, First UU?  was developed for a workshop at Summer Institute this past summer and now we want to bring it home.

The performance will be presented as reader’s theatre (so you will have your script in hand, don’t have to memorize lines)  We will add some blocking and costumes and other fun stuff as well.

The first rehearsal will be Monday, March 4 7-8:30 pm

The second rehearsal will be Sunday, March 10, 12-2 pm

We will decide on additional rehearsals when we all meet.

The performance is Saturday, April 12, 7 pm (set up at 5 pm)

The performance and rehearsals will be at the UUCA, 3300 Morewood Rd, Fairlawn, OH (across from Summit Mall)

For over 2,000 years, Aesop’s tales have long explored the intentions of human beings and our social and personal responsibility to each other and ourselves.  And there isn’t always a happy ending. These fables create an excellent backdrop for exploring and witnessing our UU principles.

To learn more about the play or hear the performances done at SI,  you can visit the website

Let me know if you are interested in being a part of our grand debut! or have questions! contact Deb Lemire at [email protected]330-701-6887.


Outreach and Social Justice


Close to someone with a mental illness? Attend a free program that has helped many Ohioans. The Portage County Family-to-Family Education Program will run Saturdays starting March 16, 2013 for 12 weeks. The course will be held from 9:30 a.m. to noon at The Church in Aurora, 146 S. Chillicothe Road, Aurora 44202. The program is sponsored by the Mental Health & Recovery Board of Portage County and NAMI Portage County. The course is open to anyone who has a family member or a friend with a brain disease, including schizophrenia, manic depression, clinical depression, an anxiety disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder. It is taught by local residents who have a family member dealing with mental illness. Register by March 14. Call 330-673-1756, ext 201. You can also register by emailing [email protected].

CONTACT:     Amie Cajka

Director of Community Relations

Mental Health & Recovery Board, 330 673-1756, ext. 207


Income Generation


Are you ready for another slice of Pie?

Our Annual Stewardship Campaign begins Sunday, March 3rd and ends March 24th

This Sunday we will begin asking our members and friends to reflect on what this church community means to them and make a monetary pledge to this church community for fiscal year 2014, which runs July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014.

Our church is entirely self-funded, and our by-laws prevent us passing a deficit budget, so we rely on pledges and fundraising to pay for the many slices of programs and services offered.  In addition there are concrete expenses like building maintenance, salaries, supplies, utilities, etc that need to be paid in order to remain a viable community and have a place to gather and sometimes eat pie together!

Stewardship packets will be mailed out this week, and our wonderful canvassers will be making calls to discuss stewardship, the church and what it means to them.  At that time you are encouraged to share your story of what this church means to you and also commit to a pledge.

There will also be a series of dessert events available, where further discussion and fellowship is possible.  In addition to these opportunities there will be a stewardship table at coffee hour, where you can get more information, make your pledge, take part in a pie raffle or sign up for one of the dessert events.

If you have any questions about the annual stewardship campaign, please contact a member of the committee:  Kay Eckman, Marion Yeagler, Meg Milko, Laura Teagle or Sandy Eaglen.


How about cherry?  Mmm, mmm.  Yum!  But how about coconut cream?  Oooo, yes!  Well, sure, but don’t forget chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!  Darn, I just can’t decide!  What’s YOUR favorite kind of pie?  Come to the Stewardship table this Sunday and check out the possibilities–a $1.00 pie raffle ticket may win you the pie of your dreams!!  And we sure won’t complain if you want to buy more than one ticket–in fact, in the spirit of spring and new beginnings (of our FY2014 stewardship campaign!), anyone (of any age) who has a birthday in the month of March can start off with one free ticket.  Wow, what a deal!  See you at coffee hour on Sunday!

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Join the Theological Meet-Up!

A quick way to locate theologically like-minded UUs

Would you like to find other members and friends of our congregation whose theologies are similar to yours?  Think of the possibilities… perhaps you could share names of books you’ve read, exchange viewpoints on a blog, or coordinate a time to meet and have a discussion or together engage in a practice like journaling or prayer.  You will have the opportunity to meet up with others of similar beliefs at the Theological Meet-Up to be held at two times on Sunday, March 3.  Participants can attend at either 9:15 a.m. (where a light breakfast will be offered for a goodwill donation) or at 12:40, following the second service.  Participants at the later time are invited to bring a brown bag lunch for themselves.  If you plan to attend the breakfast gathering, please RSVP to the church office so we may know how many to plan for.  Thank you.

The Theological Meet-Up event will be very simple.  Signs having the theological labels used on the spring 2012 congregational survey will be posted around Fessenden Hall.  Participants can take their coffee and snacks and gather in the location(s) of their choice and converse with the others who have selected that particular theological label.    Knowing that we are not easily labeled, individuals are not restricted to one theological location, and may visit with as many groups as desired.  It is up to the participating individuals in each theological group to decide how or whether they wish to interact with one another beyond the meet-up event.  Contact information sign-up sheets will be at each location for those who wish to have future contact with others in that specific theological group.  The event planners (the members of the Adult Religious Exploration Committee) will collect the contact information and provide email addresses to all within each group who indicate an interest in that particular theology.  The purpose of the event is simply to provide an opportunity for people to identify others in the congregation who hold similar theologies.  The rest is up to you.  Who knows, perhaps people within some groups may decide to work together in preparing a worship service explaining their theology.  If you have questions, feel free to contact members of the Adult RE Committee – Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer, Christie Anderson, Liz Erickson, Dan Flippo, Jack Graham, Joel Slater, Cheryl Spoehr, or Mary Ann Stephens.

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Weekly e-nUUs, January 16, 2013

enUUs_newlogo 12.2012










Worship & Music


Services are held on Sunday mornings at 10:00 and 11:30.


Sunday, Jan. 20   Justice and Mercy

Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Joel Slater

Shall we extend justice or mercy? Or shall we extend justice and mercy? Is that even possible? That is what we will explore this morning during our annual celebration of the life and ministry of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Our service this morning will be multigenerational with children in grades 1 and higher will stay for the entire service.


Lifespan Learning


Our Director of Religious Education, Karen Lapidus, will be on vacation from Tuesday, January 23rd until Monday, January 28th.  Please contact our minister, the Reverend Melissa Carvill-Ziemer for any urgent concerns in Karen’s absence.


What Moves Us: Unitarian Universalist Theology

Co-facilitated by Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Rev. Christie Anderson

Tuesday evenings 7pm to 9pm in the Founders Lounge

January 22 – February 26

This series, begun last fall, provides an opportunity to consider the intersection of our theology and our emotions.  Each session stands alone, thus new participants are welcome to join us at any time.  No prior experience is required for this series which will be of value for both new and long tenured Unitarian Universalists.

This curriculum provides an opportunity for personal reflection and Unitarian Universalist education.  In every meeting we offer an opportunity to learn about the life experiences of some noteworthy Unitarian Universalist theologians, highlighting that which caused in them a change of heart, a new direction, new hope, and a deeper understanding of their own liberal faith.  These are offered as a launching ground for our personal theological reflection, not as an intellectual exercise, but as a process of meaning-making that equips us for living in the world.  Created by the Rev. Dr. Thandeka, the program offers a pathway for developing not only our own personal theology but also for deepening understanding of the threads of our Unitarian, Universalist, and Unitarian Universalist theological heritage.

Statements from people who participated in this class in the fall:

“ I found this adult RE class engaging because it combined the historical figures in our religious movement with the theology of our religion.”

“Taking one aspect of one prominent Unitarian or Universalist’s theology and discussing it through our present day lens’ is illuminating and spirit building in a non-academic, relaxed format.”

“Exploring theology is too often left to the theologians, while the lay members rarely get a chance to analyze and think about how to apply theological insights into their own lives.  Theology tends to be abstract and somewhat removed from day to day life, something it shares with philosophy.  But this series helps its participants to move in both directions of theology to experience and experience to theology.  How do we see the specific and individual as part of the whole, and how does the larger theological view help us to put our experiences into a larger and holier


If you are interested in participating in the What Moves Us theology class but would need childcare in order to do so, please let Rev. Melissa know.  If enough people need childcare, we will try to arrange it through the church.


The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander has been selected as the 2012-13 Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Common Read. Alexander, an attorney who is a civil rights advocate and litigator, asserts that crime-fighting policies and systems in the U.S., such as the “war on drugs” and the incarceration system, disproportionately and intentionally affect Americans of color. She describes multifaceted, lifelong discrimination and disenfranchisement that affect people who are branded “felon.”

A Common Read invites participants to read and discuss the same book in a given period of time. A Common Read can build community in our congregations and our movement by giving diverse people a shared experience, shared language, and a basis for deep, meaningful conversations.

Lee Brooker will facilitate a discussion of Michelle Alexander’s book on Thursday, 1/31 at 7:00 pm in the Annex.  The discussion is geared toward those who have read the book.  In addition, Lee would like to suggest a field trip to go hear Michelle Alexander speak at the University of Akron on Thursday, 2/7 at 7:30 pm in EJ Thomas Hall.  Her lecture is a keynote address as part of the annual Rethinking Race conference at UA.  Tickets are $10 for the general public, less for UA affiliated staff and students.  Purchase tickets at and then email the church office if you are interested in being part of a carpool to the lecture.



Community Within


Church member Becky Haines has surgery scheduled on February 12.  Until then, she isn’t able to do very much standing or walking and is experiencing a great deal of pain.  Becky is in need of help from people who are able to prepare and take her meals.  They are open to anything and have no allergies; they only ask that the meal serve four to include Bob as well as Becky’s grandchildren.  Because they will need assistance up until and for several days beyond the surgery while Becky recovers, we are sending this list out to the whole church rather than just the Helping Hands Network.  If you are able to help, please sign up on the following site   If you are able to prepare a meal but are not able to deliver it, you can deliver it to the church and we can make other arrangements to get it to Becky’s home.  Just be sure to contact the church office to let us know you will be dropping something off here.


Pancakes and Chat:  An Update on Issues  January 27 at 12:45 pm.  Join the Board following second service for pancakes and a discussion.


The Membership Team is busily working on the new church photo directory.  It is not too late for you to submit your own photo for the directory.  Please email it to Marion Yeagler.


The Library’s guest speaker for the 2013 Speaker’s Forum will be Mara DeMattia, who is researching the collection of artist, Robert Wood. Her presentation will be Sunday,February 3rd, at 3:00 P.M. in the Sanctuary followed by a discussion period. A reception will be held in Fessenden Hall after the program. This event is free and open to the public.

Robert Wood, long a singular personality in the Kent community and among area artists, died unexpectedly at the age of 68 on February 5, 2012. His large body of work includes a variety of techniques including oils, watercolors and computer generated designs. Ms. DeMattia has begun to research, document and date all paintings, record pertinent biographical information related to each work, such as location and circumstances of the work, teachers, colleagues and friends who may have been a part of his artistic circle, and any any professional exhibits in which he may have been included. The process becomes a fascinating detective project, particularly when works are scattered all over NE Ohio and the East coast. Since coming to Kent, DeMattia has had a longstanding interest in Wood’s creative output. Her initial interest was sparked by John Kluth of the John Kluth Gallery in Kent. They are working together on an Oral History of Mr. Wood as part of a planned biography of the artist.

DeMattia’s previous work as an archivist began when she was contracted by the Herman Miller Furniture Company, (Zeeland, Michigan). Over a 3-year period she organized their extensive photo collection of innovative pieces manufactured since 1917. She documented the pictures and selected images to build a visual history of the company which are now displayed throughout the company. These photos may also be found through archive codes designed by DeMattia at Greenfield Village, Dearborn, Michigan.

DeMattia received a Bachelor of Arts degree in drawing and sculpture from Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She was a volunteer Lecturer in Art History at Lorain Community College, and a set designer for area community theaters in the mid 1990’s. DeMattia lives in Kent with her husband, Rick, and their three daughters, Rosalyn, Eleanor and Lillian.


Book Reviews by MARTHA KLUTH

These books are being processed and will be available to the Congregation in February.

Greg M. Epstein, Good Without God: What a Billion Nonreligious People Do Believe. (New York, Harper Collins, c2009). 

Epstein is the humanist chaplain of Harvard University. This is a wise and warm explanation of the humanist world view. Humanism Category.

William R. Murry, Becoming More Fully Human: Religious Humanism as a Way of Life, (New Haven, Religious Humanism Press, c2011). Murry is past president of Meadville Lombard Teological School in Chicago and author of 3 previous books on liberal religion. Emphasizing what Humanism affirms rather than what it denies, this book offers religious Humanism as a personally satisfying and morally responsible way to live with meaning, hope and joy. Humanism Category.


The newly renamed Pat Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, February 12 at 7 pm in the home of Jennifer Gregg.  We will meet at the church at 6:30 to carpool. This month we are reading Beautiful Lies: A Novel by Lisa Unger.   If Ridley Jones had slept ten minutes later or had taken the subway instead of waiting for a cab, she would still be living the beautiful lie she used to call her life. But that’s not what happened. Instead, those inconsequential decisions lead her to perform a good deed that puts her in the right place at the right time to unleash a chain of events that brings a mysterious package to her door–a package which informs her that her entire world is a lie. Sexy and fast-paced, Beautiful Lies is a literary thriller. The author takes the reader on a breathtaking ride in which every choice Ridley makes creates a whirlwind of consequences that are impossible to imagine.  In March we will be reading The Chaperone by Laura Moriarty. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.  All are welcome.



UU and Interfaith Connections


Last year there was dancing in the aisles!

Whether or not that happens again, you can count on a lot of fun… an interfaith and multicultural concert celebrating the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, beginning 4 p.m., Sunday, January 20 at Kent United Church of Christ, 1400 E. Main St. Featured musical guests include The Brotherhood from the United Church of Jesus Christ in Ravenna, Choralworks from Kent Roosevelt High School and the Kent African Drum Community. The concert will be followed immediately by dinner (freewill offering requested) in the church’s VanMeter Hall.


The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Greater Canton sends a hearty thank you to UUCK for the donation we made to them for the repair of their roof after Hurricane Sandy. That donation made the difference in them being able to get the work done now, instead of having to worry about waiting for insurance money and the situation to worsen before getting it taken care of. They ended up having the entire roof replaced because the damage was so extensive and the roof in such poor shape that if they’d done only the part that was damaged, they would have had to tear that up in a few years to replace the rest of it. They are very thankful for our support.





Environmental Justice “Write a Letter” Day
The Environmental Justice Task Force is organizing a legislative advocacy event during Coffee Hour on January 20th. Issue-focused tables will offer an opportunity to write a letter which the Task Force will mail. Please consider staffing a table for an environmental issue about which you are passionate and plan to stop by during coffee hour on January 20. Contact Andrew Rome for more information.


Once again, we want to thank you for your generosity and caring!  The special collections for December have been tallied and the total donations received are as follows:

Minister’s Discretionary Fund:  $3381.30

Community Action Council of Portage County Emergency Energy Relief Fund:  $636.58



Income Generation



All ACME grocery receipts must be dated by Saturday, Feb. 9 to be eligible for the 5% cash back fundraiser. Please collect all receipts you have stashed at home, keep shopping through Feb. 9 and bring in all register tapes in by Sunday, Feb. 10. The collection box is in Fessenden Hall and is on the ACME & Giant Eagle grocery card sales table – you can’t miss it; it covered in an ACME ad!!!

Thank you for helping with the least labor intensive, easiest fundraiser ever!




The UU Church of Kent annual “Soup”er Bowl will be held in Fessenden Hall on Sunday, February 3 before, between and after services. What is the “Soup”er Bowl??? It’s an amazingly generous outpouring of donated hearty canned soups/stew/chili/ravioli and coin/cash for the Kent Social Services food pantry and hot meal program.

There will be a table, festively decorated in a football theme, ready with boxes to be filled with canned soups and other non-perishible ingredients for soup and an empty soup pot for your spare coins/cash/check or donated Acme grocery cards. ALL will be donated KSS for the hungry and food insecure of Kent.

Please help your neighbors in need.

Thank you in advance for your generosity,

Coach Bowen:)

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Weekly e-nUUs, December 12, 2012

 Worship & Music

Services are offered at both 10:00 and 11:30 AM

Join us Sunday, December 16  for Seeking Serenity

Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Sophie Smith

It is the most _________ time of the year. You fill in the blank – wondrous, exciting, beautiful, stressful, lonely, challenging. . . . This year more than one of those words might fit for you. Whichever words you choose, this service will invite you to settle into a space of serenity and just breathe peace.


Winter Solstice Service Scheduled for December 21 at 7pm

Featuring the music of the Celtic Clan and led by Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer, Director of Religious Education Karen Lapidus and Worship Associate Justin Czekaj, our Winter Solstice service will celebrate the return of the light following the longest night of the year.  This multigenerational service will include time for reflecting and rejoicing at the turning of the year.  Nursery care will be offered for children ages 3 and under.  A wassail party will follow the service.


Lifespan Learning


Leadership Education Opportunity!

The Smart Church Workshops will enable your Leaders to help shift the culture of your congregation. We begin with an overview of the concepts, then go deeper into how systems thinking will help you in various parts of congregational life, providing a foundation for real and lasting change.

Why take the Smart Church Training? Congregations whose leaders participate this training and incorporate it in their practices experience less destructive conflict and more growth.

Who should participate?
Ministers, Religious Educators, Board Members, Committee Chairs, etc.

What is the cost? $15 per Saturday or $50 for the series includes lunch and materials. Participants are also asked to have available Peter Steinke’s Congregational Leadership in Anxious Times (available during online registration).


January 12 – Systems Thinking
February 9 – Leading Change
March 16 – Smart Leadership
April 6 – Practice and Tips

Interested in Participating?  Visit



Community Within

Bailey Clegg has recently moved to WA in order to be near his sister.  If you would like to send him a note wishing him a happy holiday, please contact the office for his new address.

In addition to thinking about Bailey during this holiday season, we encourage you to remember other members and friends that have moved away.  If you need addresses, please contact the office.

Holiday Family Movie Night & Potluck Dinner, December 14  at 7 pm.  Our movie will be a forgotten gem from the nineteen forties called “Tenth Avenue Angel”. This film stars Margret O’Brien as a twelve year old girl from New York City’s poor section. The lack of social justice around her convinces her that there can be no God. She goes on a quest for the miracles taught to her by her mother, to test her faith. These include mice that transform into money, and cows that kneel in worship. If she can find just one real miracle, she will believe, if not, she will not. This is both a fun film, and a heartwarming one.  Questions?  Please contact Cheryl Spoehr.

The Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent is pleased to open its doors for a Christmas Day dinner.  You are invited to gather in Fessenden Hall for a potluck Christmas dinner on Tuesday, December 25 at 4:00pm.  The church will supply a Spiral Sliced ham and beverages.  Everyone is invited to bring a favorite dish or dessert to share and to offer a little time to help with set up or clean up.  So that we can be prepared, please sign up on the sign-up sheet in Fessenden Hall or contact the church office to let us know you will be coming, what you plan to bring and whether you can help with set up or clean up.


Our Traditional Community Tree is now in Fessenden Hall!  Each year, members and friends of this church  fill this tree with ornaments from their own homes.  Please consider sharing one of your favorites with us!  If you do, please mark it carefully with your FULL NAME so that we can be sure to return it to you after the season.


We’re still looking for Coffee Hour Volunteers!

Volunteer to be a coffee hour helper!  We need people to help with set up and with clean up.  Set up involves coming half an hour before the first service to put out snacks and help prepare the drinks.  Clean up involves staying half an hour or so after either service, primarily to wash cups.  It is more fun and lighter work if you volunteer with a friend.  So grab a friend, and contact the church office to get yourselves on the schedule.

Also, two special opportunities for social hour hosting are coming up.  We need people to organize a reception between the two services on Christmas Eve as well as a wassail party after the Winter Solstice service on December 21.  Thank you for all you do to help create Beloved Community!


Please see the notice at the end of this e-nUUs regarding Winter Weather and Program Cancellations.


The Library committee would like to thank, again, all those who supported the acquisition fund with the purchase of Here We Have Gathered. We hope your generosity has been rewarded by the compelling information it contains on current and past church life. As the end of the year approaches and tax deductions are reviewed, the Library committee would be grateful for consideration as we work to update and broaden our collection. And as always, we appreciate and actively seek your suggestions for new additions to the Library collection.


Un-Deck the Halls & Pizza Party!  January 6, 2013    12:45 PM

Bring your goodies for dessert and join us following second service for pizza.  We’ll be removing the Christmas decorations from the Church.  Please RSVP to Kathie Slater  if you plan to attend so we are assured to order enough pizza.  Thank you.


The Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, January 8 at 7 pm at the home of Betty Kendrick.  In January we’ll be sharing books we received as gifts or any book of your choice. In February, we will be reading Beautiful Lies: A Novel by Lisa Unger.   If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.


UU and Interfaith Connections


CozyCon is back again!

Escape the cold and join us for eating comfort food, gaming, watching movies, socializing with old friends and making news ones!

Where: The Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent

When: January 4-6

Who: You! And other UU Young Adults (ages 18-35)

Registration: $15-$25 (sliding scale)

Scholarship application deadline is December 14

For details, including the registration page and scholarship application, please visit: or





Poinsettias Fundraiser to Support Safer Futures & Help Decorate the Church too!

10.5” pots available in Red or White – $15.00 each

Please email your order to the Church office before December 14, 2012.

Please include  the following information with your order:


# and Color of Poinsettias

Dedication:   In honor of

In memory of

In celebration of

In appreciation for



Flowers will be available for pick-up on Christmas Eve following the 8:30 pm service.


KSS NEEDS for Holiday Cheer

We’re getting down to the wire on procuring enough items for holiday gift baskets for clients of Kent Social Services. The greatest NEED currently are $10 Acme gift cards which you can purchase at church during coffee hour and turkeys which can be delivered directly to KSS at 1066 S. Water Street in Kent between 9 am and 3 pm weekdays.

As always, your donations of non-perishable food items may be brought to church and left in the lower level closet next to the elevator. Children will be home for the winter holiday break without the benefit of school breakfast and lunch. Please consider PB & J, cereal, mac n’cheese mix, canned fruit & veggies, and canned pasta/soup to help folks feed their families during this time.

Volunteers to sort toys into age appropriate groupings are needed this week and 12/17, also between 9 am and 3 pm. Please call (330) 673 – 6963 to arrange a time.

Thank you for helping our neighbors in need; your time and donations are priceless gifts to a hungry community.

Blessings, Elaine Bowen


Income Generation


Last Sunday for the new Holiday Gift Fair is December 16th!  If you haven’t stopped in to see what is for sale, please do so either this coming during coffee hour and after second service. There are still MANY gift items to choose from and our congregation really stepped up with wonderful donations.

Thank you for your support of this UUCK tradition.


Just a reminder as you prepare for Christmas:  Acme Community Cash Back Program

Please save your ACME grocery receipts through early February so we may benefit from 5% of the Community Cash Back program. This is an easy fundraiser for UUCK. Last year, we were rewarded with $248, up from $162 the year before. Let’s aim for $300 this year!  Acme and Food Club branded items are eligible; prescriptions, alcohol and nationally branded items are not.

Bring your receipts in weekly or monthly and place them in the box covered with Acme flyers in Fessenden Hall. It’s that simple; I’ll do the rest. Questions? Contact Elaine Bowen.



Winter Weather & Church Program Cancellations


With winter weather arriving, we are aware that there may be occasions when we need to cancel programming at the church.  Though we are unlikely to need to cancel Sunday services entirely (Rev. Melissa, our minister, and Hal Walker, our music director, live within walking distance), we may choose to have only the first service if the weather or the roads indicate limiting programming.  It is more likely that we may need to cancel our religious education program in inclement weather as our Director of Religious Education, Karen Lapidus, and many of our volunteer teachers and advisors drive some distance to get to church.

If the weather or the condition of the roads cause you to wonder whether we are proceeding with our programming as scheduled, please check for cancellations before you head out.

You can check in one of three places:

  • our church’s Facebook page,
  • call the church number and listen to the message on voicemail
  • tune in to any television or radio station connected with iAlert.

Listed below are the TV stations, radio stations and websites that i-Alert notifies this year:

Television Stations powered by iAlert

WKYC-TV Channel 3
Radio Stations powered by iAlert

Newsradio WTAM 1100, AM
WMVX, Mix 106.5 FM
WMJI, Magic 105.7 FM
WGAR, My Country 99.5 FM
WMMS, 100.7 FM Cleveland’s Rock Station
WHLO, 640 AM
WKDD, 98.1 FM

90.3 WCPN ideastream
WCRF, 103.3 FM
WCLV, 104.9 FM

WKYC Severe Weather Website

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Weekly e-nUUs, December 5, 2012

Worship & Music

Services are offered at both 10:00 and 11:30 AM


Join us Sunday, December 9  for Bright Possibilities

Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate John Marfy – There was only one day’s worth of oil left in the Temple. The miracle of Hanukkah is that the oil burned for eight days. This morning we will consider again the story of Hanukkah and consider what inspiration there might be in the story for our own lives tugging at your spirit?


Winter Solstice Service Scheduled for December 21 at 7pm

Featuring the music of the Celtic Clan and led by Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer, Director of Religious Education Karen Lapidus and Worship Associate Justin Czekaj, our Winter Solstice service will celebrate the return of the light following the longest night of the year.  This multigenerational service will include time for reflecting and rejoicing at the turning of the year.  Nursery care will be offered for children ages 3 and under.  A wassail party will follow the service.



Lifespan Learning


“TED” and Pizza

for Teens and Adults Co-facilitated by The Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Joel Slater

Sunday, December 9   12:45 – 1:45 PM   Fessenden Hall

TED is a non-profit organization devoted to “Ideas Worth Spreading.”  Though it first began as a conference, many people now learn about the organization through its online TED Talks. TED Talks are offered on a wide range of topics and themes by inspiring voices in a variety of fields.  TED Talks have attracted a global audience

Please contact the office if you will be attending so we may have a head count for ordering pizza.  Thank you.



Leadership Education Opportunity!

The Smart Church Workshops will enable your Leaders to help shift the culture of your congregation. We begin with an overview of the concepts, then go deeper into how systems thinking will help you in various parts of congregational life, providing a foundation for real and lasting change.

Why take the Smart Church Training? Congregations whose leaders participate this training and incorporate it in their practices experience less destructive conflict and more growth.

Who should participate?
Ministers, Religious Educators, Board Members, Committee Chairs, etc.

What is the cost? $15 per Saturday or $50 for the series includes lunch and materials. Participants are also asked to have available Peter Steinke’s Congregational Leadership in Anxious Times (available during online registration).


January 12 – Systems Thinking
February 9 – Leading Change
March 16 – Smart Leadership
April 6 – Practice and Tips

Interested in Participating?  Visit  



Community Within


The Lost & Found is once again overflowing!

Please check in Fessenden Hall for any items that you may have left at the Church, including any serving dishes.  After Sunday, Dec. 9th any remaining items will be donated.


Looking for an easy way to serve the church and meet new people?

Volunteer to be a coffee hour helper!  We need people to help with set up and with clean up.  Set up involves coming half an hour before the first service to put out snacks and help prepare the drinks.  Clean up involves staying half an hour or so after either service, primarily to wash cups.  It is more fun and lighter work if you volunteer with a friend.  So grab a friend, and contact the church office to get yourselves on the schedule.

Also, two special opportunities for social hour hosting are coming up.  We need people to organize a reception between the two services on Christmas Eve as well as a wassail party after the Winter Solstice service on December 21.  Thank you for all you do to help create Beloved Community!


“The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” by Barbara Robinson

Dynamics Community Theater presents Barbara Robinson’s “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” on Dec 7 and 8, 2012 at 7:30 pm at the Tallmadge High School Auditorium featuring Gia and Spencer Marfy. “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” tells the story of a traditional church Christmas pageant that somehow gets hijacked by the Herdmans.  This family of misbehaving children manages to bully their way into all the best parts.

After the show you are invited to complimentary punch and cookies, and a visit from Santa.  The Tallmadge High School Acapella Choir will sing in the lobby before the show.

Tallmadge High School is located at 140 N. Munroe Rd. in Tallmadge.  Tickets are $8 for adults, and $6 for students and seniors (60+).  Tickets can be purchased by calling 330-217-1227 or by emailing [email protected].  All seating is reserved.


The Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, December 11 at 7 pm at the home of Kay Wind.  This month we are reading a Ruth Reichl book of your choice.  In January we’ll be sharing books we got as gifts or any book of your choice. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.


Holiday Family Movie Night & Potluck Dinner, December 14  at 7 pm.  Our movie will be a forgotten gem from the nineteen forties called “Tenth Avenue Angel”. This film stars Margret O’Brien as a twelve year old girl from New York City’s poor section. The lack of social justice around her convinces her that there can be no God. She goes on a quest for the miracles taught to her by her mother, to test her faith. These include mice that transform into money, and cows that kneel in worship. If she can find just one real miracle, she will believe, if not, she will not. This is both a fun film, and a heartwarming one.  Questions?  Please contact Cheryl Spoehr, e-mail c.spoehr1223.


The Library committee would like to thank all those who purchased copies of Here We Have Gathered.  We hope your generosity is rewarded by learning the rich and interesting history of our church, past and present, contained in these essays. We remain indebted to Caroline Arnold and all the contributors who worked so hard to complete this project, and to Carol Gould who covered the printing costs. Proceeds from the sale will support new acquisitions for the Library, and help fund the Library’s special event in February. All copies were sold last Sunday, but extra copies can be printed upon request. Please speak to any Library committee member if you want a copy.



Most of us have some involvement with parenting practices, whether as a parent, a grandparent, or a judgmental outsider. I think two books from the Family Life category of the church Library are especially pertinent in this area.

Living Simply With Children: a voluntary simplicity guide for moms, dads, and kids who want to reclaim the bliss of childhood and the joy of parenting  by Marie Sherlock, (New York, Three Rivers Press, c2003). It covers such topics as how (and why) to live simply and find more time to be with your children, realistic ways to reclaim your children from corporate America, and how to focus on the “good stuff” with less stuff.

The second book is Last Child in the Woods: saving our children from nature-deficit disorder, by Richard Louv, (Chapel; Hill, NC, Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, c2008 rev. and expanded ed.). From the author: “The children and nature movement is fueled by this fundamental idea: the child in nature is an endangered species, and the health of children and health of the Earth are inseparable.”

Submitted by Martha Kluth

Ann Waters, Library Publicity





Poinsettias Fundraiser to Support Safer Futures & Help Decorate the Church too!

10.5” pots available in Red or White – $15.00 each

Please email the Church office to order your flowers before Dec. 14, 2012.

Please include  the following information with your order:



# and Color of Poinsettias

Dedication:       In honor of

In memory of

In celebration of

In appreciation for



Flowers will be available for pick-up on Christmas Eve following the 8:30 pm service.



Kent Social Service Toy Drive and Gifts for Homeless Veterans Programs Ending Soon!

Our annual new toy collection will end on Sunday, December 9th.  The toys that we donate will be distributed by Kent Social Services.  They especially need toys for boys and gift cards from WalMart or Target for teens.

Our drive to collect donations to give gift cards to the veterans at Freedom House homeless shelter will end on Sunday, December 16th.  We will purchase gifts cards for the residents.   If you are writing a check, make it out to the church with “Freedom House” in the memo line.



Income Generation


The new Holiday Gift Fair got started last Sunday with a flourish.  If you haven’t stopped in to see what is for sale, please do so either this Sunday or December 16th during coffee hour and after second service. There are MANY gift items to choose from and our congregation really stepped up with wonderful donations.

We are still accepting donations for Gifts made from the Heart – handmade items like crocheted or knitted gifts, sewn or decorated items like aprons, T-shirts, potholders or cat nip toys, pottery bowls or cups, soaps, jewelry, etc.  Gifts made from the Hearth – homemade goodies like canned vegetables and fruits, jams and jellies or maybe your very own salsa.  And finally Re-gifted items that are new or like new.  Every item you donate must be tagged with a price sticker, but not to worry we will have stickers available for you to use!

We will also be taking orders for our NEW commemorative holiday ornaments.  These are special order items made just for our church!  They will sell for $15 each and we plan on introducing a new design each year!  They will be delivered on Sunday December 16th or 23rd, depending on the number ordered.  The more we order the longer it may take to make them but there shouldn’t be a problem having them in time for the Christmas Holiday.


Another new addition to the fair is a Gift Wrapping Station!  The youth will man a gift wrapping station and for a free-will donation they will be glad to wrap your holiday purchases from the Holiday Gift Fair or items you bring already boxed or packaged.  Please note we cannot handle overly large items.  Shirt box size or small electronic box is our limit.  We will have some lovely decorator gift boxes available for a small donation if you need a box or container.  All proceeds from the Gift Wrapping Station will go the RE Committee.

Any items not sold at the fair will be donated to local charities.

Thank you for your support of this UUCK tradition.


Just a reminder as you prepare for Christmas:  Acme Community Cash Back Program

Please save your ACME grocery receipts through early February so we may benefit from 5% of the Community Cash Back program. This is an easy fundraiser for UUCK. Last year, we were rewarded with $248, up from $162 the year before. Let’s aim for $300 this year!  Acme and Food Club branded items are eligible; prescriptions, alcohol and nationally branded items are not.

Bring your receipts in weekly or monthly and place them in the box covered with Acme flyers in Fessenden Hall. It’s that simple; I’ll do the rest. Questions? Contact Elaine Bowen.

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Weekly e-nUUs, November 28, 2012

Worship & Music


Services are offered at both 10:00 and 11:30 AM


Join us Sunday, December 2  for Yes!

Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Elaine Bowen – What might happen if you were to say yes to the possibilities tugging at your spirit?  This first Sunday of Advent we will consider Mary’s yes and the difference it made.


Cuyahoga River Concert Series featuring Bill Staines

UU Church of Kent

Friday, November 30 at 7:30 pm

$10 at the door



Lifespan Learning


“TED” and Pizza

for Teens and Adults Co-facilitated by The Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Joel Slater

Sunday, December 9   12:45 – 1:45 PM   Fessenden Hall

TED is a non-profit organization devoted to “Ideas Worth Spreading.”  Though it first began as a conference, many people now learn about the organization through its online TED Talks. TED Talks are offered on a wide range of topics and themes by inspiring voices in a variety of fields.  TED Talks have attracted a global audience

Please contact the office if you will be attending so we may have a head count for ordering pizza.  Thank you.


Leadership Education Opportunity! 

The Smart Church Workshops will enable your Leaders to help shift the culture of your congregation. We begin with an overview of the concepts, then go deeper into how systems thinking will help you in various parts of congregational life, providing a foundation for real and lasting change.

Why take the Smart Church Training? Congregations whose leaders participate this training and incorporate it in their practices experience less destructive conflict and more growth.

Who should participate?
Ministers, Religious Educators, Board Members, Committee Chairs, etc.

What is the cost? $15 per Saturday or $50 for the series includes lunch and materials. Participants are also asked to have available Peter Steinke’s Congregational Leadership in Anxious Times (available during online registration).


January 12 – Systems Thinking
February 9 – Leading Change
March 16 – Smart Leadership
April 6 – Practice and Tips

Interested in Participating?  Visit  


Community Within


Deck the Halls!

On Sunday December 2, immediately following the second service, the board of trustees will be holding a pizza party for everyone who would like to come help us deck the halls for the holidays.  Come for pizza and stay for an hour or two to help us make the sanctuary festive for Christmas.  Please contact the church office to let us know if you will attend so we can be sure to order enough pizza.


“The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” by Barbara Robinson

Dynamics Community Theater presents Barbara Robinson’s “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” on Dec 7 and 8, 2012 at 7:30 pm at the Tallmadge High School Auditorium featuring Gia and Spencer Marfy. “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” tells the story of a traditional church Christmas pageant that somehow gets hijacked by the Herdmans.  This family of misbehaving children manages to bully their way into all the best parts.

After the show you are invited to complimentary punch and cookies, and a visit from Santa.  The Tallmadge High School Acapella Choir will sing in the lobby before the show.

Tallmadge High School is located at 140 N. Munroe Rd. in Tallmadge.  Tickets are $8 for adults, and $6 for students and seniors (60+).  Tickets can be purchased by calling 330-217-1227 or by emailing [email protected].  All seating is reserved.


The Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, December 11 at 7 pm at the home of Kay Wind.  This month we are reading a Ruth Reichl book of your choice.  In January we’ll be sharing books we got as gifts or any book of your choice. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.


Holiday Family Movie Night & Potluck Dinner, December 14  at 7 pm.  Our movie will be a forgotten gem from the nineteen forties called “Tenth Avenue Angel”. This film stars Margret O’Brien as a twelve year old girl from New York City’s poor section. The lack of social justice around her convinces her that there can be no God. She goes on a quest for the miracles taught to her by her mother, to test her faith. These include mice that transform into money, and cows that kneel in worship. If she can find just one real miracle, she will believe, if not, she will not. This is both a fun film, and a heartwarming one.  Questions?  Please contact Cheryl Spoehr.



Kent Social Service Toy Drive and Gifts for Homeless Veterans Programs Ending Soon!

Our annual new toy collection will end on Sunday, December 9th.  The toys that we donate will be distributed by Kent Social Services.  They especially need toys for boys and gift cards from WalMart or Target for teens.

Our drive to collect donations to give gift cards to the veterans at Freedom House homeless shelter will end on Sunday, December 16th.  We will purchase gifts cards for the residents.   If you are writing a check, make it out to the church with “Freedom House” in the memo line.


Income Generation


Donations Needed Now for Holiday Gift Fair!

The kickoff of the new Holiday Gift Fair will be on Sunday December 2, 2012 during coffee hour and will run for 3 Sundays in December.  December 2nd, 9th and 16th.

The Holiday Gift Fair is a bit different from year’s past.  We are accepting donations for Gifts made from the Heart – handmade items like crocheted or knitted gifts, sewn or decorated items like aprons, T-shirts, potholders or cat nip toys, pottery bowls or cups, soaps, jewelry, etc.  Gifts made from the Hearth – homemade goodies like canned vegetables and fruits, jams and jellies or maybe your very own salsa.  And finally Re-gifted items that are new or like new.

We will also be taking orders the first two Sundays for our NEW commemorative holiday ornaments.  If you were at the Thanks 4 Giving Auction you saw a few that were generously donated by Perfect Circle Designs.  This year they feature our colorful graphic design of the church, our church name and the year 2012.  The ornaments are very pretty and look frosted!  They come in a crush proof box for easy storage.  These are special order items made just for our church!  They will sell for $15 each and we plan on introducing a new design each year!  They will be delivered on Sunday December 16th or 23rd, depending on the number ordered.  The more we order the longer it may take to make them but there shouldn’t be a problem having them in time for the Christmas Holiday.

Another new addition to the fair is a Gift Wrapping Station!  The youth will man a gift wrapping station and for a free-will donation they will be glad to wrap your holiday purchases from the Holiday Gift Fair or items you bring already boxed or packaged.  Please note we cannot handle overly large items.  Shirt box size or small electronic box is our limit.  We will have some lovely decorator gift boxes available for a small donation if you need a box or container.

Look for the donation tote in Fessenden Hall beginning this Sunday and drop off your donations for the new Holiday Gift Fair.  Every item you donate must be tagged with a price sticker, but not to worry we will have stickers available for you to use!

Thank you for your support of this UUCK tradition.


Thanks to all who continue to support the Good Search fundraiser; during Oct. 2011 – Sept. 2012  $254.67 was raised through your efforts!  

What’s Good Search? This is a fundraiser where you use Good as your search engine.  It is powered through Yahoo! and the site donates about a penny for each search.  Simply go to  and choose the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent as your charity to support.  The pennies will add up quickly if many people use this free tool.  While on the site check out and also.  If you’re an online shopper or like to eat out, many stores and vendors will donate a percentage of your purchase back to the Church and the Good Dining participating restaurants will donate a percentage of our tab back to the Church.  This is truly fundraising made easy!

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Weekly e-nUUs, October 31, 2012

Worship & Music

Services are offered at both 10:00 and 11:30 AM


Join us Sunday, November 4 for An Unexpected Gift

Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate MaryLou Holly – That is my favorite definition of grace – an unexpected gift.  This morning will serve as an introduction to the theme of grace.  What other definitions are there?  What is grace all about?  How do we make space for it in our lives?


Lifespan Learning and Spiritual Growth & Development


The KentHogwarts Yule Ball is coming on November 10th!  Come join us for a family evening of music, dancing and fun.  The Yule Ball will be held at the United Church of Christ at 1400 East Main Street Kent, OH

44240 from 6:00 to 9:30 PM.  Wear your best robes for the fashion show and bring your wand for the dueling competition.  Please bring a dish to share, KentHogwarts will be providing the paper goods and beverages.  We are requesting a $5 per person/$15 a family donation for tickets and you can get tickets during coffee hour, online at or email us at [email protected] .


Many thanks to all who helped make the Halloween Party wonderful!

Hey middle school youth, high school youth, youth group advisors, middle school teachers, parents, RE Committee members, song-leaders, dish-washers, game-leaders, overnight chaperones costume-wearers and clean-up crew ~~ thanks for making our annual Halloween Party and Haunted House such a wonderful, fun-filled event!


Community Within


New UU Classes in November
Everything you wanted to know about the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent in particular and Unitarian Universalism in general, but were afraid to ask.  Well, maybe not everything, but we try to give you an overview, a starting point.  Some history of both, some organizational details. Come join the conversation.  And, if you’re curious about membership, this is the place to be.

Part 1 will be on Sunday, Nov 11, from 9-11 am. Part 2 will be on Sunday, Nov 18, from 9-11 am.  You may attend one or both, although attendance at both is encouraged.  Different topics will be covered in each.  We will gather at the Annex, the yellow house next to the church.  If you have any questions, contact Claudia Miller or Marion Yeagler.


The Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, November 13 at 7 pm at the church. Look for the exact location in the weekly publications. Everyone should bring a snack to share. This month we are reading On the Divinity of Second Chances by Kaya McLaren. In this book, McLaren portrays a family on the brink of dissolution-a mother besieged by middle age, a distant father lost in daily life, and their three teenage children struggling in various ways with the family’s disintegration even as they conceal a secret that could send their parents further over the edge. With the help of a group of tap-dancing old ladies, a sensual tango teacher, and a lot of luck, this family is about to learn that everyone gets a second chance which, as McLaren beautifully reminds us in this inspiring novel, is sometimes even better than the first. In December we will be reading a Ruth Reichl book of your choice.  If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.


Attention congregation!  The battery container is filling up again.  I am looking for a volunteer who might be able to take the current contents to a recycling site in Canton.  Unfortunately the site is only open on Wednesdays from 9-2 and my job schedule will not allow Wednesday visits from me until sometime in December.   The batteries might possibly be flowing out into the street by then!  Please drop me an email if you are interested in helping out.  I will fill you in on the necessary details.  Thanks so much.

Missy O’Hara


HOT OFF THE PRESS : VOLUME 2  of Here We Have Gathered. Copies will be for sale after each Sunday service, beginning with Nov. 4th and will  continue to the end of the month. Each inital copy is $4.00; additional copies are $2.00. The contributors to this volume genersouly consented that profits from the sale should go to the Library acquisition fund. Please support the Library; these would make excellent fgifts for former members who still have a connection to the Kent church.

If “we are the sum of all who were and present in our lives”, then this collection of essays is a strong testimonial to the continuing energy of our church. Included are essays about prayer (Robert Fildes), a former minister, Violiet Kochendoerfer (Caroline Arnold and Robert Fildes), Hogwarts (Joel Kuemerle and Karen Lapidus ) UU response to hydrofracking (Paulette Thurman), the  Kent Area Sanctuary Group (Ted Voneida), a commentary about the spiritual and practical power of our present church (Paul Cox), and a loving memorial to Gordon Vars (Mary Ann Kasper).  These are strong statements on the history of our church, past and present.

The Library Committee is proud to sponsor this project.




The Environmental Task Force (former Social Justice Committee) is co-sponsoring an ANTI-FRACKING TEACH-IN along with Frack-Free-Kent on Nov. 9 at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary.  FFK is the group that submitted a Community Bill of Rights Ordinance to Kent City Council last spring in an attempt to ban fracking and its related activities in Kent.
Vanessa Pesec, President of NEOGAP – Network for Oil & Gas Accountability & Protection – will speak on “Effects of Fracking on Urban Areas”.  Also, Fran Teresi, Trustee, Garrettsville Board of Public Affairs, will speak on “Protecting Our Public Drinking Water.”  Both are good speakers and will have time to answer questions.  Snacks and beverages will be available.

Questions? Call Ted & Swanny Voneida or Paulette Thurman.


Holiday Giving Traditions Continue

This year the RE Committee will again be sponsoring two winter holiday giving opportunities.

  1. Again we will be collecting new toys which will be distributed by Kent Social Services to families in Portage County.  There will be a donation box in Fessenden Hall starting on Sunday, November 11th through Sunday, December 2nd.
  2. Each year we support one of the two homeless shelters in Kent, either Miller Community House or Freedom House.  This year we will support the shelter for homeless veterans, Freedom House.  Our monetary donations will go toward purchasing gift cards from area stores to be given as Christmas presents to the veterans from us.  Collection will take place from Sunday, November 11 through Sunday, December 16th.



Thanksgiving is coming upon us quickly (Nov. 22) and the Kent Social Services Food Pantry is in need of donations for holiday food baskets for clients. While out doing your own shopping, please (pretty please???) consider the following: canned vegetables and sweet potatoes, canned fruit & cranberry sauce, mashed potato flakes or scalloped potato mix, box stuffing mix, cake mix, gelatin mix, and any type of turkey gravy – jar, can or dry mix. Please leave your item(s) in the lower level closet next to the elevator or on the sanctuary level outside the elevator. I’ll do the rest.

If you prefer, $10 gift cards for either Acme or Giant Eagle are most welcome to purchase perishible items AND you can buy & donate those during coffee hour between services right at church!!!

Thank you in advance for your generosity and blessed be,

Elaine Bowen


Income Generation


The numbers are in!  Beef O’Brady’s fundraiser brought in $267.35!  Wow…not bad for a Sunday dinner and bake sale.  Thanks to all who supported this event either by baking or eating out.  You are all very much appreciated!


Thanks 4 Giving Auction . . . A Taste of Kent. . . WE NEED YOU!

We’ve been busy working behind the scenes to bring you an exciting night full of new items and new ideas.  We we secured a new auctioneer, then we asked local restaurants and businesses to provide new food offerings and they came through big time!  After that we decided to try a new layout of the hall to give us more room.  We have free babysitting provided by an adult and older youth.  We even have a photo booth to commemorate your evening.

We procured awesome donations from businesses far and wide with a lot of NEW businesses donating this year like Disney, The Works, Cleveland Rock & Roll Hall of Fame & Museum, Kent Lanes, Subway, ProTech Auto Body, Kent Karate & Family Fitness martial arts school and more!  For your convenience, see the attached list of available items.

And Hal Walker is donating an opportunity for you to host a Hal Walker House Concert! Wow!

YOU have generously donated a plethora of items and services and the much sought after dinners and outings for the auction.  Now all we need is YOU to come and enjoy all the fun!  It’s a great way to support the church, hang out with fun people and fill up your social calendar.

Tickets are only $20 and are available at the door.  The festivities begin this Saturday, November 3 at 6pm at the United Church of Christ on Horning Rd.

See you there!


NEW Thank You Cards for our local businesses that supported our auction!

We created business size cards for you to take and keep in your wallet or car to hand in when you are shopping or eating at one of the many businesses around town that supported our auction.

Some will be given out Saturday at the auction and extra’s will be available on the bulletin boards around the church.  A list of supporting establishments will be posted on the bulletin boards and a PDF will be posted on the website so you can review it when heading to Kent or local areas.  Please help us thank the people who donated to our church by letting them know we are supporting their efforts too!

We suggest you leave one for the manager when you are checking out at local stores and leave one with your bill when you eat out at a supporting restaurant.  Knowing we appreciate them will help us maintain our relationship and get our name out into the community in an easy and positive way.

Meg Milko

Thanks 4 Giving Auction Chair

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