Weekly e-nUUs – January 11th

Navigating the Waters: Social Media and Middle Schoolers

A Panel Discussion presented Saturday, Jan. 14th  , 10:00 am – 12:00 pm in Fessenden Hall at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent which is free and open to the public.

Flyer for Panel Discussion (right click to download to you your computer)


January 15, 2012  Sunday Services:  A Dangerous Vision?  

Led by: Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Bonnie Harper

Every year we take another look at the vision that inspired the ministry of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Many people remember King talking about his dream; fewer remember when he began saying that his dream had become a nightmare. This morning we will explore what he meant by that and what meaning his message still has today.


Congregational Information Meeting Scheduled between services on Sunday, January 15

The Feasibility Team recently had another meeting with Doug Fuller and Tim Coerver of Fuller Design Group.  We don’t yet have final financial estimates for our proposed sanctuary reorientation project; we hope to have final figures by the end of January.  However, we do have many updates to share about our recent asbestos survey and the forensic analysis the Fuller Design Group completed as well as initial sketches of how the reoriented sanctuary and balcony levels would look upon completion.  Please plan to attend the brief congregational meeting held between services on January 15 for more information.



Amid the recent seasonal festivities the Social Justice Social Hour I proposed to take place during second service got OBE.  No, not an Out-of-Body-Experience , or even the Order of the British Empire (though we can always hope) but an old military term “Overtaken By Events.”

I’d like to try again, beginning 11:15  this Sunday January 15, in Fessenden Hall.

These will be informal friendly discussions – no programmed topics, agendas or speakers — about how we as churches, communities and social entities deal with issues of common justice and the common good.

I plan to facilitate – not lead – explorations of ideas of both substance and process. We won’t be limited to certain topics, nor excused from controversial ones. We will tackle timely and difficult issues – drone killings, campaign practices, WikiLeaks, abortion, gun control, sexual abuse, nuclear energy & weapons, predatory capitalism.

My hope is that these discussions may help us get to know one another and our priorities, generate conviviality and solidarity within the church, and create a little more focus and direction on the moral, political, economic and environmental parameters of the justice and injustice we face as a church and as citizens of a world community.

See the December Chalice Flame for more details.

Caroline Arnold


Denominational Affairs Meeting

On Jan. 15th after 2nd service a Denominational Affairs open meeting will take place in the Annex to solicit input for the UUA congregational certification section on social justice.  We will review the list of potential new study action ideas to be voted on at the Phoenix GA and develop a response for the Commission on Social Witness on our work on Immigration Reform study action issue.  Details of what we will be doing can be found using this link:http://www.uua.org/statements/index.php

All are welcome.

Mac Goekler


Our Participation in the Guest At Your Table Program Ends This Sunday.

We are joining Unitarian Universalists across the country in supporting the work of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee by our participation in their “Guest At Your Table” program.  Doing so allows us to both financially support and learn about our service committee’s human-rights work and to read this year’s featured “Stories of Hope”.  Our donations in support of this program will be collected during the worship services on Sunday, January 15th.  If you used a GAYT collection box, please convert the cash to a check.  Donations envelopes will be available.  Please make checks payable to UUSC or Unitarian Universalist Service Committee.


Big Changes in Our Nursery Promote Comfort and Safety

Due to our recent baby boom, we now need more space for the nursery.  The Library Committee has graciously allowed us to expand into their former space (the library is now housed in Founders’ Lounge).  This will help us eliminate the crowded conditions and allow us to better care for our littlest Unitarian Universalists.  Please stop in before or after the services to admire the spaciousness!


The Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, January 17 at 7 pm in the home of Betty Kendrick at 175 Graham Rd. Apt. 12 in Cuyahoga Falls.  This month we are reading Winter Garden by Kristen Hannah. The dying wish of a loving father ignites a family drama that brings two sisters and their acid-tongued, Russian-born mother together in a story that reaches back to WWII.  In February we will be reading Caleb’s Crossing by Geraldine Brooks. In 1665, a young man from Martha’s Vineyard became the first Native American to graduate from Harvard College. Upon this slender factual scaffold, the author has created a luminous tale of love and faith, magic and adventure. In April we will be reading the book Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghesse. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.

Spiritual Cinema will meet in Fessenden Hall on Jan.18th.,at 7:30 P.M.  Our movie will be “Monty Python’s Life of Brian”.  This is an R-rated movie; teens are welcome with parental consent.  After the film we will have a short discussion of the ideas within it.  Light snacks will be provided.  If you have any questions contact Cheryl Spoehr.

A Chance To Live Your Values!

The Coming Of Age program at the Kent UU church challenges 8th, 9th and 10th graders to begin the important passage into adulthood through discussion and activities.  As one of their activities the group is going to prepare and serve a meal for Kent Social Services.  They need donations to purchase food items.  Randy Leeson will be manning a table in Fessenden Hall during coffee hour on January 8, 15, 22, and 29.  He will graciously receive your donations for this wonderful growing opportunity.

The Annual UU Chili Cook Off is coming January 29th.  Cooks can register their chili in one of four different categories:  best meat, best vegetarian, most exotic, and hottest.  Cooks want to remember that having enough food for people will allow people to vote for your chili.  If you come to eat, adults are $5 and children 10 and under are $3.  That will get you a ballot and the opportunity to sample as many chilies as you want.  There will also be chips and sauces available as well as drinks.

Peter and the Wolf Puppet Show will be presented on January 29th in the Sanctuary at 2:45 pm, following the Chili Cook-off.   Come see this classic tale brought to life by Heidrun Hultgren.  Donations with benefit the UU Church of Kent.


Art in the Sanctuary

We can still use one or two exhibits for this February through April.  May is a month when RE art is displayed. If there is anyone who would like to do an art or craft exhibit, who knows of an artist who would be willing to exhibit or who has a collection of art they would be willing to show, contact John Kluth.


UUCK 6th Annual “Soup”er Bowl

Sunday, Feb. 5 is the date for our annual “soup”er bowl to collect cans of hearty soup (as well as chili, stew & ravioli) and cash/coin for Kent Social Services. Please bring your cans and all your spare change that you’ve saved during January on Sunday, Feb. 5 and look for the football themed table in Fessenden Hall – before, between and after services. Make a donation and enter to win a pot of homemade soup of your choice from Creative Cuisine. It’s a win-win game!

Questions? E-mail Coach Bowen.

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