Weekly e-nUUs – February 22, 2012

February 26th Music Sunday:   Courageous Dissent

Led by: The Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer along with Worship Associate Kathy Kerns Have you ever found yourself tongue tied when you wanted to speak out in opposition? Have you ever been so opposed to an action that you just felt you had to do something? Today we will hear stories and songs about the courage it takes to take a stand.


Special Collection for Sunday, February 26th :  Hartville Migrant Ministries

The Hartville Ohio agricultural area has a seasonal influx of migrants who have been served by the Hartville Migrant Ministries for over a decade.  375 migrants and their families are provided with medical care, adult and children’s education, outreach, transportation, and a store where they can buy essentials.  Our UU Association has taken on a four year study action of “Immigration as Moral Issue” as well as conducting a special “Justice General Assembly” this coming June in Phoenix (where we will address Arizona’s anti-immigrant laws and attitudes).  It seems only fitting that we support our local migrant workers and their families at this time.


Puppet Show:  Peer Gynt    Sunday, Feb. 26  at 12:30 pm In the Sanctuary

Adapted from the Play by Ibsen with music by Edvard Grieg and presented  by Heidrun Hultgren.  All donations to benefit the UU Church of Kent.


MARK THE DATE:  Sunday, February 26th at 3 P.M. in the Sanctuary.  The Library Speaker’s Forum will host Dr. Daniel Roland from the Kent State University School of Library and Information Science. Before beginning his academic career, Dr. Roland was a Methodist Minister in Kansas. His current research involves information and religion. He speaks about it as follows:   “The lack of information causes uncertainty. Uncertainly causes fear. Fear causes religion. Creating information and the better means to access information reduces uncertainty. The reduction of uncertainty leads to a reduction in fear. A reduction in fear leads to a reduction in religion and the potential increase in spirituality, which is not based on fear but rather on the informed awareness of the vast richness of life. So my research focuses on the use of information to generate or alleviate fear.”

The Library Committee is excited about Dr. Roland’s presentation and its potential for a lively Q&A session with discussion.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Ann Waters, Library Publicity


Stewardship Canvasser Team Training sessions will be offer on Sunday, Feb. 26th @ 12:30 pm in Eldredge Annex and again on Wednesday, Feb. 29th @ 7:30 pm in Fessenden Hall.


“There’s Always Room for Pie!”

Now, honestly, who doesn’t love a good piece of pie?  Cake is great, but isn’t pie even better?  We’re smiling in anticipation as we appeal to your sweet tooth to get involved in our pie-themed 2012 Kent UU stewardship campaign.  Of course we’ll soon be asking for your pledges, too, but our first request is for your favorite pie recipes–apple, custard, coconut cream, pecan–we want them all!

Please join us as we start getting our ingredients together–send pie recipes to the church office, [email protected].  Hope to hear from you soon!


What are you passionate about?

Do you have an idea for a Sunday service?  The Sunday Program Committee is currently soliciting proposals for Sunday services in the Spring and Summer.  You can find a proposal form on our web site at:  //kentuu.org/docs/spc/sunday-proposal-e-form.pdf.  You can also contact Lois Weir  to discuss your idea and get some assistance with formulating it into a service.  You have something to say.  Share it with your church community!


The middle school youth have been learning about justice this year as a part of their curriculum “Heeding the Call: Qualities of a Justicemaker.”  Using the democratic process—and with concern for the interdependent web of existence—they have chosen a social responsibility project for the rest of the year.

Inspired by a video by rapper Jay Z, they have decided to raise money and awareness for the human right to water.  They are planning to make items out of duct tape and sell them…the proceeds going to help the global water crisis.

What we need from you: 

  • If you have duct tape you would like to donate (the more colorful, the better!) please contact Karen Lapidus, or drop it off in the Middle School classroom.  (1st room to your right, upstairs classroom level)
  • Watch for the duct tape and other fundraisers to help support this noble cause!

Thank you!
The Middle School Class and Teachers


The Social Justice Committee will hold its monthly meeting on Sunday, March 4th  in the Eldredge Annex immediately following second service. We are currently working on issues like fracking and various issues of economic justice. All are invited to attend as we embark on the important work of striving to make a difference. We hope that you will consider joining us in this journey to walk our faith and put words into action. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, Sally Burnell, Social Justice chairman.

With great sadness we announce the passing of a former member of our Church, Beth Sholtis.  Recently Beth was living in Fresno, CA and has been teaching a Women’s Studies course at a local community college.  Beth’s family will be conducting a funeral in Beth’s hometown of Ashtabula, OH — we will share details as they become available.

Mac Goekler


KC Pallone will be available during the coffee hour and after 2nd service in founders lounge on March 4 to answer questions about the new CUUPS group. Please see her with any questions or comments. She will have a sign-up sheet available for those that are interested in learning more about or joining the group. You do not have to be Pagan to join the group and all are welcome. KC will be speaking at the CUUPS potluck dinner on March 9 in Fessenden Hall at 6:30 and more detailed information will be presented at that time. Following the dinner there will be a short Full Moon ritual for those that are interested in joining. Thank you.


The Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, March 13, at 7 pm in the home of Betty Kendrick.  Thank you, Betty for helping us out this winter with an accessible place to meet.  Those attending should bring a snack to share.

We have been reading fairly serious/heavy novels in recent months.  We decided on a fun, light book for March. We will be reading Home to Woefield by Susan Juby. Prudence Burns, a well-intentioned New Yorker full of back-to-the-land ideals, just inherited Woefield Farm–thirty acres of scrubland, dilapidated buildings, and one half-sheared sheep. But the bank is about to foreclose, so Prudence must turn things around fast and thus our story.

In April we will be reading the book Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghesse. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.


Thank You!

Dear UU Church of Kent Congregation – We want to let you know how much we appreciate your support of our project!  At this time we have reached our goal and we could not have done it without you.

Thank you! Project Vietnam

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