The Blessing of 150 Years – May 29, 2016

uu church old-Edit-X2Led by Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer and Worship Association Carolyn Schlemmer

On May 27, 1866, 19 men and women officially founded the First Universalist Church of Kent and affixed their names to a constitution of their creation. Their creation has been shaped and molded by the ones who followed them and now by us, but the core of it remains and continues to be a blessing for so many people.  This morning we lift up our gratitude for the ones who came before as we celebrate our 150th anniversary.

Services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM.  Nursery Care is available for all services.

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Giving and Receiving Love – May 22, 2016

i-beg-your-pardon-1272744_640Led by OWL Participants and Leaders

Service Description: Come join us as we explore the definition of healthy relationships and share the voices of those who have been blessed by OWL (Our Whole Lives – a Unitarian Universalist curriculum for offering comprehensive sexuality education across the lifespan).


Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 am.  Nursery care is available for all services.

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You Owe Me – May 15, 2016

sun and the earth using public domain image from pixabayLed by Intern Minister Dave Clements and Worship Associate  Elaine Bowen

“And still, after all this time, the sun never says to the earth, “You owe me.” Look what happens with a love like that, it lights the whole sky.”-  (Rumi).  Come and explore this concept of, “How to be a Blessing.”  You can choose to live a meaningful life; one that’ll make the world move forward, touching the lives of others in a positive way.  Being a blessing to others can lift you up. When you are lifted up you lift up others as well!

Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 am.  Nursery card is available for all services.

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Annual Meeting of the Congregation

churchbuildingBrad'sAnnual Congregational Voting Meeting

Sunday, June 5   

12:45 PM in the Sanctuary

Your attendance is important as a quorum will be required for voting matters. Need an absentee ballot?  Contact [email protected]

 The Information Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 31 at 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary.

Click to Download the Annual Meeting Packet (Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer) Finish Reading: Annual Meeting of the Congregation

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How to Receive a Blessing – May 8, 2016

clasped-hands-541849_640 pixabayLed by Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer and Worship Associate Becky Cline

John O’Donohue also says that “Whenever you give a blessing, a blessing returns to enfold you.”  For some, the act of receiving a blessing is harder than giving one.  How can we open ourselves more fully to receive the blessings that come to us?


Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM with Nursery care available for all services.

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How to Give a Blessing – May 1, 2016

woman-praising-sunset publicdomainpictures.netLed by Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer and Worship Associate Lisa Thiel

In his book To Bless the Space Between Us, John O’Donohue suggests that blessing “is a way of life, a lens through which the whole world is transformed.”  We will start our reflection upon the meaning of blessing by considering what it takes to prepare.  How can we give blessings?

Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM with Nursery care available for both services.

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