e-nUUs – October 4, 2017

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Click to Open this week’s e-nUUs!  (Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)


Headlines from this week’s announcements:

  • Blessings of Religious Community – October 8
  • More Alike than Different – October 15
  • RE Teacher Teams – October 8
  • Halloween Party and Haunted House – October 21
  • Middle and High School Youth Halloween Planning
  • REPEAT Information Session – October 8
  • Table Top Game Night – October 14
  • Volunteering is Belonging: Come to the Ministries Fair – October 15
  • Social Hour Coffee Volunteers Needed
  • Plant-based Vegan Potluck – October 6
  • No Parking Worries for UUCK!
  • Special Collection Thank you
  • Hurricane Relief Drive – October 6 – 20
  • Tutors Needed
  • Democracy Day – October 5
  • Big Brother & Big Sister Mentors Needed
  • Save the Date: Beyond Categorical Thinking – November 11


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