e-nUUs – August 21, 2019

Click to Open this week’s e-nUUs!(Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)

Headlines from this week’s announcements

  • From Rev. Steven and the Board
  • Summer Sundays — one service at 10 AM through September 1
  • Let America be America Again – Sunday, August 25
  • From the Church Library – References from August 18 service
  • Summer Chalice Group – August 21
  • News and Important Dates from RE
  • Calling All Teachers (RE)
  • Church Clean-up and Landscaping Work Day – September 7
  • Attention All Committee and Groups: Shared Ministries Fair
  • Plant-based Potluck – September 6
  • Landscaping Workday Plan
  • Home Permaculture Workshop
  • UUCK Financial Update
  • Acme Community Cash Back fundraiser
  • August Special Collection – August 25
  • Social Justice Letter Writing – September 8
  • Dances of Universal Peace – September 12
  • Social Justice Leadership Award
  • Represent UUCK at Akron Pride March – August 24
  • Annual Senior Service Day in Kent
  • UUJO August News
  • UUMFE Advancing Economic and Climate Justice: UU Convergence in Washington, DC – September 15-17
  • CER Money Myth Busters – Stewardship Workshop – November 2 (UU Congregation of Erie, PA)
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