e-nUUs – April 14, 2021

Click here to open this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

Worship & Music

  • Services offered each week via Zoom! 
  • Vespers  – Wednesdays, 7 PM 
  • Speaking for the Trees – Sunday, April 18
  • Music Sunday: Church of What We Know – Sunday, April 25
  • From the Library: Service References for April 11

Lifespan Learning

  • RE Classes – April 18

Income Generation

  • Pledge Campaign Important Update
  • Mind the Gap Auction
  • UUCK Talent Show recording

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • UUA Common Read – Breath, A Letter to My Sons
  • April Special Collection information

Community Within

  • Annual Information Meeting – April 25
  • Why does Membership matter?
  • ALL Committee/Program Annual Reports – due now!

Opportunities for Social Connections

  • Schedule for Social Connections – April 1
  • Retiree’s Group

UU, Interfaith, & Community Connections

  • Invitation to “Today’s Young Leaders Pursing Social Justice”
  • CER Summer Institute
  • New Day Rising Resources
  • General Assembly registration is open
  • Volunteer opportunities at General Assembly
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