e-nUUs – March 23, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

From Rev. Steven

  • Multi-platform services continue

From the Board

  • Revised In-Person Health & Safety Policy

Worship & Music

  • Services offered each week via Zoom
  • Spirit of Life – Sunday, March 27
  • Buddha: “I Am Awake!” – Sunday, April 3
  • Wake, Now My Senses – Sunday April 10
  • Sunday Greeter sign-up

Job Posting Extended

  • Music Director Pro Tempore – Application deadline extended

Lifespan Learning

  • RE Classes via Zoom Sunday, March 27
  • RE Classes returns to in-person, Sunday, April 3
  • Our Whole Lives (OWL) Parent/Child Orientation – Sunday, March 27
  • An opportunity to Invest in our Youth

Income Generation

  • Roots & Wings: Pledge drive update
  • Save the Date for the Service Auction!

Community Within

  • Thank you!
  • ALL LEADERS: Annual Reports due 4/10
  • Congratulations, Ellen!

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Community Hot Lunches – Join the UUCK Team
  • Environmental Justice Book Read
  • Race4Justice Book Club – April 20
  • March’s special collection: United Help Ukraine
  • April’s special collection: International Institute of Akron
  • Votes have been tallied for the organizations to receive special collections

UU, Interfaith, & Community Connections

  • Freedom Summer: A KIFA virtual film and discussion – March 24
  • The “T” in LGBTQIA+ – March 24
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