Weekly e-nUUs, April 25, 2012

Where Does it Come From? Where Does it Go? 

Learn more about most precious resource: Fresh Water

Join Kent Council Member, Heidi Shaffer on two fascinating Water Plant Tours on Saturday, April 28th, 10 am -2 pm.

Meet in the church parking lot at 10 am. Light Lunch provided.

There’s room for a few more for a small donation to the church!

Please RSVP by Friday  to [email protected] or 330-673-4247



We are looking for bakers to donate treats for a bake sale to be held in conjunction with the April 28th book sale.  Contact Sandy Bowers if you can participate. .


The Big, Bad Book Sale is Ba-aaack!

Hello, fellow bibliophiles . . . time to clear out your bookshelves, the stacks next-to your favorite chair and from under your bed. The book sale is coming . . . Saturday, April 28 from 9am to 2pm with sorting Wednesday, 4/25 and set-up Friday, 4/27 from 6p to 9p.  We need:

  • donated books to sell – bring them to church beginning Sunday, 4/22 (Earth Day)
  • volunteers for sorting, set-up and sales
  • customers! Please invite your friends and neighbors ~ we can use all the free advertisement we can get!

To volunteer, please contact Elaine Bowen at eybowen@ yahoo.com – sorters, set-uppers and sellers are permitted pre-sales.  NOTE: please refrain from donating old encyclopedias, texts, Readers’ Digest Condensed books or anything really musty/moldy – if you wouldn’t buy it, we can’t sell it!  Thanks – Elaine Bowen.


Kent Bog State Nature Preserve Bog Walk  – Saturday April 28, 2012 at 1:00 pm

Join the staff of the Ohio Department of Natural Resource’s Division of Natural Areas and Preserves and “The Friends of the Kent Bog” volunteers on Saturday, April 28, 2012 at 1:00 pm for a guided hike through one of Ohio’s most unique ecosystems. The walk will be lead by Emliss Ricks, retired ODNR district preserve manager for northeast Ohio, and by ODNR naturalist, Adam Wohlever.  A kiosk that honors Gordon Vars’ contributions to the Kent Bog has recently been installed at the entrance of the bog walk.  There is no “ceremony” planned at this time, but the kiosk will be mentioned as well as the fact that Gordon kept it replenished with seasonal guides.There will be refreshments served and educational materials about the bog available.

This free hike will last approximately one hour and winds through a half-mile long boardwalk that is ADA accessible. Kent Bog is located on Meloy Rd. approximately 1/8 of a mile west of S.R. 43 in Kent. Parking is limited so you are encouraged to car pool.

For more information contact the ODNR Northeast Preserve District office at (330)-527-5118 or visit them on the web at: naturepreserves.ohiodnr.gov



Ted Voneida will appear right here in the church, as President Harry Truman. in the play “Give ‘Em Hell, Harry” on Saturday, April 28th, at 7 p.m.  After intermission (with Swanny’s cheesecake), his special guest, Julia Child will present some of her very own special recipes, and as a grand finale’, several well-known UU Thespians will present some readings from James Thurber.  All in all, it should be a wonderful evening of theatre, and  the ridiculously low ticket price of $12 will all go toward boosting our church budget.  It’s a win-win situation, and we hope to see many of you there.


Sunday, April 29, 2012     Grateful for the Changemakers

Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Bonnie Harper –

So often our conversations about the demands of justice can become difficult or even depressing. To be grounded in the quest for justice as a religious person is to be grounded in a vision that sustains hope. Sunday morning we will lift up stories of people creating change, people who are helping us find a way and the will to travel the way we have found. In addition, we will lift up gratitude for people who help us become the change we want to see.


Attention all Surprise Friends,

The day is fast approaching when you will discover the identity of your surprise friend.  The “Big Reveal” is this Sunday, April 29. All Surprise Friends meet in the Sanctuary after First Service, approximately 10:35. This may mean arriving at church earlier than usual.  Please bring a small gift for your friend ($5 maximum).


Attention All Leaders and Committee Chairs: Your time is running out!

During our stewardship campaign the many, many activities, committees and programs of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent were highlighted while introducing the new program budget.  Now it’s time for committee chairs and program leaders to summarize this past fiscal year for the Annual Meeting Packet.  Deadline for your Annual Reports is Monday, April 30th.  Please submit or email reports to MaryBeth at [email protected].  Thank you.


May Spiritual Cinema: A Man From Earth

May 4, 2012 at 7:00 PM

A detailed description and location information can be found at:  kentuu.org


Religious Education Sunday will be celebrated on May 6th.

RE Sunday is the time when our children share what they have experienced throughout the year with the congregation. During the 9:30 service, there will be a bridging ceremony to mark major development milestones for many of our children and youth.  The 11:15 service will include presentations from each of the classes as well as a ceremony of appreciation for our teachers. Join us for what will surely be a lively, fun-filled worship experience.  It is important that the children attend their RE classes from now until May 6th so that they are well-prepared to participate fully in the worship service.  


Hi!  You may have heard, the church is hosting a Tupperware Fundraiser on May 6th at 12:30pm in Fessenden Hall. All are welcome.  If you are unable to attend but are still interested in supporting this fundraiser, check out the announcement on the Church’s website:  kentuu.org  for information on how to shop online.


The Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, May 8 at 7 pm

Detailed information can be found in the Sunday Thread from the Web inserted in the Order of Service.


Wondering what the new CUUPS group is up to? Join us on May 11 at 630PM for a potluck dinner and CUUPS meeting held in Fessenden Hall.   More information is available in the Sunday Thread from the Web inserted in the Order of Service.


Wand Walk at Towners Woods in Ravenna on May 12th. Meet in the park parking lot at 12 noon for a hike and search for your perfect wand. At 2 PM we will meet back at Fessenden Hall to make your wand all your own!  More information is available in the Sunday Thread from the Web inserted in the Order of Service.


Middle School Youth Pool Party!

Swimming! Volleyball! Food!

When: Saturday, May 19 from Noon – 2:30pm

Where: Kent State Student Recreation and Wellness Center  1550 Ted Boyd Drive, Kent, OH

$10 includes admission, lunch and snacks (Scholarships available)

Registration/Permission/Fees due Sunday, May 13


From the Library 

The Library is in serious need of a 2 – 3yr. old laptop in good working order with Windows 7 and at least 1 USB port. Please speak to any Library committee member if you have one you could donate to facilitate the cataloging of our rapidly expanding collection.  Committee members are, Martha  Kluth, Carolyn Schlemmer, Kathy Wilen, Matt Cox, Andrew Bores and Ann Waters.

Thanks to the generosity of Denise Snyder-Markovich, the Library now has copies of the following periodicals: Parabola, The Magazine of Myth and TraditionOde, a magazine of eclectic interest in science, contemporary news, energy, spirituality; Shift: At the Frontiers of Consciousness; Spirituality and Health; Common Boundary: exploring spirituality, healling creativity and expressive arts. The periodicals are on top of the Library shelves and may be taken and returned at will.

Ann Waters, Publicity


From the Library

The Library committee is seeking applicants for the position of Library Chair.  A detailed position description can be found the in the Sunday Thread from the Web inserted in the Order of Service.



“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe”.   ~ John Muir

Concerned about where you fit into the scheme of things?  Maybe you don’t but could just use a break anyhow.  Whatever the reason, start packing your camping gear for a weekend adventure in Pennsylvania’s Allegheny National Forest with fellow UUs and friends on  May 11-13.

More information has been posted in Fessenden Hall.  Questions?  Contact Ed Stolish.


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