A Taste of Kent Auction donations needed!

The Thanks 4 Giving Auction, A Taste of Kent, is coming soon.  It’s happening on Saturday, November 3, 6:00 pm at the United Church of Christ on Horning Rd in Kent.  Do you have your tickets?  Have you submitted your donation forms or donation baskets or items?

Do you know a local business owner who you would like represented at the auction?  Do you know the owner of a new business in Kent who would like to get in front of over 130 adults who like to shop locally?  If so, please let Meg Milko know and she will reach out to them and see if they have something to donate to help the church through our silent auction.

Last chance to drop off your donation forms at the Auction table is on Sunday October 28th.  Items may be left with the form, or brought to the church on Friday, November 2, between 12 and 8 pm.

Tickets are available this Sunday at the Auction table in Fessenden Hall.  Not only is this the biggest fundraiser of the UU Church of Kent after the annual Stewardship campaign, it’s a social event you won’t want to miss; fun, food and fund raising all wrapped up into one. Tickets are only $20, available every Sunday at the Auction table in Fessenden Hall.

New to the Auction this year is a photo booth.  Wear your finest dressy casual and have your photo taken as a souvenir of the evening!

Make your plans, buy your tickets, and we’ll see you at the Auction!

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