Weekly e-nUUs, June 5, 2013

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Worship & Music


This Sunday is will be our Annual Service in the Park followed by the Church Picnic – One service @10:00 am @ Plum Creek Park.  All are welcome!

Sunday, June 9      Here’s to Happiness!        

Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer, Director of Religious Education Karen Lapidus and Worship Associate Bonnie Harper — Our annual outdoor worship service and picnic will be at Plum Creek Park in Kent (which is at the intersection of Cherry Street and Mogadore Road). We will be meeting at Pavilion #2 for one service only at 10:00 am. Our service will be fully multigenerational; the whole community is invited to worship and play together.  Please bring a lawn chair (and maybe an extra to share), a dish to share at the picnic following the service, your own place setting, any games you would like to play during the picnic and anything else you will need to be comfortable.  And remember, we will have one service only beginning at 10:00 am!  The Church will provide ice water, if you prefer something different, please bring your own beverages.



Lifespan Learning


How Do You Like to Play? Summer RE for Children ~ Preschool through Grade 5

Our summer RE program will be all about play!  Each Sunday, during the first service, our plan is to gather around the chalice, share our joys and concerns and then proceed to play together.

Our goal is to strengthen the community of children and nurture their spirits while having fun together.  The RE Committee is actively looking for adults and youth to lead the children in whatever play is important to them.  Lots of support and staffing will be provided.  Perhaps you’d like to share how you have fun with our awesome children for one hour this summer…

No classes for older youth, but Middle School and High School youth may participate as helpers or attend the worship service.  Nursery care will be provided at both service through the summer.


UU Church of Kent is currently seeking a Religious Education Assistant

This 5 hour/week position has just been posted!  The RE Assistant will be responsible for supporting the religious education program and the Director of Religious education in carrying out the church school program for children and youth.  The application deadline is June 16th.

More information at:  //kentuu.org/


Community Within


A Changing of the Chalice Flame Guard!

As we thank Brad Bolton for the many, many years of dedicated ministry serving as our newsletter editor for The Chalice Flame, we’d like to welcome Saul Flanner who will now be serving in this position.  All items for the newsletter should now be sent to the following email address:  [email protected]


Are you ready to become a member of UUCK?
Sunday, June 9 is New Member Sunday.  During the service, the congregation will be introduced to, and welcome, our newest members.  Have you have been thinking about joining? Would you like to be a part of the service? The Membership book will be available for signing, in the foyer, next Sunday, June 2.  Look for Marion Yeagler after both services.


The Library committee would like to thank all those who completed the Library Survey, and urge others who have not done so to click on the Survey Monkey link. The Survey is a short one page and can be completed in less than 3 minutes. The committee would like to have all responses by Tuesday, June 11th. Thank you so much for your help.



The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, June 11 at 7 pm in the home of Bonnie Harper.  This month we are reading a biography of your choice. Next month we will be reading Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife by Eben Alexander. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.  All are welcome.


UUCK Men’s Group – Join Us!

On June 23, at 1:00 pm in the Sanctuary, Max Grubb will lead a group for men who are interested in participating in a men’s group at the church.  This is an opportunity for men to connect and engage each other for support concerning issues and challenges that arise from being male, husband or partner, father and friend in today’s society.  Please contact Max if you have any questions.


Outreach and Social Justice


The Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent is pleased to welcome Gold Star Mother and peace mom Cindy Sheehan and the Tour de Peace to our church on Thursday, June 13th at 7PM. Seven bike riders will stop in Kent on their way from California to Washington, DC. to present their demands for peace to the White House. All area residents are invited to a presentation by and discussion with the Tour de Peace at the UU Church of Kent, 228 Gougler Avenue. Snacks and beverages will be served.

Cindy Sheehan’s son Casey was killed in action in Iraq in April, 2004. The Tour left the cemetery where Casey is buried in Vacaville, California on April 4th. They plan to arrive at Arlington National Cemetery on July 3rd and then ride to the White House. The riders aim

To end wars

To end immunity for U.S. war crimes

To end the suppression of civil rights

To end the use of fossil fuels

To end persecution of whistle blowers

To end partisan apathy and inaction.

For more information about the event in Kent you can contact Vivien Sandlund or Susan Poole.

More information on the tour can be found at:  http://www.tourdepeace.org/index.html



Dear Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent,

On behalf of all of our Ohio congregations, we want to give a big “Thank You!” to the many of you who have been witnessing for immigrant justice here in the Buckeye state and immigration reform nationally.

Last week UUA President Rev. Peter Morales went to the Capitol in Washington DC to advocate for compassionate immigration reform and he asked us to join him.  The UUA is participating in the Alliance for Citizenship coalition which has identified our Ohio as a key state.   And last month, members of the Ohio-Meadville district staff and board visited Sen. Portman’s office to articulate our UU support for immigration reform.

We are asking you to lend your voice to this effort.   Please take a minute and call Senators Rob Portman and Sherrod Brown  (even if you have done so before) and ask them to support this unique history-making opportunity to fix our broken immigration system. Ask them to support a path to citizenship for the 11 million immigrants living here in the shadows.

The coalition reports that Senators are currently receiving more anti-immigrant than pro-immigrant calls and we need to change that fast!

Please speak out today for justice!  We are all in this together!

Rev. Joan Van Becelaere
Ohio-Meadville District Executive

Howard Tolley
Co-Chair UU Justice Ohio

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