e-nUUs – March 15, 2017

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Click to Open this week’s e-nUUs!  (Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)


Headlines from this week’s announcements:

  • Off the Edge – March 19
  • RE Teacher Teams – March 19
  • FY2018 Stewardship Campaign Continues
  • Celtic Clan Concert – March 17
  • Board of Trustees Seeks Your Input
  • Retiree’s Lunch – March 21
  • Writing Group – March 21
  • Pat Pownall UU Book Group – April 13
  • Notice: Active Members interested in serving as a UUCK GA Delegate
  • Where’s Walden in the Spring – May 12 – 14
  • Attention All Leaders and Committee Chairs – Annual Reports due April 15
  • What if …..  Living the Pledge to End Racism
  • FaCT — Faith Communities Together State Meeting – March 18
  • Bystander Training – March 24 at UU Fellowship of Wayne County
  • Move to Amend Speaker – April 3 at UU Society of Cleveland
  • Kent TimeBank Expo – Apirl 7
  • Pre-Pride Potluck – April 29 at West Shore
  • All-Church Clean Up – April 8
  • Pledge to End Racism Workshop – April 29


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