e-nUUs – May 2, 2018

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Click to Open this week’s e-nUUs!  (Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)


Headlines from this week’s announcements

  • Special Meeting of the Congregation Called for May 13 (between services)
  • Fallow Time for the Soul – May 6
  • Growing in Community – May 13 – RE Sunday!
  • RE NEEDS your aluminum cans
  • Four Volunteers needed for Summer RE
  • RE This Sunday
  • RE Teacher Teams – May 6
  • Thank You Celebration – Social hour, May 6
  • May ‘New to UU Classes’ postponed
  • Weekly Mediation Group
  • Help! A message from our Library Committe
  • Plant-based Potluck – May 4
  • Second Sunday Meet & Greet – May 13 (corrected date!)
  • Save the Date – Family Game Night – June 2
  • Don’t call Renee! – Affiliated Community Minister will be on Sabbatical April 30 – Aug 5
  • Annual Meeting of the Congregation – May 20
  • Annual Information Meeting – May 16
  • Short Read – Deep Discussion — Race 4 Justice Task Group Common Read
  • UUA LeaderLab
  • Making it All Work: A Case Study in Renewing Justice Ministry – May 9 (UU Church of Akron)
  • Socially Responsible Sweat Shop Outreach to Bonyo’s Kenya Mission
  • Pastoral Care information




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