e-nUUs — October 28, 2020

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Click to open this week’s e-nUUs!

This week’s topics include:

DayLight Saving Time Ends – November 1, 2020

From the Board of Trustees

  • Board Listening Session – November 1

From Rev. Steven

  • Special service November 4
  • Pastoral Care
  • Scammers posing as Pastors

Worship & Music

  • Sunday service each week via Zoom!
  • Peace, My Heart – Sunday, November 1
  • A Song of Peace – Sunday, November 8
  • Wednesday Vespers
  • From the Library – Service References from October 25, 2020

Lifespan Learning

  • Sunday RE for children and high school / youth group
  • Story time with Miss Michelle

Community Within

  • Calling all ghouls, goblins, and ghastly critters!
  • Auction poised to go live. Are your donations listed?

Social Opportunities

  • Social Connections: Weekly conversations for November and December
  • Retiree’s Group

Income Generation

  • Thanks4Giving Virtual Auction — November 15 – 21

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Our journey towards radical justice: Crafting a congregational statement of committment
  • November special collection — UUA Disaster Relief Fund

UU, Interfaith, and Community Connections

  • KSU Fusion Magazine virtual bake sale
  • Voter information
  • Voter information for Portage County residents

Staff Availability

A Look Back

  • Previous service recordings
  • Previous e-nUUs messages
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