e-nUUs — March 8, 2023

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topic included:

Generosity Campaign

  •  Support What you Love

From the Board of Trustees

  • More on Hobbs Hall Solar

Community Within

  • All Church Potluck Dinner – March 17
  • Euchre Sunday – March 12
  • The Great Pancake Breakfast Returns! – March 26
  • Shared Ministries Council Meeting – March 19
  • Sneak Preview – Halapaloza
  • Coffee Volunteers Needed to support Social Hour

Worship & Music

  • Sunday services – 10 AM both in person and via Zoom
  • Love is the Spirit of this Church! – Sunday, March 12
  • Daring to be Vulnerable – Sunday, March 19
  • How to Build a Bridge – Sunday, March 26
  • Easter flowers – March 9 deadline to order!
  • Sunday Greeters Needed

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Environmental Justice Meeting – March 12
  • Nominations for Special Collection recipients being accepted
  • You’re Invited:  Living the Pledge to End Racism Workshop
  • Donations needed for the UUCK Free Store!
  • March Special Collection – Social Responsible Sweat Shop
  • Special Collections – How to donate.

Lifespan Learning

  • This week in Children’s RE
  • Teacher Teams for March 12

UU, Interfaith & Community Connections

  • Summer Institute
  • General Assembly 2023 – Registration Open!
  • Financial Support to participate at GA
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