Path to Membership


Are you searching for community? Are you searching for opportunities to work for peace and justice? Are you searching for acceptance, and perhaps even encouragement, as you explore your intellectual or spiritual path? The Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent ( might provide the direction you seek. 

We invite you to attend Sunday Services with us. We encourage you to join several services, as each service is unique. If you provide your email address, you will receive our weekly newsletter (e-nUUs) and learn of events that might interest you. You can contact the church office at (330) 673-4247 or [email protected]

Deepening Your Connections 

Are you finding the Sunday Services inspiring? Are you in agreement with our Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism? Are you participating in other congregational activities and programs? Are you feeling welcomed and accepted by the church community? If so, you might want to change your status from Visitor to Friend and continue along this same path.

Journey of Belonging Classes

When you’re ready to learn more about Unitarian Universalism and our congregation in particular, sign up for our “Journey of Belonging” Classes. These classes, announced in the newsletter, are most beneficial when shared with a group of fellow seekers, but each class is available electronically and can be viewed on your own. You can also request to meet with anyone from the Membership Team for further discussion about the UU Church of Kent and your search for a spiritual home. These sessions are encouraged for those considering membership in the church.  Contact [email protected] for more information

Becoming a Member

When you are ready for a deeper engagement in the life of the church, consider becoming a Member of our congregation. In the words of Rev. Fred Small, “Membership means ownership. It means taking responsibility for our shared religious life. It means a shift in consciousness from being a consumer of church to being an owner-operator.” 

Expectations of Active Membership  

  • Attending Sunday services regularly (virtual or in-person)
  • Participating in church activities
  • Voting on congregational matters
  • Supporting our congregation with donations of your time and talent
  • Supporting our operating budget through an annual financial pledge or donation, in any amount

Benefits of Active Membership

  • You can participate in the decision-making processes around the shared life and work of our congregation.
  • You have access to the church directory to be in direct contact with other church members and friends.
  • You receive the UU World, a quarterly magazine from the UUA.
  • You can receive pastoral counseling and rites of passage services at no charge.
  • You can serve in leadership roles in our congregation as well as regional and national events.

Why Your Membership Matters

  • You support a liberal religious community for yourself, your family and all who are looking for a community where the search for truth is practiced and your spiritual growth is nurtured.
  • Belonging is an opportunity to participate in a faith tradition where we are held together not by creed or doctrine but by covenant, the promises we make to one another. 
  • Engagement offers opportunities to discover where your passions call you and to respond by serving others. 
  • Your voice is amplified in our collective struggle for justice, equity and compassion in our community and world.
  • You choose to be a part of our Beloved Community where working for diversity, inclusion, and caring in human relations are paramount.

To-Do List for Becoming a Member

When you are ready to become a member, please notify the Membership Committee at [email protected]. A Membership Committee member will assist you with the next step of signing a Membership Declaration Card, an official record of your membership. You will also make a financial commitment to the annual operating budget.  During the next “New Member Covenanting Ceremony,” held during a Sunday Service, you’ll sign the Membership Book and will be formally welcomed by the congregation.  

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