Ministry Coordinators

Volunteer Ministries Coordinator:

The Volunteer Ministries Coordinator works to support the programs and ministries of the Church that are not staff led.  This leader coordinates and hosts the annual Shared- Ministries Fair.

Personnel Coordinator:

The role of the Personnel Coordinator is the assist the Ministry Executive Team in making staffing decision, maintaining and updating employment policies, monitor compliance with the Church’s commitment to maintaining UUA Fair Compensation Guidelines (Congregational Vote for Fair Compensation, Fall 2003), serve on Search Committees for lay-staff positions, and monitor and facilitate employee grievance processes and resolution(s), as well as make recommendations to the Board to grant Emeritus status for retired professional staff.

Building and Grounds Coordinator:  Jennifer Gregg

The Buildings and Grounds Coordinator assists with the processes related to the purchase, replacement, and/or disposition of physical assets, facilitates the maintenance and repair needs of our facilities and equipment, oversees and cares for the Church grounds in collaboration with the Landscape Chair, oversees accessibility and safety of Church property and in collaboration with our Administrator and the Ministry Executive Team, reviews all Buildings and Grounds contracts annually.  Contact Jennifer at [email protected].


Social Justice and Community Outreach Coordinator:  Vivien Sandlund              

The Social Justice and Community Outreach Coordinator  serves as the Chair the Social Justice Council and is a a liaison to the Social Justice Task Groups, submits requests for support and/or endorsement of Social Justice proposed resolutions, events, and/or action(s),  participate in the decision-making process for any social justice proposal, facilitates the process for any proposed Congregational Resolution, and informs the Congregation of Social Justice participation opportunities through the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA).

To share your interests in social justice, or your social justice ideas: email [email protected].

UU, Interfaith, and Community Connections Coordinator: Kathy Kerns

The UU, Interfaith, and Community Connections Coordinator  acts as a liaison between the Church and the Central East Region (CER) and the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), informs the Congregation of local, regional, and national UU issues, meetings, events, workshops, institutes, and other opportunities; act as a liaison between the Church and other local interfaith groups and local community organizations.

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