UU’ve Got Talent: An Evening of Musical Variety – October 11, 2014

UUveXGotXTalentOctober 11, 2014 at 7:30 PM

Enjoy the 2nd annual fundraiser to support the music program of the Unitarian-Universalist Church of Kent. Just wait till you witness the quality of musical talent coming out of this community of regular everyday people from around Kent. From solo piano to youth singing duets to small ensembles of Classical, Klezmer, Jazz, Folk and Rock, just about anything is possible.  Tickets are $15 at the door.

Tickets:  $15 at the door.

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Prophets, Proverbs, Psalms and Parables: Exploring the Bible


The Bible is filled with wisdom, but for those who aren’t experienced interpreters, it can be a little difficult to access.  This course will offer a guide to exploring several different kinds of writings contained in the Hebrew Scriptures and the Christian New Testament.  The class will include both presentation to place the type of writings in historical context and reflective questions designed to help us make meaning of the chosen texts.  Participants should bring a Bible with them to the class.

Classes will meet from 7 to 9 pm on Tuesdays in the Founders Lounge.  Each class will stand alone so participants may come to any or all of the following sessions:

October 7 – Prophets

October 14 – Proverbs

October 28 – Psalms

November 4 – Parables

November 11 – Parables

Please contact Rev. Melissa at [email protected] with any questions.

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Cuyahoga River Concert – Saturday, September 20 at 8 PM

Featuring Hal Walker and Matt Watroba

HalXandXMattThese two guys come together just about once a year to create an unforgettable evening of song, spirit, laughs and unique musical combinations. Join Michigan master song leader and story teller, Matt Watroba on a journey into the joy of singing in community. Matt’s original songs and infectious smile will delight your heart. Kent’s own, Hal Walker will top off the evening with his unique approach to making music with just about anything he can get his hands on. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to hear 2 legends of the NE Ohio Music Scene together for an intimate evening of great music.

Tickets are $15 at the door.

Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent, 228 Gougler Ave., Kent, OH


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In an effort to be more effective in communicating announcements and events, please note the following changes will go into effect immediately.

announcementsXiconIt is our hope that these changes will shorten the Weekly e-nUUs, save paper and keep you from reading duplicate messages.

  1.  e-nUUs announcements will be published for two weeks prior to any event.  If announcements are received in advance, they will be published once for one week only under a “Save the Date” heading then removed until two weeks prior to the event where they will be listed under the appropriate program category.
  2.  We will no longer be inserting the Sunday Thread from the Web in the Order of Service.  Each week, approximately fifty (50) Sunday Thread from the Web bulletins will be printed and left on the desk outside the Sanctuary for those who do not receive the e-nUUs each week.
  3. The Weekly e-nUUs page on the website will be replaced with an Announcements & Events page.  All announcements and events will be posted to this page once allowing you to scroll through the announcements without reading duplicate messages.


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Religious Education Registration

RE logoParents and caregivers of all children and youth are asked to complete the annual registration form each fall. It allows us to keep your contact information up-to-date, to know if your child or youth has any special needs and to get your permission for participation. Forms will be available in Fessenden Hall during social hour for the next several weeks. Blank forms are in each of the RE classrooms, as well. Please return completed and signed forms to Colleen Thoele, Religious Education Assistant.

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Call for Special Meeting and Vote: Resolution to Support Issue 21

ConcernedXaboutXfrackingThe UUCK Social Justice Council has approved a resolution supporting ISSUE 21 which allows residents to stop hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and injection wells in the City of Kent. Furthermore, we call for a congregational vote in support of this resolution, taking a position supporting Issue 21: Kent Charter Amendment (Community Bill of Rights).

Informational sessions will be held Sunday, September 28th, during both services, in the church Annex.  

The vote will be between services on October, 12th in the Sanctuary, in which a quorum and super-majority will be required for passage.

Please contact Lee Brooker, Bonny Esparza, or Andrew Rome for more information or visit https://www.facebook.com/KentEnvironment.


Download –  Resolution to Support the Kent Community Bill of Rights: Issue 21 (Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)
Finish Reading: Call for Special Meeting and Vote: Resolution to Support Issue 21

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Weekly e-nUUs – September 10, 2014

enUUs_newlogo 12.2012








Worship & Music

Services are offered on Sunday mornings at 9:45 and 11:30 with Nursery Care available for all services.


September  14, 2014 – We Pledge Our Hearts

Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer

Unitarian Universalism is a covenantal faith tradition. The word covenant is a religious word to talk about promises. When we become members of a Unitarian Universalist congregation we are making a promise to ourselves, to one another and to that which is larger than ourselves. What is that promise?


From the Library

Rev. Melissa’s reference for last Sunday’s service, “To be Human is to Promise” is the Soul Matters packet which will be used by for Chalice Groups and worship these. The packet is available on our website at //kentuu.org/soul-matters-packet/


U.U.’ve Got Talent!  “We know you’ve got it, it’s time to let it out!”

On Saturday, October 11, the UU Church of Kent music committee is hosting a musical fundraiser. WE ARE IN SEARCH OF TALENT. This is your opportunity to perform solo or to invite other members of the congregation and friends to create a small ensemble. This is your chance to release that creative spark within you. Before Sunday, September 21, please contact Hal Walker with your idea. We are looking for a diverse range of 3 to 5 minute musical selections that express your unique talent. Only a limited number of spots are available, so start getting ready now!   All ages welcome!


Lifespan Learning

Sample Chalice Groups Offered in September

If you have thought about participating in a Chalice Group but haven’t been sure it is right for you, consider coming to one of the two sample groups Rev. Melissa will be offering this month.

Sunday, September 21 from 2 to 4 pm in the Founders Lounge

Tuesday, September 23 from 7 to 9pm in the Founders Lounge

Before you come to the sample group, please read through the September Soul Matters packet which you can find on our website //kentuu.org/soul-matters-packet/  Give yourself a little time to try out one of the spiritual practices included in the packet.  Click here to download the The Chalice Group brochure and Sign-up form; please know that the deadline to register is September 24.


Religious Education Registration
Parents and caregivers of all children and youth are asked to complete the annual registration form each fall.  It allows us to keep your contact information up-to-date, to know if your child or youth has any special needs and to get your permission for participation.  Forms will be available in Fessenden Hall during social hour for the next several weeks.  Blank forms are in each of the RE classrooms, as well.  Please return completed and signed forms to Colleen Thoele, Religious Education Assistant.

2014-2015 Religious Education Classes Begin on September 14th

At 9:30 we offer:
Grades K-2
Grades 3-5

Children in grades K-5 start the morning in the sanctuary with their families.  Younger children start at 9:45 in the classroom

At 11:30 we offer:
Middle School
High School

Children in the School-Aged class start the morning in the sanctuary with their families.  Younger children as well as the Middle School and High School Youth start at 11:30 in their classrooms.


The Wi$dom Path: Money, Spirit, and Life

The UUA has developed a new program on the topic of money and spirituality that will be offered at our church this year for the first time.  As the program materials note, “Money plays a role in nearly every aspect of our lives.  Depending on how we understand it, our relationship with money can enhance or limit our ability to live our lives to the fullest.  In this program, participants join together to give this important aspect of our lives due attention in a religious community.  The heart of this program is an exploration of the relationship between money and spiritual values, specifically our Unitarian Universalist values.”

Participants will explore money and values through conversation and activities that allow them to consider their own stories and different perspectives on money, help them feel better equipped to make money decisions, and encourage them to consider whether they want to pursue changes to bring their financial choices in better alignment with their values.

The 12 sessions will be offered as 3 topical series.  Although members can drop into any session, you will get the most out of the program if you attend regularly.  The first series, on Money and Self, is an introduction to the program in which participants explore their own attitudes and experiences with money.  The 3 sessions in this series will meet on Thursday nights September 11, 18, and 25 at 7PM.

After a short break, the second series will meet every other week starting mid-October (on a Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday, depending on the preferences of those attending the first session).  This series of 5 sessions, on Money, Spirit, and Life, will guide participants toward taking actions that align with their personal values.  The last series, Money and Society (4 sessions), explores how our financial ways of being affects others.  The last series will meet in January and February.

Questions?  Want more information? Please contact Kathy Kerns.



The connection between nature, wilderness, and spirituality goes back to the very origins of humanity.  The Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent will host a program entitled “A Wilderness Icon: America’s Red Rock Canyonlands” on Wednesday, September 17 at 7:30 pm.

The speaker will be Clayton Daughenbaugh, conservation organizer with the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance and Chairperson of the Sierra Club’s National Wildlands and Wilderness Committee.  Daughenbaugh will address the topic of faith and the land while promoting the national campaign to protect America’s red rock wilderness.  The program includes a multi-media slideshow documenting citizen efforts to designate public lands in southern Utah’s spectacular canyon country as part of the National Wilderness Preservation System. This 15-minute journey through red rock splendor, narrated by Robert Redford, invigorates and motivates viewers to participate in the movement to protect these unique lands.  Comprehensive legislation is pending in Congress and administrative decisions by the Department of Interior are ongoing.

The national campaign to protect the Red Rock Canyonlands has been endorsed by the Unitarian Universalist General Assembly and by the Unitarian Universalist Ministry for the Earth.


Community Within

Please join us on Sunday, Sept. 14 when we highlight the many programs and ministries here at the Church at our annual Ministry Fair. Following each of the services, representatives from each team and committee will be available to help you explore varied opportunities to get involved.  We hope you’ll find something that both interests you as well as helps build both your faith and sense of community here at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent.


This is the Church of the Helping Hands

This phrase is part of the chalice lighting we teach the children in our church.  But, have you ever  paid attention to the number of  helping hands you see each week?  The hands making coffee, greeting, passing out orders of service, lighting  the chalice, leading worship, making music, running soundboards, caring for our infants, teaching our children, baking for coffee hour, washing dishes . . .     How about the hands that aren’t so visible,  the hands  fundraising, working for social justice, assisting with the library, creating art, preparing classes and worship experiences, decorating, mowing, weeding, scrubbing, painting, repairing, organizing, updating websites, counting money, providing transportation, making phone calls, writing articles, attending meetings, creating newsletters, mentoring youth, arranging social events . . .    The lists are endless, but the number of hands are finite.

To help us match the right hands for the right jobs, the church maintains a volunteer database.  Individuals indicate areas where they may be able to help. When a need arises, we then have a list of people to contact. Members and friends are asked to visit the church website, kentuu.org.   Click under “Members” and bring up the “Volunteer Form”.  You can fill out and submit this form on line, or you can pick up a paper form from the membership table at the Ministry Fair this Sunday.

Thank you for volunteering your hands this year!

Questions, concerns, suggestions?      Contact Mary Leeson.


Retiree’s Lunch –  Tuesday, September 16 at noon.

We’ll meet for an hour to an hour and a half depending on the number of people who attend so everyone has an opportunity to check in with the group. All retirees are welcome to join us. Bring your own lunch; beverages will be provided.


Attention New Members – Sunday, September 21 is New Member Sunday!

The congregation will recognize and welcome our newest members at the services on September 21.  To best plan, if you have joined the Church since June 9, 2013, please RSVP to MaryBeth at [email protected] or 330.673.4247.  We strongly encourage all New Members to participate in this service, please include the number of adults and children and which service you plan to attend with your RSVP.

Have you have been thinking about joining and want to participate in this service? Claudia Miller will have the Membership Book available for signing Sundays, September 7 and 14.  Look for Claudia in the Founders Lounge, outside the Sanctuary, after both services.  Please remember following your signing of the Book to RSVP.


From the Library

Do mark your calendars for Gingr Vaughan’s lectures on Islamic Art, Wed. Sept 24th and W Oct. 22nd at 7:30 in the Sanctuary. Knowing a culture’s art deepens our understanding of that culture, and this is a special opportunity to go deeper into the world of Islam. Gingr will answer questions after the lectures, and refreshments will be served.


The Lost & Found is once again overflowing!

Please check the Lost and Found, located on the coat rack shelf outside of Fessenden Hall, for any items that you may have recently left at the Church.  After Sunday, September 28 any remaining items will be donated


Join the UUCK greeter team!

We are actively recruiting greeters for the 2014-15 church year. No experience required! It’s one of the easiest ways for new friends and members to get involved, serve the church, and learn who everyone is. It’s also a wonderful way for established members to share their enthusiasm for the community.

If you are interested in committing to this ministry as a new or returning greeter, please contact Jen Fisette or Andrea Case to get signed up!


Church Campout

It’s time once again for the “Where’s Walden” fall camp-out.   We’ll be gathering the week-end of October 3-5th at the Loleta Recreation Area in the Alleghany National Forest in Pennsylvania.  The campground is about two hours from Kent.   This is a family friendly event and everyone is welcome, but there is a limit on the group size, so sign up soon on the form posted downstairs in Fessenden Hall.   We’re staying at the group site which can accommodate tents.  If you wish to bring a camper you’re welcome to reserve a site in the adjoining campground.    Dinners are pot luck style, everyone brings their own table ware and food and drink to share.  The theme Friday night is American cookout, Saturday’s theme is comfort food.   Randy Leeson cooks pancakes, bacon and eggs for all on Saturday and Sunday morning.   Everyone furnishes their own lunches and snacks.  Activities to choose from include: hiking; canoeing; kayaking;  exploring the stream; and relaxing around the campfire.  The cost for the weekend is $5 per person with a maximum of $15 per family.  This fee covers the cost of the campground and firewood,  there is an additional cost if you wish to rent a canoe or kayak.


Outreach and Social Justice

Kent Social Services is in need of a video baby monitor for the new Emergency Winter Shelter.  If you have one and are interested in donating it, please contact Kent Social Services at 330.673.6963.


In Our Own Backyard: The Immigration Crisis in Ohio

Saturday, September 13 from 9:30AM to 3:30PM, the UUCA congregation will host this very important conference, co-sponsored by UU Church of Akron, UU Church of Kent, West Shore UU Church, UU Justice Ohio and Immigrant Worker Project.   What makes this news especially exciting is that the conference will be attended by the Rev. Peter Morales, who is the President of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). President Morales will preach the sermon at the opening worship service and participate in the rest of the program, which will include panel discussions and presentations coordinated by our partner organization, the Immigrant Worker Project (IWP). Jeff Stewart from IWP will bring several guests from the immigrant community who will share powerful stories about their experience, including first-hand testimony about the recent migration of children from Central America. In addition to President Morales, the General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ (UCC), the Rev. Geoffrey Black, will also be in attendance.  The conference is free; everyone is welcome to attend both the morning worship service and the conference. A free will offering will gratefully be accepted to cover the expenses of child care and lunch.  Registration deadline Wednesday, Sept. 10 at 9 PM.



Income Generation

Looking for a great way to support the Church?  Use GoodSearch and GoodShop!  

GoodSearch is an internet search engine powered through Yahoo! and the site donates about a penny for each search made.  Simply go to www.GoodSearch.com  and choose the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent as your charity to support.  The pennies will add up quickly if many people use this free tool.  While on the site check out www.GoodShop.com and www.goodsearch.com also.  If you’re an online shopper or like to eat out, many stores and vendors will donate a percentage of your purchase back to the Church and the Good Dining participating restaurants will donate a percentage of your tab to the Church.  This is truly fundraising made easy!  Last year, the Church received $213.00 from Good Search and GoodShop based on the use of a few of our members and friends.  Thank you!


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Weekly e-nUUs – September 3, 2014

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Worship & Music

Services are offered Sunday mornings at 9:45 and 11:30 with Nursery care  available for all services.


Join us on September 7 for To Be Human is to Promise

A Multigenerational Ingathering Service and Water Communion led by Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer and Director of Religious Education Karen Lapidus

We are “promise-making, promise-breaking, promise-renewing” animals.  That is what the Israeli Jewish philosopher Martin Buber once said and to me it rings true.  This morning as we welcome the whole community back together after some have been away for summer work and play, we explore the promises we make to one another.  Please bring a small container of water and/or earth with you to church this Sunday to represent a place where you felt fully awake to your humanity this summer.


From the Library

The references Rev. Christie used last Sunday for her sermon, “Engaging Pluralism” are:

God is Not One, by Stephen Prothero, (in our church Library)

Why Interfaith? an Interview with Karen Armstrong, www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXKwv443zLM

Sacred Ground, Pluralism, Prejudice and Promise, by Eboo Patel

Toward a True Kinship of Faiths, by the Dalai Lama

Beyond Tolerance, by Gustav Niebuhr

No Longer Invisible, by Douglas and Rhonda Jacobsen


U.U.’ve Got Talent!  “We know you’ve got it, it’s time to let it out!”

On Saturday, October 11, the UU Church of Kent music committee is hosting a musical fundraiser. WE ARE IN SEARCH OF TALENT. This is your opportunity to perform solo or to invite other members of the congregation and friends to create a small ensemble. This is your chance to release that creative spark within you. Before Sunday, September 21, please contact Hal Walker with your idea. We are looking for a diverse range of 3 to 5 minute musical selections that express your unique talent. Only a limited number of spots are available, so start getting ready now!   All ages welcome!


Lifespan Learning

2014-2015 Church Year Religious Education Program Begins on September 7th

September 7th ~  Ingathering Sunday.  Preschool RE starts this day @ 9:45 for children age three by 9/1/14 to those 5-year-olds who are not attending Kindergarten in the fall.  All children and youth, Grades K-12, will be in the sanctuary for the entire service.

September 14th ~  RE starts for everyone else.  At 9:45, we have classes for preschool, Grades K-2 and Grades 3-5.  At 11:30, we have our school-aged RE class, Middle School and High School Youth Group.


Religious Education Registration 

Parents and caregivers of all children and youth are asked to complete the annual registration form each fall.  It allows us to keep your contact information up-to-date, to know if your child or youth has any special needs and to get your permission for participation.  Forms will be available in Fessenden Hall during social hour for the next several weeks.  Blank forms are in each of the RE classrooms, as well.  Please return completed and signed forms to Colleen Thoele, Religious Education Assistant.


2014-2015 RE Program for Children and Youth

Regular RE classes begin on Sunday, September 14th.

At 9:30 we offer:



Grades K-2

Grades 3-5

At 11:30 we offer:



Middle School

High School


The Wi$dom Path: Money, Spirit, and Life

The UUA has developed a new program on the topic of money and spirituality that will be offered at our church this year for the first time.  As the program materials note, “Money plays a role in nearly every aspect of our lives.  Depending on how we understand it, our relationship with money can enhance or limit our ability to live our lives to the fullest.  In this program, participants join together to give this important aspect of our lives due attention in a religious community.  The heart of this program is an exploration of the relationship between money and spiritual values, specifically our Unitarian Universalist values.”

Participants will explore money and values through conversation and activities that allow them to consider their own stories and different perspectives on money, help them feel better equipped to make money decisions, and encourage them to consider whether they want to pursue changes to bring their financial choices in better alignment with their values.

The 12 sessions will be offered as 3 topical series.  Although members can drop into any session, you will get the most out of the program if you attend regularly.  The first series, on Money and Self, is an introduction to the program in which participants explore their own attitudes and experiences with money.  The 3 sessions in this series will meet on Thursday nights September 11, 18, and 25 at 7PM.

After a short break, the second series will meet every other week starting mid-October (on a Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday, depending on the preferences of those attending the first session).  This series of 5 sessions, on Money, Spirit, and Life, will guide participants toward taking actions that align with their personal values.  The last series, Money and Society (4 sessions), explores how our financial ways of being affects others.  The last series will meet in January and February.

Questions?  Want more information? Please contact Kathy Kerns.



The connection between nature, wilderness, and spirituality goes back to the very origins of humanity.  The Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent will host a program entitled “A Wilderness Icon: America’s Red Rock Canyonlands” on Wednesday, September 17 at 7:30 pm.

The speaker will be Clayton Daughenbaugh, conservation organizer with the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance and Chairperson of the Sierra Club’s National Wildlands and Wilderness Committee.  Daughenbaugh will address the topic of faith and the land while promoting the national campaign to protect America’s red rock wilderness.  The program includes a multi-media slideshow documenting citizen efforts to designate public lands in southern Utah’s spectacular canyon country as part of the National Wilderness Preservation System. This 15-minute journey through red rock splendor, narrated by Robert Redford, invigorates and motivates viewers to participate in the movement to protect these unique lands.  Comprehensive legislation is pending in Congress and administrative decisions by the Department of Interior are ongoing.

The national campaign to protect the Red Rock Canyonlands has been endorsed by the Unitarian Universalist General Assembly and by the Unitarian Universalist Ministry for the Earth.


Community Within

From the Library 

Looking forward to seeing you at the potluck supper this Friday at 6:15pm  preceding Mr. Zaiem’s lecture, Islam 101: Being Muslim Post 9/11, in the Sanctuary at 7: 00 P.M. 

Mark your calendars on Wednesday Sept. 24th for the first of 2 presentations on Islamic Art by Gingr Vaughan at 7:30 in the Sanctuary. Her presentation will be on Wednesday, October 22nd.


Attention New Members – Sunday, September 21 is New Member Sunday!

The congregation will recognize and welcome our newest members at the services on September 21.  To best plan, if you have joined the Church since June 9, 2013, please RSVP to MaryBeth at [email protected] or 330.673.4247.  We strongly encourage all New Members to participate in this service, please include the number of adults and children and which service you plan to attend with your RSVP.

Have you have been thinking about joining and want to participate in this service? Claudia Miller will have the Membership Book available for signing Sundays, September 7 and 14.  Look for Claudia in the Founders Lounge, outside the Sanctuary, after both services.  Please remember following your signing of the Book to RSVP.


We cannot thank you enough for the overwhelming number of cards, messages, kind words, funeral home visits and offers of help.  The unexpected death of Randy’s father was a difficult time for us, but you held us in the light and love of your care. We are truly blessed to be part of such an amazing community.  – The Leeson Family


We are pleased to announce that the Mills’ house demolition is finally complete!  The last puzzle piece of locating the capped storm sewer line was completed today, Sept. 3.   Many, many thanks to everyone who helped see this project through, including those who most recently helped last Saturday with the required erosion control by spreading grass seed and straw.  All of our combined efforts continue to move us closer to future expansion!


The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, September 9 at 7 pm in the home of Trish Johnson-Kwartler. Carrot cake by Bill Bowen will be served. We’ll meet in the church parking at 6:30 pm to carpool. This month we are reading Orange is the New Black: My Year in a Woman’s Prison by Piper Kerman.  The author was sent to prison for a ten-year-old crime for drug trafficking. She spent thirteen months in prison, eleven of them at the federal correctional facility in Danbury, Connecticut. This is a look into the lives of women in prison; why we lock so many away, and what happens to them when they are there. In October, it will be reader’s choice. Also at October’s gathering, we will have a book exchange. Bring books that you no longer want and trade with other group members. All left over books will be donated Empower Portage. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.  All are welcome.


In Appreciation of Our Greeters

We gratefully acknowledge those who have served as greeters during the past year. It makes such a difference to be met at the door with a smile, an Order of Service, and assistance in finding a name tag and a seat; to know that guests and visitors are warmly welcomed, that the sanctuary is prepared for worship, and that the Offering is handled with care and attention. The time our greeters spend before, during, and after the service creates a warm, welcoming, and peaceful environment for the entire church community. We thank you!

Please join us for coffee hour on Sept. 7th in their honor.

Deb Biggins Becky Haines Patty Miller
Lee Brooker Noreen Kumm-Gory Jan Noden
Elaine Bowen Bonnie Harper Laura Sinclair
JR Campbell Dan Hayes Cheryl Spoehr
Melissa Campbell Chris Hurlbut Mark Stephens
Andrea Case Martha Kluth Denise Snyder-Markovich
Cheryl Casper Trish Kwartler Paulette Thurman
Trudy Diehl Dianne Lenihan Sarah Verity
Don Easterling Kim Marfy Theresa Walton
Mark Eckman John Marfy Ann Waters
Kay Eckman Trish McLoughlin Gene Wenninger
Jen Fisette Meg Milko Fred Gory
Claudia Miller

Special thanks to Jennifer Gregg for donating the visitor candles.


Join the UUCK greeter team!

We are actively recruiting greeters for the 2014-15 church year. No experience required! It’s one of the easiest ways for new friends and members to get involved, serve the church, and learn who everyone is. It’s also a wonderful way for established members to share their enthusiasm for the community.

If you are interested in committing to this ministry as a new or returning greeter, please contact Jen Fisette or Andrea Case get signed up!


Church Campout

It’s time once again for the “Where’s Walden” fall camp-out.   We’ll be gathering the week-end of October 3-5th at the Loleta Recreation Area in the Alleghany National Forest in Pennsylvania.  The campground is about two hours from Kent.   This is a family friendly event and everyone is welcome, but there is a limit on the group size, so sign up soon on the form posted downstairs in Fessenden Hall.   We’re staying at the group site which can accommodate tents.  If you wish to bring a camper you’re welcome to reserve a site in the adjoining campground.    Dinners are pot luck style, everyone brings their own table ware and food and drink to share.  The theme Friday night is American cookout, Saturday’s theme is comfort food.   Randy Leeson cooks pancakes, bacon and eggs for all on Saturday and Sunday morning.   Everyone furnishes their own lunches and snacks.  Activities to choose from include: hiking; canoeing; kayaking;  exploring the stream; and relaxing around the campfire.  The cost for the weekend is $5 per person with a maximum of $15 per family.  This fee covers the cost of the campground and firewood,  there is an additional cost if you wish to rent a canoe or kayak.


Outreach and Social Justice

In Our Own Backyard: The Immigration Crisis in Ohio

Saturday, September 13 from 9:30AM to 3:30PM, the UUCA congregation will host this very important conference, co-sponsored by UU Church of Akron, UU Church of Kent, West Shore UU Church, UU Justice Ohio and Immigrant Worker Project.   What makes this news especially exciting is that the conference will be attended by the Rev. Peter Morales, who is the President of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). President Morales will preach the sermon at the opening worship service and participate in the rest of the program, which will include panel discussions and presentations coordinated by our partner organization, the Immigrant Worker Project (IWP). Jeff Stewart from IWP will bring several guests from the immigrant community who will share powerful stories about their experience, including first-hand testimony about the recent migration of children from Central America. In addition to President Morales, the General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ (UCC), the Rev. Geoffrey Black, will also be in attendance.  The conference is free; everyone is welcome to attend both the morning worship service and the conference. A free will offering will gratefully be accepted to cover the expenses of child care and lunch.  Register at:  https://ohiomeadville.wufoo.com/forms/qhte9sr150dkmz/


The Human Rights Task Force is pleased to have a schedule in place to tutor at the Skeels-Matthews Community Center in Ravenna, on Thursday afternoons from 4:00 to 6:00 through October.  It’s an after-school program; most of the students are grade-school level, and most are low-income.  We would like more volunteers to round out the schedule, possibly adding Tuesdays.   Please contact Lee Brooker with any questions.


UU and Interfaith Connections

Join us this Friday for an Evening to Aid in Developing Awareness of Cultural and Religious Diversity

Presented by:  Isam Zaiem, President Emeritus (CAIR-Ohio – Cleveland Chapter)

Topic:   Islam 101 and Being Muslim Post 9/11

Challenging Islamophobia, Profiling, and Marginalization

When:  Friday September 5, 2014

Where:  Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent

228 Gougler Ave., Kent, OH 44240


Time:  6:15-7:00 PM   Potluck Dinner  (Please, NO Pork or Alcohol)

7:00-8:30 PM   Discussion, Questions and Answers


Income Generation

Looking for a great way to support the Church?  Use GoodSearch and GoodShop!  

GoodSearch is an internet search engine powered through Yahoo! and the site donates about a penny for each search made.  Simply go to www.GoodSearch.com  and choose the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent as your charity to support.  The pennies will add up quickly if many people use this free tool.  While on the site check out www.GoodShop.com and www.goodsearch.com also.  If you’re an online shopper or like to eat out, many stores and vendors will donate a percentage of your purchase back to the Church and the Good Dining participating restaurants will donate a percentage of your tab to the Church.  This is truly fundraising made easy!  Last year, the Church received $213.00 from Good Search and GoodShop based on the use of a few of our members and friends.  Thank you!
Starting today through September 1st, every purchase your supporters make via Goodshop enters Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent for a chance to win one of five $400 prizes in our $2,000 Giveaway! What’s more, up to 20% of their purchases will be donated to your cause. 

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Weekly e-nUUs – August 27, 2014

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While Rev. Melissa is on vacation this week,  Rev. Christie Anderson, our Commissioned Lay Leader, will be available for emergency and time sensitive pastoral concerns.


Worship & Music  

We have returned to our normal schedule of two services being offered Sunday mornings at 9:45 and 11:30.  August 31 will be the last offering of Summer Religious Education at 9:45 AM only.   Nursery care is available for all services.


August 31 – Engaging Pluralism

Led by the Rev. Christie Anderson

As UUs, we respect religious freedom.  But, as religious diversity grows, the society around us is becoming more intolerant.  Join our exploration of the interfaith movement and learn how UUs can help counteract the fear that feeds religious prejudice.


From the Library

References Lori McGee used in last Sunday’s Homily G”uu”gle It,  are www.uua.org,  and Rejoice Together.

The reference used by Kat Holtz for her OWL reflection is: uua.org/re/owl/

The reference to Kent Hogwarts is: http://www.kenthogwarts.org/

The Library has received 38 books from the estate of Richard Rymer, donated by his widow, Grace Rymer.

A list of the volumes may be found on the top shelf of the main bookcase in Founder’s Lounge.

Reminder: Sept. 5th, Potluck supper at 6:15 P.M. followed by lecture and discussion at 7:00 P.M. with guest speaker, Isam  Zaiem.  Library Symposiums will be 2 lectures on Islamic Art given by Gingr Vaughan  in the Sanctuary at 730 P.M. on Wednesdays, Sept. 24th and Oct. 22nd. A 3rd presentation on Islam will be held Wednesday, Nov. 19 at 7:30. Topic TBA.


Join us on September 7 for To Be Human is to Promise

A Multigenerational Ingathering Service and Water Communion led by Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer and Director of Religious Education Karen Lapidus

We are “promise-making, promise-breaking, promise-renewing” animals.  That is what the Israeli Jewish philosopher Martin Buber once said and to me it rings true.  This morning as we welcome the whole community back together after some have been away for summer work and play, we explore the promises we make to one another.  Please bring a small container of water and/or earth with you to church this Sunday to represent a place where you felt fully awake to your humanity this summer.


Lifespan Learning

Summer RE Coming to an End

Our last session of Summer RE happens on August 31st at 9:45.  Preschool children meet in their upstairs classroom.  School-aged and younger youth gather in the large upstairs classroom (pancakes in Fessenden ~ yum).

It has been a wonderful summer of giving simple gifts.  The gifts we will be making on Sunday are for someone in the church.  I don’t want to spoil the surprise, but school-aged children will not want to miss this Sunday!

Childcare for babies and children up to age 4 is provided in the nursery during both the 9:45 and the 11:30 services.

September 7th ~  Ingathering Sunday.  See the Chalice Flame and the e-nUUs for more information about this wonderful multigenerational worship experience.  Preschool RE starts this day @ 9:45.  The age range for our preschool is age three by 9/1/14 to those 5-year-olds who are not attending Kindergarten in the fall.  All children and youth, Grades K-12, will be in the sanctuary for the entire service.

September 14th ~  RE starts for everyone else.  At 9:45, we have classes for preschool, Grades K-2 and Grades 3-5.  At 11:30, we have our school-aged RE class, Middle School and High School Youth Group.


The Wi$dom Path: Money, Spirit, and Life

The UUA has developed a new program on the topic of money and spirituality that will be offered at our church this year for the first time.  As the program materials note, “Money plays a role in nearly every aspect of our lives.  Depending on how we understand it, our relationship with money can enhance or limit our ability to live our lives to the fullest.  In this program, participants join together to give this important aspect of our lives due attention in a religious community.  The heart of this program is an exploration of the relationship between money and spiritual values, specifically our Unitarian Universalist values.”

Participants will explore money and values through conversation and activities that allow them to consider their own stories and different perspectives on money, help them feel better equipped to make money decisions, and encourage them to consider whether they want to pursue changes to bring their financial choices in better alignment with their values.

The 12 sessions will be offered as 3 topical series.  Although members can drop into any session, you will get the most out of the program if you attend regularly.  The first series, on Money and Self, is an introduction to the program in which participants explore their own attitudes and experiences with money.  The 3 sessions in this series will meet on Thursday nights September 11, 18, and 25 at 7PM.

After a short break, the second series will meet every other week starting mid-October (on a Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday, depending on the preferences of those attending the first session).  This series of 5 sessions, on Money, Spirit, and Life, will guide participants toward taking actions that align with their personal values.  The last series, Money and Society (4 sessions), explores how our financial ways of being affects others.  The last series will meet in January and February.

Questions?  Want more information? Please contact Kathy Kerns.



The connection between nature, wilderness, and spirituality goes back to the very origins of humanity.  The Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent will host a program entitled “A Wilderness Icon: America’s Red Rock Canyonlands” on Wednesday, September 17 at 7:30 pm.

The speaker will be Clayton Daughenbaugh, conservation organizer with the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance and Chairperson of the Sierra Club’s National Wildlands and Wilderness Committee.  Daughenbaugh will address the topic of faith and the land while promoting the national campaign to protect America’s red rock wilderness.

The program includes a multi-media slideshow documenting citizen efforts to designate public lands in southern Utah’s spectacular canyon country as part of the National Wilderness Preservation System. This 15-minute journey through red rock splendor, narrated by Robert Redford, invigorates and motivates viewers to participate in the movement to protect these unique lands.  Comprehensive legislation is pending in Congress and administrative decisions by the Department of Interior are ongoing.

The national campaign to protect the Red Rock Canyonlands has been endorsed by the Unitarian Universalist General Assembly and by the Unitarian Universalist Ministry for the Earth.


From the Library 

The Library will offer 3 Symposiums this fall titled “Art and Allah: Increasing Our Understanding of Muslim Art, History and Culture, Beginning with Art”.  A timely foundation for the Symposiums will be offered in a lecture given by Isam Zaiem on Sept. 5th at 7:00 P.M. in the Sanctuary. Mr. Zaiem’s lecture, “Islam  101 and Being Muslim Post 9/11: Challenging Islamophobia, Profiling, and Marginalization,” will be preceded by a potluck supper at 6:15, coordinated by Andrew Rome and Sevim McCutcheon. Everyone is urged to take advantage of this special opportunity. The Library committee is grateful to Sevim for bringing Mr. Zaiem to our congregation.

The Symposium dates are on Wednesdays, Sept. 24th, October 22nd, and November 19th at 7:30 P.M. in the Sanctuary. Gingr Vaughan will give the first 2 presentations on Islamic art. She will begin by showing the similarities among the belief systems of Christianity, Judaism and Islam and how they influenced one another in art. The 3rd Symposium will focus on history and literature, with the guest presenter TBA.

All presentations will be followed by a Q&A session and refreshments. We hope you can attend and look forward to seeing you.


Community Within

 The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, September 9 at 7 pm in the home of Trish Johnson-Kwartler, 2937 Overlook Road in Silver Lake. Carrot cake by Bill Bowen will be served. We’ll meet in the church parking at 6:30 pm to carpool. This month we are reading Orange is the New Black: My Year in a Woman’s Prison by Piper Kerman.  The author was sent to prison for a ten-year-old crime for drug trafficking. She spent thirteen months in prison, eleven of them at the federal correctional facility in Danbury, Connecticut. This is a look into the lives of women in prison; why we lock so many away, and what happens to them when they are there. In October, it will be reader’s choice. Also at October’s gathering, we will have a book exchange. Bring books that you no longer want and trade with other group members. All left over books will be donated Empower Portage. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.  All are welcome.


In Appreciation of Our Greeters

We gratefully acknowledge those who have served as greeters during the past year. It makes such a difference to be met at the door with a smile, an Order of Service, and assistance in finding a name tag and a seat; to know that guests and visitors are warmly welcomed, that the sanctuary is prepared for worship, and that the Offering is handled with care and attention. The time our greeters spend before, during, and after the service creates a warm, welcoming, and peaceful environment for the entire church community. We thank you!

Please join us for coffee hour on Sept. 7th in their honor

Deb Biggins Becky Haines Patty Miller
Lee Brooker Noreen Kumm-Gory Jan Noden
Elaine Bowen Bonnie Harper Laura Sinclair
JR Campbell Dan Hayes Cheryl Spoehr
Melissa Campbell Chris Hurlbut Mark Stephens
Andrea Case Martha Kluth Denise Snyder-Markovich
Cheryl Casper Trish Kwartler Paulette Thurman
Trudy Diehl Dianne Lenihan Sarah Verity
Don Easterling Kim Marfy Theresa Walton
Mark Eckman John Marfy Ann Waters
Kay Eckman Trish McLoughlin Gene Wenninger
Jen Fisette Meg Milko Fred Gory
Claudia Miller

Special thanks to Jennifer Gregg for donating the visitor candles.


Join the UUCK greeter team!

We are actively recruiting greeters for the 2014-15 church year. No experience required! It’s one of the easiest ways for new friends and members to get involved, serve the church, and learn who everyone is. It’s also a wonderful way for established members to share their enthusiasm for the community.

If you are interested in committing to this ministry as a new or returning greeter, please contact Jen Fisette or Andrea Case to get signed up!


News from the Building Expansion Front

‘When courage, genius and generosity hold hands, all things are possible.’   -Unknown

The Building Expansion Team (BET) of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent has been meeting for months.  Hopefully you have heard about some of our work, taken our survey, met with us to share your hopes and dreams for our new facilities.  Most recently the BET has been working with Doug Fuller, the Architect who will be helping us give shape to our dreams.  If you have any questions, or would like more information, please feel free to contact any member of the BET.

Building Expansion Team members are:

Matt Slater, Co-Chair
Lois Weir, Co-Chair
Mary Lou Holly
Larry Johnson
Randy Leeson


Church Campout

It’s time once again for the “Where’s Walden” fall camp-out.   We’ll be gathering the week-end of October 3-5th at the Loleta Recreation Area in the Alleghany National Forest in Pennsylvania.  The campground is about two hours from Kent.   This is a family friendly event and everyone is welcome, but there is a limit on the group size, so sign up soon on the form posted downstairs in Fessenden Hall.   We’re staying at the group site which can accommodate tents.  If you wish to bring a camper you’re welcome to reserve a site in the adjoining campground.    Dinners are pot luck style, everyone brings their own table ware and food and drink to share.  The theme Friday night is American cookout, Saturday’s theme is comfort food.   Randy Leeson cooks pancakes, bacon and eggs for all on Saturday and Sunday morning.   Everyone furnishes their own lunches and snacks.  Activities to choose from include: hiking; canoeing; kayaking;  exploring the stream; and relaxing around the campfire.  The cost for the weekend is $5 per person with a maximum of $15 per family.  This fee covers the cost of the campground and firewood,  there is an additional cost if you wish to rent a canoe or kayak.


Book Review by Martha Kluth

Being Both: Embracing Two Religions in One Interfaith Family, Susan Katz Miller, New Beacon Press, 2013.

Ms. Miller has been a reporter for Newsweek, and New Scientist. Her work has appeared in the New York Times and the Christian Science Monitor, and on National Public Radio. She is former co-chair of the Interfaith Families Project of Greater Washington(D.C.)

Ms. Miller grew up with a Jewish father and a Christian mother, and she is currently in an interfaith marriage herself. Essentially, the book declares the benefits of celebrating two religions in one family and provides a blueprint for interfaith families who are seeking guidance and community support. It will be available in the Church Library next month under “Family Life.”


Outreach and Social Justice

These are exciting times at the  UU Church of Akron!

Saturday, September 13 from 9:30AM to 3:30PM, the UUCA congregation will host a very important conference on the immigration crisis in Ohio. What makes this news especially exciting is that the conference will be attended by the Rev. Peter Morales, who is the President of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). President Morales will preach the sermon at the opening worship service and participate in the rest of the program, which will include panel discussions and presentations coordinated by our partner organization, the Immigrant Worker Project (IWP). Jeff Stewart from IWP will bring several guests from the immigrant community who will share powerful stories about their experience, including first-hand testimony about the recent migration of children from Central America. In addition to President Morales, the General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ (UCC), the Rev. Geoffrey Black, will also be in attendance.  Everyone is welcome to attend the morning worship service and the conference.  Register at:  https://ohiomeadville.wufoo.com/forms/qhte9sr150dkmz/


The Human Rights Task Force is pleased to have a schedule in place to tutor at the Skeels-Matthews Community Center in Ravenna, on Thursday afternoons from 4:00 to 6:00 through October.  It’s an after-school program; most of the students are grade-school level, and most are low-income.  We would like more volunteers to round out the schedule, possibly adding Tuesdays.   Please contact Lee Brooker.


UU and Interfaith Connections

You are Invited to an Evening to Aid in Developing Awareness of Cultural and Religious Diversity

Presented by:  Isam Zaiem, President Emeritus (CAIR-Ohio – Cleveland Chapter)

Topic:   Islam 101 and Being Muslim Post 9/11

Challenging Islamophobia, Profiling, and Marginalization

When:  Friday September 5, 2014

Where: Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent

228 Gougler Ave., Kent, OH 44240


Time:  6:15-7:00 PM   Potluck Dinner  (Please, NO Pork or Alcohol)

7:00-8:30 PM   Discussion, Questions and Answers


Income Generation

Still looking for some back-to-school bargains? Well, this is your lucky day! We’d love to sell you some Sheetz Fundraiser coupon books–for just $10.00, you’ll get $20.00 worth of coupons good for free parfaits, sandwiches, fries, drinks, etc.! Treat yourself and help the church at the same time. The coupons are good until December 31, 2015. You can buy as many books as you need at Sunday’s pancake breakfast table (we’d love to see them sell “like hotcakes”!) during coffee hour or after second service, or contact Meg Milko or Sandy Eaglen to make other purchase arrangements.


Looking for a great way to support the Church?  Use GoodSearch and GoodShop!  

GoodSearch is an internet search engine powered through Yahoo! and the site donates about a penny for each search made.  Simply go to www.GoodSearch.com  and choose the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent as your charity to support.  The pennies will add up quickly if many people use this free tool.  While on the site check out www.GoodShop.com and www.goodsearch.com also.  If you’re an online shopper or like to eat out, many stores and vendors will donate a percentage of your purchase back to the Church and the Good Dining participating restaurants will donate a percentage of your tab to the Church.  This is truly fundraising made easy!  Last year, the Church received $213.00 from Good Search and GoodShop based on the use of a few of our members and friends.  Thank you!
Starting today through September 1st, every purchase your supporters make via Goodshop enters Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent for a chance to win one of five $400 prizes in our $2,000 Giveaway! What’s more, up to 20% of their purchases will be donated to your cause. 


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Weekly e-nUUs – August 20, 2014

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Correction to Staff Schedules

Last week’s Thread from the Web had an error.  Rev. Melissa is not on vacation this week; she is working her regular schedule.  She will be on vacation next week from 8/23 through 8/29.  Rev. Christie Anderson, our Commissioned Lay Leader, will be available for emergency and time sensitive pastoral concerns while Melissa is away.


Worship & Music  

We are back to our normal schedule of two services being offered Sunday mornings at 9:45 and 11:30.  Summer Religious Education will continue to be offered at 9:45 AM only through August 31 with Nursery care available for all services.


August 24 – G”UU”GLE It

Led by Lori McGee and Worship Associate Sophie Smith

This service will explore various aspects of Unitarian Universalism. From social justice to covenant, from

religious education to ministry, we will endeavor to show how our chosen religion works for freedom, love, and justice in the world today.


Sunday Service Proposals Sought – Due today!

The Worship Arts Team will be meeting soon to plan lay-led Sunday services through January.  We are now accepting program proposals.  If you think you might be interested in preparing and leading a service, please contact one of these team members – Andrew Rome, Lori McGee, Christie Anderson or Liz Bright.  They can provide you with assistance if you are new to the process.  Links to information about planning a service and the proposal form may be found on the Sunday Program Committee’s web page at //kentuu.org/ministry/sunday-program/. Please submit proposals for consideration by noon on 8/20.


Lifespan Learning

Mark Your Calendars!  Important RE Dates!

August 24th and 31st ~  Summer RE continues at 9:45.  Preschool children meet in the upstairs classroom and for school-aged and younger youth gather in Fessenden.  Childcare for babies and children up to age 4 is provided in the nursery during both the 9:45 and the 11:30 services.

September 7th ~  Ingathering Sunday.  See the Chalice Flame and the e- nUUs for more information about this wonderful multigenerational worship experience.  Preschool RE starts this day @ 9:45 for children age three by 9/1/14 to those 5-year-olds who are not attending Kindergarten in the fall.

September 14th ~  RE starts for everyone else.  At 9:45, we have classes for preschool, Grades K-2 and Grades 3-5.  At 11:30, we have our school-aged RE class, Middle School and High School Youth Group.


Community Within

The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, September 9 at 7 pm in the home of Trish Johnson-Kwartler. Carrot cake by Bill Bowen will be served. We’ll meet in the church parking at 6:30 pm to carpool. This month we are reading Orange is the New Black: My Year in a Woman’s Prison by Piper Kerman.  The author was sent to prison for a ten-year-old crime for drug trafficking. She spent thirteen months in prison, eleven of them at the federal correctional facility in Danbury, Connecticut. This is a look into the lives of women in prison; why we lock so many away, and what happens to them when they are there. In October, it will be reader’s choice. Also at October’s gathering, we will have a book exchange. Bring books that you no longer want and trade with other group members. All left over books will be donated Empower Portage. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.  All are welcome.


From the Library 

The Library will offer 3 Symposiums this fall titled “Art and Allah: Increasing Our Understanding of Muslim Art, History and Culture, Beginning with Art”.  A timely foundation for the Symposiums will be offered in a lecture given by Isam Zaiem on Sept. 5th at 7:00 P.M. in the Sanctuary. Mr. Zaiem’s lecture,”Islam  101 and Being Muslim Post 9/11: Challenging Islamophobia, Profiling, and Marginalization, will be preceded by a potluck supper at 6:15, coordinated by Andrew Rome and Sevim McCutcheon. Everyone is urged to take advantage of this special opportunity. The Library committee is grateful to Sevim for bringing Mr. Zaiem to our congregation.

The Symposium dates are on Wednesdays, Sept. 24th, October 22nd, and November 19th at 7:30 P.M. in the Sanctuary. Gingr Vaughan will give the first 2 presentations on Islamic art. She will begin by showing the similarities among the belief systems of Christianity, Judaism and Islam and how they influenced one another in art. The 3rd Symposium will focus on history and literature, with the guest presenter TBA.

All presentations will be followed by a Q&A session and refreshments. We hope you can attend and look forward to seeing you.


Church Campout

It’s time once again for the “Where’s Walden” fall camp-out.   We’ll be gathering the week-end of October 3-5th at the Loleta Recreation Area in the Alleghany National Forest in Pennsylvania.  The campground is about two hours from Kent.   This is a family friendly event and everyone is welcome, but there is a limit on the group size, so sign up soon on the form posted downstairs in Fessenden Hall.   We’re staying at the group site which can accommodate tents.  If you wish to bring a camper you’re welcome to reserve a site in the adjoining campground.    Dinners are pot luck style, everyone brings their own table ware and food and drink to share.  The theme Friday night is American cookout, Saturday’s theme is comfort food.   Randy Leeson cooks pancakes, bacon and eggs for all on Saturday and Sunday morning.   Everyone furnishes their own lunches and snacks.  Activities to choose from include: hiking; canoeing; kayaking;  exploring the stream; and relaxing around the campfire.  The cost for the weekend is $5 per person with a maximum of $15 per family.  This fee covers the cost of the campground and firewood,  there is an additional cost if you wish to rent a canoe or kayak.


Book Review by Martha Kluth

Being Both: Embracing Two Religions in One Interfaith Family, Susan Katz Miller, New Beacon Press, 2013.

Ms. Miller has been a reporter for Newsweek, and New Scientist. Her work has appeared in the New York Times and the Christian Science Monitor, and on National Public Radio. She is former co-chair of the Interfaith Families Project of Greater Washington(D.C.)

Ms. Miller grew up with a Jewish father and a Christian mother, and she is currently in an interfaith marriage herself. Essentially, the book declares the benefits of celebrating two religions in one family and provides a blueprint for interfaith families who are seeking guidance and community support. It will be available in the Church Library next month under “Family Life.”


Outreach and Social Justice

From Your Green Team:

FaCT – Faith Communities Together for Frack Awareness will meet again on Sunday, August 24 at 1:00 p.m. at the Community Church of Chesterland, 11984 Caves Rd, Chesterland (at Wilson Mills & Caves Roads).  (Please note the earlier-than-usual meeting start time of 1:00 p.m.  The time listed in the Aug. 1 BEACON is incorrect.)  A light lunch will be served at 12:30 p.m. for those who are interested.

Featured Presenter: Dr. Ted Auch, expert on mapping fracking in Ohio



UU and Interfaith Connections

You are Invited to an Evening to Aid in Developing Awareness of Cultural and Religious Diversity

Presented by:  Isam Zaiem, President Emeritus (CAIR-Ohio – Cleveland Chapter)

Topic:   Islam 101 and Being Muslim Post 9/11

Challenging Islamophobia, Profiling, and Marginalization

When:  Friday September 5, 2014

Where:  Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent

228 Gougler Ave., Kent, OH 44240


Time:  6:15-7:00 PM   Potluck Dinner  (Please, NO Pork or Alcohol)

7:00-8:30 PM   Discussion, Questions and Answers


Income Generation

Looking for an easy way to support that Church?  Use GoodSearch and GoodShop!  

GoodSearch is an internet search engine powered through Yahoo! and the site donates about a penny for each search made.  Simply go to www.GoodSearch.com, register  and choose the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent as your charity to support.  The pennies will add up quickly if lots of people use this free tool.  While on the site check out www.GoodShop.com and www.goodsearch.com also.  If you’re an online shopper or like to eat out, many stores and vendors will donate a percentage of your purchase back to the Church and the Good Dining participating restaurants will donate a percentage of your tab to the Church.  This is truly fundraising made easy!  Last year, the Church received $213.00 from Good Search and GoodShop based on the use of a few of our members and friends.  Thank you!
Starting today through September 1st, every purchase your supporters make via Goodshop enters Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent for a chance to win one of five $400 prizes in their $2,000 Giveaway! What’s more, up to 20% of their purchases will be donated to your cause. 

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