Correction to Staff Schedules
Last week’s Thread from the Web had an error. Rev. Melissa is not on vacation this week; she is working her regular schedule. She will be on vacation next week from 8/23 through 8/29. Rev. Christie Anderson, our Commissioned Lay Leader, will be available for emergency and time sensitive pastoral concerns while Melissa is away.
Worship & Music
We are back to our normal schedule of two services being offered Sunday mornings at 9:45 and 11:30. Summer Religious Education will continue to be offered at 9:45 AM only through August 31 with Nursery care available for all services.
August 24 – G”UU”GLE It
Led by Lori McGee and Worship Associate Sophie Smith
This service will explore various aspects of Unitarian Universalism. From social justice to covenant, from
religious education to ministry, we will endeavor to show how our chosen religion works for freedom, love, and justice in the world today.
Sunday Service Proposals Sought – Due today!
The Worship Arts Team will be meeting soon to plan lay-led Sunday services through January. We are now accepting program proposals. If you think you might be interested in preparing and leading a service, please contact one of these team members – Andrew Rome, Lori McGee, Christie Anderson or Liz Bright. They can provide you with assistance if you are new to the process. Links to information about planning a service and the proposal form may be found on the Sunday Program Committee’s web page at // Please submit proposals for consideration by noon on 8/20.
Lifespan Learning
Mark Your Calendars! Important RE Dates!
August 24th and 31st ~ Summer RE continues at 9:45. Preschool children meet in the upstairs classroom and for school-aged and younger youth gather in Fessenden. Childcare for babies and children up to age 4 is provided in the nursery during both the 9:45 and the 11:30 services.
September 7th ~ Ingathering Sunday. See the Chalice Flame and the e- nUUs for more information about this wonderful multigenerational worship experience. Preschool RE starts this day @ 9:45 for children age three by 9/1/14 to those 5-year-olds who are not attending Kindergarten in the fall.
September 14th ~ RE starts for everyone else. At 9:45, we have classes for preschool, Grades K-2 and Grades 3-5. At 11:30, we have our school-aged RE class, Middle School and High School Youth Group.
Community Within
The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, September 9 at 7 pm in the home of Trish Johnson-Kwartler. Carrot cake by Bill Bowen will be served. We’ll meet in the church parking at 6:30 pm to carpool. This month we are reading Orange is the New Black: My Year in a Woman’s Prison by Piper Kerman. The author was sent to prison for a ten-year-old crime for drug trafficking. She spent thirteen months in prison, eleven of them at the federal correctional facility in Danbury, Connecticut. This is a look into the lives of women in prison; why we lock so many away, and what happens to them when they are there. In October, it will be reader’s choice. Also at October’s gathering, we will have a book exchange. Bring books that you no longer want and trade with other group members. All left over books will be donated Empower Portage. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper. All are welcome.
From the Library
The Library will offer 3 Symposiums this fall titled “Art and Allah: Increasing Our Understanding of Muslim Art, History and Culture, Beginning with Art”. A timely foundation for the Symposiums will be offered in a lecture given by Isam Zaiem on Sept. 5th at 7:00 P.M. in the Sanctuary. Mr. Zaiem’s lecture,”Islam 101 and Being Muslim Post 9/11: Challenging Islamophobia, Profiling, and Marginalization, will be preceded by a potluck supper at 6:15, coordinated by Andrew Rome and Sevim McCutcheon. Everyone is urged to take advantage of this special opportunity. The Library committee is grateful to Sevim for bringing Mr. Zaiem to our congregation.
The Symposium dates are on Wednesdays, Sept. 24th, October 22nd, and November 19th at 7:30 P.M. in the Sanctuary. Gingr Vaughan will give the first 2 presentations on Islamic art. She will begin by showing the similarities among the belief systems of Christianity, Judaism and Islam and how they influenced one another in art. The 3rd Symposium will focus on history and literature, with the guest presenter TBA.
All presentations will be followed by a Q&A session and refreshments. We hope you can attend and look forward to seeing you.
Church Campout
It’s time once again for the “Where’s Walden” fall camp-out. We’ll be gathering the week-end of October 3-5th at the Loleta Recreation Area in the Alleghany National Forest in Pennsylvania. The campground is about two hours from Kent. This is a family friendly event and everyone is welcome, but there is a limit on the group size, so sign up soon on the form posted downstairs in Fessenden Hall. We’re staying at the group site which can accommodate tents. If you wish to bring a camper you’re welcome to reserve a site in the adjoining campground. Dinners are pot luck style, everyone brings their own table ware and food and drink to share. The theme Friday night is American cookout, Saturday’s theme is comfort food. Randy Leeson cooks pancakes, bacon and eggs for all on Saturday and Sunday morning. Everyone furnishes their own lunches and snacks. Activities to choose from include: hiking; canoeing; kayaking; exploring the stream; and relaxing around the campfire. The cost for the weekend is $5 per person with a maximum of $15 per family. This fee covers the cost of the campground and firewood, there is an additional cost if you wish to rent a canoe or kayak.
Book Review by Martha Kluth
Being Both: Embracing Two Religions in One Interfaith Family, Susan Katz Miller, New Beacon Press, 2013.
Ms. Miller has been a reporter for Newsweek, and New Scientist. Her work has appeared in the New York Times and the Christian Science Monitor, and on National Public Radio. She is former co-chair of the Interfaith Families Project of Greater Washington(D.C.)
Ms. Miller grew up with a Jewish father and a Christian mother, and she is currently in an interfaith marriage herself. Essentially, the book declares the benefits of celebrating two religions in one family and provides a blueprint for interfaith families who are seeking guidance and community support. It will be available in the Church Library next month under “Family Life.”
Outreach and Social Justice
From Your Green Team:
FaCT – Faith Communities Together for Frack Awareness will meet again on Sunday, August 24 at 1:00 p.m. at the Community Church of Chesterland, 11984 Caves Rd, Chesterland (at Wilson Mills & Caves Roads). (Please note the earlier-than-usual meeting start time of 1:00 p.m. The time listed in the Aug. 1 BEACON is incorrect.) A light lunch will be served at 12:30 p.m. for those who are interested.
Featured Presenter: Dr. Ted Auch, expert on mapping fracking in Ohio
UU and Interfaith Connections
You are Invited to an Evening to Aid in Developing Awareness of Cultural and Religious Diversity
Presented by: Isam Zaiem, President Emeritus (CAIR-Ohio – Cleveland Chapter)
Topic: Islam 101 and Being Muslim Post 9/11
Challenging Islamophobia, Profiling, and Marginalization
When: Friday September 5, 2014
Where: Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent
228 Gougler Ave., Kent, OH 44240
Time: 6:15-7:00 PM Potluck Dinner (Please, NO Pork or Alcohol)
7:00-8:30 PM Discussion, Questions and Answers
Income Generation
Looking for an easy way to support that Church? Use GoodSearch and GoodShop!
GoodSearch is an internet search engine powered through Yahoo! and the site donates about a penny for each search made. Simply go to, register and choose the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent as your charity to support. The pennies will add up quickly if lots of people use this free tool. While on the site check out and also. If you’re an online shopper or like to eat out, many stores and vendors will donate a percentage of your purchase back to the Church and the Good Dining participating restaurants will donate a percentage of your tab to the Church. This is truly fundraising made easy! Last year, the Church received $213.00 from Good Search and GoodShop based on the use of a few of our members and friends. Thank you!
Starting today through September 1st, every purchase your supporters make via Goodshop enters Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent for a chance to win one of five $400 prizes in their $2,000 Giveaway! What’s more, up to 20% of their purchases will be donated to your cause.