e-nUUs – March 15, 2023

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

Generosity Campaign

  •  Thank you

From Rev. Steven

  • Reproductive Justice in Ohio

Community Within

  • This Friday!  All Church Potluck Dinner – March 17
  • Shared Ministries Council Meeting – March 19
  • The Great Pancake Breakfast Returns! – March 26
  • Sneak Preview – Halapaloza
  • Coffee Volunteers Needed to support Social Hour

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Why Volunteering is good for your soul
  • Volunteer Opportunities – we need you!

Worship & Music

  • Sunday services – 10 AM both in person and via Zoom
  • Daring to be Vulnerable – Sunday, March 19
  • How to Build a Bridge – Sunday, March 26
  • Sunday Greeters Needed

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • You’re Invited:  Living the Pledge to End Racism Workshop
  • Donations needed for the UUCK Free Store!
  • March Special Collection – Social Responsible Sweat Shop
  • Special Collections – How to donate.

Lifespan Learning

  • This week in Children’s RE

From the Board of Trustees

  • More on Hobbs Hall Solar

UU, Interfaith & Community Connections

  • Summer Institute
  • General Assembly 2023 – Registration Open!
  • This Saturday, March 18 — UUA Presidential Forum. Registration Required.
  • Financial Support to participate at GA
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Daring to be Vulnerable

Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 10 AM

A multi-platform service led by Rev. Steven Protzman and Worship Associate Randy Bish.

Writer Madeleine L’Engle says that “to be alive is to be vulnerable”.  We may think of vulnerability as a weakness, but what if it is actually a strength that helps us be more human?  This service will explore March’s Soul Matters theme “The Path of Vulnerability” and invites us to see vulnerability as a gift to be given, even though it is risky, and a means of becoming more connected with others.

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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e-nUUs — March 8, 2023

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topic included:

Generosity Campaign

  •  Support What you Love

From the Board of Trustees

  • More on Hobbs Hall Solar

Community Within

  • All Church Potluck Dinner – March 17
  • Euchre Sunday – March 12
  • The Great Pancake Breakfast Returns! – March 26
  • Shared Ministries Council Meeting – March 19
  • Sneak Preview – Halapaloza
  • Coffee Volunteers Needed to support Social Hour

Worship & Music

  • Sunday services – 10 AM both in person and via Zoom
  • Love is the Spirit of this Church! – Sunday, March 12
  • Daring to be Vulnerable – Sunday, March 19
  • How to Build a Bridge – Sunday, March 26
  • Easter flowers – March 9 deadline to order!
  • Sunday Greeters Needed

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Environmental Justice Meeting – March 12
  • Nominations for Special Collection recipients being accepted
  • You’re Invited:  Living the Pledge to End Racism Workshop
  • Donations needed for the UUCK Free Store!
  • March Special Collection – Social Responsible Sweat Shop
  • Special Collections – How to donate.

Lifespan Learning

  • This week in Children’s RE
  • Teacher Teams for March 12

UU, Interfaith & Community Connections

  • Summer Institute
  • General Assembly 2023 – Registration Open!
  • Financial Support to participate at GA
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Love is the Spirit of this Church!

Original art: Saul Flanner

Sunday, March 12, 2023 at 10 AM.

A multi-platform service led by Rev. Steven Protzman and Worship Associate Elaine Bowen.

We often use the words of James Vila Blake for our chalice lighting: “Love is the spirit of this church…” Have you ever stopped to think about what that means? What is this Love? What does it ask of us? As we complete our annual pledge campaign and celebrate our shared commitment to this congregation, we’ll reflect on the Love that brings and holds us together and calls us into fullness of life.

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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e-nUUs — March 1, 2023

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics Included:

Generosity Campaign
Love is the Spirit of this Church!

Community Within
TONIGHT!  Journey of Belonging – March 1
Church Clean-up – March 4
Discussion on Proposed Changes to the UU Principles – March 5
Shared Ministries Council Meeting – March 19
Show Us Your Talent!
Coffee Volunteers Needed to support Social Hour

Worship & Music
Sunday services – 10 AM both in person and via Zoom
What is a Unitarian Universalist? – Sunday, March 5
Love is the Spirit of this Church! – Sunday, March 12
Easter flowers
Music Ministry Congregational Listening Session – March 5
Sunday Greeters Needed

Social Justice and Community Outreach
Hobbs Hall is Going Solar!
Community Meal this Sunday, March 5
Donate to the Free Store — Help our kids walk the walk!
Environmental Justice Meeting – March 12
March Special Collection – Social Responsible Sweat Shop
Special Collections – How to donate.
Nominations for Special Collection recipients being accepted

Lifespan Learning
Adult RE – Building Your Own Theology Class – registration requested
This week in Children’s RE
Teacher Teams

UU, Interfaith & Community Connections
Summer Institute
General Assembly 2023 – Registration Open!
Financial Support to participate at GA

Volunteers Needed
Our church is fueled by volunteers!
Volunteer Opportunities Sundays Sunday Greeters
Social Hour
Rentals support
Social Justice UUYJ Community Meal

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What is a Unitarian Universalist?

Image: UUA Article II Study Commission

Sunday, March 5, 2023 at 10 AM

A multi-platform service led by Commissioned Lay Minister Kathy Kerns and Worship Associate Rev. Steven Protzman.

What would you say if your neighbor said to you, I know you attend the Unitarian Universalist church, but what does your church believe?  What do you think are the essential aspects of the Unitarian Universalism faith?  In this service we will explore different ideas about UU identity as we reflect on the proposal to replace our current UU seven principles with a statement of values. After the service, there will be an opportunity for additional discussion of the proposed changes in Hobbs Hall at 11:30am.

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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Successful Pledge Drive Needed for Financial Stability

The Church’s goal is to grow a thriving community while developing a sound financial base, according to Treasurer Lois Weir and Board Moderator Don Gregg in an interview last week.

That’s a difficult balance to achieve, Lois and Don admitted; but the Church has a plan to achieve both even in these uncertain financial times.

According to Lois and Don, here are some of the changes taking place:

Controlling Expenses.

  • Next fiscal year, the Church’s budget is set at $436,495.12, a slight increase from this fiscal year’s $430,308.71
  • This was achieved by cutting expenses: no salary increases and cuts in discretionary expenses, said Lois and Don. These were difficult measures especially in these inflationary times.
  • Hobbs Hall has added expenses.  
    • Don said, “We didn’t have a good plan for growing into our building [Hobbs Hall} and dealing with the increasing costs.”
    • Instead of putting aside money to “grow” into the building, the Board decided to put the money into the endowment. Now the Church is borrowing from the endowment to cover those costs.
  • Long-term Financial Planning.
    • The Church has called on the Unitarian Universalist Association to help.
    • Lois explained that many congregations in the UUA (and other denominations as well) are facing challenging financial times because of COVID and the added online expenses that the pandemic has brought, but “there are folks at the UUA that are available to us that will help us make a good, solid plan to get back to solvency in three to five years.”

Involving the Church Community.

  • Everyone in the Church community needs to be involved, the two agreed.  
    • Some members might organize fundraisers that the Church has not traditionally done. Others might work on new committees, including the group that will help solicit rentals for Hobbs Hall. More might volunteer for the Tech Team and the Service Auction. A few might write grants. Everything helps.
    • Lois explained, “Part of our way out of this is to get full engagement from everybody in the community – not just with their money but with their time.

Growing the Membership.

  • Both agreed that increasing the number of members will add vitality to the Church – and a growing campus, a fully engaged community and greater visibility in the city will increase the spotlight on the UUCK.
    • As Lois explained, “I think there are people out there in the community that might be open to what our denomination has to offer.”

Achieving a Successful Pledge Drive.

  • Meeting the $275,000 Pledge goal, which accounts for 63 percent of the Church’s  budget, is absolutely essential to the Church’s financial stability, the two agreed.
  • Pledges are what “we live on,” Don emphasized “It’s really important to have a successful [Pledge] drive. “
  • He encouraged Church members and friends to give what they can. “You aren’t expected to solve our problems on your own. It’s okay if you can’t pledge more. Having you as part of our community is what’s important.”
  • Lois agreed, “It’s not about the money. It’s about the whole person. Your time, your talent and your treasure. And some of us can give more time than treasure and vice versa.”
    • Lois and Don committed to increasing their pledges.
    • But to cover the budget now and next fiscal year, the Church will need to again borrow from the endowment

Borrowing from the Endowment.

  • Current 2022/2023 budget: To date, the Church has borrowed $25,000. Both Lois and Don emphasized that the Church will likely not have to draw the full amount of $133,000 to “close the gap” as was projected last year.
    • If the full budgeted amount of $133, 000 is needed for the current fiscal year, the Hobbs Endowment fund balance will be $71,763.
  • A loan from the endowment will be needed to get through fiscal 2023/2024. Under the proposed budget for fiscal year 2023/2024, the Church expects to borrow $98,000.
    • This will exhaust and exceed the Hobbs Endowment balance. 
    • The Board may need to re-designate other resources from the original Hobbs Bequest to make additional funds available for operations.
  • However, Don emphasized that the amount to be borrowed for this current fiscal year (2022/2023) and next fiscal year (2023/2024) are  not final.

Lois and Don said this year and next fiscal year are pivotal to the Church’s financial stability.  But in the end, the answer is with the congregation.

Lois explained, “…the key to solving this problem is growth. We need not just a larger congregation but a congregation that is excited and loves this place and looks forward to putting in the time and the effort and the money to make it go.”

–The Generosity Team

Kay Eckman, Claudia Miller and Marion Yeagler.

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e-nUUs — February 22, 2023

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics Included:

Generosity Campaign

  • Pledge Drive begins March 1

Community Within

  • Advanced Directive Workshop – February 26
  • Journey of Belonging – March 1
  • Discussion on Proposed Changes to the UU Principles – March 5
  • Shared Ministries Council Meeting – March 19
  • Calling All Talent!
  • Save the Date!  Concert and Cake
  • Coffee Volunteers Needed to support Social Hour

Worship & Music

  • Sunday services – 10 AM both in person and via Zoom
  • Love is the Center – Sunday, February 26
  • Choir Rehearsal – February 23
  • What is a Unitarian Universalist? – Sunday, March 5
  • Music Ministry Congregational Listening Session – March 5
  • Sunday Greeters Needed

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Environmental Justice Meeting – March 12
  • Support UUYJ Washington DC Service Trip
  • Donate to the Free Store — Help our kids walk the walk!
  • February Special Collection – NAACP
  • Special Collections – How to donate.

Lifespan Learning

  • Adult RE – Building Your Own Theology Class – registration requested
  • This week in Children’s RE
  • Teacher Teams

UU, Interfaith & Community Connections

  • Summer Institute
  • General Assembly 2023 – Registration Open!
  • Financial Support to participate at GA

Volunteers Needed

  • Our church is fueled by volunteers!
  • Volunteer Opportunities
    • Sundays
      • Sunday Greeters
      • Social Hour
    • Rentals support
    • Social Justice
      • UUYJ Community Meal
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Love is the Center

Sunday, February 26, 2023 at 10 AM

A multi-platform service led by Rev. Steven Protzman and Worship Associate Kathy Kerns.

We speak of Unitarian Universalism as a living tradition, with both roots, which ground us in a shared history and traditions, and wings, which are an invitation to keep growing and changing as new truths and ideas about our faith are revealed. This service will be an opportunity to learn about our denomination’s history since its beginnings in 1961 and the current proposed changes to Article II of the UUA by-laws, which include the Principles, Sources, and Purposes.

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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Love is the spirit of this Church!

Pledge drive opens March 1, 2023

Valentine’s Day is America’s holiday of love; but we in the UU Church of Kent know that love is not limited to a single day, it flows through our community every day. Love is the very spirit of our church.  That’s why the Generosity Team hopes to harness the power of love during this year’s  Pledge campaign.

March 1 marks the official start of this year’s Pledge Drive. It’s a short, albeit concentrated, time.

Watch for the video, sermon, stories, mailings and testimonials, all encouraging members and friends to get in the spirit of love of this UUCK community and Pledge from your heart.

It will end on March 12, “Giving Sunday,” when Pledge cards of love and support for the 2023/2024 budget year should be dropped into the offering basket.

Of course, there are other ways to Pledge.  You can Pledge online at kentuu.org/giving/stewardship or return the Pledge card – or just a note of your generous Pledge — to the church at 228 Gougler Ave., Kent, 44240. 

The truth is that this community we love is working through some challenging financial times. Our leadership is looking to the future and working on long-range plans for financial stability.

Over the next few weeks, you’ll be reading more about the goals and the plans for the church’s future.  Please keep those plans in mind while considering your Pledge. Your Pledge packet should arrive at your home by March 1.

Read the materials and Pledge from your heart as you are able. Let’s support what we love.

Of course, you need not wait until March 12. You can drop your Pledge card into the basket early, Pledge online or send it through the mail at any time.

And don’t miss the Generosity celebration on March 12 at Hobbs Hall after services. For there will be cake, fellowship, fun and lots of love.

–The Generosity Team
Kay Eckman, Claudia Miller and Marion Yeagler
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e-nUUs — February 15, 2023

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

Community Within

  • THIS FRIDAY!  All-church Potluck Dinner – February 17
  • Advanced Directive Workshop – February 26
  • Journey of Belonging – March 1
  • Support UUYJ Washington DC Service Trip
  • Shared Ministries Council – March 19
  • Is the door secure?
  • Caring for our campus
  • Thursday Zoom Discussion Group
  • Save the Date!  Concert and Cake
  • Coffee Volunteers Needed to support Social Hour

From Rev. Steven

  • Thirty Days of Love (Bonus link available)

Worship & Music

  • Sunday services – 10 AM both in person and via Zoom
  • Returning the Gaze – Sunday, February 19
  • Love is the Center – Sunday, February 26
  • Sunday Greeters Needed

Income Generation

  • Auction News – Save the Dates!
  • Volunteers Needed to support rental events

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • You’re invited- Environmental Justice short film – February 19
  • How is your electricity produced?
  • Race4Justice Movie Night – February 20
  • Donate to the Free Store — Help our kids walk the walk!
  • February Special Collection – NAACP
  • Special Collections – How to donate.

Lifespan Learning

  • This week in RE
  • Teacher Teams

Volunteers Needed

  • Our church is fueled by volunteers!
  • Volunteer Opportunities
    • Sundays
      • Sunday Greeters
      • Social Hour
    • Rentals support
      • Hobbs Hall setup/reset to support the winter farm market – Fridays and Saturdays (Jan – Mar)
    • Social Justice
      • UUYJ Community Meal

UU, Interfaith & Community Connections

  • LoveLight celebrates Mardi Gras at Pit Stop Pub – February 21
  • Important Update about Summer Institute!
  • What is happening with the proposed changes to the UU Principles? 
  • General Assembly 2023 – Registration Open!
  • Financial Support to participate at GA
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Returning the Gaze

Malcolm X, 1964
(Library of Congress)

Sunday, February 19, 2023 at 10 AM

A multi-platform service led by Rev. Steven Protzman and Worship Associate David Weaver.

Malcolm X has been labeled a radical, an extremist, and a threat, but his fundamental belief was in human dignity. He described his life’s work as “returning the gaze”, seeking to hold up a spiritual mirror that reflected racism and white supremacy and the oppression of black Americans. This service will explore the complex life and theological evolution of Malcolm X and challenge us to continue his life’s work of seeking dignity for every person.

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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e-nUUs — February 8, 2023

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topic Included:

Community Within

  • Leisure Time Ministries – UUchre! – February 12
  • All-church Potluck Dinner – February 17
  • Advanced Directive Workshop – February 26
  • Thursday Zoom Discussion Group
  • Save the Date!  Shared Ministries Council – March 19
  • Coffee Volunteers Needed to support Social Hour
  • Fessenden Hall for committee meetings!

From Rev. Steven

  • Thirty Days of Love (week 4 link available)

Worship & Music

  • Sunday services – 10 AM both in person and via Zoom
  • A Fierce Love for Trans Youth – Sunday, February 12
  • Returning the Gaze – Sunday, February 19
  • Sunday Greeters Needed

Income Generation

  • How much should I donate?
  • Auction News – Save the Dates!
  • Volunteers Needed to support rental events

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Environmental Justice Meeting – February 12
  • Thank you!
  • Movie Night – February 20
  • Help our Middle School Kids Walk the Walk!
  • February Special Collection – NAACP
  • Special Collections – How to donate.
  • Plastics Recycling Collection

Lifespan Learning

  • News from RE
  • Winter Hogwarts volunteer opportunity

Volunteers Needed

  • Our church is fueled by volunteers!
  • Volunteer Opportunities
    • Sundays
      • Sunday Greeters
      • Social Hour
    • Rentals support
      • Hobbs Hall setup/reset to support the winter farm market – Fridays and Saturdays (Jan – Mar)
    • Social Justice
      • UUYJ Community Meal
      • Plastics Recycling

UU, Interfaith & Community Connections

  • Important Update about Summer Institute!
  • What is happening with the proposed changes to the UU Principles? 
  • General Assembly 2023 – Registration Open!
  • Financial Support to participate at GA
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A Fierce Love for Trans Youth

Photo by Aiden Craver on Unsplash

Sunday, February 12, 2023 at 10 AM

A multi-platform service led by Rev. Steven Protzman and Worship Associate Elaine Bowen.

Ohio House Bill #454 would prohibit trans and gender nonconforming adolescents from accessing gender affirming treatment even with parental consent. We will learn more about this issue and ask how Love calls us to be fierce in the work of advocacy, education, and action so that Ohio families with trans children are safe and able to access the health care they need and everyone, especially our children, are able to fully be themselves.

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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e-nUUs – February 1, 2023

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

Community Within

  • Thank you from the Graham/Stephens Family
  • TONIGHT!  Journey of Belonging: Social Justice – February 1
  • Advanced Directive Workshop – February 26
  • Save the Date!  Shared Ministries Council – March 19
  • Remembering Gordon
  • Coffee Volunteers Needed to support Social Hour
  • Halapalooza!
  • Fessenden Hall for committee meetings!
  • Winter Institute

From Rev. Steven

  • Steven away thru 2/7
  • Thirty Days of Love (week 3 link available)

Worship & Music

  • Sunday services – 10 AM both in person and via Zoom
  • TONIGHT!  Soulful Song Circle – February 1
  • Choir Practice – February 2
  • There Is a Love Holding Us – Sunday, February 5
  • A Fierce Love for Trans Youth – Sunday, February 12
  • Returning the Gaze – Sunday, February 19
  • Sunday Greeters Needed

Income Generation

  • How much should I donate?
  • Tickets still available for Akron History Walk (auction event)
  • Volunteers Needed to support rental events

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • UUYJ Community Meal this Sunday
  • Let’s help our neighbors!
  • February Special Collection – NAACP
  • Special Collections – How to donate.
  • Plastics Recycling Collection

Lifespan Learning

  • News from RE
  • Winter Hogwarts volunteer opportunity

Volunteers Needed

  • Our church is fueled by volunteers!
  • Volunteer Opportunities
    • Sundays
      • Sunday Greeters
      • Social Hour
    • Rentals support
      • Hobbs Hall setup/reset to support the winter farm market – Fridays and Saturdays (Jan – Mar)
    • Community Within
      • Hal’s celebration
    • Children’s RE Program
      • Winter Hogwarts
    • Social Justice
      • UUYJ Community Meal
      • Plastics Recycling

UU, Interfaith & Community Connections

  • Public Event on Race and Education (sponsored by KIFA) – February 7
  • What is happening with the proposed changes to the UU Principles? 
  • General Assembly 2023 – Registration Open!
  • Financial Support to participate at GA
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