Valentine’s Day is America’s holiday of love; but we in the UU Church of Kent know that love is not limited to a single day, it flows through our community every day. Love is the very spirit of our church. That’s why the Generosity Team hopes to harness the power of love during this year’s Pledge campaign.
March 1 marks the official start of this year’s Pledge Drive. It’s a short, albeit concentrated, time.
Watch for the video, sermon, stories, mailings and testimonials, all encouraging members and friends to get in the spirit of love of this UUCK community and Pledge from your heart.
It will end on March 12, “Giving Sunday,” when Pledge cards of love and support for the 2023/2024 budget year should be dropped into the offering basket.
Of course, there are other ways to Pledge. You can Pledge online at or return the Pledge card – or just a note of your generous Pledge — to the church at 228 Gougler Ave., Kent, 44240.
The truth is that this community we love is working through some challenging financial times. Our leadership is looking to the future and working on long-range plans for financial stability.
Over the next few weeks, you’ll be reading more about the goals and the plans for the church’s future. Please keep those plans in mind while considering your Pledge. Your Pledge packet should arrive at your home by March 1.
Read the materials and Pledge from your heart as you are able. Let’s support what we love.
Of course, you need not wait until March 12. You can drop your Pledge card into the basket early, Pledge online or send it through the mail at any time.
And don’t miss the Generosity celebration on March 12 at Hobbs Hall after services. For there will be cake, fellowship, fun and lots of love.
–The Generosity Team Kay Eckman, Claudia Miller and Marion Yeagler