There Is a Love Holding Us

Sunday, February 5, 2023 at 10 AM

A multi-platform service led by CLM Lori Mirkin-McGee and Worship Associate Elaine Bowen.

Can you fall in love with a church, or more accurately, a congregation?  Are you in love with our beloved church community?  This service will explore the way our relationship with our church is like any other relationship with the ebbs and flows of love, frustration, pride, hope, and joy.  Let’s fall in love with our church (again)!

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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e-nUUs – January 25, 2023

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

Volunteers Needed

  • Our church is fueled by volunteers!
  • Volunteer Opportunities
    • Sunday Greeters
    • Social Hour
    • Rentals support
      • Hobbs Hall setup/reset to support the winter farm market – Fridays and Saturdays (Jan – Mar)
  • Hal’s celebration
  • Winter Hogwarts
  • UUYJ Community Meals
  • Plastics collection
  • Thank you!

Community Within

  • Church pic by David Brown
  • Journey of Belonging: Social Justice – February 1
  • Save the Date!  All Church Potluck – February 17
  • Winter Institute

From Rev. Steven

  • Steven away 1/27 – 2/7
  • Thank you
  • Thirty Days of Love

Worship & Music

  • Sunday services – 10 AM both in person and via Zoom
  • Our Shared Ministries – Sunday, January 29
    • Opportunities Mingle following the service
  • Choir Practice – January 26
  • Soulful Song Circle – February 1
  • There Is a Love Holding Us – February 5
  • A Fierce Love for Trans Youth – February 12
  • Returning the Gaze – February 19

Income Generation

  • How much should I donate?
  • Tickets still available for Akron History Walk (auction event)

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • What is happening with the proposed changes to the UU Principles?
  • UUYJ Community Meals
  • Let’s help our neighbors!
  • January Special Collection – PFLAG (Kent Chapter)
  • Special Collections – How to donate.

Lifespan Learning

  • News from RE – January 22
  • RE Teacher Appreciation Lunch – January 29

UU, Interfaith & Community Connections

  • General Assembly 2023 – Registration Open!
  • Financial Support to participate at GA
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Our Shared Ministries

Sunday, January 29, 2022 at 10 AM in Hobbs Hall.

A multi-platform service led by CLM Lori Mirkin-McGee.

This service explores how service to our beloved community can become a spiritual practice.  We will have several members of our church speaking about the ways they serve.  If you’ve ever wondered about service or wanted to know more, this service is for you!  Please plan to stay after the service for a social hour ministries fair!  

This service will be held in Hobbs Hall. Please plan to stay after the service to mingle and learn about opportunities for engagement that match your interests and talents. 

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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e-nUUs – January 19, 2023

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

Volunteers Needed

  • Our church is fueled by volunteers!
  • Volunteer Opportunities
    • Sunday Greeters
    • Social Hour
    • Rentals support
      • Hobbs Hall setup/reset to support the winter farm market – Fridays and Saturdays (Jan – Mar)
      • Volunteers needed to work rental event (dish service) – January 24
  • Hal’s celebration
  • UUYJ Community Meals
  • Plastics collection

Community Within

  • Journey of Belonging: Social Justice – February 1
  • Save the Date!  All Church Potluck – February 17
  • Winter Institute
    • Early bird registration is open
    • Information regarding early registration and room rates
  • Volunteers needed for Jack’s memorial and reception
  • Jack Graham Celebration of Life – RSVPs requested!
  • HALAPALOOZA!- April 21
  • Coffee during Social Hour — Volunteer signup available!
  • Winter Hogwarts – Save the Date

From Rev. Steven

  • Thirty Days of Love

Worship & Music

  • Sunday services – 10 AM both in person and via Zoom
  • A Journey to the Center – Sunday, January 22
  • Our Shared Ministries – Sunday, January 29
    • Opportunities Mingle following the service
  • Sunday Greeters Always Needed

Income Generation

  • Volunteers Needed to Support Rental Events
  • How Our Pledge Drive Works

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • What is happening with the proposed changes to the UU Principles?
  • Faith Community Distinguished Speaker Series – January 21
  • Plastics Recycling and Collection
  • UUYJ Community Meals
  • UCC Anti-Racism Book Group Invitation (first meet 1/23)
  • January Special Collection – PFLAG (Kent Chapter)
  • Special Collections – How to donate.

Lifespan Learning

  • News from RE – January 22
  • RE Teacher Appreciation Lunch – January 29
  • Let’s help our neighbors!

UU, Interfaith & Community Connections

  • You’re invited: Seminary for a Day (hosted by First U Portland) – January 28
  • General Assembly 2023 – Registration Open!
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A Journey to the Center

Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 10 AM

A multi-platform service led by Rev. Steven Protzman and Worship Associate Heidi Emhoff Wood.

In worship earlier this month, we were invited to reflect on our gifts and passions. These things we care deeply about are part of who we truly are at our very core, the center of our being. How do we know who we are? As we reflect on the January Soul Matters theme of “Finding Our Center”, we will use the metaphor of the labyrinth as a way to understand the journey to our center.

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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e-nUUs – January 11, 2023

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

Volunteers Needed

  • Our church is fueled by volunteers!
  • Volunteer Opportunities
    • Sunday Greeters
    • Social Hour
    • Rentals support
      • Hobbs Hall setup to support the winter farm market – Fridays and Saturdays (Jan – Mar)
      • Volunteers needed to work rental event (dish service) – January 24
  • Hal’s celebration
  • UUYJ Community Meals
  • Plastics collection

Community Within

  • Winter Institute
    • Early bird registration is open
    • Information regarding early registration and room rates
  • Volunteers needed for Jack’s memorial and reception
  • Jack Graham Celebration of Life – RSVPs requested!
  • Winter Town Hall – January 22
  • HALAPALOOZA!- April 21
  • Coffee during Social Hour — Volunteer signup available!
  • Volunteer to support the Winter Farm Market rental!
  • Winter Hogwarts – Save the Date

Worship & Music

  • Sunday services – 10 AM both in person and via Zoom
  • The Most Urgent Question – Sunday, January 15
  • Choir Rehearsal – Sunday, January 15, 9 AM
  • A Journey to the Center – Sunday, January 22
  • Sunday Greeters Always Needed

Income Generation

  • Volunteers Needed to Support Rental Events
  • How Our Pledge Drive Works

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Environmental Justice Video — January 15
  • Plastics Recycling and Collection
  • UUYJ Community Meals
  • UCC Anti-Racism Book Group Invitation
  • January Special Collection – PFLAG (Kent Chapter)
  • Special Collections – How to donate.

Lifespan Learning

  • News from RE

UU, Interfaith & Community Connections

  • NAACP MLK Breakfast
  • You’re invited: Seminary for a Day (hosted by First U Portland) – January 28
  • General Assembly 2023 – Registration Open!
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The Most Urgent Question         

Sunday, January 15, 2023 at 10 AM.

A multiplatform service led by Rev. Steven Protzman and DRE Colleen Thoele.

In 1957, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., said to an audience in Montgomery, Alabama, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’”  We will gather as a community of all ages to honor the memory of Dr. King, to learn about the justice work our children and youth have chosen for this year, and to reflect on how we are all called to answer this question.

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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e-nUUs – January 4, 2023

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topic included:

Volunteers Needed

  • Our church is fueled by volunteers
  • Volunteer Opportunities
    • Sunday Greeters
    • Social Hour
    • Rentals support
      • Hobbs Hall setup to support the winter farm market
  • Hal’s celebration – spring 2023
  • UUYJ Community Meals

Community Within

  • Jack Graham Celebration of Life – RSVPs requested!
  • Euchre Anyone? – January 8
  • Winter Town Hall – January 22
  • Coffee during Social Hour — Volunteer signup available!
  • Volunteer to support the Winter Farm Market rental!
  • Winter Hogwarts – Save the Date

Worship & Music

  • Sunday services – 10 AM both in person and via Zoom
  • The Flame that Burns Within– Sunday, January 8
  • The Most Urgent Question – Sunday, January 15
  • Sunday Greeters Always Needed

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Environmental Justice: Brainstorming for Climate Action – January 8
  • UUYJ Community Meals
  • UCC Anti-Racism Book Group Invitation
  • January Special Collection – PFLAG (Kent Chapter)
  • Special Collections – How to donate.

Lifespan Learning

  • News from RE
  • Colleen is on vacation

Income Generation

  • How Our Pledge Drive Works

UU, Interfaith & Community Connections

  • NAACP MLK Breakfast
  • General Assembly 2023 – Registration Open!
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The Flame That Burns Within                        

Sunday, January 8, 2023 at 10 AM

A multiplatform service led by Rev. Steven Protzman and Worship Associate Randy Bish.

Hymn #1028 says: “When our hunger and our passion meet to call us on our way…”  Every one of us has things that we are passionate about, a flame that burns within, that calls us to respond to the needs of the world.  As a congregation, we will reflect together on our individual gifts, talents, skills, and passions, and how we can share these things with others, with our congregation, and our world.

Click here to view of download the Order of Service.

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Only a Night from Old to New  

Sunday, January 1, 2023 at 10 AM

A multi-platform service led by Rev. Steven Protzman and Worship Associate Heidi Shaffer Bish.

Poet Helen Jackson wrote: “Only a night from old to new.  Each sunrise sees a new year born.”  What if we treated each day as if it were a new year?  As we welcome 2023, this service will be a time of songs, readings, reflection and ritual to let go of the old year and welcome the new year with intention, passion, joy and purpose, recommitting ourselves to living each day fully. 

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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e-nUUs – December 21,2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

Staff Notes

  • Staff vacations
  • Send E-nUUs announcements to Bonnie!

From Rev. Steven

  • Christmas Day Service
  • Worship News

Community Within

  • Christmas Eve Social Hour
  • Come Sing some Carols with Us! – December 23
  • Coffee during Social Hour — Volunteer signup available!
  • Holiday Book Exchange
  • Help Our Youth Make a Difference
  • Winter Hogwarts – Save the Date
  • Celebrating Hal with “Halapalooza”

Worship & Music

  • Sunday services – 11 AM both in person and via Zoom
  • The Wonder of Christmas – Saturday, Christmas Eve
  • Unwrapping Christmas – Sunday, Christmas Day
  • Only a Night from Old to New – Sunday, January 1
  • Sunday Greeters Always Needed

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Haymaker Winter Market moving to Hobbs Hall
  • Thank you!
  • Environmental Justice: Brainstorming for Climate Action – January 8
  • December Special Collection – Miller Community House
  • January Special Collection – PFLAG (Kent Chapter)
  • Special Collections – How to donate.

Lifespan Learning

  • News from RE

Income Generation

  • Another short article about the church finances (that won’t put you to sleep!)

UU, Interfaith & Community Connections

  • General Assembly 2023 – Registration Open!
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Unwrapping Christmas

Sunday, December 25, 2022 at 11 AM in Hobbs Hall.

A multi-platform service led by Rev. Steven Protzman and Worship Associate Kathy Kerns.

We will gather in Hobbs Hall and on Zoom for an unusual Christmas service in which we ‘unwrap it’, creating a service by opening packages that contain pieces of the service.  And the fun part is that they may not be in any particular order!  We hope you’ll join us for this relaxed Christmas morning service.

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.


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e-nUUs – December 14, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

Staff Notes

  • Staff vacations
  • Send E-nUUs announcements to Bonnie!

From Rev. Steven

  • Worship News

Community Within

  • Christmas Carol Sing – TONIGHT AT 6 PM
  • Christmas Eve Social Hour – Volunteers and Cookies requested
  • Come Sing some Carols with Us! – December 23
  • Coffee during Social Hour — Volunteer signup available!
  • Interested in the Auction?  Come meet with us! – December 18
  • Holiday Book Exchange
  • Help Our Youth Make a Difference
  • Winter Hogwarts – Save the Date
  • Celebrating Hal with “Halapalooza”

Worship & Music

  • Sunday services – 11 AM both in person and via Zoom
  • Celebrating Christmas: A Decade of Stories and Joy! – Sunday, December 18
  • The Wonder of Christmas – Saturday, Christmas Eve
  • Unwrapping Christmas – Sunday, Christmas Day
  • Only a Night from Old to New – Sunday, January 1
  • Sunday Greeters Always Needed

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Thank you!
  • Environmental Justice: Brainstorming for Climate Action – January 8
  • December Special Collection – Miller Community House
  • Special Collections – How to donate.

Lifespan Learning

  • This week in RE
  • Teacher appreciation
  • A peek at the PJ Party

Income Generation

  • UPDATE!  Closing the Gap  – a year-end fundraiser!
  • Another short article about the church finances (that won’t put you to sleep!)

UU, Interfaith & Community Connections

  • A Winter Evening of Sound (@ WestShore UU) – December 15
  • Summit Choral Society performs the Messiah (featuring members and friends of UUCK)
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The Wonder of Christmas

Saturday, December 24, 2022 at 6:30 PM and 8:30 PM.

A multi-platform Christmas service led by Rev. Steven Protzman, DRE Colleen Thoele and Worship Associates Elaine Bowen and Lori Mirkin-McGee.

As we welcome Christmas once again, we will tell stories and sing songs about the birth of Jesus and reflect on the magic, mystery and beauty of this night with its promise that amid the struggles, problems, and suffering of life, there is wonder and joy.  We will have an all ages candlelight service at 6:30 pm, and a meditative candlelight service at 8:30 pm.

Click here to view or download the Order of Service for our 6:30 PM service.

Click here to view or download the Order of Service for our 8:30 PM service.

6:30 PM Service:     

8:30 PM Service:

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