Wisdom’s Common Ground

Sunday, July 9, 2023 at 10 AM in Hobbs Hall.

A multi-platform service led by David Weaver and Worship Associate Rev. Steven Protzman.

We are surrounded by a blizzard of information offering guidance on matters great and small. Where do you look for wisdom?  Within yourself? In ancient texts? In the collective thoughts of people you trust? We’ll explore these questions together.

View or download the order of service here.

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Squirmy Patriotism

Sunday, July 2, 2023 at 10 AM in Hobbs Hall

A multi-platform service led by Elaine Yehle Bowen.

Wherever you look, it’s that time of red, white and blue everything from decorations and party goods to clothing & porch hung bunting and flags galore everywhere. And then, they’re gone, these outward signs of patriotism for summer’s BIG holiday. But what if you look beyond the merchandising and think, I’m not feeling very patriotic? I’m not in love with America or being American any more. What exactly are we celebrating in our discontent besides cookouts, fireworks and if you’re lucky, a paid day off from work? It should be freedom and equality for all but is it? 

Click here to view or download the order of service.

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Honoring Mary Oliver: UU Patron Poet

image from wikipedia

Sunday, June 25, 2023 at 10 AM in Hobbs Hall.

A multi-platform service led by CLM Lori Mirkin-McGee.

Mary Oliver’s body of work is considered sacred text by many UUs.  Her poetry is read so often at worship services that many know it by heart.  Through poetry and prose, this service will celebrate the life and work of Mary Oliver. 

Join us for multi-platform Sunday service at 10 AM.  We’ll gather both in person in Hobbs Hall and via Zoom.  For those joining via Zoom, our meeting room opens 15 minutes prior to the start of the service (at 9:45 AM) for weekly announcements. We request that everyone joining the service please display your first and last name.  Thank you!

Download or view the order of service.

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Juneteenth: With Hope of Liberty and Justice for All  

Sunday, June 18, 2023 at 10 AM in Hobbs Hall

A multi-platform service led by Guest Preacher Alberita Johnson and Worship Associate Rev. Steven Protzman.

Ladies Liberty and Justice are two renowned characters in the history of this country. Juneteenth is a Federal Holiday Honoring Liberty and Justice for a people who dared to hope.  Join us as we explore and celebrate Juneteenth shining a light on these magnificent ladies and keeping hope alive!

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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Church Service and Picnic in the Park

Sunday, June 11, 2023 at 11 AM

June 11, 2023   
Church Service and Picnic in the Park

Join us on Sunday, June 11 at Plum Creek Park, Pavilion #1 for our annual service in the park.  We’ll begin gathering at 10:30 AM and begin our service at 11 AM with a joyful service focused on music followed an all-church picnic.  Please bring your own place settings and a dish to share.  Other items you might consider …a folding chair, a beverage and outdoor games to share.   The church will provide a large cooler of ice water. 

All are welcome.

Plum Creek Park is located on Cherry St. in Kent.  Pavilion #1 is the shelter closest to the ball field and restrooms.  Please consider leaving the parking spaces closest to the shelter open for those with mobility challenges.  Thank you.

PLEASE NOTE: As we will be off campus this Sunday, a Zoom option will not be available.  We’ll look forward to our Zoom participants joining us on June 18.

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The Language of Rowing

Sunday, May 28, 2023 at 10 AM in Hobbs Hall

A multi-platform service led by Rev. Steven Protzman and Worship Associate Elaine Bowen

In the book “Boys in the Boat”, author David James Brown speaks of when “all eight oarsmen are rowing in such perfect unison that no single action by anyone is out of sync with those of all the others….”  As we gather for our annual meeting, we’ll reflect on the last year and the ways we’ve been rowing together as well as how we will continue to row together as our journey continues.

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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On Friendship

Sunday, May 21, 2023 at 10 AM in Hobbs Hall.

A multi-platform service led by Heidi Shaffer Bish and Randy Bish.

The “Bring A Friend to Church” tradition returns to UUCK with a special service celebrating friendship! Bring some friends or find them here!

The spiritual practice of friendship enriches our lives, helping us find meaning, strength, solace and belonging.  How does our church community enhance our existing friendships and help true friendships blossom?   Bring a friend (or two) to church for a special service celebrating friendship. This service will be held in Hobbs Hall to make room for more!

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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Messengers of Love

Sunday, May 14, 2023 at 10 AM

A multi-platform service led by Rev. Steven Protzman, DRE Colleen Thoele, and Worship Associate CLM Lori Mirken-McGee.

In 1923, the Rev. Norbert Capek created the very first flower ceremony for his Unitarian congregation in Prague, Czechoslovakia.  As he blessed the flowers, he spoke of them as “messengers of love”.  His wife Maja brought the ceremony to the United States and now many UU congregations have this ceremony each year in the spring.  As a community of all ages, we will celebrate the flower ceremony with stories, songs, and the ritual of sharing flowers.  If attending in person, please bring fresh flowers to share. If attending via Zoom, please have a flower available for yourself.

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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A Prayer for the World

Sunday, May 7, 2023 at 10 AM

A multi-platform service led by Rev. Steven Protzman and Worship Associate Heidi Sumser.

Although we may think of creativity as a gift given to artists, every human being has the ability to be creative.  Peggy Taylor says: “Creativity is our ability to dream things up and make them happen.”  As we explore the May Soul Matters theme of creativity, we will ask what it is we dream about for our world and using different materials, create expressions of our prayers and dreams for the world.

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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A Community of Resistance

Sunday, April 30, 2023 at 10 AM.

A multi-platform service led by Rev. Steven Protzman and Worship Associate Kathy Kerns

Rev. Rebecca Parker says that: “…life can be saved from that which threatens it by even small bands of people choosing to put into practice an alternative way of life.”  What does resistance mean?  What is it we need to resist?  As Unitarian Universalists, what is our vision of an alternative way of life and how do we create it in community together?  How does our UU theology help us in the work of resistance?

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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Hope for Earth Day

Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 10 AM

A multi-platform service led by Andrew Rome and Worship Associate David Weaver.

This 53rd annual Earth Day is both a celebration of our beloved natural world and a reckoning with the realities of climate change, both now and in the near future. Our challenge is to find the hope necessary to create positive change. Unitarian Universalists are the right people at the right time to lead the way!

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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A Joyful Journey – Religious Education Sunday

Sunday, April 16, 2023 at 10 AM.

Each spring we gather to celebrate the journey of our children and youth throughout the church year. Join us and delight in the stories and songs of our young UUs. Led by DRE Colleen Thoele, the religious education committee and the children and youth of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent.

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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With a Song of Joy

Easter Sunday, April 9, 2023 at 10 AM.

A multi-platform service led by Rev. Steven Protzman, DRE Colleen Thoele and Worship Associate Heidi Sumser.

This time of year has many different holidays and holy days as winter ends and the earth renews itself.  We will go on a whirlwind tour and learn about some spring holidays from around the world, including Easter, a story of life overcoming death; Passover, the story of a people who arose and journeyed to freedom; and other celebrations, all of which invite us to join in the song of joy as life triumphs once again.

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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Welcome Home

Sunday, April 2, 2023 at 10 AM.

A multi-platform service led by Rev. Steven Protzman and Worship Associate David Weaver.

There are different homes we make in our lives.  There can be an unexpected home, a chosen home, the home where we live, a home away from home, our church home.  As we kick off our annual Treats and Talents Auction, with its theme of “Welcome Home”, this service will be an opportunity to reflect on what home means with a variety of voices sharing different ideas about home and how we create it.  

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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