Weekly e-nUUs, August 28, 2013

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Worship & Music


Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM.


September 1 – Strong is What We Make Each Other

Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer  and Worship Associate John Marfy.

For many, Labor Day is the marker that connotes the end of the summer.  This morning we will return to the stories that gave rise to the Labor Day holiday and consider again the ways in which we are all lifted up by the power of union.


U.U.’ve Got Talent!

“We know you’ve got it, it’s time to let it out!”

On Saturday, September 28, the UU Church of Kent music committee is hosting a musical fundraiser. WE ARE IN SEARCH OF TALENT. This is your opportunity to perform solo or to invite other members of the congregation and friends to create a small ensemble. This is your chance to release that creative spark within you. Before Sunday, September 15, please contact Hal Walker with your idea. We are looking for a diverse range of 3 to 5 minute musical selections that express your unique talent. Only a limited number of spots are available, so start getting ready now!   All ages welcome!



U.U.’ve Got Talent!  “An Evening of Musical Variety”

Please SAVE THE DATE!  On Saturday September 28th, the UU church of Kent Music Committee is hosting a musical fundraiser. We are hoping to raise $800 to pay for the services of an accompanist for our beloved choir.  Join us at 7:30 that evening as we transform the Kent sanctuary into a venue for highlighting the remarkable talents of local UU’s and Friends!  $10 is the suggested donation, but please give what you can – hope to see you there!


It takes all of us to create a welcoming environment on Sunday mornings.  All the members and friends of this church are needed to extend hospitality to our visitors.  On any given Sunday, some people volunteer to be a part of our hospitality efforts in particular ways.  We have a large team of people who volunteer to help greet and usher on Sunday mornings, to prepare an inviting coffee hour and to donate flowers to add a focal point of beauty to our services.  In order to make it easier to participate, we are using a new tool that will allow you to see what Sunday morning hospitality positions are available and to decide when and how frequently you might be able to help.

If you are a member or an active friend of this congregation, we hope you will consider finding at least one time this fall and early winter when you might be able to volunteer in one of this very easy but extremely important roles.  Of course, there is no limit to the number of times you can volunteer!  Also, we want you to know that children and youth are welcome to participate in any of these roles.  Thank you for considering how you might be part of helping us practice the fragile art of hospitality every Sunday.

Sign up at:  www.SignUpGenius.com/go/904054FA9A62BA57-sunday



Lifespan Learning


Small Group Ministry:  Food for Thought Groups and Chalice Groups

Please keep an eye open for this year’s Small Group Ministry brochure and sign-up form  that will be attached to next week’s e-nUUs!


Our Religious Education is back to its regular schedule. The RE committee is very excited about the curriculum.  And we are even more excited about the amazing group of teachers who are graciously giving their talents to the awesome kids of our church!  It’s going to be a great year!

Please see the website for detailed information:  //kentuu.org/education/childrens-religious-education/

During the 9:45 service we will offer:

  • Nursery
  • Preschool for ages 3 + 4
  • Early Elementary for grades K-2
  • Upper Elementary for grades 3-5

During the 11:30 service we will offer:

  • Nursery/playtime for babies through preschool
  • Multi-age class for school-aged children
  • Middle School Youth Group for grades 6-8
  • High School Youth Group for grades 9-12

With the new RE year comes fall registration so that our information is current. Please stop by the registration table during coffee hour on 8/25 and register the children in your family. For more information on registering your family please contact RE Assistant Colleen Thoele.


Have you ever wanted to volunteer at church but cannot make a continued or lengthy time commitment? Do you enjoy spending time with infants and toddlers? If yes, then volunteering in the nursery is right up your alley! Every Sunday we ask that 2 adults or older teens (1 for each service) assist Michelle in the nursery. We are scheduling for nursery helpers now and we NEED you! To volunteer to be placed in the potential pool of nursery helpers, please email  Colleen Thoele.


Super Brain: Unleashing the Explosive Power of Your Mind to Maximize Health, Happiness, and Spiritual Well-Being by Deepak Chopra, M.D. and Rudolph E. Tanzi, Ph.D.; Joseph P. and Rose F. Kennedy Professor of Neurology, Harvard medical School.

The group will meet from 6:00 to 7:30 at the Eldredge Annex on the following Sunday evenings:  September 8 & 22, October 6 & 20, and November 3 & 17.

Upcoming Meeting Topics

September 8:    There will be a general overview of the book as well as examination of what we each believe about our brains.  The authors present us with five myths about our brains we can work to dispel as well as three brain Super         Heroes.

September 22:  The topic will be depression.  Additional materials will be presented.

Feel free to join us as you are able for an exciting examination of who we are as humans and as individuals.

Questions? Call May Maske.


Community Within


Ministries Fair:  September 15

Please join us on Sunday, Sept. 15 when we highlight the many programs and ministries here at the Church.  Following each of the services, representatives from each team and committee will be available to help you explore varied opportunities to get involved.  We hope you’ll find something that both interests you and helps build your faith and sense of community here at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent.


 Art in the Sanctuary

Thoughts on the Human Brain

This year, President Obama announced a $100 million project to map the human brain. This got me thinking about exploring the relationship between what we know about the brain (anatomy) and what we still don’t yet understand (imagination). Perhaps we are more than the sum of our parts. I have cited the literary inspiration for each painting.

About the Artist

Lyndse Rae Faba studied painting and illustration at Pratt Institute, under the guidance of Charles Goslin, who she still refers to as “Goose,” despite his having rejoined the force in 2007. She eventually completed her BFA at the University of Akron where she majored in graphic design and minored in illustration and drawing with the support of Vlada Vukadinovic.

She has a long-standing love affair with jazz guitar and includes among her hobbies the study of physics: longboarding, sportmotorcycle riding and obstacle course running.


The Library Symposium on Faith Vs Reason, with Bill Moyers’ interview of author Mary Gordon, and philosopher Colin McGinn is coming faster than we realize. (Where did summer go?)

Please join us Wednesday evening, September 11th, at 7:15 in Fessenden Hall for a lively discussion of the arguments presented in Moyers’ program, recorded on DVD. We will view the video, then discuss the conflicting points of view. Harry Noden will be Moderator.

Reservations Not Necessary.  Come; enjoy stimulating conversation and tasty refreshments. The program should conclude by 9:00 P.M.   We look forward to seeing you.


The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, September 10 at 7 pm in the home of Trish Johnson-Kwartler.  This month we are offering a choice of two older novels: Main Street by Sinclair Lewis or Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser.  Main Street tells the tale of a big-city girl who marries a physician and settles in a small town in the Midwest, only to fall victim to the narrow-mindedness and unimaginative natures of the town’s residents. Sister Carrie is a novel about a young country girl who moves to the big city where she starts realizing her own American Dream, first as a mistress to men that she perceives as superior, and later becoming a famous actress. In October we will be reading The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh.  If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.  All are welcome.


Outreach and Social Justice

The Human Rights Social Justice Committee will meet on Thursday, September 12th at 6:30 pm in the Annex.  All are welcome.

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Weekly e-nUUs, August 18, 2013

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Worship & Music 


Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM.


August 18 – Heirlooms, Curiosities, and Castoffs

Rev. Renee Ruchotzke with Worship Associate Justin Czekaj

Our lives are influenced by the legacy of those who preceded us.  How might we choose what to keep and what to set aside as we attempt to live lives of authenticity and purpose?


August 25 – The Spiritual Wisdom of Children

Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer, Director of Religious Education Karen Lapidus, and Worship Associate Sophie Smith.

Everyone is invited to join together for our annual multigenerational, ingathering service. During this special service for all ages, we will celebrate coming together again for the start of a new church year as we lift up children and youth as a source of spiritual wisdom for us all. Nursery care will be provided for our littlest ones during both services.

Please bring a small vial of water and/or a small amount of earth from a place you have been this summer which has nourished your own spirit.


Cuyahoga River Concert Series  presents Mignarda

Come enjoy and evening of music featuring the both voice and lute.  THIS FRIDAY, August 16 at 8:00 pm in the Sanctuary.  Admission is $10 at the door.  For more information on this duo, please visit www.mignarda.com


Expanding our music program!

As September approaches, we look forward to the beginning of a new season of our wonderful adult choir.  This fall, we return to an old tradition of Sunday evening rehearsals from 6:30-8:00.  If you’re interested in singing, we’d love to have you join us.  Please contact Hal Walker for a conversation about where in the choir your voice would fit best.

This year, we’re also excited about the start of our own “UU Folk Orchestra.”  A “folk orchestra” combines the unique instrumental talents of the congregation.  Music reading skills are required.  We will rehearse on Thursday evenings from 7-8:15.

Finally, we will be creating a youth choir for treble voices from 3rd grade-7th grade. The weekly one-hour rehearsals will be Wednesdays from 5-6 pm.

As a kickoff to a great year of music, Hal Walker will be hosting an open house potluck at his house for anyone with any interest in either singing in the choir or playing in the folk orchestra. The open house will be merely for fun and information… No commitment required, yet.  If you are able to, please bring a dish to share.

Singers and Musicians Open House Potluck!

Sunday, August 18 at 6 o’clock.

Hal Walker’s house

all are welcome…


Lifespan Learning


How Do You Like to Play?  

Last Sunday for Summer RE

for Children Preschool through Grade 5

It is still  not too late to participate in Summer RE!    On Sunday, August 18th, the Thiel/Smith family will be sharing the science of bounciness.  Does that sound cool, or what?   We will light the chalice promptly at 9:45 am in Fessenden Hall. Nursery care is available for our littlest ones at both the 9:45 and 11:30 services.


Super Brain: Unleashing the Explosive Power of Your Mind to Maximize Health, Happiness, and Spiritual Well-Being by Deepak Chopra, M.D. and Rudolph E. Tanzi, Ph.D.; Joseph P. and Rose F. Kennedy Professor of Neurology, Harvard medical School.

The group will meet from 6:00 to 7:30 at the Eldredge Annex on the following Sunday evenings:  September 8 & 22, October 6 & 20, and November 3 & 17.

Upcoming Meeting Topics

September 8:    There will be a general overview of the book as well as examination of what we each believe about our brains.  The authors present us with five myths about our brains we can work to dispel as well as three brain Super Heroes.

September 22:  The topic will be depression.  Additional materials will be presented.

Feel free to join us as you are able for an exciting examination of who we are as humans and as individuals.

Questions? Call May Maske.


Community Within


Retirees Luncheon: August 20   12:00 PM in Fessenden Hall

We’ll meet for an hour to an hour and a half depending on the number of people who attend so everyone has an opportunity to check in with the group. All retirees are welcome to join us. Bring your own lunch, beverages will be provided.  Please remember that we have shifted our meeting time to the third Tuesday of each month.


Walden Information Meeting – Sunday, August 25   11:00 – 11:15 am in the Sanctuary

Come fine out what we’re all about and we’ll answer any questions you may have about Walden.  We hope you’ll consider joining us for this fall’s Walden trip.   More information about  this fall’s Walden trip can be found in the announcement below.


The Lost & Found is once again overflowing!

Please check the Lost and Found, located on the coat rack shelf outside of Fessenden Hall, for any items that you may have recently left at the Church.  After Sunday, August 25th any remaining items will be donated.


New UU Classes in August

Our New UU classes cover everything you wanted to know about the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent in particular and Unitarian Universalism in general, but were afraid to ask.  Well, maybe not everything, but we try to give you an overview, a starting point.  Some history of both, some organizational details. Come join the conversation.  And, if you’re curious about membership, this is the place to be.

Part 2 will be on Sunday, August 18, from 9-11 am.  You may attend one or both, although attendance at both is encouraged.  Different topics will be covered in each.  We will gather at the Annex, the yellow house next to the church.

If you have any questions, contact Claudia Miller or Marion Yeagler.


Sacred Song Circle
Join us for another Sacred Song Circle on Thursday, August 15, at 6:30 in the Founder’s Lounge for 30 minutes of sacular stimulation and community harmony.  You don’t have to consider yourself a singer to be able to participate.  It’s free and open to all.  The more voices the better!  Bring your friends and a water bottle if you’ll need it.  Hope to see you there.  Saunis


Bill Moyers, one of television’s most perceptive commentators, is known for his thoughtful interviews with guests from many fields.  Many of these programs have been recorded on DVD, and we have a number of them in our Library. The Library committee is preparing two programs on Wednesdays, September 11th, and October 9th. Both programs begin at 7:15 P.M. in Fessenden Hall and should conclude by 9:00 P. M.  We will view one of Moyer’s programs, and then have a discussion of the issues presented. Refreshments will be served.

The first program on September 9th is a dialogue on faith and reason, described by Moyer’s this Way:

“One of the intriguing questions about faith and reason is how is how two finely-honed minds can examine the case for belief and come to totally different conclusions. Consider Mary Gordon and Colin McGinn. One is a novelist, the other a philosopher. Both were born into Catholic families.  One remains a believer, the other an atheist. Yet both are champions of reason.

If you enjoy discussion on questions like these, come and join us. Harry Noden will be Moderator for this program. We promise a stimulating evening of lively exchange.


My dear friends at UUCK,

I’ve had a handful of people ask me recently, “When are you coming back to church?!” The short answer that I know for sure is October 6, when I’ll be serving as Worship Associate when George Buchanan leads worship. The long answer is that I’ve recently become the new Director of Religious Education at SouthWest Unitarian Universalist Church in North Royalton (the church where Evin Carvill-Ziemer is currently serving as half-time Interim Minister).

I accepted the position in June and have been traveling there some Sunday mornings, when I haven’t been in Chicago for classes or preaching or doing professional development (I went to the OWL training the last weekend of August – it was excellent!).

SouthWest has a smaller congregation, and the RE program is only about 20 children right now, but they are looking forward to growth. The DRE position is quarter-time, which works really well with my studies and program requirements. I am learning all sorts of new and wonderful things, and am just in awe of the many, amazing resources we have in our denomination, as well as the amount of support.

Apart from these new adventures in ministerial formation, I’ve just finished my first year at Meadville Lombard (at this point, I’m expecting to be at it another 3 years or so), plan to start Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) in the fall, still involved with the Kent Community TimeBank, and enjoying our now 4 cats and sweet puppy.

I miss being in community with all of you – it has meant so very much to me in the almost 7 years I’ve been attending services and participating in service at UUCK, but I am very thankful to have this opportunity to use and develop skills, sharing with SouthWest all I’ve learned from you. Please don’t hesitate to be in touch, and I look forward to seeing some of you in October!

In peace and with love,  Kristina Spaude


The Library committee is planning a fall issue of the church publication, Here We Have Gathered, about people and activities of our church.  The planning is well underway, but if you would like to submit an article (500 – 1000 words), please contact Martha Kluth or Ann Waters.

The Library Committee is also planning 2 fall Symposiums. Each event will include a one-segment viewing from the Bill Moyers Faith and Reason series, followed by a discussion and refreshments. Each program will

begin at 7:30 and should end by 9:00 P.M.  The schedule is:

Wednesday, Sept. 11, 7:30 P.M. in Fessenden Hall, “The Mirror Image”.

Moderator – Harry Noden

Wednesday, Oct. 9, 7:30 P.M. in Fessenden Hall, “Richard Rodrigues”

Moderator – Carolyn Schlemmer

We hope you will be able to attend and look forward to seeing you. If you have any questions, please speak to any Library committee member.   Ann Waters



Outreach and Social Justice


Thank you to everyone who supported last week’s special collection.   Together we raised $362.00 along with several bags of school supplies in support of Family and Community Service’s Annual School Supply Drive.


Income Generation


Hot Dogs & Ice Cream anyone?

Your Fundraising team would like to have hot dogs and ice cream Sunday, August 18 during coffee hour and after 2nd service.  It’s more of a Thank You for all you support this past year than an actual fundraiser, but if you’d like to make a free will donation we won’t turn it down since it all goes to the church.

Hope you can come enjoy!



Our annual Thanks 4 Giving Auction will be held on Saturday, November 2, 2013 at the Kent United Church of Christ.  Stay tuned for details in the coming months as planning gets under way.

Also, if you want to get involved in a VERY fun committee, the Auction Committee is looking for a few good people to join us!  We begin meeting in August a couple times a month to plan and execute our annual auction.

Let me know if you are interested.

Meg Milko

Auction Chair


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Weekly e-nUUs, August 7, 2013

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Worship & Music 


Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:00 AM.


August 11 – Lions and Tigers and Bears! Oh My!

Led by Kathy Walker and Saul Flanner

In this multimedia service, Kathy and Saul will explore the interdependent web of which we are all a part. We are not qualified to do so, but we think you’ll appreciate our attempt as we share our limited experience with the seventh principle of Unitarian Universalism and the spirit animals that keep pestering Kathy to lead this service.

As we will be enjoying the services led by Kathy and Saul, Rev. Melissa will be leading services at the Akron UU Church.  We look forward to her returning from study leave to lead services along with Director of Religious Education Karen Lapidus and Worship Associate Sophie Smith on Sunday, August 25 at our multigenerational ingathering: The Spiritual Wisdom of Children.   In the meantime, Rev. Renee Ruchotzke along with Worship Associate Justin Czekaj will lead us next week, Sunday, August 18, focusing on Heirlooms, Curiosities, and Castoffs.


Expanding our music program!

As September approaches, we look forward to the beginning of a new season of our wonderful adult choir.  This fall, we return to an old tradition of Sunday evening rehearsals from 6:30-8:00.  If you’re interested in singing, we’d love to have you join us.  Please contact Hal Walker for a conversation about where in the choir your voice would fit best.

This year, we’re also excited about the start of our own “UU Folk Orchestra.”  A “folk orchestra” combines the unique instrumental talents of the congregation.  Music reading skills are required.  We will rehearse on Thursday evenings from 7-8:15.

Finally, we will be creating a youth choir for treble voices from 3rd grade-7th grade. The weekly one-hour rehearsals will be Wednesdays from 5-6 pm.

As a kickoff to a great year of music, Hal Walker will be hosting an open house potluck at his house for anyone with any interest in either singing in the choir or playing in the folk orchestra. The open house will be merely for fun and information… No commitment required, yet.  If you are able to, please bring a dish to share.

Singers and Musicians Open House Potluck!

Sunday, August 18 at 6 o’clock.

Hal Walker’s house

all are welcome…



Cuyahoga River Concert Series  presents Mignarda

Come enjoy and evening of music featuring the both voice and lute.  Friday, August 16 at 8:00 pm in the Sanctuary.  Admission is $10 at the door.  For more information on this duo, please visit www.mignarda.com



 Lifespan Learning

How Do You Like to Play?  Summer RE ~ Just two more weeks of Summer Fun!

Summer RE is going so well and it is not too late to join in the good times!  The children and the various leaders have been experiencing a wide variety of fun activities.  On Sunday, August 11th, the Barzizza-Young family will be sharing the fun of science.  A nut-free treat will be served.  We will light the chalice promptly at 9:45 am in Fessenden Hall.  Nursery care is available for our littlest ones at both the 9:45 and 11:30 services.


Super Brain: Unleashing the Explosive Power of Your Mind to Maximize Health, Happiness, and Spiritual Well-Being

Just a reminder that this book group will be meeting twice monthly during September, October and November in the Annex from 6:00 – 7:30 pm.  Meeting topics will be published in the September Chalice Flame.  Attendance at every meeting is not mandatory to participate; please join us as you are able or interested.  For more information please contact Mary Maske.



Community Within 


New UU Classes in August

Our New UU classes cover everything you wanted to know about the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent in particular and Unitarian Universalism in general, but were afraid to ask.  Well, maybe not everything, but we try to give you an overview, a starting point.  Some history of both, some organizational details. Come join the conversation.  And, if you’re curious about membership, this is the place to be.

Part 1 will be on Sunday, August 11, from 9-11 am. Part 2 will be on Sunday, August 18, from 9-11 am.  You may attend one or both, although attendance at both is encouraged.  Different topics will be covered in each.  We will gather at the Annex, the yellow house next to the church.

If you have any questions, contact Claudia Miller or Marion Yeagler.



Art in the Sanctuary

Geoff Hill Photography:  Awake in Nature

Geoff Hill is a fine art photographer and nature enthusiast. Through his work, he hopes to bring to light awareness and preservation of our natural Earth.

With roots in Kent Ohio, Geoff has expanded his travels to several areas along the eastern US, documenting wildlife and landscapes along the way. His experience in the arts has also included music, drawing & painting, and poetry. Through his time as a photographer, he has discovered his solace in nature, as well as an understanding of how precious and fragile life is.

This exhibit features Geoff’s work during his stay in Florida. Special thanks to Frederick Kluth and the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent for allowing this opportunity.

Geoff will be having an artist reception Sunday, August 11, 1:00 – 4:00 PM at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent.  He hopes you’ll come to meet him and learn more about his work.




Change of plans for the Patricia Pownall UU Book Group. The book group will be meeting on Tuesday, August 13 at 7 pm in the home of Bonnie Harper. We will not be meeting at the home of Annie Brightbill.  This month we are reading Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver.  Dellarobia Turnbow is a restless farm wife who gave up her own plans when she accidentally became pregnant at seventeen. After a decade of domestic disharmony, she hikes up a mountain road behind her house toward a secret tryst, but instead encounters a shocking sight: a silent, forested valley filled with what looks like a lake of fire. She can only understand it as a miracle, but it sparks a raft of other explanations from scientists, religious leaders and the media.  In September we are offering a choice of two older novels: Main Street by Sinclair Lewis or Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser. In October we will be reading The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh.  If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.  All are welcome.



Sacred Song Circle
Join us for another Sacred Song Circle on Thursday, August 15, at 6:30 in the Founder’s Lounge for 30 minutes of sacular stimulation and community harmony.  You don’t have to consider yourself a singer to be able to participate.  It’s free and open to all.  The more voices the better!  Bring your friends and a water bottle if you’ll need it.

Hope to see you there.    Saunis



The Library committee is planning a fall issue of the church publication, Here We Have Gathered, about people and activities of our church.  The planning is well underway, but if you would like to submit an article (500 – 1000 words), please contact Martha Kluth or Ann Waters.

The Library Committee is also planning 2 fall Symposiums. Each event will include a one-segment viewing from the Bill Moyers Faith and Reason series, followed by a discussion and refreshments. Each program will

begin at 7:30 and should end by 9:00 P.M.  The schedule is:

Wednesday, Sept. 11, 7:30 P.M. in Fessenden Hall, “The Mirror Image”.

Moderator – Harry Noden

Wednesday, Oct. 9, 7:30 P.M. in Fessenden Hall, “Richard Rodrigues”

Moderator – Carolyn Schlemmer

We hope you will be able to attend and look forward to seeing you. If you have any questions, please speak to any Library committee member.

Ann Waters



Fall Walden Scheduled for October 4-6, 2013

Mark your calendars for the first weekend in October (4-6th) to participate in the annual campout and celebration of our seventh principle knows as “Walden”.

The group site reserved this year is located in the “Buckaloons Recreation Area”, which rests on the site of a former Seneca Indian village, six miles west of Warren, Pa.  Buckaloons is the only camping and recreation area within the Allegheny National Forest that is along the Allegheny River.  There are also 50 family campsites (15 with electrical hookups) for those who have Rv’s and pop-ups.

Some suggested activities include a visit to the Audubon Center and Sanctuary near Jamestown, N.Y., canoeing/kayaking the Allegheny River or the Conewango Creek (where you may spot an otter), hiking the many trails of the Allegheny National Forest or just connecting with the natural world on your own terms.

There will be an upcoming informational meeting between services in August.  Members of other U.U. congregations have expressed interest in this event also.

Questions?  Contact [email protected]



Outreach and Social Justice


August Special Collection

On August 11, a special collection will be taken to benefit Portage County Family and Community Services in support of the organization’s school supply drive.  This program will assist families with school age children that are in be prepared for the upcoming school year.

In response to this need, the children who attended the summer RE class last Sunday decided to hold a drive to collect school supplies for children in Portage County.  We have a quick turn-around time and will only be collecting on Sunday, August 11th.  The school supplies will be collected in Fessenden Hall before and after the services on Sunday, August 11th. Please note that the first 4 items listed in bold print are especially needed.

  • Pocket folders (with prongs)
  • Rulers
  • Pencil sharpeners
  • 1” Binders
  • Wide-ruled paper
  • Wide-ruled spiral note books
  • Crayons
  • Markers
  • Glue bottles
  • Glue Sticks
  • Black and blue pens
  • Pencils
  • Pink erasers

We appreciate your consideration to support this worthwhile cause.



UU and Interfaith Connections


Jim Scott in Concert at the UU Congregation of Greater Canton, Friday, August 9!

“Jim’s lyrical melodies, well-crafted words, guitar mastery and humorous surprises moved Pete Seeger to call him ‘some kind of magician.’ Cultivated in his days with the Paul Winder Consort, Jim brings warmth and authenticity that turns any concert into an intimate gathering.”

Potluck dinner at 6 pm, Concert at 7 pm.

Suggested donation: $5 (“more if you can, less if you can’t”)

Print and recorded music will be available, too.

The potluck was Jim’s suggestion as an opportunity for all to talk with him about music, Sunday worship services, and anything else before the concert begins. More about Jim can be found here: http://jimscottmusic.com/ The UU Congregation of Greater Canton is located at 2585 Easton St NE, Canton, OH  44721.


Income Generation


Hot Dogs & Ice Cream anyone?

Your Fundraising team would like to have hot dogs and ice cream Sunday, August 18 during coffee hour and after 2nd service.  It’s more of a Thank You for all you support this past year than an actual fundraiser, but if you’d like to make a free will donation we won’t turn it down since it all goes to the church.

Hope you can come enjoy!




Our annual Thanks 4 Giving Auction will be held on Saturday, November 2, 2013 at the Kent United Church of Christ.  Stay tuned for details in the coming months as planning gets under way.

Also, if you want to get involved in a VERY fun committee, the Auction Committee is looking for a few good people to join us!  We begin meeting in August a couple times a month to plan and execute our annual auction.

Let me know if you are interested.

Meg Milko

Auction Chair



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Weekly e-nUUs, July 17, 2013

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Rev. Melissa is co-leading morning worship at Summer Institute with her spouse Evin Carvill-Ziemer through July 21.  For the remainder of the summer she will be working, though sometimes working half weeks in lieu of taking additional vacation and with two additional weeks of study leave. With the exception of her vacation, she will remain available via phone and email.  As always, if you have an urgent concern or one which is time sensitive, call her cell phone.

Karen too, is at Summer Institute this year and will return after July 21.  MaryBeth will be on vacation July 22 – 26 and while she is away next week, Rev. Melissa will once again cover basic office functions.


Worship & Music


One Service at 10:00 AM through the month of July.  Beginning August 4 we will return to two services at 9:45 and 11:00 AM


July 21   This I Believe

Led by Andrew Rome and Worship Associate Lois Weir – Modeled on the This I Believe NPR program, this service will center on making a statement of your personal beliefs, of the values which rule your thought and action. This will be an interactive service presented with the confidence that your belief, simply and sincerely

spoken, is sure to stimulate and help those who hear it. May we have your contribution?


Lifespan Learning


How Do You Like to Play?  Summer RE for Children Preschool through Grade 5

On Sunday, July 21st we will be playing with the wind!   Kay and Mark Eckman will lead games and activities that are powered by wind.  We will light the chalice in Fessenden Hall at 10 am sharp!

We only have one service at 10 am through the month of July.  Middle and High School Youth are invited to participate as helpers.  Nursery care is available for our littlest ones.


Spiritual Autobiography Class

Led by Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer

Orientation and Introduction on July 30 from 7-9pm

Classes on August 6, August 20, September 3 and September 17 from 7-9pm

Fessenden Hall

Using Dan Wakefield’s book The Story of Your Life: Writing Your Spiritual Autobiography, Rev. Melissa will lead a class designed to invite you to reflect on your own life journey in writing.  We will use a variety of prompts to explore moments in the landscape of our histories beginning with childhood and journeying to the present.  This course takes the word spiritual in its broadest sense so there is really no limit to the topics in your own life history upon which you might choose to reflect.

We will occasionally sketch scenes before we write about the experiences associated with those memories, but rest assured that no drawing or writing experience is required to participate in this course.  We will also provide opportunities for you to share your writing with others in the class, but you will never be required to read what you have written.  The only requirements for participation in this class are a willingness to reflect on your own life story and an interest in trying to capture moments of your story in writing.

This class will work best if participants make a commitment to attend regularly.  If you believe you would miss more than one of the four classes, I’d prefer you not sign up to participate at this time.  I am requiring a minimum of 6 participants to offer this class, so please notify the church office if you plan to attend by Wednesday, July 24.


Community Within


Third Annual UU Garden Tour

It is not too late to sign up for the third annual UU Garden Tour (newly renamed in honor of Clinton Hobbs). The tour will be held on Saturday, July 27th and begins at 3 pm.  We will gather in the church parking lot to car pool to the first garden.  Check with Claudia Miller during coffee hour this Sunday and next in Fessenden Hall.  She will have information and know that for only $25 you can tour two lovely home gardens, have a tour of the community gardens at Ode to Joy (home of the Garden Club of Kent) PLUS join a compatible group of UU’s and others for a Summer Salad Supper.  Questions?  Talk to Claudia or call Kathie Slater.  Other hostesses include Marion Yeagler and Mary Ann Kasper.


We had a request from the planners for the July 27-29 Don’t Frack Ohio! event for home hospitality for those traveling from distant parts of the state for the training workshops July 27-28 in Ravenna and for the event in Warren July 29.

The training is taking place at the Frist Congregational Church in Ravenna on July 27-28, but no one has been able to find home hospitality there for the nights of July 27 and July 28.  Are you able to provide home hospitality for those two nights?  If so, please contact Rev. Melissa at [email protected]


New Art in the Sanctuary

The fine photography exhibit in the sanctuary for the month of July is provided by Andrew Ritchie Graham, father of Bonny Graham of our church. He lives in Buffalo NY and is a retired actuary whose hobbies include sailing and photography.

As to artistic philosophy Andy believes that abundance and variety of color exists in all we see. Further he believes that more than just being in the right place at the right time, if you look more closely and narrowly surprises abound for us to see.


Outreach and Social Justice


Don’t Frack Ohio!  Rally in Warren, OH – July 29, 2013

Join the Rally to ban Injection Wells!  Be with us to witness with your presence for all Ohioans, including those of coming generations at the Trumbull County Courthouse Square in Warren.  For More information and to register to attend, visit:  www.dontfrackoh.org/sign-up

Learn More: Workshops, organizational and Leadership training:  July 27 – 28 at the First Congregational Church in Ravenna, OH.


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Weekly e-nUUs, July 3,2013

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Rev. Melissa will be on vacation this week, July 1 – 7.   Rev. Christie Anderson, our Commissioned Lay Leader, will be providing emergency pastoral coverage while Melissa is on vacation.  If you have an urgent concern from July 1-6, please contact Christie for assistance.  The office will be closed July 4 – 7 for the holiday weekend and will re-open Tuesday, July 9 with Rev. Melissa covering basic office needs while MaryBeth is on vacation through July 14.  Also, we’d like to remind you that the office is closed on Mondays through the Summer.


Worship & Music


One Service at 10:00 AM through the month of July.  Beginning August 4 we will return to two services at 9:45 and 11:30 AM


July 7 – Tracing the Living Tradition of Sacred Song

Led by the Rev. Christie Anderson – An old time string band will provide lots of spirited music as the service takes a historical look at Christian music. We’ll explore the roots of some of our favorite hymns and other sacred spirituals and examine instances of alterations by various religious groups, including UUs. Join us in considering whether these alterations are blasphemous or appropriate enhancements. 10 am ONLY


July 14 – Finding Good News in a Bad News World

Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Max Grubb – with special music provided by hammered dulcimer player Tina Bergman I am interested in politics and world affairs, so I try to pay attention

to the news. However, I am also aware that the news is often filled with so much bad news. Where can we find some good news to help ourselves find and keep our balance? 10 am ONLY


Lifespan Learning


How Do You Like to Play?  Summer RE for Children Preschool through Grade 5

On Sunday, July 7th it will be Water Play!  Lori McGee and Jo Fachet, two amazingly fun “kid magnets”, will lead the children in water activities.  The children should dress in water-friendly clothing and shoes.  Please apply sunscreen before we gather.  We will light the chalice in Fesenden Hall at 10 am sharp!

We only have one service at 10 am through the month of July.  Middle and High School Youth are invited to participate as helpers.  Nursery care is available for our littlest ones.


Super Brain: Unleashing the Explosive Power of Your Mind to Maximize Health, Happiness, and Spiritual Well-Being

We are not our brains!  Rudolph E. Tanzi, PhD and Depak Chopra, MD have collaborated on this book which provides a blueprint to explore the amazing potential of our brains while improving the quality of our lives regardless of our age or situation.

If you are interested in reading this book and sharing with a group come to a meeting in the Founders Lounge on July 7 after the worship service.  We will discuss possibilities and meeting times.

Questions?  Call Mary Maske.

Note:  Rudolph E. Tanzi, PhD, is the Joseph P. and Rose F. Kennedy Professor of Neurology at Harvard

University and the Director of the Genetics and Aging Research Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Depak Chopra, MD is a fellow of the American College of Physicians and a member of the American

Association of Clinical Endocrinologists.


Spiritual Autobiography Class

Led by Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer

Orientation and Introduction on July 30 from 7-9pm

Classes on August 6, August 20, September 3 and September 17 from 7-9pm  in Fessenden Hall

Using Dan Wakefield’s book The Story of Your Life: Writing Your Spiritual Autobiography, Rev. Melissa will lead a class designed to invite you to reflect on your own life journey in writing.  We will use a variety of prompts to explore moments in the landscape of our histories beginning with childhood and journeying to the present.  This course takes the word spiritual in its broadest sense so there is really no limit to the topics in your own life history upon which you might choose to reflect.

We will occasionally sketch scenes before we write about the experiences associated with those memories, but rest assured that no drawing or writing experience is required to participate in this course.  We will also provide opportunities for you to share your writing with others in the class, but you will never be required to read what you have written.  The only requirements for participation in this class are a willingness to reflect on your own life story and an interest in trying to capture moments of your story in writing.

This class will work best if participants make a commitment to attend regularly.  If you believe you would miss more than one of the four classes, I’d prefer you not sign up to participate at this time.  I am requiring a minimum of 6 participants to offer this class, so please notify the church office if you plan to attend by Wednesday, July 24.


Community Within 


The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, July 9 at 7 pm in the home Chris Hurlbut.  This month we are reading Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife by Eben Alexander. As he lay in a coma, neurosurgeon Eben Alexander explains that he “journeyed beyond this world and encountered an angelic being who guided him into the deepest realms of super-physical existence [where] he met and spoke with the Divine source of the universe …  If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.  All are welcome.


Many thanks to Kay and Mark Eckman, Dan Hannan and Eric van Baars for arranging for and setting up our new (to us) office furniture and for their abundant generosity, strong backs and problem-solving skills!


Flowers are blooming!

Our thanks goes to the Thursday Night Food for Thought group led by Kathy Kerns.  This group cleaned out, edged and mulched the south-side flower bed of the Church which required a total of 26 man hours to get ready for planting. Don and Jennifer Gregg  along with John and Logan Bores planting flowers last week and the watering is being done by volunteers from the congregation. Anyone who would like to volunteer for watering duties should contact Jennifer Gregg by email, phone or Facebook and she’ll be glad to place you on the schedule. In addition, many thanks to Don Gregg for also fixing the sump pump drain that was constantly washing out the flower bed.


Third Annual UU Garden Tour

It is not too late to sign up for the third annual UU Garden Tour (newly renamed in honor of Clinton Hobbs). The tour will be held on Saturday, July 27th and begins at 3 pm.  We will gather in the church parking lot to car pool to the first garden.  Check with Claudia Miller during coffee hour this Sunday and next in Fessenden Hall.  She will have information and know that for only $25 you can tour two lovely home gardens, have a tour of the community gardens at Ode to Joy (home of the Garden Club of Kent) PLUS join a compatible group of UU’s and others for a Summer Salad Supper.  Questions?  Talk to Claudia or call Kathie Slater.  Other hostesses include Marion Yeagler and Mary Ann Kasper.



Outreach and Social Justice


Job Posting:  UU Young Adults for Climate Justice Network Manager for UU Ministry for Earth

Over 200 UU young adults who care about climate justice have come together from all over the United States and Canada to form a network.  The members connect Unitarian Universalist faith to the work for justice for the web of all existance.  The focus for the group is on creating ethical living systems – inter-generationally, internationally, among communities, among species, among ecosystems and with Earth.

Over the past year, Jennifer Nordstrom has done a masterful job of building a UU Young Adult Climate Justice Network under the sponsorship of UU Ministry for Earth. Jennifer graduated from Starr-King in May and will begin an internship with St. Paul’s Universalist Church in Minnesota in August.  Thanks to funding from the Cedar Tree Foundation, we are able to continue the position and are searching for a young adult who can continue building the network.

The job description for the UU Young Adults for Climate Justice Network Manager is posted on the UUMFE YA web page.  Applications are due July 20th.
To join the Network, search Facebook for “UU Young Adults for Climate Justice” or email [email protected] .

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Weekly e-nUUs, June 26, 2013

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Rev. Melissa will be on vacation this week, July 1 – 7.   Rev. Christie Anderson, our Commissioned Lay Leader, will be providing emergency pastoral coverage while Melissa is on vacation.  If you have an urgent concern from July 1-6, please contact Christie for assistance.  The office will be closed July 4 – 7 for the holiday weekend and will re-open Tuesday, July 9 with Rev. Melissa covering basic office needs while MaryBeth is on vacation through July 14.  Also, we’d like to remind you that the office is closed on Mondays through the Summer.


Worship & Music

Services will be held this Sunday morning at 10:00 and 11:30.


Sunday, June 30               Paradigm Shift

Led by Mike Hovancsek and Worship Associate Trish McLoughlin –  This service will pull from spiritual, therapeutic, and anecdotal stories about that moment when we make a sudden shift in our beliefs. It will include an exploration into therapeutic concepts and current social trends, tying them into the core beliefs of UUs.


The Times They Are a Changin’ . . . Again

Throughout the month of July, we will only have one worship services at 10am. Beginning Sunday, August 4, we will return to two services each Sunday held at  9:45 and 11:30 am. 


Lifespan Learning


How Do You Like to Play? Summer RE for Children ~ Preschool through Grade 5

If you are looking for some fun on a Sunday morning, our summer RE program is the place to be!  Please note that summer RE happens only at the first service.  There are no age-specific classes for older youth, but Middle School and High School youth may participate as helpers or attend the worship service.  Nursery care is available at both services.

This Sunday, during first service, children will be playing some all-time favorite games.  The Slater families will be leading the children in corn hole, “sticky” baseball and other favorites. Because there will be a pancake breakfast on Sunday, the children will gather in Fesenden at 10:00 and then travel to the Annex together.



Radiolab and Pancakes will return right after second service on June 30th!  So, get your pancakes, and bring them upstairs to The Founder’s Lounge!  Our Radiolab short subject is titled “Solid as a Rock?”.  For centuries, philosophers have argued this question, is our reality solid, or a product of our thoughts?  Radiolab finds that religion and science are converging on a definitive answer to that question-maybe!  So, bring your pancakes and your perspectives for a fun and lively discussion on a question that still puzzles scientists and philosophers!  If you have any questions, please contact Cheryl Spoehr.


Super Brain: Unleashing the Explosive Power of Your Mind to Maximize Health, Happiness, and Spiritual Well-Being

We are not our brains!  Rudolph E. Tanzi, PhD and Depak Chopra, MD have collaborated on this book which provides a blueprint to explore the amazing potential of our brains while improving the quality of our lives regardless of our age or situation.

If you are interested in reading this book and sharing with a group come to a meeting in the Founders Lounge on July 7 after the worship service.  We will discuss possibilities and meeting times.

Questions?  Call Mary Maske.

Note:  Rudolph E. Tanzi, PhD, is the Joseph P. and Rose F. Kennedy Professor of Neurology at Harvard University and the Director of the Genetics and Aging Research Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Depak Chopra, MD is a fellow of the American College of Physicians and a member of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists.


Community Within 

The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, July 9 at 7 pm in the home Chris Hurlbut.  This month we are reading Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife by Eben Alexander. As he lay in a coma, neurosurgeon Eben Alexander explains that he “journeyed beyond this world and encountered an angelic being who guided him into the deepest realms of super-physical existence [where] he met and spoke with the Divine source of the universe …  If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.  All are welcome.

Outreach and Social Justice

Cleveland Pride is this Saturday, June 29!

Rev. Melissa invites you to come celebrate today’s historic Supreme Court decisions by walking in the Cleveland Pride parade with her and other Unitarian Universalists from across Northeast Ohio.  Assembly begins at 11am and the parade steps off at noon.  We will be behind the Southwest Unitarian Universalist Church group, but we won’t know exactly what intersection that is near until Saturday morning.  As soon as she gets that information on Saturday morning, Melissa will post the location to our church FaceBook page.  If you want to join but won’t have access to FaceBook, call or text her cell phone anytime after 11 am to get the location.


Income Generation

 As we come to the end of Fiscal Year 2013 on June 30, we’d like to express our appreciation to everyone for their generous support of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent.  Through your support we have had another successful year of providing ministry, education and fellowship to this community.  For those who may still have a FY13 pledge balance to fulfill, we encourage you to do your best to fulfill that commitment.

We are looking forward to continued programming and growth in Fiscal Year 2014 and we appreciate the commitment you have made to the Church that will allow for this.   Once again, thank you UU Church of Kent members and friends; You are what makes this faith community outstanding!

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Weekly e-nUUs, June 12, 2013

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Rev. Melissa will be attending the Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly in addition to a number of pre and post meetings from June 17 through 25.

During that time she will be available by cell phone for urgent and time sensitive concerns.  She will reply to emails as she is able, but her time on line will be limited.


Worship & Music 


Services are held on Sunday mornings at 10:00 and 11:30 through June 30.


Sunday, June 16               That All Should Be Well

Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Sophie Smith

Dorothea Dix was a leading Unitarian reformer of the 19th century. She worked for improved conditions in prisons and especially for improved treatment and accommodations for people living with mental illness. This morning we’ll look at her work through the lens of Hosea Ballou’s theology of happiness and consider what we might learn from both for our own time.


The Times They Are a Changin’ . . . Again

Throughout the month of July, we will only have one worship services at 10am. Beginning Sunday, August 4, we will return to two services each Sunday held at  9:45 and 11:30 am. 


Lifespan Learning



Radiolab and Pancakes will return right after second service on June 30th!  So, get your pancakes, and bring them upstairs to The Founder’s Lounge!  Our Radiolab short subject is titled “Solid as a Rock?”.  For centuries, philosophers have argued this question, is our reality solid, or a product of our thoughts?  Radiolab finds that religion and science are converging on a definitive answer to that question-maybe!  So, bring your pancakes and your perspectives for a fun and lively discussion on a question that still puzzles scientists and philosophers!  If you have any questions, please contact Cheryl Spoehr.


How Do You Like to Play? Summer RE for Children ~ Preschool through Grade 5

Our summer RE program will be all about play!  Starting this Sunday, June 16th, during the first service, we will gather around the chalice, share our joys and concerns and then proceed to play together.

Our goal is to strengthen the community of children and nurture their spirits while having fun together.  The RE Committee is actively looking for adults and youth to lead the children in whatever play is important to them.  Lots of support and staffing will be provided.  Perhaps you’d like to share how you have fun with our awesome children for one hour this summer…  We have just five Sundays to fill, so hurry and get on the schedule!

No classes for older youth, but Middle School and High School youth may participate as helpers or attend the worship service.  Nursery care will be provided at both service through the summer.

This Sunday we will boogie down!  Leah Gillig and helper, Ann VerWiebe will show us how they dance and play! Be prepared to leave your inhibitions at the door!  (One of the blessing of our church is that it is a place where we can feel safe and free from judgement ~ even as we boogie down!)


UU Church of Kent is currently seeking a Religious Education Assistant

This 5 hour/week position has just been posted!  The RE Assistant will be responsible for supporting the religious education program and the Director of Religious education in carrying out the church school program for children and youth.

The application deadline is June 16th.

More information at:  //kentuu.org/



Community Within


We regret to announce that Deb Biggins has resigned as Church Sexton due to her need to focus on school and caring for her parents.  We extend our thanks and gratitude to Deb for serving this community for the last 15 months.  We are currently searching for a new Sexton and in the meantime, we thank Wendy Mann for agreeing to act as a Sub-Sexton while we proceed with that process.


A Changing of the Chalice Flame Guard!

Many thanks to Brad Bolton, who put in many thankless years as newsletter editor. His tireless efforts and ministry in this area have made a real difference in the life of this congregation and the community, and his absence leaves us with some pretty big shoes to fill.

Our new editor, Saul Flanner, looks forward to bringing his experience and enthusiasm to bear on this vital ministry. All newsletter submissions should be sent to Saul’s attention at [email protected] . The deadline for submissions is the 15th of each month. 


UUCK Men’s Group – Join Us!

On June 23, at 1:00 pm in the Sanctuary, Max Grubb will lead a group for men who are interested in participating in a men’s group at the church.  This is an opportunity for men to connect and engage each other for support concerning issues and challenges that arise from being male, husband or partner, father and friend in today’s society.  Please contact Max  if you have any questions.


The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, July 9 at 7 pm in the home Chris Hurlbut.  This month we are reading Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife by Eben Alexander. As he lay in a coma, neurosurgeon Eben Alexander explains that he “journeyed beyond this world and encountered an angelic being who guided him into the deepest realms of super-physical existence [where] he met and spoke with the Divine source of the universe …  If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.  All are welcome.


Outreach and Social Justice             

The Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent is pleased to welcome Gold Star Mother and peace mom Cindy Sheehan and the Tour de Peace to our church on Thursday, June 13th at 7PM. Seven bike riders will stop in Kent on their way from California to Washington, DC. to present their demands for peace to the White House. All area residents are invited to a presentation by and discussion with the Tour de Peace at the UU Church of Kent, 228 Gougler Avenue. Snacks and beverages will be served.

Cindy Sheehan’s son Casey was killed in action in Iraq in April, 2004. The Tour left the cemetery where Casey is buried in Vacaville, California on April 4th. They plan to arrive at Arlington National Cemetery on July 3rd and then ride to the White House. The riders aim

To end wars

To end immunity for U.S. war crimes

To end the suppression of civil rights

To end the use of fossil fuels

To end persecution of whistle blowers

To end partisan apathy and inaction.

For more information about the event in Kent you can contact Vivien Sandlund or Susan Poole.

More information on the tour can be found at:  http://www.tourdepeace.org/index.html


Income Generation

As we come to the end of Fiscal Year 2013 on June 30, we’d like to express our appreciation to everyone for their generous support of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent.  Through your support we have had another successful year of providing ministry, education and fellowship to this community.  For those who may still have a FY13 pledge balance to fulfill, we encourage you to do your best to fulfill that commitment.

We are looking forward to continued programming and growth in Fiscal Year 2014 and we appreciate the commitment you have made to the Church that will allow for this.   Once again, thank you UU Church of Kent members and friends; You are what makes this faith community outstanding!




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Weekly e-nUUs, June 5, 2013

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Worship & Music


This Sunday is will be our Annual Service in the Park followed by the Church Picnic – One service @10:00 am @ Plum Creek Park.  All are welcome!

Sunday, June 9      Here’s to Happiness!        

Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer, Director of Religious Education Karen Lapidus and Worship Associate Bonnie Harper — Our annual outdoor worship service and picnic will be at Plum Creek Park in Kent (which is at the intersection of Cherry Street and Mogadore Road). We will be meeting at Pavilion #2 for one service only at 10:00 am. Our service will be fully multigenerational; the whole community is invited to worship and play together.  Please bring a lawn chair (and maybe an extra to share), a dish to share at the picnic following the service, your own place setting, any games you would like to play during the picnic and anything else you will need to be comfortable.  And remember, we will have one service only beginning at 10:00 am!  The Church will provide ice water, if you prefer something different, please bring your own beverages.



Lifespan Learning


How Do You Like to Play? Summer RE for Children ~ Preschool through Grade 5

Our summer RE program will be all about play!  Each Sunday, during the first service, our plan is to gather around the chalice, share our joys and concerns and then proceed to play together.

Our goal is to strengthen the community of children and nurture their spirits while having fun together.  The RE Committee is actively looking for adults and youth to lead the children in whatever play is important to them.  Lots of support and staffing will be provided.  Perhaps you’d like to share how you have fun with our awesome children for one hour this summer…

No classes for older youth, but Middle School and High School youth may participate as helpers or attend the worship service.  Nursery care will be provided at both service through the summer.


UU Church of Kent is currently seeking a Religious Education Assistant

This 5 hour/week position has just been posted!  The RE Assistant will be responsible for supporting the religious education program and the Director of Religious education in carrying out the church school program for children and youth.  The application deadline is June 16th.

More information at:  //kentuu.org/


Community Within


A Changing of the Chalice Flame Guard!

As we thank Brad Bolton for the many, many years of dedicated ministry serving as our newsletter editor for The Chalice Flame, we’d like to welcome Saul Flanner who will now be serving in this position.  All items for the newsletter should now be sent to the following email address:  [email protected]


Are you ready to become a member of UUCK?
Sunday, June 9 is New Member Sunday.  During the service, the congregation will be introduced to, and welcome, our newest members.  Have you have been thinking about joining? Would you like to be a part of the service? The Membership book will be available for signing, in the foyer, next Sunday, June 2.  Look for Marion Yeagler after both services.


The Library committee would like to thank all those who completed the Library Survey, and urge others who have not done so to click on the Survey Monkey link. The Survey is a short one page and can be completed in less than 3 minutes. The committee would like to have all responses by Tuesday, June 11th. Thank you so much for your help.



The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, June 11 at 7 pm in the home of Bonnie Harper.  This month we are reading a biography of your choice. Next month we will be reading Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife by Eben Alexander. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.  All are welcome.


UUCK Men’s Group – Join Us!

On June 23, at 1:00 pm in the Sanctuary, Max Grubb will lead a group for men who are interested in participating in a men’s group at the church.  This is an opportunity for men to connect and engage each other for support concerning issues and challenges that arise from being male, husband or partner, father and friend in today’s society.  Please contact Max if you have any questions.


Outreach and Social Justice


The Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent is pleased to welcome Gold Star Mother and peace mom Cindy Sheehan and the Tour de Peace to our church on Thursday, June 13th at 7PM. Seven bike riders will stop in Kent on their way from California to Washington, DC. to present their demands for peace to the White House. All area residents are invited to a presentation by and discussion with the Tour de Peace at the UU Church of Kent, 228 Gougler Avenue. Snacks and beverages will be served.

Cindy Sheehan’s son Casey was killed in action in Iraq in April, 2004. The Tour left the cemetery where Casey is buried in Vacaville, California on April 4th. They plan to arrive at Arlington National Cemetery on July 3rd and then ride to the White House. The riders aim

To end wars

To end immunity for U.S. war crimes

To end the suppression of civil rights

To end the use of fossil fuels

To end persecution of whistle blowers

To end partisan apathy and inaction.

For more information about the event in Kent you can contact Vivien Sandlund or Susan Poole.

More information on the tour can be found at:  http://www.tourdepeace.org/index.html



Dear Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent,

On behalf of all of our Ohio congregations, we want to give a big “Thank You!” to the many of you who have been witnessing for immigrant justice here in the Buckeye state and immigration reform nationally.

Last week UUA President Rev. Peter Morales went to the Capitol in Washington DC to advocate for compassionate immigration reform and he asked us to join him.  The UUA is participating in the Alliance for Citizenship coalition which has identified our Ohio as a key state.   And last month, members of the Ohio-Meadville district staff and board visited Sen. Portman’s office to articulate our UU support for immigration reform.

We are asking you to lend your voice to this effort.   Please take a minute and call Senators Rob Portman and Sherrod Brown  (even if you have done so before) and ask them to support this unique history-making opportunity to fix our broken immigration system. Ask them to support a path to citizenship for the 11 million immigrants living here in the shadows.

The coalition reports that Senators are currently receiving more anti-immigrant than pro-immigrant calls and we need to change that fast!

Please speak out today for justice!  We are all in this together!

Rev. Joan Van Becelaere
Ohio-Meadville District Executive

Howard Tolley
Co-Chair UU Justice Ohio

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UU Church of Kent Hiring a Religious Education Assistant

RE SundayAnnouncing an exciting opportunity to support the Religious Education program for children and youth at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent, Ohio. 


About the UU Church of Kent:  We are a vibrant, growing and welcoming congregation located in the historic west side.  The church was first gathered in 1866 and throughout its history has played an important role in social justice activities.  Our mission states: “Through spirited worship and open-minded religious exploration, our mission is to inspire people to live caring lives of meaning and purpose. We seek to encourage curiosity, strive to create peace and justice, and care for the living Earth with reverence and gratitude.” The Religious Education program serves approximately 100 children aged birth through high school. To find out more, visit kentuu.org.


Qualifications:  The RE Assistant should have a basic understanding of Unitarian Universalism and be familiar with church and RE settings. Interpersonal skills, confidentiality and the ability to work both independently and as part of a team are essential.  The RE Assistant should be able to communicate effectively by telephone and email.  Experience working with children of various ages is preferred.  An understanding of volunteer support preferred.  This position involves work on several levels of the church building.  The ability to navigate stairs and lift up to 20 pounds is required.  A background check and drug screening will be conducted.


Responsibilities: The RE Assistant is responsible for supporting the religious education program and the Director of Religious education in carrying out the church school program for children and youth.


Hours/Time:  This is a 5 hours per week / 50 weeks per year position.  Work includes some Sunday mornings, some hours during the week and monthly evening meetings.  Flexibility in specific hours worked is included in this position and hours may vary from week to week, but will not exceed an average of 5 hours per week.  The rate of pay is $11.85 per hour.   The RE Assistant will report directly to the Director of Religious Education.


Preferred Start Date:  July 1, 2013

Application Deadline: June 16, 2013


To apply please send cover letter and resume to:

Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent

Attention: Search Committee for RE Assistant Position

228 Gougler Avenue

Kent, OH 44240

or your cover letter and resume may be emailed to:  [email protected]

Share this:

UU Church of Kent Hiring a Religious Education Assistant

RE SundayAnnouncing an exciting opportunity to support the Religious Education program for children and youth at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent, Ohio. 

About the UU Church of Kent:  We are a vibrant, growing and welcoming congregation located in the historic west side.  The church was first gathered in 1866 and throughout its history has played an important role in social justice activities.  Our mission states: “Through spirited worship and open-minded religious exploration, our mission is to inspire people to live caring lives of meaning and purpose. We seek to encourage curiosity, strive to create peace and justice, and care for the living Earth with reverence and gratitude.” The Religious Education program serves approximately 100 children aged birth through high school. To find out more, visit kentuu.org.

Qualifications:  The RE Assistant should have a basic understanding of Unitarian Universalism and be familiar with church and RE settings. Interpersonal skills, confidentiality and the ability to work both independently and as part of a team are essential.  The RE Assistant should be able to communicate effectively by telephone and email.  Experience working with children of various ages is preferred.  An understanding of volunteer support preferred.  This position involves work on several levels of the church building.  The ability to navigate stairs and lift up to 20 pounds is required.  A background check and drug screening will be conducted.

Responsibilities: The RE Assistant is responsible for supporting the religious education program and the Director of Religious education in carrying out the church school program for children and youth.

Hours/Time:  This is a 5 hours per week / 50 weeks per year position.  Work includes some Sunday mornings, some hours during the week and monthly evening meetings.  Flexibility in specific hours worked is included in this position and hours may vary from week to week, but will not exceed an average of 5 hours per week.  The rate of pay is $11.85 per hour.   The RE Assistant will report directly to the Director of Religious Education.

Preferred Start Date:  July 1, 2013

Application Deadline: June 16, 2013


To apply please send cover letter and resume to:

Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent

Attention: Search Committee for RE Assistant Position

228 Gougler Avenue

Kent, OH 44240

or your cover letter and resume may be emailed to:  [email protected]

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Weekly e-nUUs, May 29, 2013


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Annual Meeting:  Information Meeting     Thursday, May 30    7:00 PM

                                   Voting Meeting             Sunday, June 2       12:30 PM

                                   Childcare will be available during both meetings. 


Worship & Music


Services are held on Sunday mornings at 10:00 and 11:30.


Sunday, June 2  Happiness is …………

Religious Education Sunday and Flower Ceremony

This annual multigenerational worship service is the time for our RE program to shine! Join us as each class presents a special learning from this past church year. We will honor our volunteer teachers, award Boy Scouts with the emblem they have earned and bridge our high school seniors into young adulthood. Please bring a cut flower or two or three for the Flower Ceremony.


Flower Ceremony on Sunday, June 2nd
During the RE Sunday worship services, we will hold our annual Flower Ceremony, which is a uniquely Unitarian Universalist celebration of diversity, beauty and spring.  Everyone should bring a cut flower or two or three with them to church.  Our flowers will be gathered in lovely bouquets to adorn our sanctuary.


Lifespan Learning


Facilitation Skills 101

Tuesday, June 4 from 7 to 9pm

Fessenden Hall

Have you ever thought about offering an adult religious exploration experience at the church?  Have you ever considered the possibility of becoming a Chalice Group or Food for Thought facilitator?  Are you a new committee chair with responsibility for leading meetings?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are invited to join me for an introduction to facilitation skills on Tuesday evening, June 4.  This will be a general introduction to facilitation and the skills you learn will be applicable in any context including in your workplace or other community organizations.



Community Within


All welcome to Saturday Membership Team Retreat
The Membership Team is sponsoring a retreat on Saturday, June 1 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm in the Annex.  If you have any interest in helping with our ‘Path to Membership’, we would be happy for you to join us.  Kathleen Heck, Membership Coordinator at West Shore UU Church will lead the workshop.  All ideas are welcome.  Please contact Marion Yeagler or Claudia Miller  if you would like to attend.  Lunch is provided.


Are you ready to become a member of UUCK?
Sunday, June 9 is New Member Sunday.  During the service, the congregation will be introduced to, and welcome, our newest members.  Have you have been thinking about joining? Would you like to be a part of the service? The Membership book will be available for signing, in the foyer, next Sunday, June 2.  Look for Marion Yeagler after both services.


The Library committee would like to thank all those who completed the Library Survey, and urge others who have not done so to click on the Survey Monkey link. The Survey is a short one page and can be completed in less than 3 minutes. The committee would like to have all responses by Tuesday, June 11th. Thank you so much for your help.



The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, June 11 at 7 pm in the home of Bonnie Harper.  This month we are reading a biography of your choice. Next month we will be reading Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife by Eben Alexander. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.  All are welcome.


For those who would like to send cards or notes expressing your condolences to Tom Myers’ family, please contact the Church Office for the addresses.



Outreach and Social Justice


Dear Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent,

On behalf of all of our Ohio congregations, we want to give a big “Thank You!” to the many of you who have been witnessing for immigrant justice here in the Buckeye state and immigration reform nationally.

Last week UUA President Rev. Peter Morales went to the Capitol in Washington DC to advocate for compassionate immigration reform and he asked us to join him.  The UUA is participating in the Alliance for Citizenship coalition which has identified our Ohio as a key state.   And last month, members of the Ohio-Meadville district staff and board visited Sen. Portman’s office to articulate our UU support for immigration reform.

We are asking you to lend your voice to this effort.   Please take a minute and call Senators Rob Portman and Sherrod Brown  (even if you have done so before) and ask them to support this unique history-making opportunity to fix our broken immigration system. Ask them to support a path to citizenship for the 11 million immigrants living here in the shadows.

The coalition reports that Senators are currently receiving more anti-immigrant than pro-immigrant calls and we need to change that fast!

Please speak out today for justice!  We are all in this together!

Rev. Joan Van Becelaere
Ohio-Meadville District Executive

Howard Tolley
Co-Chair UU Justice Ohio


Income Generation


Book Sale:

Once again we had a successful Book Sale, Bake Sale & Lunch Sale.  We were able to net a little bit over $500! We could not have done this without the help of the Library committee who took shifts on Friday May 3rd to help us set up.

We are pleased to report that due to the successful nature of this event and the fact that the Fundraising Committee has already exceeded its goal for the 2012/2013 fiscal year we have decided to donate $200 to the Library Committee and $50 to the Children’s library from this event.

Thank you everyone who came out and helped or bought books or supported this event in any way.  We truly appreciate your efforts.


Tupperware Sale:

Our Tupperware fundraiser was also a big hit and we were able to raise over $330 for the church!  To everyone who bought Tupperware or showed the book to their family and friends, thank you!  Your orders will be at church over the next couple weeks during coffee hour.

Your Fundraising Committee


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Worship & Music


 Services are held on Sunday mornings at 10:00 and 11:30.


Sunday, May 12                Family Matters

Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate John Marfy

We often say that families come in all shapes and sizes and that love is what makes a family. This morning we will again affirm the many ways in which families are formed and nurtured as we reflect upon why it is that families still matter.


What are you passionate about?

Would you like to lead a Sunday service about it?  The Sunday Program Committee meets on May 24th, and is seeking proposals for lay-led services for Summer and Fall.  We believe that that the Sunday Service is best reflected in a variety of voices and experiences.   Lay-led services allow us to share our individual spiritual journeys, experiences and diverse world views — an important part of our rich Unitarian Universalist heritage.  If you might be interested in presenting a service, please complete a proposal, which may be downloaded from our web site at:  //kentuu.org/docs/spc/sunday-proposal-e-form.pdf,   and send it to Lois Weir.

Not sure about how to put together a complete service?  Members of the committee can provide you with the help you need, so don’t be shy!  General information about proposal preparation may be found at //kentuu.org/ministry/sunday-program/.   Still have questions?  Contact Lois.



Community Within


Annual Meeting:  Information Meeting     Thursday, May 30    7:00 PM

                                    Voting Meeting                 Sunday, June 2      12:30 PM


The Library committee is working on a brief, online survey of your Library needs and suggestions. It will be posted in the EE-News and the May Chalice. Your response will be most appreciated. We continue to explore ways to serve our congregation more effectively.

Do stop by the Library to see the display of books recommended by Rev. Melissa. These books are available for checkout,and we plan to rotate titles every two weeks.


New UU Classes in May
Everything you wanted to know about the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent in particular and Unitarian Universalism in general, but were afraid to ask.  Well, maybe not everything, but we try to give you an overview, a starting point.  Some history of both, some organizational details. Come join the conversation.  And, if you’re curious about membership, this is the place to be.

Part 1 will be on Sunday, May 12, from 9-11 am. Part 2 will be on Sunday, May 19, from 9-11 am.  You may attend one or both, although attendance at both is encouraged.  Different topics will be covered in each.  We will gather at the Annex, the yellow house next to the church.

If you have any questions, contact Claudia Miller or Marion Yeagler.


Art in the Sanctuary

The Middle School Youth have been considering these three central questions in their RE classroom this year:  What is a family?  What does a family do?  Who defines family?   Their Family Photography Project is the culmination of that study.  It includes photographs and the text from interviews with six of our church families.


Surprise Friends: please remember, to leave your notes on Sundays May 5 and May 12 and the “big reveal” is May 19!  Make sure you are there for coffee hour to meet your Surprise Friend in person. In the past, Surprise Friends have exchanged small tokens of friendship during the special revealing celebration. Can’t wait to see you there!


The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, May 14 at 7 pm in the home of Mary Ann Kasper.   Please bring a non-dessert snack to share. This month we are reading Breakfast with Buddha by Roland Merullo. The only thing certain about a journey is that it has a beginning and an end-for you never know what may happen along the way. And so it is with this journey into the minds and souls of two very different men-one of them in search of the truth, the other a man who may have already found it. Witty and inventive, this book takes readers into the heart of America and in the process shows us a man about to discover his own true heart. In June, we will be reading a biography of your choice. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.  All are welcome.



UU & Interfaith Connections


The May Community Dinner will be held on May 18 at Plum Creek State Park at Cherry Street near Mogadore Road in Kent. Kent continues the celebration of our Natural Heritage at the River Day Dinner followed by a program by the KSU Native American Student Assiciation (NASA). There will be a Celebration of Running Water with drumming, dancing and singing around a central fire. The dinner will be 6-8 pm, and the NASA program 8-10 pm. The Crooked River Stompers will provide dinner music. The Portage County Historical Society will provide a teepee. The Fire River Singers will later perform drumming and singing.

Bring food to share to the potluck at 6 pm. Bring a blanket for the ground so that at 8 pm you can find a place around the central fire for the final NASA led event of the day. Questions? Call 330-678-8760.


“Mother Wove the Morning” presents an uncensored view of the experiences of women through history, casting light on little taught realities of endurance and triumph that will leave the audience wiser and more appreciative of women’s collective journey. Three actors bring sixteen different women from 20,000 b.c.e. to the present to the stage to share their lives.

Queen Bee’s adaptation of Pearson’s play provides an opportunity to include current events dramatically increasing our investment in these women’s lives and putting them in a global context.

The performance will be held on Thursday, May 9, 2013 at 7:00 pm at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Akron, 3300 Morewood Rd, Fairlawn, OH, (across from Summit Mall.)   $10 suggested donation at the door.  A talk back with the actors will follow the production.  Refreshments will be served. Childcare provided.

We know some of you are perhaps a road trip distance away.  If a group from your church would like to come and arrive early for dinner, give us a call and we can recommend some local eateries.

Don’t hesitate to call if you have questions.

Thank you!  And see you soon!

Linda Ryder, Program Chair, UUWA of UUCA

[email protected]

UUCA church office 330-836-2206


Last Call! Urban Notes Fundraiser Concert, May 18

Don’t miss a delightful evening of music in a relaxed coffee house atmosphere.

Our ‘Urban Notes’ fund-raiser has become a popular event with Cleveland area UUs, and this year, we’ll be performing at West Shore UU Church, 20401 Hilliard Blvd., Rocky River.

Our star-studded line-up of performers includes  Mary Grigolia, Marge Adler, Pam Wetula, Barry and Vicky Irvin and April Stoltz.   Refreshments will be served at 6:30 p.m.

The concert begins at 7:00 p.m.   Advance reservations $10.

Contact Anne Osborne at 440-617-9000 or [email protected].

$12 at the door, $5 child, $25 family


Outreach and Social Justice


Empty Baskets = Empty Stomachs

A gentle reminder and nudge to honor UUCK’s committment to collect non-perishible food items and Acme gift cards for Kent Social Services’ food programs. The two baskets have been a bit empty lately . . . please remember the hungry and food insecure in our community when doing your weekly shopping. Basic everyday food staples are always needed – peanut butter & jelly, tuna, canned fruit & vegetables, macaroni & cheese mix, rice, beans, pasta & spaghetti sauce, cereal, 100% juice and “meal-in-a-can” items or meal mixes.

Let’s fill the baskets and feed some people – one basket is in the ground floor closet next to the elevator and the other is just outside the elevator on the sanctuary level. Acme cards may be purchased and donated at the grocery card sales table in Fessenden Hall between services every Sunday. Large brown paper grocery bags are also an on-going need for the food pantry.

Thank you in advance for your generosity,

Elaine Bowen for the Hunger and Economic Justice Task Group



Income Generation


Tupperware Fundraiser

The Tupperware fundraiser which began on Sunday, May 5 will remain open for 2 or 3 weeks so make sure you get a new catalog and start showing it around to family, friends, neighbors and coworkers. People love Tupperware and it really keeps your food fresh and reduces waste.  Good for your pocket and the environment.

A link on the website will be up soon and I will have a link to an online party if you want to buy online and have it shipped directly to you or someone else.  Call or email me for the online party link.

Meg Milko, Fundraising Chair


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Everything You Wanted to Know About Memory Loss but Forgot to Ask! 

Sunday, May 5  1 PM

Supporting Our Loved Ones Living With Memory Loss

Please join us for a discussion of memory loss, an introduction to the different kinds of dementia and how it effects the brain, and how we can support and care for the people in our life who have memory loss. The workshop is presented by Rev. Katie Norris and sponsored by our Care Team. Rev. Katie is a caregiver for her mother who was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia seven years ago. Through this experience and her work as the Executive Director the Carolyn L. Farrell Foundation for Brain Health (farrellfoundation.com), she has been helping to raise awareness about dementia and help communities and families communicate and care for their loved ones with memory loss. We will engage in discussion, discover local resources, and even try a few dementia-friendly activities.

This event will take place on Sunday, May 5 from 1 to 3 pm.  A light lunch will be offered immediately following the second service in Fessenden Hall.  Please RSVP to the church office so that we can be sure to have enough food available.  This event is open to the public so please feel free to invite family and friends to join us.    If you plan to attend, please RSVP no later than tomorrow, Thursday, May 2 by 3:00 PM.  Thank you.


Worship & Music


Services are held on Sunday mornings at 10:00 and 11:30.


Sunday, May 5    Three Mortalities

Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Elaine Bowen

The poet Wendell Berry writes, “No, no, there is no going back. / Less and less you are / that possibility you were. / More and more you have become / those lives and deaths / that have belonged to you.” This morning we will explore what it means to become the lives and death that have belonged to us through three particular mortalities selected by last fall’s service auction sermon winner, Gene Wenninger.


What are you passionate about?

Would you like to lead a Sunday service about it?  The Sunday Program Committee meets on May 24th, and is seeking proposals for lay-led services for Summer and Fall.  We believe that that the Sunday Service is best reflected in a variety of voices and experiences.   Lay-led services allow us to share our individual spiritual journeys, experiences and diverse world views — an important part of our rich Unitarian Universalist heritage.  If you might be interested in presenting a service, please complete a proposal, which may be downloaded from our web site at:  //kentuu.org/docs/spc/sunday-proposal-e-form.pdf,   and send it to Lois Weir.

Not sure about how to put together a complete service?  Members of the committee can provide you with the help you need, so don’t be shy!  General information about proposal preparation may be found at //kentuu.org/ministry/sunday-program/.   Still have questions?  Contact Lois.



Can You Share Spring Flowers?

Now that the flowers are blooming again, perhaps you might consider sharing some on Sunday morning.  If you have some flowers growing in your yard you would be willing to bring for a Sunday morning service, please sign up on the flower sign-up sheet in Fessenden Hall.  In addition, the offer always stands to make a contribution and have the church provide flowers on your behalf.  If it is easier, you are welcome to call or email the church office to make arrangements for bringing or purchasing flowers.  Thank you for helping to add beauty to our Sunday mornings!



Lifespan Learning


Building Your Own Theology 1 (BYOT)

BYOT is an adult religious exploration class of 10 sessions that guides and encourages to the participants to explore and define their individual belief systems related to religion and spirituality. Classes are 2 to 2 1/2 hours long and will be facilitated by Elaine Bowen, a BYOT veteran of 3 previous sessions. What’s involved? 1) a commitment to attendance (at least 7 – 8 of the 10 sessions) and participation and 2) the willingness to work toward the drafting of your personal credo, a statement of belief(s).

Classes will be held on the following Thursday evenings: May 9 – 16 – 23 – 30, June 6 – 13 – 27 (no 20th due to General Assembly), July 11 & 25 (no 4th for the holiday or 18th due to Summer Institute) and the final session, a sharing of credos with a potluck dinner on August 1. We will begin promptly at 7:00 pm in either Fessenden Hall or the Annex (I do not have reservations made yet) and will try to wrap up by 9:15 pm.   There is some “homework” – primarily reading (and thinking); journaling is recommended. During class, there is discussion, activities and personal sharing (we can skip the role playing if you want to!)

A BYOT 1 workbook is necessary; there are a few available for check-out from the church library (do not write in them!) but it is suggested that each participant purchase one from the UUA online bookstore. If that is a financial hardship, please see me and we will work something out.

For the class to work as it is intended, a minimum of 6 people is needed and a maximum of 12 can be accommodated. Please contact me, Elaine Bowen, with any questions and to sign up by no later than May 5th. If there is not enough interest, this offering will be cancelled.

As of April 30, there are 3 participants committed to the program. We need at least 3 more by Sunday, May 5 to go forth. Please contact me ASAP in order for this adult RE program to go forth.



Community Within


Attention All Leaders and Committee Chairs

All Annual Reports to be included in the Annual Meeting packet are due TODAY. Please submit or email reports immediately to MaryBeth at [email protected].  Annual Meeting packets will be available to the congregation on May 15. The Annual Congregational Information Meeting is scheduled for May 30 @ 7 PM and the Voting Meeting will be held on June 2 @ 12:30 PM.


New UU Classes in May
Everything you wanted to know about the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent in particular and Unitarian Universalism in general, but were afraid to ask.  Well, maybe not everything, but we try to give you an overview, a starting point.  Some history of both, some organizational details. Come join the conversation.  And, if you’re curious about membership, this is the place to be.

Part 1 will be on Sunday, May 12, from 9-11 am. Part 2 will be on Sunday, May 19, from 9-11 am.  You may attend one or both, although attendance at both is encouraged.  Different topics will be covered in each.  We will gather at the Annex, the yellow house next to the church.

If you have any questions, contact Claudia Miller or Marion Yeagler.


Art in the Sanctuary

The Middle School Youth have been considering these three central questions in their RE classroom this year:  What is a family?  What does a family do?  Who defines family?   Their Family Photography Project is the culmination of that study.  It includes photographs and the text from interviews with six of our church families.


Surprise Friends: please remember, to leave your notes on Sundays May 5 and May 12 and the “big reveal” is May 19!  Make sure you are there for coffee hour to meet your Surprise Friend in person. In the past, Surprise Friends have exchanged small tokens of friendship during the special revealing celebration. Can’t wait to see you there!


The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, May 14 at 7 pm in the home of Mary Ann Kasper.   Please bring a non-dessert snack to share. This month we are reading Breakfast with Buddha by Roland Merullo. The only thing certain about a journey is that it has a beginning and an end-for you never know what may happen along the way. And so it is with this journey into the minds and souls of two very different men-one of them in search of the truth, the other a man who may have already found it. Witty and inventive, this book takes readers into the heart of America and in the process shows us a man about to discover his own true heart. In June, we will be reading a biography of your choice. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper .  All are welcome.


The Sanctuary Carpeting Has Been Newly Steam Cleaned . . .

and we would like to keep it clean!  This most recent cleaning revealed a fair amount of spilled beverages and ground in food.  To preserve the carpeting (and the pew cushions) as long as possible, we request that you do not bring food or beverages except water into the sanctuary.  Thank you!


UU & Interfaith Connections


“Mother Wove the Morning” presents an uncensored view of the experiences of women through history, casting light on little taught realities of endurance and triumph that will leave the audience wiser and more appreciative of women’s collective journey. Three actors bring sixteen different women from 20,000 b.c.e. to the present to the stage to share their lives.

Queen Bee’s adaptation of Pearson’s play provides an opportunity to include current events dramatically increasing our investment in these women’s lives and putting them in a global context.

The performance will be held on Thursday, May 9, 2013 at 7:00 pm at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Akron, 3300 Morewood Rd, Fairlawn, OH, (across from Summit Mall.)   $10 suggested donation at the door.  A talk back with the actors will follow the production.  Refreshments will be served. Childcare provided.

We know some of you are perhaps a road trip distance away.  If a group from your church would like to come and arrive early for dinner, give us a call and we can recommend some local eateries.

Don’t hesitate to call if you have questions.

Thank you!  And see you soon!

Linda Ryder, Program Chair, UUWA of UUCA

[email protected]

UUCA church office 330-836-2206



Outreach and Social Justice


The annual Equality Ohio Lobby Day will be held on May 8 with a focus on the Equal Employment and Housing Act. There is renewed interest in both the Senate and the House. We will be working hard to pass this legislation in 2013.  Our legislators need to hear from us and be educated on these issues. Our stories change hearts and minds.

Unitarian Universalists have always turned out in large numbers for this important work.  Are you willing to travel to Columbus that day as part of a group from Kent?  If so, please let Rev. Melissa know and register today on the Equality Ohio site:  http://www.equalityohio.org/


Empty Baskets = Empty Stomachs

A gentle reminder and nudge to honor UUCK’s commitment to collect non-perishable food items and Acme gift cards for Kent Social Services’ food programs. The two baskets have been a bit empty lately . . . please remember the hungry and food insecure in our community when doing your weekly shopping. Basic everyday food staples are always needed – peanut butter & jelly, tuna, canned fruit & vegetables, macaroni & cheese mix, rice, beans, pasta & spaghetti sauce, cereal, 100% juice and “meal-in-a-can” items or meal mixes.

Let’s fill the baskets and feed some people – one basket is in the ground floor closet next to the elevator and the other is just outside the elevator on the sanctuary level. Acme cards may be purchased and donated at the grocery card sales table in Fessenden Hall between services every Sunday. Large brown paper grocery bags are also an on-going need for the food pantry.

Thank you in advance for your generosity,

Elaine Bowen for the Hunger and Economic Justice Task Group



Income Generation


Tupperware Fundraiser Sneak Peak during the Book Sale & Kick Off Sunday May 5th         

Once again we will be having a Tupperware Fundraiser to benefit the church.  Last year was a great success and we’d love this year to be even bigger and better!

We will have the Tupperware set up at the book sale on Saturday if you want to get a sneak peak at all the new and sale items.  We can take orders that day too!

On Sunday, there will be a display of new Tupperware for you to see along with cash & carry items you can purchase and take home with you that day.  We will have order packets for you to take home also to show your family and friends and take their orders.

The Tupperware fundraiser will remain open for 2 or 3 weeks so make sure you get a new catalog and start showing it around to family, friends, neighbors and coworkers. People love Tupperware and it really keeps your food fresh and reduces waste.  Good for your pocket and the environment.

A link on the website will be up soon and I will have a link to an online party if you want to buy online and have it shipped directly to you or someone else.  Call or email me for the online party link.

Meg Milko, Fundraising Chair


Annual UUCK Book Sale Transformed

The Annual UUCK Book Sale has been transformed into the UUCK BookBook Sale!  In addition to our usual collection of great reads, a Tupperware book party will be concurrently held in the Sanctuary. But wait . . . THERE’S MORE!  We will also be hosting a bake sale and a lunch counter. Books, food and Tupperware; how could it possibly be better? The UUCK BookBook Sale will take place on Saturday, May 4 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Be there and be transformed!

The things I want to know are in books; my best friend is the man who’ll get me a book I ain’t read.  –  Abraham Lincoln

I’ve had so much plastic surgery, when I die they will donate my body to Tupperware. – Joan Rivers


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Weekly e-nUUs, April 24, 2013

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Attention All Leaders and Committee Chairs

All Annual Reports to be included in the Annual Meeting packet are due May 1, 2013. Please submit or email reports to MaryBeth at [email protected]. Annual Meeting packets will be available to the congregation on May 15. The Annual Congregational Information Meeting is scheduled for May 30 @ 7 PM and the Voting Meeting will be held on June 2 @ 12:30 PM.


Worship & Music


Services are held on Sunday mornings at 10:00 and 11:30.


Sunday, April 28     Does Life Long Learning Have to Be ALL My Life?

Led by the Rev. Elaine Strawn and Worship Associate Bonnie Harper –  Continuing Education requirements never end…neither does spiritual development. We will try to integrate psychological and spiritual ideas to understand where we are in the scope of things. Rev. Elaine Strawn is the minister of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Wayne County. Along with Melissa, she is participating in a three congregation pulpit swap this morning. Melissa will be leading services at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Meadville, PA.


Can You Share Spring Flowers?

Now that the flowers are blooming again, perhaps you might consider sharing some on Sunday morning.  If you have some flowers growing in your yard you would be willing to bring for a Sunday morning service, please sign up on the flower sign-up sheet in Fessenden Hall.  In addition, the offer always stands to make a contribution and have the church provide flowers on your behalf.  If it is easier, you are welcome to call or email the church office to make arrangements for bringing or purchasing flowers.  Thank you for helping to add beauty to our Sunday mornings!


Cuyahoga River Concert Series: Steve Gillette and Cindy Mangsen

April 26   8 PM

Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent

Tickets are $10.00 at the Door

Steve and Cindy and their partnership Compass Rose Music represent the very best in contemporary and traditional folk music.   http://www.compassrosemusic.com/


Lifespan Learning


Theological Meet-Up, Part ll

This Sunday, April 28, another opportunity will be offered to make theological connections.  At the pancake breakfast following each service, tables will be marked with the theological labels from the spring 2012 congregational survey.  All are welcome to sit and chat about theology with others at the tables, even if you’re not indulging in the pancake meal.   It’s informal, so feel free to visit multiple tables.


Building Your Own Theology 1 (BYOT)

BYOT is an adult religious exploration class of 10 sessions that guides and encourages to the participants to explore and define their individual belief systems related to religion and spirituality. Classes are 2 to 2 1/2 hours long and will be facilitated by Elaine Bowen, a BYOT veteran of 3 previous sessions. What’s involved? 1) a commitment to attendance (at least 7 – 8 of the 10 sessions) and participation and 2) the willingness to work toward the drafting of your personal credo, a statement of belief(s).

Classes will be held on the following Thursday evenings: May 9 – 16 – 23 – 30, June 6 – 13 – 27 (no 20th due to General Assembly), July 11 & 25 (no 4th for the holiday or 18th due to Summer Institute) and the final session, a sharing of credos with a potluck dinner on August 1. We will begin promptly at 7:00 pm in either Fessenden Hall or the Annex (I do not have reservations made yet) and will try to wrap up by 9:15 pm.   There is some “homework” – primarily reading (and thinking); journaling is recommended. During class, there is discussion, activities and personal sharing (we can skip the role playing if you want to!)

A BYOT 1 workbook is necessary; there are a few available for check-out from the church library (do not write in them!) but it is suggested that each participant purchase one from the UUA online bookstore. If that is a financial hardship, please see me and we will work something out.

For the class to work as it is intended, a minimum of 6 people is needed and a maximum of 12 can be accommodated. Please contact me, Elaine Bowen, with any questions and to sign up by no later than May 5th. If there is not enough interest, this offering will be cancelled.



Community Within


New UU Classes in May
Everything you wanted to know about the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent in particular and Unitarian Universalism in general, but were afraid to ask.  Well, maybe not everything, but we try to give you an overview, a starting point.  Some history of both, some organizational details. Come join the conversation.  And, if you’re curious about membership, this is the place to be.

Part 1 will be on Sunday, May 12, from 9-11 am. Part 2 will be on Sunday, May 19, from 9-11 am.  You may attend one or both, although attendance at both is encouraged.  Different topics will be covered in each.  We will gather at the Annex, the yellow house next to the church.

If you have any questions, contact Claudia Miller or Marion Yeagler.


The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, May 14 at 7 pm in the home of Mary Ann Kasper.   Please bring a non-dessert snack to share. This month we are reading Breakfast with Buddha by Roland Merullo. The only thing certain about a journey is that it has a beginning and an end-for you never know what may happen along the way. And so it is with this journey into the minds and souls of two very different men-one of them in search of the truth, the other a man who may have already found it. Witty and inventive, this book takes readers into the heart of America and in the process shows us a man about to discover his own true heart. In June, we will be reading a biography of your choice. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.  All are welcome.


Art in the Sanctuary

Jan Noden’s artwork consisting of her many recently created collages, watercolors, and monotypes will be on display this month. She is a signature member of the Ohio Watercolor Society and the National Collage Society.


The Sanctuary Carpeting Has Been Newly Steam Cleaned . . .

and we would like to keep it clean!  This most recent cleaning revealed a fair amount of spilled beverages and ground in food.  To preserve the carpeting (and the pew cushions) as long as possible, we request that you do not bring food or beverages except water into the sanctuary.  Thank you!


Supporting Our Loved Ones Living With Memory Loss

Please join us for a discussion of memory loss, an introduction to the different kinds of dementia and how it effects the brain, and how we can support and care for the people in our life who have memory loss. The workshop is presented by Rev. Katie Norris and sponsored by our Care Team. Rev. Katie is a caregiver for her mother who was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia seven years ago. Through this experience and her work as the Executive Director the Carolyn L. Farrell Foundation for Brain Health (farrellfoundation.com), she has been helping to raise awareness about dementia and help communities and families communicate and care for their loved ones with memory loss. We will engage in discussion, discover local resources, and even try a few dementia-friendly activities.

This event will take place on Sunday, May 5 from 1 to 3 pm.  A light lunch will be offered immediately following the second service in Fessenden Hall.  Please RSVP to the church office so that we can be sure to have enough food available.  This event is open to the public so please feel free to invite family and friends to join us.


Surprise Friends: please remember, to leave your notes Sundays April 21 through May 12 and the “big reveal” is May 19!  Make sure you are there for coffee hour to meet your Surprise Friend in person. In the past, Surprise Friends have exchanged small tokens of friendship during the special revealing celebration. Can’t wait to see you there!


UU & Interfaith Connections


“Love and Help” Boy Scout Program

Have you noticed the scouts in uniform among us on recent Sunday mornings?  We are offering a 5-week program for Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts who are working to achieve the “Love and Help” emblem.  Daniel Flippo, Eliot Flippo and Lucas Pierre are joining Karen Lapidus and Dan Flippo to complete the requirements of the program.  Each scout completes a workbook which leads them on a discovery of levels of responsibility to themselves, their family, their friends, their church and ultimately to the greater community.  Their service project will be to clean up the grounds around the Annex.  The emblems will be awarded during the RE Sunday worship service on June 2nd.


District Assembly convening in Niagara Falls April 26-27
This year our Ohio-Meadville District, in a historic move, is having a joint District Assembly with St Lawrence District.  And the Rev Peter Morales, President of the Unitarian Universalist Association,  is the keynote speaker!  This promises to be an energizing event not to be missed!  Deadlines are fast upon us.  Some partial scholarships are available, and must be applied for by March 29.  If you would like more information about workshops and timelines, please go to https://www.uua.org/central-east/events .  You may also contact Marion Yeagler, Ohio-Meadville District Board of Trustees.


Outreach and Social Justice


We are convening a meeting of the Social Justice Group’s Human Rights Committee.  This will include areas of focus that will include Immigration, Race, LGBTQ rights, and Women’s Rights.  The opportunity to provide advocacy, empowerment, education and understanding and transformation in these areas will be the energy driving this committee.  In the arena of Immigration we, as UUs, have a history of affirming human diversity, advocating to break down barriers and challenging human rights abuses.  The committee focusing on Race has the ability to challenge racism and oppression and  to advocate for racial justice by being inclusive of all races and cultural backgrounds.  The LBGTQ group will promote acceptance, inclusion, understanding and advocacy opportunities for interested committee members and the Women’s Rights committee will reflect the UU principle of recognizing the inherent worth and dignity of every person as we protect and affirm the lives of women.

Your energy and ideas as we work to develop and envision the process and focus of these groups will be welcomed and embraced.  We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, April 25th as we continue the legacy of social justice espoused by this community and congregation.


Hunger and Economic Justice Task Group Update

Sincere thanks and gratitude to our generous and be-loved community for the phenomenal collection for the Akron-Canton Regional Food Bank on Easter Sunday. We donated $887.25 which funds 3,549 meals for the hungry and food insecure in an 8 county service area. Thank you for sharing the love. And . . . for your support of the KSU Campus Ministers’ “April Showers” collection of personal hygiene products for shower kits for the homeless. In a 2 week period, you showed your faith in action through toothbrushes, shampoo, soap, washcloths and a variety of other goods. Well done, UUCK, well done!

The task group is looking for a volunteer leader and a dedicated small cadre of folks to work a monthly (or twice monthly) two hour shift at the County Clothing Center on Rte. 59 in Ravenna. We are trying to revive our efforts to be a volunteer presence in helping sort & fold clothes & assist clients. Plastic grocery bags are always needed and can be dropped off in the closet next to the elevator on the lower level of the church.

Do you enjoy meal planning and cooking??? Would you like to be one of 7 or 8 people to prepare and serve a Sun-day evening meal for clients of KSS? I’m trying to gauge interest in this activity and would like for you to let me know. It is a volunteer opportunity that you can try once and you’re not locked in to doing it again.

I’d like to hear from you if you would like to work on small projects for the hungry and poor of the community. I know you have ideas . . . please contact Elaine Bowen.


Want to save our Earth?  Join us for the Environmental Justice meeting on Tuesday April 30th, 7-9pm in Fessenden Hall!  We’ll discuss environmental special collections, project priorities for the year, and the Green Sanctuary program.  Contact Andrew Rome with questions.


Income Generation


Annual UUCK Book Sale Transformed

The Annual UUCK Book Sale has been transformed into the UUCK BookBook Sale!  In addition to our usual collection of great reads, a Tupperware book party will be concurrently held in the Sanctuary. But wait . . . THERE’S MORE!  We will also be hosting a bake sale and a lunch counter. Books, food and Tupperware; how could it possibly be better? The UUCK BookBook Sale will take place on Saturday, May 4 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Be there and be transformed!

The things I want to know are in books; my best friend is the man who’ll get me a book I ain’t read.  –  Abraham Lincoln

I’ve had so much plastic surgery, when I die they will donate my body to Tupperware. – Joan Rivers



At the grocery card table, someone pointed out that Giant Eagle sells all kinds of gift cards for other establishments, including theaters, restaurants, department stores, hardware stores etc…dozens if not hundreds of stores. I checked into this, and Giant Eagle gift cards purchased at the church can used for any of these cards. You still get the fuel perks too! They even have a “Parent-Student” card for your college student: just buy a gift card at the church, and use it to purchase or re-load the student’s card with money at Giant Eagle. Their general rule is: “Use a Giant Eagle gift card in the Giant Eagle store, just like cash”. Our thought is: “Don’t spend cash at Giant Eagle or Acme, buy a gift card from the church, its like donating 5% of the card value to the church, but it costs you nothing”. Contact Bob Erdman if any questions, or other great ideas!


Spring Forth With the Giving of Books. 

The time of year has come once more when Robins sing in the rain, the flowers poke their heads up from the warming earth and books appear as if by magic in Fessenden Hall. Yea, the  Annual UUCK Book Sale is nigh, riding in on the southern winds, returning with the geese who had flown south but two short seasons ago. As you perform the ancient ritual of Spring cleaning, please set aside all your gently used books, DVDs, and CDs to donate to the Annual UUCK Book Sale. Just leave them in the designated space in Fessenden Hall through April 30 and the book sprites will whisk them away, only to be returned on that foretold day, May 4, where they will take their honored place in supporting the growth and well-being of the UUCK. In addition we will be hosting a bake sale table as well. Please consider contributing your favorite home baked cookies, brownies, muffins and other goodies. You may drop them off in the kitchen on Friday May 3rd or Saturday May 4th. Please label them “Book Sale” so we know they are intended for that purpose. Thank you in advance for your generous, heartfelt donations.

Spring—an experience in immortality. -Henry D. Thoreau

Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. –Author Unknown

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Weekly e-nUUs – April 17, 2013

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Worship & Music


Services are held on Sunday mornings at 10:00 and 11:30.


Sunday, April 21     Growing Greener

Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Mary Lou Holly

Join us for our annual celebration of Earth Day! This year we will lift up a few of the many ways individuals and communities are exploring to grow greener lives and a greener planet.


Did you love the Zeng Quartet?  Well then you’re in for another treat!

Andrea Beltran Landers is a cellist from Peru who is currently pursuing a master’s degree in performance at Kent State University.  She will be offering a free concert on Sunday, April 21 at 7:00 PM in our Sanctuary.  Free will offerings in support of our UUCK Music Committee will be gratefully accepted.  Spread the word!


Can You Share Spring Flowers?

Now that the flowers are blooming again, perhaps you might consider sharing some on Sunday morning.  If you have some flowers growing in your yard you would be willing to bring for a Sunday morning service, please sign up on the flower sign-up sheet in Fessenden Hall.  In addition, the offer always stands to make a contribution and have the church provide flowers on your behalf.  If it is easier, you are welcome to call or email the church office to make arrangements for bringing or purchasing flowers.  Thank you for helping to add beauty to our Sunday mornings!



Cuyahoga River Concert Series: Steve Gillette and Cindy Mangsen

April 26   8 PM

Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent

Tickets are $10.00 at the Door

Steve and Cindy and their partnership Compass Rose Music represent the very best in contemporary and traditional folk music.   http://www.compassrosemusic.com/


CD Subscription for Sunday Services?

Thanks to volunteer extraordinaire Brad Bolton, much of each Sunday’s service is podcast on our website.  Many people who are unable to make it to church use the podcast as a way of catching the services they missed.  People who are thinking about checking out the church often listen to services before they come and some folks forward links to friends or family who they think might be interested in a particular sermon.  Due to the restrictions of copyright law, only the original parts of each service are included in the podcast.  However, Brad records the entirety of the service and is willing to turn those recordings into cds if there are people who might be interested in receiving a weekly subscription.  So long as we are mailing cds to people who are members or friends of the church, we can share the whole service without violating copyright law.  We are thinking this option might be appealing to folks who do not make it to church regularly and who either do not have a computer or are not comfortable with the technology required to listen to podcasts.   We would like to know if such a service would be useful.  If you would be interested in being mailed a cd of the Sunday service each week, please call or send a note to the church office.



Community Within


Attention All Leaders and Committee Chairs

All Annual Reports to be included in the Annual Meeting packet are due May 1, 2013. Please submit or email reports to MaryBeth at [email protected]. Annual Meeting packets will be available to the congregation on

May 15. The Annual Congregational Information Meeting is scheduled for May 30 @ 7 PM and the Voting Meeting will be held on June 2 @ 12:30 PM.


Interested in Being Part of a Men’s Group

On April 21 at 1:00 pm in the Annex, Max Grubb will lead a group for men who are interested in the possibility of participating in a men’s group at the church.  Several years ago we had an active men’s group that eventually disbanded for a variety of reasons. It seems at least one of those reasons was a lack of a clear sense of purpose for the group.  One of the goals of this initial meeting, in addition to finding out how many people might be interested, is also to find out what kind of men’s group people might be interested in joining.

Max has been a part of a men’s group for over 20 years and has lots of experience with different forms and styles of men’s groups.  He is happy to share that experience with our church and is looking forward to exploring what kind of men’s group might work well here.  Please RSVP to Max  if you plan to attend.


Art in the Sanctuary

Jan Noden’s artwork consisting of her many recently created collages, watercolors, and monotypes will be on display this month. She is a signature member of the Ohio Watercolor Society and the National Collage Society.


The Sanctuary Carpeting Has Been Newly Steam Cleaned . . .

and we would like to keep it clean!  This most recent cleaning revealed a fair amount of spilled beverages and ground in food.  To preserve the carpeting (and the pew cushions) as long as possible, we request that you do not bring food or beverages except water into the sanctuary.  Thank you!


Supporting Our Loved Ones Living With Memory Loss

Please join us for a discussion of memory loss, an introduction to the different kinds of dementia and how it effects the brain, and how we can support and care for the people in our life who have memory loss. The workshop is presented by Rev. Katie Norris and sponsored by our Care Team. Rev. Katie is a caregiver for her mother who was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia seven years ago. Through this experience and her work as the Executive Director the Carolyn L. Farrell Foundation for Brain Health (farrellfoundation.com), she has been helping to raise awareness about dementia and help communities and families communicate and care for their loved ones with memory loss. We will engage in discussion, discover local resources, and even try a few dementia-friendly activities.

This event will take place on Sunday, May 5 from 1 to 3 pm.  A light lunch will be offered immediately following the second service in Fessenden Hall.  Please RSVP to the church office so that we can be sure to have enough food available.  This event is open to the public so please feel free to invite family and friends to join us.


Surprise Friends: please remember, to leave your notes Sundays April 21 through May 12 and the “big reveal” is May 19!  Make sure you are there for coffee hour to meet your Surprise Friend in person. In the past, Surprise Friends have exchanged small tokens of friendship during the special revealing celebration. Can’t wait to see you there!


Electronic Giving Now Live!

We are excited to announce that after many months of research and planning, we are now able to accept financial contributions on our website.  We are using PayPal in order to provide this service which will allow you to decide the frequency of your giving and also enable you to direct your gift to a particular program or ministry.  Find the yellow Donate Now buttons on left side of each page.  Many thanks to Dan Flippo for his help in setting up this service!



To see “Your Basic Treasure Chest of Humor”, in case you missed the April 5th performance.  DVDs of the entire performance will be available for anyone wishing to have one, for the modest price of $5.00; all benefits, of course, going to the church.  If you are interested in receiving one (or more), please enter your name on the signup sheet, which will be available at Coffee Hour this morning.

                                     Thank you, Ted Voneida


UU & Interfaith Connections


The April Kent Community Dinner will be held on April 20 at 5:30 pm at the Islamic Community Center at 152 East Steels Corners Road in Cuyahoga Falls.  The Islamic Society of Akron and Kent invites the people of Kent over to get to know them.  Reservations are required.  Call 330-922-9991. Speakers will include Mr. Haleem Najeeullah of the Board of Directors of  the Islamic Society with a keynote address by Dr. Kara Ellis Skora of the Department of Religious Studies of the College of Wooster.

It is a dress affair.  Modest attire is a must in this group. Bring a dessert (no gelatin, lard or pork). Transportation is available. Meet at 4:45 pm behind the United Church of Christ.  Questions?  Call 330-678-8760.


District Assembly convening in Niagara Falls April 26-27
This year our Ohio-Meadville District, in a historic move, is having a joint District Assembly with St Lawrence District.  And the Rev Peter Morales, President of the Unitarian Universalist Association,  is the keynote speaker!  This promises to be an energizing event not to be missed!  Deadlines are fast upon us.  Some partial scholarships are available, and must be applied for by March 29.  If you would like more information about workshops and timelines, please go to https://www.uua.org/central-east/events .  You may also contact Marion Yeagler, Ohio-Meadville District Board of Trustees.


Outreach and Social Justice


UUs to Consider Fracking

If you haven’t registered yet, be sure to do so for the Ohio Meadville-Saint Lawrence Joint District Assembly to be held in Niagara Falls, NY on April 26-27.    www.ohiomeadville.org/districtassembly/deregistration


Annual Garlic Mustard Pull
Join us on Saturday, April 20th from 9am-11am pull invasive Garlic Mustard from the parks along the river. This weed chokes out native species and must be pulled before the prolific seed heads open. Afterward, saunter downtown for the Who’s Your Mama? Earth Day festival, knowing you’ve done your part. Meet in the church parking lot across the street and ask Andrew Rome for more information.


Income Generation



At the grocery card table, someone pointed out that Giant Eagle sells all kinds of gift cards for other establishments, including theaters, restaurants, department stores, hardware stores etc…dozens if not hundreds of stores. I checked into this, and Giant Eagle gift cards purchased at the church can used for any of these cards. You still get the fuel perks too! They even have a “Parent-Student” card for your college student: just buy a gift card at the church, and use it to purchase or re-load the student’s card with money at Giant Eagle. Their general rule is: “Use a Giant Eagle gift card in the Giant Eagle store, just like cash”. Our thought is: “Don’t spend cash at Giant Eagle or Acme, buy a gift card from the church, it’s like donating 5% of the card value to the church, but it costs you nothing”. Contact Bob Erdman  if any questions, or other great ideas!


Spring Forth With the Giving of Books. 

The time of year has come once more when Robins sing in the rain, the flowers poke their heads up from the warming earth and books appear as if by magic in Fessenden Hall. Yea, the  Annual UUCK Book Sale is nigh, riding in on the southern winds, returning with the geese who had flown south but two short seasons ago. As you perform the ancient ritual of Spring cleaning, please set aside all your gently used books, DVDs, and CDs to donate to the Annual UUCK Book Sale. Just leave them in the designated space in Fessenden Hall through April 30 and the book sprites will whisk them away, only to be returned on that foretold day, May 4, where they will take their honored place in supporting the growth and well-being of the UUCK. In addition we will be hosting a bake sale table as well. Please consider contributing your favorite home baked cookies, brownies, muffins and other goodies. You may drop them off in the kitchen on Friday May 3rd or Saturday May 4th. Please label them “Book Sale” so we know they are intended for that purpose. Thank you in advance for your generous, heartfelt donations.

Spring—an experience in immortality. -Henry D. Thoreau

Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. –Author Unknown


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