Attention All Leaders and Committee Chairs
All Annual Reports to be included in the Annual Meeting packet are due May 1, 2013. Please submit or email reports to MaryBeth at [email protected]. Annual Meeting packets will be available to the congregation on May 15. The Annual Congregational Information Meeting is scheduled for May 30 @ 7 PM and the Voting Meeting will be held on June 2 @ 12:30 PM.
Worship & Music
Services are held on Sunday mornings at 10:00 and 11:30.
Sunday, April 28 Does Life Long Learning Have to Be ALL My Life?
Led by the Rev. Elaine Strawn and Worship Associate Bonnie Harper – Continuing Education requirements never end…neither does spiritual development. We will try to integrate psychological and spiritual ideas to understand where we are in the scope of things. Rev. Elaine Strawn is the minister of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Wayne County. Along with Melissa, she is participating in a three congregation pulpit swap this morning. Melissa will be leading services at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Meadville, PA.
Can You Share Spring Flowers?
Now that the flowers are blooming again, perhaps you might consider sharing some on Sunday morning. If you have some flowers growing in your yard you would be willing to bring for a Sunday morning service, please sign up on the flower sign-up sheet in Fessenden Hall. In addition, the offer always stands to make a contribution and have the church provide flowers on your behalf. If it is easier, you are welcome to call or email the church office to make arrangements for bringing or purchasing flowers. Thank you for helping to add beauty to our Sunday mornings!
Cuyahoga River Concert Series: Steve Gillette and Cindy Mangsen
April 26 8 PM
Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent
Tickets are $10.00 at the Door
Steve and Cindy and their partnership Compass Rose Music represent the very best in contemporary and traditional folk music.
Lifespan Learning
Theological Meet-Up, Part ll
This Sunday, April 28, another opportunity will be offered to make theological connections. At the pancake breakfast following each service, tables will be marked with the theological labels from the spring 2012 congregational survey. All are welcome to sit and chat about theology with others at the tables, even if you’re not indulging in the pancake meal. It’s informal, so feel free to visit multiple tables.
Building Your Own Theology 1 (BYOT)
BYOT is an adult religious exploration class of 10 sessions that guides and encourages to the participants to explore and define their individual belief systems related to religion and spirituality. Classes are 2 to 2 1/2 hours long and will be facilitated by Elaine Bowen, a BYOT veteran of 3 previous sessions. What’s involved? 1) a commitment to attendance (at least 7 – 8 of the 10 sessions) and participation and 2) the willingness to work toward the drafting of your personal credo, a statement of belief(s).
Classes will be held on the following Thursday evenings: May 9 – 16 – 23 – 30, June 6 – 13 – 27 (no 20th due to General Assembly), July 11 & 25 (no 4th for the holiday or 18th due to Summer Institute) and the final session, a sharing of credos with a potluck dinner on August 1. We will begin promptly at 7:00 pm in either Fessenden Hall or the Annex (I do not have reservations made yet) and will try to wrap up by 9:15 pm. There is some “homework” – primarily reading (and thinking); journaling is recommended. During class, there is discussion, activities and personal sharing (we can skip the role playing if you want to!)
A BYOT 1 workbook is necessary; there are a few available for check-out from the church library (do not write in them!) but it is suggested that each participant purchase one from the UUA online bookstore. If that is a financial hardship, please see me and we will work something out.
For the class to work as it is intended, a minimum of 6 people is needed and a maximum of 12 can be accommodated. Please contact me, Elaine Bowen, with any questions and to sign up by no later than May 5th. If there is not enough interest, this offering will be cancelled.
Community Within
New UU Classes in May
Everything you wanted to know about the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent in particular and Unitarian Universalism in general, but were afraid to ask. Well, maybe not everything, but we try to give you an overview, a starting point. Some history of both, some organizational details. Come join the conversation. And, if you’re curious about membership, this is the place to be.
Part 1 will be on Sunday, May 12, from 9-11 am. Part 2 will be on Sunday, May 19, from 9-11 am. You may attend one or both, although attendance at both is encouraged. Different topics will be covered in each. We will gather at the Annex, the yellow house next to the church.
If you have any questions, contact Claudia Miller or Marion Yeagler.
The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, May 14 at 7 pm in the home of Mary Ann Kasper. Please bring a non-dessert snack to share. This month we are reading Breakfast with Buddha by Roland Merullo. The only thing certain about a journey is that it has a beginning and an end-for you never know what may happen along the way. And so it is with this journey into the minds and souls of two very different men-one of them in search of the truth, the other a man who may have already found it. Witty and inventive, this book takes readers into the heart of America and in the process shows us a man about to discover his own true heart. In June, we will be reading a biography of your choice. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper. All are welcome.
Art in the Sanctuary
Jan Noden’s artwork consisting of her many recently created collages, watercolors, and monotypes will be on display this month. She is a signature member of the Ohio Watercolor Society and the National Collage Society.
The Sanctuary Carpeting Has Been Newly Steam Cleaned . . .
and we would like to keep it clean! This most recent cleaning revealed a fair amount of spilled beverages and ground in food. To preserve the carpeting (and the pew cushions) as long as possible, we request that you do not bring food or beverages except water into the sanctuary. Thank you!
Supporting Our Loved Ones Living With Memory Loss
Please join us for a discussion of memory loss, an introduction to the different kinds of dementia and how it effects the brain, and how we can support and care for the people in our life who have memory loss. The workshop is presented by Rev. Katie Norris and sponsored by our Care Team. Rev. Katie is a caregiver for her mother who was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia seven years ago. Through this experience and her work as the Executive Director the Carolyn L. Farrell Foundation for Brain Health (, she has been helping to raise awareness about dementia and help communities and families communicate and care for their loved ones with memory loss. We will engage in discussion, discover local resources, and even try a few dementia-friendly activities.
This event will take place on Sunday, May 5 from 1 to 3 pm. A light lunch will be offered immediately following the second service in Fessenden Hall. Please RSVP to the church office so that we can be sure to have enough food available. This event is open to the public so please feel free to invite family and friends to join us.
Surprise Friends: please remember, to leave your notes Sundays April 21 through May 12 and the “big reveal” is May 19! Make sure you are there for coffee hour to meet your Surprise Friend in person. In the past, Surprise Friends have exchanged small tokens of friendship during the special revealing celebration. Can’t wait to see you there!
UU & Interfaith Connections
“Love and Help” Boy Scout Program
Have you noticed the scouts in uniform among us on recent Sunday mornings? We are offering a 5-week program for Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts who are working to achieve the “Love and Help” emblem. Daniel Flippo, Eliot Flippo and Lucas Pierre are joining Karen Lapidus and Dan Flippo to complete the requirements of the program. Each scout completes a workbook which leads them on a discovery of levels of responsibility to themselves, their family, their friends, their church and ultimately to the greater community. Their service project will be to clean up the grounds around the Annex. The emblems will be awarded during the RE Sunday worship service on June 2nd.
District Assembly convening in Niagara Falls April 26-27
This year our Ohio-Meadville District, in a historic move, is having a joint District Assembly with St Lawrence District. And the Rev Peter Morales, President of the Unitarian Universalist Association, is the keynote speaker! This promises to be an energizing event not to be missed! Deadlines are fast upon us. Some partial scholarships are available, and must be applied for by March 29. If you would like more information about workshops and timelines, please go to . You may also contact Marion Yeagler, Ohio-Meadville District Board of Trustees.
Outreach and Social Justice
We are convening a meeting of the Social Justice Group’s Human Rights Committee. This will include areas of focus that will include Immigration, Race, LGBTQ rights, and Women’s Rights. The opportunity to provide advocacy, empowerment, education and understanding and transformation in these areas will be the energy driving this committee. In the arena of Immigration we, as UUs, have a history of affirming human diversity, advocating to break down barriers and challenging human rights abuses. The committee focusing on Race has the ability to challenge racism and oppression and to advocate for racial justice by being inclusive of all races and cultural backgrounds. The LBGTQ group will promote acceptance, inclusion, understanding and advocacy opportunities for interested committee members and the Women’s Rights committee will reflect the UU principle of recognizing the inherent worth and dignity of every person as we protect and affirm the lives of women.
Your energy and ideas as we work to develop and envision the process and focus of these groups will be welcomed and embraced. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, April 25th as we continue the legacy of social justice espoused by this community and congregation.
Hunger and Economic Justice Task Group Update
Sincere thanks and gratitude to our generous and be-loved community for the phenomenal collection for the Akron-Canton Regional Food Bank on Easter Sunday. We donated $887.25 which funds 3,549 meals for the hungry and food insecure in an 8 county service area. Thank you for sharing the love. And . . . for your support of the KSU Campus Ministers’ “April Showers” collection of personal hygiene products for shower kits for the homeless. In a 2 week period, you showed your faith in action through toothbrushes, shampoo, soap, washcloths and a variety of other goods. Well done, UUCK, well done!
The task group is looking for a volunteer leader and a dedicated small cadre of folks to work a monthly (or twice monthly) two hour shift at the County Clothing Center on Rte. 59 in Ravenna. We are trying to revive our efforts to be a volunteer presence in helping sort & fold clothes & assist clients. Plastic grocery bags are always needed and can be dropped off in the closet next to the elevator on the lower level of the church.
Do you enjoy meal planning and cooking??? Would you like to be one of 7 or 8 people to prepare and serve a Sun-day evening meal for clients of KSS? I’m trying to gauge interest in this activity and would like for you to let me know. It is a volunteer opportunity that you can try once and you’re not locked in to doing it again.
I’d like to hear from you if you would like to work on small projects for the hungry and poor of the community. I know you have ideas . . . please contact Elaine Bowen.
Want to save our Earth? Join us for the Environmental Justice meeting on Tuesday April 30th, 7-9pm in Fessenden Hall! We’ll discuss environmental special collections, project priorities for the year, and the Green Sanctuary program. Contact Andrew Rome with questions.
Income Generation
Annual UUCK Book Sale Transformed
The Annual UUCK Book Sale has been transformed into the UUCK BookBook Sale! In addition to our usual collection of great reads, a Tupperware book party will be concurrently held in the Sanctuary. But wait . . . THERE’S MORE! We will also be hosting a bake sale and a lunch counter. Books, food and Tupperware; how could it possibly be better? The UUCK BookBook Sale will take place on Saturday, May 4 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Be there and be transformed!
The things I want to know are in books; my best friend is the man who’ll get me a book I ain’t read. – Abraham Lincoln
I’ve had so much plastic surgery, when I die they will donate my body to Tupperware. – Joan Rivers
At the grocery card table, someone pointed out that Giant Eagle sells all kinds of gift cards for other establishments, including theaters, restaurants, department stores, hardware stores etc…dozens if not hundreds of stores. I checked into this, and Giant Eagle gift cards purchased at the church can used for any of these cards. You still get the fuel perks too! They even have a “Parent-Student” card for your college student: just buy a gift card at the church, and use it to purchase or re-load the student’s card with money at Giant Eagle. Their general rule is: “Use a Giant Eagle gift card in the Giant Eagle store, just like cash”. Our thought is: “Don’t spend cash at Giant Eagle or Acme, buy a gift card from the church, its like donating 5% of the card value to the church, but it costs you nothing”. Contact Bob Erdman if any questions, or other great ideas!
Spring Forth With the Giving of Books.
The time of year has come once more when Robins sing in the rain, the flowers poke their heads up from the warming earth and books appear as if by magic in Fessenden Hall. Yea, the Annual UUCK Book Sale is nigh, riding in on the southern winds, returning with the geese who had flown south but two short seasons ago. As you perform the ancient ritual of Spring cleaning, please set aside all your gently used books, DVDs, and CDs to donate to the Annual UUCK Book Sale. Just leave them in the designated space in Fessenden Hall through April 30 and the book sprites will whisk them away, only to be returned on that foretold day, May 4, where they will take their honored place in supporting the growth and well-being of the UUCK. In addition we will be hosting a bake sale table as well. Please consider contributing your favorite home baked cookies, brownies, muffins and other goodies. You may drop them off in the kitchen on Friday May 3rd or Saturday May 4th. Please label them “Book Sale” so we know they are intended for that purpose. Thank you in advance for your generous, heartfelt donations.
Spring—an experience in immortality. -Henry D. Thoreau
Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. –Author Unknown