Weekly e-nUUs, April 18, 2012

Hydraulic Fracturing: What Every Citizen Needs to Know!

The League of Women Voters of the Akron Area invites you to look at both sides of the issue.  Thursday, April 19th, 5:30 pm at Unitarian Universalist Church of Akron.  Issues to be discussed:

  • The Fracking Process and the Role of ODNR presented by, ODNR
  • The Fracking Boom and the Need for Energy presented by, Mike Chadsey of Energy in Depth Ohio
  • Fracking and Impacts on Health presented by Dr. Ted Voneida, retired professor of neuro-anatomy at NEOMED
  • Fracking and Our Future: Environmental Concerns presented by Cheryl Johncox, Buckeye Forest Council

This event is co-sponsored by the Green Team and the Social Action Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Church.  Refreshments will be served.


“Harvest Your Power: Learning your Leadership Potential” Workshop for April 21

Mark your calendar and save the date!  The Leadership Development Team is hosting a leadership workshop and we want you there!  Leadership development is very important at UUCK and our hope is to grow great leaders through on site training.  In this workshop, we will explore various themes related to leadership, including what it takes to be in leadership and how to better your skills if you already are in a leadership role.  We will provide coffee, tea, and juice, and a light snack.  There is no charge for the workshop.  The workshop will be held in the Annex on April 21st from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.  Please plan to attend and bring a friend!  RSVP to Lori McGee by 4/18.


Sunday, April 22, 2012     The Planet Our Children Will Inherit

Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate MaryLou Holly – Justice needs us to take a long view. Our children and our children’s’ children and their children and theirs will be the inheritors of this planet. What must we do, who must we be to be good stewards of the earth? Today is Earth Day.  Come hear stories, come sing praises, come pledge your hearts again to this planet we share.


Art Retrospective featuring the works of Beth Sholtis, Sunday, April 22, 2012  1:00 pm

Guests are invited to come enjoy refreshments in the Founders Lounge and to view some of Beth’s art which will be on display in the Sanctuary.  At 1:30 pm Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer will lead an informal memorial in honor and celebration of Beth’s life.  Guests will have an opportunity to share spoken memories during the memorial.



This Sunday, April 22’s Special Collection is for Unitarian Universalist Service Committee’s (UUSC) Justice Sunday. The theme is “Justice Is the Human Right to Water”.   Please make out your checks directly to UUSC.


Earthday Gardening Project

On Earthday, Sunday, April 22, The Green Sanctuary Committee is planning to brighten up the gravel-covered area behind the church. The activity will take place right after the second service.  Please come to help and bring your trowels and shovels.  We also need adult volunteers to make some necessary preparations during coffee hour and the second service.



We are looking for bakers to donate treats for a bake sale to be held in conjunction with the April 28th book sale.  Contact Sandy Bowers if you are able to bake.


The Big, Bad Book Sale is Ba-aaack!

Hello, fellow bibliophiles . . . time to clear out your bookshelves, the stacks next-to your favorite chair and from under your bed. The book sale is coming . . . Saturday, April 28 from 9am to 2pm with sorting Wednesday, 4/25 and set-up Friday, 4/27 from 6p to 9p.  We need:

  • donated books to sell – bring them to church beginning Sunday, 4/22 (Earth Day)
  • volunteers for sorting, set-up and sales
  • customers! Please invite your friends and neighbors ~ we can use all the free advertisement we can get!

To volunteer, please contact Elaine Bowen at eybowen@ yahoo.com – sorters, set-uppers and sellers are

permitted pre-sales

NOTE: please refrain from donating old encyclopedias, texts, Readers’ Digest Condensed books or anything really musty/moldy – if you wouldn’t buy it, we can’t sell it!

Thanks – Elaine Bowen.



Ted Voneida will appear right here in the church, as President Harry Truman. in the play “Give ‘Em Hell, Harry” on Saturday, April 28th, at 7 p.m.  After intermission (with Swanny’s cheescake), his special guest, Julia Child will present some of her very own special recipes, and as a grand finale’, several well-known UU Thesbians will present some readings from James Thurber.  All in all, it should be a wonderful evening of theatre, and  the ridiculously low ticket price of $12 will all go toward boosting our church budget.  It’s a win-win situation, and we hope to see many of you there.


Attention All Leaders and Committee Chairs

All Annual Reports to be included in the Annual Meeting packet are due April 30th.  Please submit or email reports to MaryBeth at [email protected].  Thank you. Annual Meeting packets will be available to the congregation on May 13th.



The Worship and Theology Survey results are in and it appears that the opinions of the men in our congregation are seriously underrepresented.  The Sunday Program Committee has decided to extend the deadline for taking the survey until Sunday, April 22nd.  If you haven’t already taken the survey, please do so now:


Women’s input is also welcome, of course!  You will be able to take the survey at the survey station again during coffee hour, and paper copies will be available for those not wishing to take it on-line.

Questions?  Contact Lois Weir.  THANKS!


May Spiritual Cinema: The Man From Earth

Please join us for Spiritual Cinema on Friday, May 4 at 7:00 PM. We will watch the independent motion picture, “Jerome Bixby’s The Man From Earth” (2007). Check out the website: kentuu.org for a more detailed description.


Religious Education Sunday will be celebrated on May 6th.

RE Sunday is the time when our children share what they have experienced throughout the year with the congregation.  During the 9:30 service, there will be a bridging ceremony to mark major development milestones for many of our children and youth.  The 11:15 service will include presentations from each of the classes as well as a ceremony of appreciation for our teachers. Join us for what will surely be a lively, fun-filled worship experience.  It is important that the children attend their RE classes from now until May 6th so that they are well-prepared to participate fully in the worship service.  


SAVE THE DATE!     May 6th @ 12:30pm   The church is having a Tupperware party and YOU are invited!

More details are available on the church’s website:  kentuu.org    Stay tuned for updates!  If you have any questions now, please feel free to contact me.

Meg Milko


The Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, May 8 at 7 pm in the home of Chris Hurlbut..  This month we will be reading The Devil in the White City : Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America by Erik Larsen. Larson intertwines the true tale of the 1893 World’s Fair and the cunning serial killer who used the fair to lure his victims to their death. Combining meticulous research with nail-biting storytelling, the author has crafted a narrative with all the wonder of newly discovered history and the thrills of the best fiction.  In June we will be reading Swamplandia by Karen Russell and in July we will read Unsaid by Neil Abramson. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.


Wondering what the new CUUPS group is up to? Join us on May 11 at 630PM for a potluck dinner and CUUPS meeting for a discussion on upcoming events, our mission statement, and much more. Workshop on Paganism at 8PM. Learn about Paganism and if it is for you. This is a family friendly event! Bring a dish to share and enjoy the evening with the forming CUUPS group. For more info call KC Pallone or Deb Biggins.


Wand Walk at Towners Woods in Ravenna on May 12th. Meet in the Towner’s Woods parking lot at 12 noon for a hike and search for your perfect wand.  At 2 PM we will meet at the Church to make a wand all your own! There will be feathers, jewels, crystals, and other items you can add to your wand for Hogwarts school or your personal use. You do not have to be at the hike to attend the wand making workshop;  you may bring a stick or wand from home if you wish.  All materials are free except quartz points; they are $2 each.



“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe”.   ~ John Muir

Concerned about where you fit into the scheme of things?  Maybe you don’t but could just use a break anyhow.  Whatever the reason, start packing your camping gear for a weekend adventure in Pennsylvania’s Allegheny National Forest with fellow UUs and friends on  May 11-13.  Look for more detailed  information posted in Fessenden Hall.

Ed Stolish


Middle School Youth Pool Party!

Swimming!  Volleyball!  Food!

When:  Saturday, May 19 from Noon – 2:30pm

Where:  Kent State Student Recreation and Wellness Center

1550 Ted Boyd Drive, Kent, OH

$10 includes admission, lunch and snacks (Scholarships available)

Registration/Permission/Fees due Sunday, May 13

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