Sunday, May 13 Creations of Curiosity: Arts Sunday
Led by: The Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Dani Beale – Curiosity has been heralded as a virtue. Curiosity is the desire to learn or know something; it is the impetus that lies behind so much of our exploration and discovery. This morning we will explore the connections between curiosity, imagination and creation.
Special Collection for May: Portage Park District
The Portage Park District strives to be known throughout Portage County and Northeast Ohio as a leader in conservation of natural resources and a major contributor to local communities’ quality of life. They work hard towards being a well-respected partner to local communities in promoting and developing new parks and trails and providing recreation and education programs for all citizens. The District cannot function with Portage County funds alone, and must rely on public and private donations and grants. Our Hogwarts children have had great learning experiences thanks to the district personnel as these folks have taken the kids for night walks through the “Forbidden Forest” (Towners Woods). All of your kind donations will go to the Portage Park District Foundation.
RE Schedule for the Next Several Weeks
We are doing something a bit different this year to transition from our regular schedule to summer. It’s a bit complicated, so please read carefully!
- May 13 Regular RE classes at 11:15 This will offer the children and teachers a chance to formally conclude the regular church year, to review what was learned and to say good-bye.
- May 20 and 27 Social Justice Intersession at 11:15 (No “Time for All Ages” during the worship services) We will be offering 2 weeks of lessons about immigration justice. Classes will be for younger children (grade K through 3) and for older children (grade 4 through 8). Childcare will be offered for 3- and 4-year-olds. Our nursery care will be offered as usual during both worship services and our multi-age program will happen during the 9:30 service.
- June 3 Coming of Age Multigenerational Worship at both services Our CoA youth will be presenting their faith statements during the worship services. It is going to be wonderful! Children in grades 1 and older are welcome to attend with their families. We will offer a Spirit Play session at 11:15 and nursery care at both services. (No multi-age program at 9:30)
- June 10 Church Picnic and Multigenerational Worship at 10:30 in Plum Creek Park No nursery care or RE classes. More details forthcoming…
- June 17 Summer RE Begins (No “Time for All Ages” during the worship services.) Our theme for this summer, is “Stories that Inspire”. During the months of June and August, we will be offering an all-ages, story-based program at 11:15 in Fesenden Hall. During the month of July, we will be holding only one service at 10:30 and will offer RE at that time. Nursery care will be available during all of the worship services.
With Heartfelt Gratitude…
Thank you, dear folks of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent, for your outpouring of best wishes and congratulations to honor my 25 years in professional religious education leadership as well as for the generous gift. I will always treasure the scrapbook that Mary Leeson created which includes your messages, photographs and drawings. I am blessed to be serving such a loving community.
In faith and with love,
Karen Lapidus
The Tupperware Fundraiser got off to a GREAT start on Sunday thanks to your overwhelming support. We have already raised OVER $200 for the church! AND we did this in ONE day! Think what we can all do over the next week!
This is where we can use your help to make this event even more successful. Please show the catalogs you took home to anyone you see this week. We are asking each of you to try to obtain 4 outside orders. Also, send the church’s website link to everyone you know. Tell them to click on the scrolling banner when they see Tupperware and it will have the link to go to our party so they can order online!
Also, the church as created a Wish List of Tupperware items for our kitchen!! If you don’t have a need for Tupperware yourself but would like to help out you can do so by purchasing one, or more, of the items listed below and donating them to the church! It’s a win-win!
UUCK Wish List
Qty: 1 – Freezer Mates Starter Set $29.00
Qty: 2 – Label Dispenser Kit $15.00
Qty: 1 – Pack-n-Stor square set $39.50
Qty: 2 – Fridge Smart Medium $19.00
Qty: 1 – Fridge Smart Medium Long $21.00
If you didn’t get a catalog I left a few at the Annex with MaryBeth. Please feel free to grab one or go online to view the current catalog and place your order.
Remember, bring your orders back to the church NEXT Sunday May 13th and give them to Meg Milko. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call!
Thank you again,
Meg Milko
Middle School Youth Pool Party!
Just a reminder…the registrations, permissions slips and fees are due Sunday, May 13th
New UU Class on Sunday, May 20
Everything you wanted to know about the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent in particular and Unitarian Universalism in general, but were afraid to ask. Well, maybe not everything, but we try to give you an overview, a starting point. Some history of both, some organizational details. Come join the conversation. If you’re curious about membership, this is the place to be. Sunday, May 20th from 9-11 am. We will gather at the Annex, the yellow house next to the church. If you have any questions, contact Claudia Miller or Marion Yeagler.
Annual Meeting
Annual Meeting Packets will be emailed Friday, May 11
Information Meeting: Thursday, May 31, 2012 @ 7 PM
Voting Meeting: Sunday, June 3, 2012 @ 10:30 AM
Please note: Only active members who have signed the membership book, at least 4 weeks prior to the annual meeting are eligible to vote on June 3, 2012.
For those who may be interested, here is a link to the latest newsletter of Interweave Continental: