Weekly e-nUUs, May 16, 2012

Kent Community Dinner at Plum Creek Park May 19, 2012, 5:30-8:00 pm.  This is part of Cuyahoga River Day in Kent which this year celebrates the restoration of Plum Creek Park.  Join the day’s participating groups with a potluck picnic with the greater Kent community. Bring food to share. Dinner music by Crooked River Stompers & fire for grilling provided.  For more information call 330-678-8760.


Sunday, May 20   How Spirit Moves Us

Led by Christie Anderson and Lois Weir, Sunday Program Committee members and Worship Associate Eric Van Baars – What varying religious beliefs are held by our congregation members? What do members think about our worship? How has the spiritual profile of the congregation changed over the past decade? We will share the results from the re-cent congregational survey and explore who we are as a faith community.

Special Collection for May 20th:  Portage Park District

The Portage Park District strives to be known throughout Portage County and Northeast Ohio as a leader in conservation of natural resources and a major contributor to local communities’ quality of life. They work hard towards being a well-respected partner to local communities in promoting and developing new parks and trails and providing recreation and education programs for all citizens.  The District cannot function with Portage County funds alone, and must rely on public and private donations and grants.  Our Hogwarts children have had great learning experiences thanks to the district personnel as these folks have taken the kids for night walks through the “Forbidden Forest” (Towner’s Woods).   All of your kind donations will go to the Portage Park District Foundation.


New UU Class on Sunday May 20
Everything you wanted to know about the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent in particular and Unitarian Universalism in general, but were afraid to ask.  Well, maybe not everything, but we try to give you an overview, a starting point.  Some history of both, some organizational details. Come join the conversation.  If you’re curious about membership, this is the place to be.  Sunday, May 20th from 9-11 am.  We will gather at the Annex, the yellow house next to the church.  If you have any questions, contact Claudia Miller or Marion Yeagler.


Immigration Justice Lessons Launch Summer RE Program

  • May 20 and 27  Social Justice Intersession at 11:15   (No “Time for All Ages” during the worship services) We will be offering 2 weeks of lessons about immigration justice.  Classes will be for younger children (grade K through 3) and for older children (grade 4 through 8).  Childcare will be offered for 3- and 4-year-olds.   Our nursery care will be offered as usual during both worship services and our multi-age program will happen during the 9:30 service.  We will be collecting new socks which we will send to the UU church in Tucson, AZ which partners with other churches in the region to support the “No More Deaths” program.  Children can bring new socks to either session.
  • June 3  Coming of Age Multigenerational Worship at both services.  Our CoA youth will be presenting their faith statements during the worship services.  It is going to be wonderful!  Children in grades 1 and older are welcome to attend with their families. We will offer a Spirit Play session at 11:15 and nursery care at both services.  (No multi-age program at 9:30)
  • June 10   Church Picnic and Multigenerational Worship at 10:30 in Plum Creek Park  No nursery care or RE classes.  More details forthcoming…
  • June 17   Summer RE Begins  (No “Time for All Ages” during the worship services.)  Our theme for this summer is “Stories that Inspire”.    During the months of June and August, we will be offering an all-ages, story-based program at 11:15 in Fessenden Hall.  During the month of July, we will be holding only one service at 10:30 and will offer RE at that time.  Nursery care will be available during all of the worship services.


GREAT NEWS!  We are extending our Tupperware Fundraiser through this week and we will have some Cash & Carry items available on Sunday May 20th during coffee hour!  These are the FINAL days so if you wanted something for yourself, for a gift or to donate to our church kitchen, now is the time!

So far we have sold over $1,000 of Tupperware and the orders are still coming in!  If you haven’t had a chance to order please check out our church website for a link to order online.  There will also be one last chance to place on order on Sunday.

If you have any questions or care to place an order over the phone, please contact Meg Milko.


Annual Meeting

Information Meeting: Thursday, May 31, 2012 @ 7 PM

Voting Meeting: Sunday, June 3, 2012 @ 10:30 AM

Please note: Only active members who have signed the membership book, at least 4 weeks prior to the annual meeting are eligible to vote on June 3, 2012.


Canvassers Needed

Concerned Citizens Ohio is looking for folks to help with its petition campaign in support of a Community Bill of Rights and a ban on fracking in Kent.  Please call Paulette Thurman for information.


Truman/Julia Child Performance DVDs 

A number of people had other commitments on the evening of April 28th, when “Give ‘Em Hell, Harry”, Julia Child and Thurber were presented at the church. Ted and Swanny’s daughter Audrey filmed the performance and their son Jim has made DVDs of it, which are ready for distribution at the unbelievably low price of $5.00.  Please see Ted at Coffee Hour on May 6th to either sign up for a DVD or to get one there.  A signup sheet will also be hung on the church bulletin board in Fessenden. Both Harry and Julia humbly admit that they look very good.  All proceeds, of course, go to the church.


The Library committee is indeed grateful to Carol Gould for her donation of an almost-new Acer Aspire laptop with a 17″ screen. This will be tremendously helpful to the cataloging process of new acquisitions, and for all Library records.  Thank you very much for your generosity, Carol.

The Library received an early edition of Bertrand Russell’s Why I Am Not a Christian and Other Essays, from the library of John Michaels, given to us by his wife, Eunice Michaels.  Thank you very much, Eunice.

The Library continues to seek new members to join the Library committee.  This committee is a rollicking group of people, as dedicated to fun-filled fellowship and good laughs as they are to developing the Library.  A member of the Library committee may approach you.  Do give it a try and come to at least one meeting to see this dynamic, witty, committee in action.  You won’t be able to resist their inspiring approach to building and maintaining our Library.


Now Available in the Library

Joining Hands and Hearts: Interfaith, Intercultural Wedding Celebrations, by Reverend Susanna Macomb with Andrea Thompson, Simon and Schuster, New York, 2003.

Reverend Macomb is a licensed, ordained interfaith minister. Her book answers these questions: 1) How do we make sure that our ceremony is a reflection of our love and our relationship?  2) How do we remain true to ourselves and still make our families happy?  3) How can we create a wedding ceremony that merges our religious spiritual and personal beliefs?  3)  How can we create a wedding ceremony that merges our religious, spiritual and personal beliefs? Can we do this without offending or alienating anyone?  4) Who will officiate at our ceremony?  5) When will the ceremony take place?  Which rituals shall we include?

Ann Waters, Library Publicity


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