The Kent Community Dinner for June will be on Saturday, June 16, at 5:30 pm at the Islamic Community Center, 152 East Steels Corners Rd. in Cuyahoga Falls. There will be outdoor games (They have an outdoor facility.) and then we will have dinner together. There are several recommendations for the evening. In respect for our Moslem neighbor’s traditions, all adults please wear shorts to your knees and tee shirts (no tank tops). Meat and rice provided by our host. Please bring salad, fruit or dessert (no meat or lard). Please bring sports equipment if you
have some. This is the 4th annual invitation to the Kent community by the Islamic Community Center. Questions? Call 330-678-8760.
Sunday, June 17 Uplifting Kindness
Led by The Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Trish McLoughlin –
After an unremarkable 25 years in parish ministry, Joseph Tuckerman took up what he called a ministry-at-large in Boston in 1826. Thus Tuckerman became one of the very first Unitarian community ministers as well as a pioneer in American social work. This morning we will explore the theological ideals that lay at the heart of Tuckerman’s ministry and consider their relevance for our own morally complex times.
Summer RE Begins on Sunday, June 17
Our theme for this summer, is “Stories that Inspire”. During the months of June and August, we will be offering an all-ages, story-based program at 11:15 in Fessenden Hall. During the month of July, we will be holding only one service at 10:30 and will offer RE at that time. Nursery care will be available during all of the worship services. There will be no Time for All Ages during the worship services over the summer. This Sunday’s story is “Where the Wild Things Are” by Maurice Sendak.
Your cooperation is needed! Our sessions will start at 11:15 sharp, so we ask that folks vacate Fesenden Hall so the session can begin. (The summer heat prevents us from meeting in the classrooms on the upper level of the church.) Thanks!
Coming of Age Faith Statements
Several copies of the booklet that contains all the Faith Statements presented by our Coming of Age youth on June 3rd are available on the table in the foyer. Feel free to take a copy and enjoy the insightful and inspiring ideas from our youth.
Tupperware News!
The Tupperware orders are in and once again will be available at the church during Coffee Hour Sunday, June 17th. If you ordered something please see Meg to pick up your order. If you won’t be at the church please feel free to call me to schedule a time to pick up your order.
This fundraiser was a HUGE success raising $451 for our church! A heartfelt thank you to all who participated.
Thank you again,
Meg Milko
Melissa will be out of town Monday, June 18 – June 30, 2012. From June 18 – June 24 I will be attending the annual General Assembly in Phoenix and though I will not be checking email, I will be available by cell phone for emergencies. From June 25 – June 30, I will be on vacation visiting my family in Phoenix, if you have an urgent concern that week that cannot wait until I return, please contact Karen Lapidus on her cell phone (which is listed in the directory).
Please note that the Church Office will be closed Wednesday, June 20 – Wednesday, June 27, 2012. MaryBeth is expected to return Thursday, June 28th. Although away, MaryBeth will be checking both Office voice mail and email and will be addressing anything urgent.
Calling all Gardeners!
We will be having a work party on Saturday, June 23rd from 9-noon. Goals are to continue the beautification of the backyard of the Church. We will be spreading wood chips, weeding, planting summer flowers, and rearranging the furniture in the area. We also need a volunteer to polyurethane two wooden benches. Bring gloves and tools.
Summer Solstice/Midsummer
Celebration at KC’s home in Ravenna
June 23 at 5 PM
Potluck dinner and bbq, bonfire, and interactive ritual for the group!
Bring a dish to share and a lawn chair or blanket!
Contact KC for her address or any details.
Paleolithic Caves: Movie and Presentation by Art Historian Heidrun Hultgren
Sunday, July 1 at 12:30 pm in Fessenden Hall
Presentation to highlight three Paleolithic Caves: Altamira, Lascaux and Chauvet
Followed by the movie: Cave of Forgotten Dreams
A free will offering will be gratefully accepted to benefit the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent
As the Library committee continues to search for a permanent Chair, a temporary Co-Chair position was created in order to give Martha some much needed personal time. Ann Waters has agreed to be Co-Chair. She will prepare the monthly meeting agenda and chair the meetings in addition to her regular publicity duties. Martha will continue to order books, write book reviews, monitor the website, manage the account and attend any church board meetings. The entire committee will be working to interest new members in the work of the Library. Please consider attending one of the dynamic committee Library meetings. The next meeting is August 6th at 12:30 P.M. in Fessenden Hall.