Weekly e-nUUs, June 20, 2012

Fiscal Year 2012 is ending on June 30, 2012.  We ask all pledging members and friends to please make every effort to review and complete your FY2012 pledge and dues commitment.  If you do not believe that you will be able to fulfill your pledge, please contact the church office.  We thank you and appreciate your continued support in funding our mission.

Our Mission….

Through spirited worship and open-minded religious exploration, our mission is to inspire people to live caring lives of meaning and purpose. We seek to encourage curiosity, strive to create peace and justice, and care for  the living Earth with reverence and gratitude.


Melissa will be out of town Monday, June 18 – June 30, 2012.  From June 18 – June 24 I will be attending the annual General Assembly in Phoenix and though I will not be checking email, I will be available by cell phone for emergencies.  From June 25– June 30, I will be on vacation visiting my family in Phoenix, if you have an urgent concern that week that  cannot wait until I return, please contact Karen Lapidus on her cell phone (which is listed in the directory).


Sunday, June 24      Magical Outreach: Teaching UU Values At Hogwarts

Led by:  Joe Kuemerle and Worship Associate Max Grubb

The Kent UU Hogwarts program was founded as an alternative to Christian Bible School and uses the themes of Harry Potter and Hogwarts to engage with children while taking that opportunity to teach them about how we as UU’s think about the world, spirituality and justice. Come and join some of the Hogwarts staff as we share how we are working to expand the reach of our faith’s core values while also having a lot of fun.


KentHogwarts comes to Summer RE!

This Sunday, we will have a special class co-led by Professor C.H. Dazzleswift (Becky Haines) and Lady Larkin (Sandy Bowers).  While the adults are hearing about how our UU values align with the KentHogwarts program, the children will be sampling the delights of the program.  Activities will include making wands, playing with the giant parachute, and singing Hogwartian songs.  Come prepared to have fun!  We will meet in Fesenden Hall at 11:15.  Nursery care will be provided at 9:30 and 11:15.  During the month of July, RE will take place at 10:30 while we have just one worship service.


Summer Solstice/Midsummer Celebration at KC’s home in Ravenna

June 23 at 5 PM

Potluck dinner and bbq, bonfire, and interactive ritual for the group!

Bring a dish to share and a lawn chair or blanket!

Contact KC for details.


Calling all Gardeners!

We will be having a work party on Saturday, June 23rd from 9-noon.  Goals are to continue the beautification of the backyard of the Church.  We will be spreading wood chips, weeding, planting summer flowers, and rearranging the furniture in the area.   We also need a volunteer to polyurethane two wooden benches.   Bring gloves and tools.


Summertime = Hungry Time

We need donations for Kent social Services food programs.

Children are home from school with no breakfast or lunch programs; summer feeding initiatives reach only 10% of eligible children.

PLEASE bring in some child friendly food items – jelly & PB, mac n’ cheese mix, cereal, crackers, healthy snacks, canned pasta, dry pasta shapes & spaghetti sauce, canned fruit, 100% fruit juice, pudding cups, and gelatin mix.

Drop your items and brown paper grocery bags in the lower level closet next to the elevator . . . I’ll do the rest and get it where it needs to go. Acme gift cards are also welcome . . . please donate at the Acme Bucks table during coffee hour.

Thank you in advance for your generosity!

Elaine Bowen


Art in the Sanctuary

Amy Breedon is active in our church and is pursuing her interest in graphic art.  She has provided the art in the sanctuary through the end of July. The digital images are all for sale, but they are just samples of what can be printed in various sizes.  Framing provided by F. J. Kluth Art Gallery.


Paleolithic Caves: Movie and Presentation by Art Historian Heidrun Hultgren

Sunday, July 1 at 12:30 pm in Fessenden Hall

Presentation to highlight three Paleolithic Caves:  Altamira, Lascaux and Chauvet

Followed by the movie: Cave of Forgotten Dreams

A free will offering will be gratefully accepted to benefit the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent


As the Library committee continues to search for a permanent Chair, a temporary Co-Chair position was created in order to give Martha some much needed personal time. Ann Waters has agreed to be Co-Chair. She will prepare the monthly meeting agenda and chair the meetings in addition to her regular publicity duties. Martha will continue to order books, write book reviews, monitor the website, manage the account and attend any church board meetings. The entire committee will be working to interest new members in the work of the Library. Please consider attending one of the dynamic committee Library meetings. The next meeting is August 6th at 12:30 P.M. in Fessenden Hall.


The Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, July 17 at 7 pm in the home of  Bonnie.  This month we are reading Unsaid by Neil Abramson. After veterinarian Helena Colden dies of breast cancer, she is unable to move on and narrates the emotional deterioration and struggle of her attorney husband David as he becomes involved in a court case to save the life of a chimpanzee. In August we will read The Paris Wife, a novel by Paula McLain, and in September we will read Lake of Dreams by Kim Edwards. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.


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