Weekly e-nUUs, July 18, 2012

Sunday, July 22  at  10:30 am         What is our UU DNA?

Led by The Rev. Renee Ruchotzke with Worship Associate Trish McLoughlin – In response the white paper “Congregations and Beyond” by Unitarian Universalist President Peter Morales, Rev. Renee Ruchotzke will explore how Unitarian Universalism might evolve in a post-church society.


Summer RE Fun happens at 10:30 during the month of July

Our program for this summer, is “Stories that Inspire”, an all-ages, story-based program that will happen in Fessenden Hall.  Nursery care will be available.  There will be no Time for All Ages during the worship services over the summer, so children should be dropped off and picked up in Fessenden Hall.   This Sunday’s story will be “The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs”.  The session leaders will be Kathy and Alan Kerns.


Staff Summer Schedules

July 23—July 30th

The Church Office will be closed this week while MaryBeth is on vacation.   The office will reopen on Tuesday, July 31st.  Melissa is on study leave this week and is working from home.  She will be available for pastoral concerns via cell phone and will also be monitoring her email, though less frequently than usual.

July 30 – August 5

The church office is open though Karen and Melissa are both on vacation.  The Rev. Christie Anderson will be available for urgent pastoral concerns via her celll phone.


Volunteers Needed to Provide meals for OMD Youth/Adult Committee Meeting

Our church will be hosting the annual summer meeting of our district’s YAC, which is the group of youth and adults who plan and host all the wonderful district conferences that take place throughout the year.  Since our facility is not large enough to host a full conference, hosting this small event (no more than 50 youth and 10+ adults) is our way of supporting the OMD youth community of which many of our own youth participate and serve in leadership roles.

I am forming a task force which will provide the meals.  The more folks who volunteer, the lighter the load, so ideally, you will only be asked to help prepare one meal. Please let me know if you are interested in helping the weekend of August 17-19.  Let me know at [email protected].


Please join us for Spiritual Cinema on Friday, July 20th at 7:00 PM. We will watch the independent motion picture, “Stealing Heaven”. The story is about the ill fated love affair between Peter Abelard, the best known philosopher of the early middle ages, and his brilliant student. Abelard bucked the Platonic philosophy that formed the basis of the theology of his time, and ran afoul of the Church. He also made an enemy of the uncle of his student who made sure that he would never marry his niece. The movie deals with questions of theology that are still very relevant for Unitarian-Universalists to think about. Joel Slater has volunteered to screen the movie in his home. Please RSPVP to Joel.  Snacks will be provided.


From the Library

For those who donate books to the Library, the new yellow donation forms are on top of the bookcase. The committee would be grateful if you would fill out a form with the donation information so the committee can acknowledge your gift in a timely manner.


Book Reviews by Martha Kluth

The category we circulate most at the UUCK Library is “Meditation.” We have collected a number of the UUA meditation annuals. Several of special interest are mentioned below.

Been in the Storm So Long, by Rev. Mark D. Morrison-Reed, ed. by Jacqui James, (Skinner 1991.) There has been renewed interest in this title in light of the 2006 General Assembly’s responsive resolution on racism and classism. This stirring volume features more than 40 selections from the spirited voices of 29 African Americans. Contributors include David H. Eaton, Marjorie Bowens-Wheatley, Rosemary Bray McNatt, Thandeka, Egbert Ethelred Brown, and more.

Morning Watch, by Rev. Barbara Pescan, (Skinner 1999.)  The Rev. Pescan attended the Akron UU Church as a teen. She served as the senior minister of the Unitarian Church of Evanston, Illinois with her partner, Ann Tyndall. She retired from this church in 2011.  Her poems have appeared in Singing the Living Tradition, First Days Record, and the Journal of Liberal Religious Response.

Ann Waters, Library Publicity

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