Weekly e-nUUs, September 19, 2012

Worship & Music

Sunday, September 23   Services are offered at both 10:00 and 11:30 AM

Join us for  Legacies of Forgivness

A service led by The Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Dani Beale

What are the possibilities and limits of forgiveness? What impact does forgiveness have on the forgiven? What impact does it have on the one who offers forgiveness? How do our choices to forgive or withhold forgiveness echo down the generations? Come join us in reflecting on these worthy questions.


Lifespan Learning and Spiritual Growth & Development

What Moves Us: Unitarian Universalist Theology

An Adult Religious Education class co-facilitated by The Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and The Rev. Christie Anderson

Thursday evenings: 7pm – 9pm in Fessenden Hall

September 27 – October 25

This class will provide a framework for engaging in theological reflection, not as an intellectual exercise, but as a process of meaning-making that equips one for living in the world as a Unitarian Universalist person of faith.  Created by the Rev. Dr. Thandeka, this program explores the life experiences of both historic and contemporary Unitarian Universalist theologians, highlighting that which caused in them a change of heart, a new direction, new hope, and a deeper understanding of their own liberal faith. These workshops offer participants a chance to engage with and bring their personal experiences to bear on the very questions explored by each theologian in turn. The program offers a pathway for developing not only one’s own personal theology but also one’s deep understanding of the threads of our Unitarian, Universalist, and Unitarian Universalist theological heritage.

In total, we will be offering 10 workshops in this series.  The first five will be this fall and the second five will be offered in the winter.  While participants may choose to attend selected sessions as their schedules allow, the program is designed to be sequential and thus those who attend a majority of the sessions will get the most from the experience.

Calling all Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts!

I am surveying the congregation to see what the level of interest is among our children who are in scouting programs–Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts as well as Junior, Cadette or Senior Girl Scouts–to offer the scouting religion award programs this year.  If your scouting child may be interested, please email me at [email protected].

Many thanks, Karen Lapidus, DRE.

Registration for RE Runs Through September

The 2012-2013 RE Registration forms are available on a “self-service table” in Founders’ Lounge.  Every baby, child and youth must be registered each church year.  Please leave the completed forms in the marked box or hand them to Karen Lapidus, Director of Religious Education.



Community Within

Living Our Mission: Are UU Ready?

Our annual Ministry Fair will be held in just two weeks!  Committees and groups throughout the church are all encouraged to attend by setting up a table and sharing their goals and information.  This event will be held after both first and second services and refreshments will be served.  If you have any questions please contact me!  Thanks!

If your committee or group is planning to participate please contact me and let me know!

-Julie Lineburgh, Trustee for Fellowship

NO, WE DON’T HAVE ELVES!  You may have noticed the grounds around the church building have been spruced up recently.  It was not done by elves.  It was done by way of several days hard work by a person.  Such work would not be so intense if a group of people worked together to keep the grounds neat and tidy each week.  Each person would just need to commit a few hours each month to make short work of keeping the grounds welcoming.  To sign up, please email Georgia Quinn.  (This is the committee that has no meetings:  The Landscape Work Team)

On the same topic, now that the landscape area to the right of the new front door has been cleared, several people have proposed ideas for planting.  Unfortunately, that area was neglected for so long that it became infested with a troublesome wild cousin of morning glory known as bindweed.  The area is being rehabilitated and will be resting for at least a year.  Late next spring the mulch and landscape fabric will be removed and any remaining weed plants and seeds will be encouraged to sprout so they can be removed.  Then the area will be available for planting.  Next July would be a good time to share your ideas with the Landscape Work Team.

EARLY BIRD BREAKFAST.  A congenial group has been meeting in Fessenden Hall at 9:15 for breakfast before first service.  Please join us for food and fellowship!  (Donations to cover costs gratefully accepted.)

Has your life been enriched by our wonderful UU community? Would you like an occasional opportunity to give something back in return?  Our church maintains a database of members and friends and the areas where they might be willing to volunteer. This information is gathered on the “Volunteer Form” and is used by church groups who are looking for helpers.  This form has recently changed, so anyone who filled out a form prior to Aug. 2012 needs to fill out a new one.  Fortunately, this couldn’t be easier.  Go to our website:  //kentuu.org/about-us/volunteer-form/  answer the questions and click “submit”.  If you prefer a paper copy, forms are located on the membership table in the Founder’s Lounge, next to the box for completed forms.  If you have any questions contact Mary Leeson at 330 686-2663

The Library Committee has received a number of periodicals which are free for the taking and need not be returned. They can be found on top of the bookcases in Founders Lounge. The numbers in paretheses indicate how many copies are available. There are no restrictions on how many periodicals you may take: Ode (1), Spirituality (3). Church and State (6) The Institute of Noetic Science (1), Shift (5), Ions (9), and Parabola (5).

Once again, it is extremely helpful to the committee if you will please fill out a yellow donation form by the Return Box when you contribute books to the Library. It makes the work of the Secretary so much easier.

Ann Waters, Library Publicity


We’re updating the UU Church of Kent’s Database

We are asking that everyone please visit the following link to the Church’s website to update their contact information so we may bring our database current and provide you with a more accurate Church Directory.  The information form with only take a few minutes to complete and we very much appreciate your participation!  Just click on the following linki to update your records today:  //kentuu.org/about-us/update-church-records/



Art in the Sanctuary

Many thanks to Lori McGee of our church for providing a fine photography exhibit which will be in the sanctuary through October 14.  On Oct. 21 and 28 we will have an exhibit of art that will be sold at the Service Auction on Nov. 3.

The Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, October 9 at 7 pm in the home of Kathy Kerns.  This month we will be reading The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot.  This non-fiction book documents the story of how scientists took cells from an unsuspecting descendant of freed slaves and created a human cell line that has been kept alive indefinitely, enabling discoveries in such areas as cancer research, in vitro fertilization, and gene mapping. In November we will be reading On the Divinity of Second Chances by Kaya McLaren and in December we will be reading a Ruth Reichl book of your choice.  If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.




Celtic Clan to play for the KSU Folk Festival’s Folk Around Town

September 21, 2012

7:00 pm @ the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent

Traditional and contemporary songs, jigs and reels from the British Isles and Ireland.

This event is open and free to the public.

Anti-Fracking Teach-In

The Social Justice Committee/Green Sanctuary will host an Anti-Fracking Teach-In with county wide publicity here at the church on Friday,  Nov 9.
Planning for this event is open to all, and we will have a planning meeting this Tues, Sept 25, at 7pm in the Founder’s Lounge. Please consider getting involved in the first activity to emerge out of the newly restructured Social Justice Committee.  For questions or additional information call Ted & Swanny at 330-678-8486 or Paulette at 330-678-9508.


Kent Community Sing (a-long)

October 4, 2012

UU Church of Kent

7:00 pm  in the Sanctuary



Income Generation


That Thanks 4 Giving Auction

Hello? Hello?  Is this thing on?  OH there you are!

Hi, it’s that time of year again.  We are gearing up for our Thanks 4 Giving Auction and we are Calling all Volunteers!

Are you curious about this Thanks 4 Giving Auction you’ve been hearing about?  Do you want to know more about it?  Do you have some time and the inclination to help out?

If you answered YES to any of these questions then we want you!  To volunteer for the Thanks 4 Giving Auction that is!

We are gearing up and we can’t do it alone.  We need able bodies and minds to help us prepare and set up for this gala.  Can you set up tables and chairs?  GREAT we have an up”lifting” job for you.  Can you bake a dessert?  GREAT we have a yummy job for you.  Can you pick up food the day before or the day of the auction?  GREAT we have a job that will be right up your alley…or Acorn Alley!  Can you sell tickets at Sunday coffee hour?  GREAT the Thanks 4 Giving Auction tickets sell faster then the pancakes at pancake breakfast!  Can you help clear off silent auction tables when they close?  Great but keep it on the down low…it’s silent after all!  Can you use a computer and check in guests at the Thanks 4 Giving Auction?  GREAT we’ve got your number…well actually we don’t that’s why we are asking for it now!  Give us your number, your email, your name and any and all ways to reach you and we will put you to work!

AND the best part is you can attend the Thanks 4 Giving Auction for FREE.  Yes you heard us…FREE

Volunteer jobs fill up quick so let us know right away if you are interested in helping out and having lots fun in the process.

Meg Milko

Thanks 4 Giving Auction Chair



NEW Fundraising Approval Process & Procedures!!

In our continuing efforts to move towards Policy Governance, the newly formed Fundraising Committee, Meg Milko – Chair, Andrew Bores, Noah Kerns, John Bores, Eric & Amber Strock, Connor May and Ann VerWiebe, are pleased to announce they have created a NEW Fundraising Approval Process & Procedure policy that was recently approved by the Board of Trustees.

Not only did the policy arise from our efforts to move to Policy Governance but also out of a need to keep better track of the wonderful efforts everyone makes at raising money for the church.  With proper record keeping we will be able to make informed decision about fundraising events now and into the future.  The new policy will also help us to keep better track of expenses related to fundraisers and of course how much money each fundraiser makes.  A fundraiser is any effort or event where money will be raised for the church (or perhaps for an outreach effort) and then given to the church either at the end of the event or ongoing as money is collected.

The two most important things to know are effective immediately every fundraiser will need to complete a Fundraiser Proposal Form (the approval form) and a Fundraiser Report Form at the end of the event (the record of expenses & money raised form).

Existing fundraisers such as Acme & Giant Eagle Bucks and fundraisers that are ongoing will only need to complete an initial Proposal Form and then once per year (at the end of the fiscal year) you will complete a Report Form stating total annual expenses and money raised as it relates to that fundraiser.  We did this so you don’t have to spend a lot of time filling out forms each week and can focus on what you do better – raise much needed money for the church!

There is an approval process in place now as follows:

The approval of the Ministry Executive Team and/or Board of Trustees is required for:

·  Fundraisers expected to generate $500 or more in gross proceeds;

·  Special collections or offerings;

·  Emergency relief fundraisers.

The approval of the Fundraising Chair is required for:

·  Fundraisers expected to generate less than $500 in gross proceeds.

The approval of the Director, Religious Education is required for:

·   All Religious Education Fundraisers, and

·  The DRE has the sole authority to approve Fundraisers with goals of less than $250

     (Fundraiser  Proposal Form & Fundraiser Report Form should be completed for any  fundraising event), but

·    Fundraisers over $250 should be approved by the DRE and either Fundraising  Chair if under $500 or Ministry Executive Team and/or Board of Trustees if over $500.

We know this is a lot of new information to digest but we are available to help you complete the forms and guide you through the process.  If you run an existing fundraiser please let us know and we will get you the forms you need and help you fill them out!

And if you have a NEW idea for a fundraiser just let us know and we will help guide you through the approval process and the forms completion.

When planning your fundraiser please try and promote our UU principals and keep in mind the vision and mission of the church and we’re sure they will be successful.

The fundraising committee worked very hard on creating this policy and want you to know this is not meant to hinder anyone’s efforts or ideas but merely to keep a record of  what we do well so we can repeat it in the future. Or decide if something isn’t as effective as it was in the past to let it go and move on to new events and ideas.

Thank you,

Meg Milko

Fundraising Chair

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