Worship & Music
Services are offered at both 10:00 and 11:30 AM
Join us Sunday, November 18 for Cultivating a Grateful Heart
Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer, Director of Religious Education Karen Lapidus and Worship Associate Bonnie Harper – Grace, gracious, grateful – these all share the same root. This morning during our special multigenerational celebration of Thanksgiving we’ll lift up the connections. Special music and a Thanksgiving communion will be part of our celebration this morning.
Zeng Quartet offers a free concert of classical music at the UU church of Kent.
On Friday, November 16 at 7:30, KSU’s “Zeng Quartet” will offer a free concert of Beethoven and Brahms.
The quartet includes violinist Yang Zeng and violist Haojian Wang from China and cellist José Herrera and pianist Pedro Martínez from Mexico. What a great opportunity to invite a new friend to our church! See you there.
Lifespan Learning and Spiritual Growth & Development
Spiritual Cinema This Saturday – The Wave
How evil are you? What are you capable of when under pressure from authority?
Please join us for Spiritual Cinema on Saturday, November17 at 7:00 PM. We will watch the independent motion picture, “Die Welle (The Wave)” (2008). The movie is 107 minutes and will be followed by a short discussion of some of the topics raised by the movie. This month we will be screening the movie in Fessendon Hall. Please RSVP to Dan at [email protected].
Our next movie will examine a very difficult question, “How could the German populace claim ignorance of the slaughter of the Jewish people? How could the townspeople, railroad conductors, teachers, doctors, claim they knew nothing about concentration camps and human carnage? How can people who were neighbors and maybe even friends of the Jewish citizen say they weren’t there when it happened?” In 1967 an American teacher named Ron Jones sought to find out the answer to these questions through a social experiment in his high school class. The movie we will watch is a fictionalized story based on those real events. ? Dan Flippo
Please consider reading the following related article written by Ron Jones, the teacher who conducted the real-world social experiment in 1967 prior to the movie night:
The third wave, 1967: an account – Ron Jones
You can view the movie trailer here:
Community Within
There will be a memorial service for Pat Pownall on Saturday November 17 @ 10 am at the Church.
We are asking for some help to set up help, clean up and need people to bring food. Since the reception will be at 11 am, we are thinking baked goods and maybe a few brunch type foods or fruit and cheese.
Please sign up through the link below if you would like to help. If you can be a part of the clean up or set up crew please indicate that next to your name as well.
Early Bird Breakfast 9:00 – 9:55 am Sunday, Nov. 18
Join in for a delicious breakfast served before 1st service as Jennifer Gregg will provide a warm and hearty meal. Enjoy both good food and good fellowship to help start our day. Suggested donations for a light breakfast is $3 and $5 for a full breakfast.
Once again the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent will host a Thanksgiving dinner at the church on Thursday, November 22 beginning at 2pm. Our host, Bonny Graham Esparza, will be preparing a turkey for the feast. Thanks to a generous donor, the turkey has been provided. There will be no charge for anyone; we will take a free will offering to help cover the cost of a few supplies and some other treats. All who attend are asked to bring a favorite Thanksgiving dinner side dish or dessert to share. A variety of alcohol-free drinks will be provided.
The dinner will be held in Fessenden Hall. If you plan to come, consider bringing your favorite game to share if you’d also like to enjoy time relaxing with others after the meal. In order to prepare, please let us know if you are coming. A sign-up sheet has been posted in Fessenden Hall. Alternatively, you can email your reply to the church office. If you do reply via email, please let us know what you will be bringing and whether you are free to help with set up or clean up.
New UU Class on Sunday, November 18
Everything you wanted to know about the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent in particular and Unitarian Universalism in general, but were afraid to ask. Well, maybe not everything, but we try to give you an overview, a starting point. Some history of both, some organizational details. Come join the conversation. And, if you’re curious about membership, this is the place to be.
Part 2 will be on Sunday, Nov 18, from 9-11 am. You are encouraged to attend even if you weren’t at the class last week. Different topics will be covered. We will gather at the Annex, the yellow house next to the church. If you have any questions, contact Claudia Miller or Marion Yeagler.
Art in the Sanctuary
The November art exhibit, “White and Word,” is provided by Hartville artist, Rae Hallstrom. “White” is composed of inorganic material applied to canvas, and then painted white. “Word” is photography on archival paper with an overlay of haiku. Prices are provided. Sales tax must be added to the price, and 20% of price is suggested to add for a donation to our church. If you are interested in buying a picture, contact John or Martha Kluth.
The Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, December 11 at 7 pm at the home of Kay Wind.. This month we are reading a Ruth Reichl book of your choice. In January we’ll be sharing books we got as gifts or any book of your choice. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.
Here We Have Gathered, a small collection of essays about the life of the Kent UU Church, and those who have contributed to it, will be on sale Sunday, November 11th in Fessenden Hall after both services. The first purchased copy will be $4.00; successive copies will be $2.00. These would make excellent gifts for former members who are no longer in the area. All profits from the sale will benefit the Library acquisition fund. We gratefully acknowledge your support of this fundraiser.
The Library committee deeply appreciates the work of Caroline Arnold, Editor, and all contributors to the collection: Paulette Thurman, Ted Voneida, Mary Ann Kasper, Robert Fildes, Andrew Rome, Mark Stephens, Martha Kluth, Joe Kuemerle, Karen Lapidus, and the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer. The committee also thanks Carol Gould who so generously underwrote the publication of this collection.
UU and Interfaith Connections
The November Kent Community Dinner will be held on Saturday, November 17 at 5:30m pm at the Kent United Church of Christ, 1400 E. Main St., Kent.
The theme will be “Celebrating World Cultures through Music” with performances by the Celtic Clan, the KSU African Ensemble, Native American C. J. Lyons from the Red Bird Singers, Rockin’ Robin and Hal Walker. Come celebrate Unity in Diversity with music.
Bring some food to share to this traditional American potluck, something you’ve made yourself or something you’ve bought.
Questions? call 330-678-8760
Toy Drive for KSS and Gifts for Homeless Veterans
This year the RE Committee will again be sponsoring two winter holiday giving opportunities.
- We will be collecting new toys which will be distributed by Kent Social Services to families in Portage County. There will be a donation box in Fessenden Hall from Sunday, November 11th through Sunday, December 2nd. Please note the early deadline!
- Each year we support one of the two homeless shelters in Kent, either Miller Community House or Freedom House. This year we will support the shelter for homeless veterans, Freedom House. Our monetary donations will go toward purchasing gift cards from area stores to be given as Christmas presents to the veterans from us. Collection will take place from Sunday, November 11 through Sunday, December 16th. Checks can be made out to the church with Freedom House in the memo line.
Thanksgiving is coming upon us quickly (Nov. 22) and the Kent Social Services Food Pantry is in need of donations for holiday food baskets for clients. While out doing your own shopping, please (pretty please???) consider the following: canned vegetables and sweet potatoes, canned fruit & cranberry sauce, mashed potato flakes or scalloped potato mix, box stuffing mix, cake mix, gelatin mix, and any type of turkey gravy – jar, can or dry mix. Please leave your item(s) in the lower level closet next to the elevator or on the sanctuary level outside the elevator. I’ll do the rest.
If you prefer, $10 gift cards for either Acme or Giant Eagle are most welcome to purchase perishible items AND you can buy & donate those during coffee hour between services right at church!!!
Thank you in advance for your generosity and blessed be,
Elaine Bowen
Income Generation
Just a reminder as you prepare for Thanksgiving: Acme Community Cash Back Program
Please save your ACME grocery receipts from September 22, 2012 until early February so we may benefit from 5% of the Community Cash Back program. This is an easy fundraiser for UUCK. Last year, we were rewarded with $248, up from $162 the year before. Let’s aim for $300 this year! Acme and Food Club branded items are eligible; prescriptions, alcohol and nationally branded items are not.
Bring your receipts in weekly or monthly and place them in the box covered with Acme flyers in Fessenden Hall. It’s that simple; I’ll do the rest. Questions? Contact Elaine Bowen.