Weekly e-nUUs, November 20, 2012

Worship & Music


Services are offered at both 10:00 and 11:30 AM


Join us Sunday, November 25 for Living Life at Life’s Terms

Led by Mike Hovancsek with Worship Associate Joel Slater

This service will tie together spiritual and therapeutic concepts about acceptance and healing.



Community Within

Deck the Halls!

On Sunday December 2, immediately  following the second service, the board of trustees will be holding a pizza party for everyone who would like to come help us deck the halls for the holidays.  Come for pizza and stay for an hour or two to help us make the sanctuary festive for Christmas.  Please contact the church office to let us know if you will attend so we can be sure to order enough pizza.


Pancakes!  Sunday, November 25th


The Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, December 11 at 7 pm at the home of Kay Wind.  This month we are reading a Ruth Reichl book of your choice.  In January we’ll be sharing books we got as gifts or any book of your choice. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper .


Here We Have Gathered, a small collection of essays about the life of the Kent UU Church, and those who have contributed to it, will be on sale Sunday, November 11th in Fessenden Hall after both services. The first purchased copy will be $4.00; successive copies will be $2.00. These would make excellent gifts for former members who are no longer in the area. All profits from the sale will benefit the Library acquisition fund.   We gratefully acknowlege your support of this fundraiser.

The Library committee deeply appreciates the work of Caroline Arnold, Editor, and  all contributors to the collection: Paulette Thurman, Ted Voneida, Mary Ann Kasper, Robert Fildes, Andrew Rome, Mark Stephens, Martha Kluth, Joe Kuemerle, Karen Lapidus, and the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer. The committee also thanks Carol Gould who so generously underwrote the publication of this collection.





Toy Drive for KSS and Gifts for Homeless Veterans
This year the RE Committee will again be sponsoring two winter holiday giving opportunities.

 • We will be collecting new toys which will be distributed by Kent Social Services to families in Portage County.  There will be a donation box in Fessenden Hall from Sunday, November 11th through Sunday, December 2nd.  Please note the early deadline!

• Each year we support one of the two homeless shelters in Kent, either Miller Community House or Freedom House.  This year we will support the shelter for homeless veterans, Freedom House.  Our monetary donations will go toward purchasing gift cards from area stores to be given as Christmas presents to the veterans from us.  Collection will take place from Sunday, November 11 through Sunday, December 16th.  Checks can be made out to the church with Freedom House in the memo line.


Income Generation


The Fundraising Committee is pleased to announce our new Holiday Gift Fair!  The kickoff of the new Holiday Gift Fair will be on Sunday December 2, 2012 during coffee hour and will run for 3 Sundays in December.  December 2nd, 9th and 16th.

The Holiday Gift Fair is a bit different from year’s past.  We are accepting donations for Gifts made from the Heart – handmade items like crocheted or knitted gifts, sewn or decorated items like aprons, T-shirts, potholders or cat nip toys, pottery bowls or cups, soaps, jewelry, etc.  Gifts made from the Hearth – homemade goodies like canned vegetables and fruits, jams and jellies or maybe your very own salsa.  And finally Re-gifted items that are new or like new.

We will also be taking orders the first two Sundays for our NEW commemorative holiday ornaments.  If you were at the Thanks 4 Giving Auction you saw a few that were generously donated by Perfect Circle Designs.  This year they feature our colorful graphic design of the church, our church name and the year 2012.  The ornaments are very pretty and look frosted!  They come in a crush proof box for easy storage.  These are special order items made just for our church!  They will sell for $15 each and we plan on introducing a new design each year!  They will be delivered on Sunday December 16th or 23rd, depending on the number ordered.  The more we order the longer it may take to make them but there shouldn’t be a problem having them in time for the Christmas Holiday.

Another new addition to the fair is a Gift Wrapping Station!  The youth will man a gift wrapping station and for a free-will donation they will be glad to wrap your holiday purchases from the Holiday Gift Fair or items you bring already boxed or packaged.  Please note we cannot handle overly large items.  Shirt box size or small electronic box is our limit.  We will have some lovely decorator gift boxes available for a small donation if you need a box or container.

Look for the donation tote in Fessenden Hall beginning this Sunday and drop off your donations for the new Holiday Gift Fair.  Every item you donate must be tagged with a price sticker, but not to worry we will have stickers available for you to use!

Thank you for your support of this UUCK tradition.


Just a reminder as you prepare for Thanksgiving:  Acme Community Cash Back Program

Please save your ACME grocery receipts from September 22, 2012 until early February so we may benefit from 5% of the Community Cash Back program. This is an easy fundraiser for UUCK. Last year, we were rewarded with $248, up from $162 the year before. Let’s aim for $300 this year! Acme and Food Club branded items are eligible; prescriptions, alcohol and nationally branded items are not.

Bring your receipts in weekly or monthly and place them in the box covered with Acme flyers in Fessenden Hall. It’s that simple; I’ll do the rest. Questions? Contact Elaine Bowen.


Thanks to all who continue to support the Good Search fundraiser; during Oct. 2011 – Sept. 2012  $254.67 has been raised through your efforts!  

What’s Good Search? This is a fundraiser where you use Good Search.com as your search engine.  It is powered through Yahoo! and the site donates about a penny for each search.  Simply go to www.GoodSearch.com  and choose the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent as your charity to support.  The pennies will add up quickly if many people use this free tool.  While on the site check out www.GoodShop.com and www.goodsearch.com also.  If you’re an online shopper or like to eat out, many stores and vendors will donate a percentage of your purchase back to the Church and the Good Dining participating restaurants will donate a percentage of our tab back to the Church.  This is truly fundraising made easy!


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