Please note the following staff schedules for next week.
MaryBeth will be away and the Church Office will be closed Monday, March 24 and again Friday, March 28; it will be open Tuesday, March 25 – Thursday, March 27. Rev. Melissa will be attending District Assembly March 28 – 29 and Karen will be attending the LREDA/UUMA Retreat March 26 – 28.
Worship & Music
Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM.
March 23 – If Earth Could Speak
Led by Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer and Worship Associate Mary Lou Holly
We end our exploration of sin and evil by considering what the earth might say about this subject if the earth could speak.
Hal-elujah! Hal Walker CDs Now Available
I have compiled Hal’s best performances during Sunday morning services at church over the last 6 years into one critically acclaimed* CD, now available at church on Sunday mornings. They are $10 each, with all proceeds going to the music program at church. Revel in Hal’s original masterpieces! Wonder at his ability to play two instruments at once! Be amazed at John Marfy’s jaw harp prowess! Hear Hallie transition from a girl into a young lady!
Get your collectible “Hal-elujah” CD during coffee hour starting this Sunday, or anytime from Brad Bolton.
*Christie likes it.
The UUCK and the Cuyahoga River Concert Series present Magpie
April 12 8:00 pm
$10 donation at the door
call 810-265-4007 to reserve tickets.
Terry Leonino and Greg Artzner began to play music together in Kent, Ohio in September of 1973. In the years since then, they have traveled and toured extensively, performed in concerts, at folk clubs and festivals around the world, and recorded many times. Magpie has always embraced a musical rainbow, and with impressive proficiency in each different genre. From traditional, classic country, swing, and blues of the nineteen twenties and thirties, to contemporary songs written by themselves and others, Terry and Greg cover a
lot of musical ground.
Pete Seeger wrote:
“Greg and Terry can show us all what a wonderful thing it can be for two voices to harmonize together. How lucky I am to have lived to see and hear more links in the chain.”
Sing Out magazine writes;
“This recording (Give Light) absolutely radiates light, glowing with great songs in radiant performances… Their music is their religion, and Give Light comes very close to the divine.”
Lifespan Learning
What We Choose: Ethics for Unitarian Universalist adult education class does not meet this week. The class will resume March 20 at 7:00 PM in Fessenden Hall.
Parents of Young Children!
Are you the caregiver of a child or children in Kindergarten or younger? Do you need something to do on a Friday night? Then come on out and join us on March 21st for a family potluck followed by a small group meeting focused on the joys and challenges of raising our little UU’s. Childcare is provided. Dinner begins at 6pm in Fessenden Hall. For more information please contact Colleen Thoel or Karen Lapidus.
Community Within
The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, April 8 at 7 pm in the home of Kathie Slater. This month we are reading The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry: A Novel by Rachel Joyce. Fry is convinced that he must deliver a letter to an old love in order to save her, meeting various characters along the way and reminiscing about the events of his past and people he has known, as he tries to find peace and acceptance. In May we will be reading Let the Great World Spin by Colum McCann. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper. All are welcome.
Do you want to become a Surprise Friend this year? Complete a sign-up form TODAY and place it in the Surprise Friends Box in Fessenden Hall no later than April 6th.
Outreach and Social Justice
Noreen Kumm-Gory will shave her hair at the end of the month to raise money and awareness for childhood cancer research. The event is sponsored by an organization known as the St. Baldrick’s foundation. Childhood cancer research is extremely underfunded, so we can all help through your donations. To support Noreen and do your part in helping out children suffering from cancer, please go to Noreen’s donation web page,
Go with the Flow – Earth Day Fundraiser
To promote watershed awareness and raise fund for the upcoming “Who’s Your Mama?” Earth Day and Environmental Film Festival.
Saturday, March 22 7 – 10 pm at the North Water Street Gallery , 257 N. Water St, Kent
$20 suggested donation, space limited, for reservations email [email protected] or call 330.673.4970
UU and Interfaith Connections
Celebrate Spring with a Concert at East Shore UU
Two talented women come to East Shore
UU Church in Kirtland with their bands on March 29 at 8:00
for an evening of bluegrass/newgrass/acoustic fusion music. Missy Raines & The New Hip is one of the most respected, popular and trailblazing figures in bluegrass and a huge award-winner for her bass playing. Opening for Missy is Rebekah Jean, a Burton native who has roots in West virginia coal country but grew up within earshot of Cleveland’s rock-n-roll scene. Her original music and voice will have audiences fall in love. Tickets are $16 at, $20 at the door, under 13 free. 8:00 PM. Bring your friends!
Drone Teach-In
Drone technology has recently come to the public’s attention. What are its capabilities and consequences? Please join The Imagine Peace Task Force, part of the Justice Council at West Shore UU Church, in a Drone Teach- In, Saturday, April 5th from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, at the Westshore Unitarian Universalist Church, 20401 Hilliard Blvd., Rocky River, OH 44116. Lunch is included. The event is free and open to the public. A free-will offering will be taken.
WE ARE EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE KEYNOTE SPEAKER- MEDEA BENJAMIN, author and co-founder of the Nationally renowned grassroots social justice movement CodePink. Joining her will be the ACLU, the American Friends Service Committee, Chapter 39 of Veterans for Peace, the Cleveland Non-Violence Network, Cleveland Peace Action and others.
Income Generation
Stewardship Campaign is off and running!
Our Stewardship Campaign is in full swing and the pledges are coming in strong. We’ve heard wonderful heartfelt stories about how this church, OUR church, has inspired our members to give and contribute of their time and talent because of what they receive in return. We’ve heard how an increase in overall giving can add so much to our community. We’ve sold PIE raffle tickets and given away several delicious pies!
If you haven’t committed to your pledge yet there is still time to do so! The campaign doesn’t end until March 31st. Don’t forget this is for next fiscal year which runs from July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.
If you have already turned in your pledges we thank you!! If not, you can turn in your pledge cards during the offertory on Sundays or at the Stewardship table during coffee hour.
Thank you,
Your Stewardship Committee
Kathi Slater, Co-Chair
Meg Milko, Co-Chair
Sandy Eaglen, Co-Chair/Treasurer