Staff Schedules for the Next Few Weeks
The week of Aug. 4 – 8
The Church Office is open this week.
Rev. Melissa is working her normal schedule.
MaryBeth is on vacation through August 8.
Karen is working her normal schedule.
Hal is working his normal schedule.
While MaryBeth is on vacation this week, please send any August 10 Thread announcements to Melissa at [email protected]. Thank you.
The week of Aug. 11 – 15
The Church Office will be open this week.
Rev. Melissa will be on study leave
MaryBeth will be working her normal schedule.
Karen will be working remotely.
Hal will be working his normal schedule.
Worship & Music
We are back to our normal schedule of two services being offered Sunday mornings at 9:45 and 11:30.
Summer Religious Education will continue to be offered at 9:45 AM only with Nursery care available for all services through the end of August.
August 10 – The Inside Out Church
Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer and Worship Associate Bonnie Harper
This year at General Assembly there was a lot of talk about Unitarian Universalists becoming more missional. What does that mean, you wonder? That is what this service will be about!
A Gentle Reminder About Sanctuary Seating
We would like to offer a reminder that on Sunday mornings, the pews located against the back wall of the Sanctuary are reserved for parents with young children. This allows them to easily enter and exit the Sanctuary with their children, during the service, with minimal disruption to the others around them. Thank you.
Lifespan Learning
Mark Your Calendars! Important RE Dates!
August 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st ~ Summer RE continues at 9:45. Preschool children meet in the upstairs classroom and for school-aged and younger youth gather in Fessenden. Childcare for babies and children up to age 4 is provided in the nursery during both the 9:45 and the 11:30 services.
August 10th ~ Summer RE Field Trip to Kent Healthcare Center for school-aged children and younger youth. Please email Karen Lapidus ~ [email protected] ~ if you haven’t received the email and would like more details. We are departing the church no later than 9:55 am!
September 7th ~ Ingathering Sunday. See the Chalice Flame and the e- nUUs for more information about this wonderful multigenerational worship experience. Preschool RE starts this day @ 9:45 for children age three by 9/1/14 to those 5-year-olds who are not attending Kindergarten in the fall.
September 14th ~ RE starts for everyone else. At 9:45, we have classes for preschool, Grades K-2 and Grades 3-5. At 11:30, we have our school-aged RE class, Middle School and High School Youth Group.
New UU Classes in August!
Curious? Interested in learning more? Ready to take the next step?
Our New UU classes cover everything you wanted to know about the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent in particular and Unitarian Universalism in general, but didn’t know where to go or whom to ask. Well, maybe not everything, but we try to give you an overview, a starting point. Some history of both, some organizational details. Come join the conversation. And, if you’re curious about membership, this is the place to be.
Part 1 will be on Sunday, August 10 from 9-11 am. Part 2 will be on Sunday, August 17, from 9-11 am. You may attend one or both, although attendance at both is encouraged. Different topics will be covered in each. We will gather at the Annex, the yellow house next to the church.
If you have any questions, contact Claudia Miller [email protected].
Community Within
We wish to dispose of a small load of hazardous waste from the basement of the former Mill’s property.
The site at 1201 Graham Road is open to residents of Summit County only and is open from 2:00pm until 8:00 pm on Thursdays. If you are a resident of Summit County and can take on this task, please email Randy Ruchotzke at [email protected]. He will help you load and unload.
Have You Seen Those Painted Rocks Around the Church?
Those are for you – yes you! They are a gift from the children in Summer Religious Education. Please take one as a gift from them to you. The rocks will be replenished throughout the summer.
The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, August 12 at 7 pm in the home of Marion Yeagler
This month you may choose between two novels. Maine by J. Courtney Sullivan is the story about three generations of women who converge on the family beach house in this wickedly funny, emotionally resonant story of love and dysfunction. The Bookstore by Deborah Meyler is a witty, sharply observed debut novel about a young woman who finds unexpected salvation while working in a quirky used bookstore in Manhattan. Impressionable and idealistic, Esme Garland is a young British woman who finds herself studying art history in New York. She loves her apartment and is passionate about the city and her boyfriend; her future couldn’t look brighter. Until she finds out that she’s pregnant. In September we will be reading Orange is the New Black: My Year in a Woman’s Prison by Piper Kerman. At October’s gathering, we will have a book exchange so begin thinking about books you might want to trade with other book group members. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper at [email protected]. All are welcome.
We Continue to Make Progress!
We just received confirmation on the Mills House demolition date. Unfortunately, we will not meet our end of July goal but we continue to make progress. The contractor has set the demo date for August 12. The asbestos abatement and the basement clean-out were completed a few weeks ago. Many thanks to everyone who helped with the basement project! While we wait for demolition, Habitat Restore will be salvaging the boiler, hot water tank and radiators. We’re happy to know that so many items from the house have been repurposed and saved from going into a landfill. This has been a long-time undertaking but as we continue to wait a few more weeks, we know we are moving another step closer to realizing our dreams of expansion!
Church Campout
Save the date – Oct. 3-5. Where’s Walden in the Fall will be held at Loleta Recreation Area in Pennsylvania. Keep watching the Thread and e-nUUs for more information.
Time to Dream!!!
Our church vision statement calls us to expand our physical facilities to better accommodate our growing congregation. As the church moves forward with our expansion and renovation plans- building a new social hall, renovating the basement to create new RE space, expanding the sanctuary– the Capital Campaign Team would like to hear from members- What are your hopes and dreams for our new space?
We would welcome responses to the following questions. You can simply reply to this e-mail, inserting your responses, or fill out the attached document and send it to church administrator MaryBeth Hannan. Thank you, and start dreaming!
1. How do you envision us using our new space? What kinds of activities do you think we will be able to do, that we can’t do now?
2. Why is pursuing our church vision important to you?
We may want to use some responses in our campaign materials. Can we quote from your responses or contact you for further testimonials? If so, please give your name and best way to contact you:
The Capital Campaign Team, Marion Yeagler and Kathy Kerns, Co-Chairs
Outreach and Social Justice
You are Invited to an Evening to Aid in Developing Awareness of Cultural and Religious Diversity
- Presented by: Isam Zaiem, President Emeritus (CAIR-Ohio – Cleveland Chapter)
- Topic: Islam 101 and Being Muslim Post 9/11; Challenging Islamophobia, Profiling, and Marginalization
- When: Friday September 5, 2014
- Where: Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent, 228 Gougler Ave., Kent, OH 44240
- Time: 6:15-7:00 PM Potluck Dinner (Please, NO Pork or Alcohol), 7:00-8:30 PM Discussion, Questions and Answers